Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 374: Thieves Guild

The one-eyed girl whom he loved was missing, as well as the two apprentices of the magician in front of him. Judging from the attitude of the other party, this does not seem like a trivial matter, and it may even be life-threatening. So Mrs. Audrey apologized to the client she was receiving, then got up and asked, "You two, what kind of assistance do you need from me?" At the same time, she signaled to go to another relatively small reception room for the convenience of a detailed discussion.

However, Lin declined the pointless action that wasted too much time, and said directly: "If Madam is willing to send people to help find it, I will be very grateful. But I just want to ask, where can I find some gossip?" With a tap of the long wand, a small three-dimensional map of the city of Pilsen appeared between the two of them.

At first, Mrs. Audrey was a little puzzled by what was in front of her eyes, but she soon realized that it was a topographical map of Pilsen City from an angle she had never seen before. It would be a lie to say she wasn't interested in the detailed map presentation in front of her. However, she also knew the priority of the matter. After roughly identifying the location, she pointed to a certain area in the lower city and said:

"This is the location of the Thieves Guild. They are probably the most well-informed in Pilsen City." After speaking, she raised her head, only to hear "Thank you." Madam Audrey wanted to continue: "But... "But found that the person in front of him had disappeared.

The noble gentleman who was watching everything stood up, came to the place where the two magicians disappeared, and asked, "Who are those two?"

"Mage Gabrash Tripwood, and Archmage Finn Tikal."

"It's those two!" In the chat topics among various nobles, those two are absolutely indispensable. No matter what they have done, or the benefits that may be obtained from them.

"Yes, those two." Madam Audrey didn't know whether to be grateful or feel helpless to those two magicians who left after asking a word. Because the other party was right about the urgent situation, but didn't give any more clues, even if he wanted to send his subordinates to help, he didn't know where to start. But from another point of view, the other party also avoided getting involved in this trouble too deeply. Is this a kind of thoughtfulness? Or the arrogance that doesn't take yourself seriously?

After two more flashes, Lin Hefen came to the lower city in an instant. If the first flash appeared in mid-air, no one would notice it; the second flash appeared very abruptly on the road. The lower city is a very sensitive area. Countless eyes are watching every movement in every corner here. Although the appearance of the two is silent, it can be said that it is not shocking. Word spread quickly.

However, for both parties, they did not have the self-consciousness of being noticed. Instead, he looked up at the distinctive building in front of him. It was a dilapidated, patched place, and it was not surprising when it collapsed, and it would be scary to go in. If it weren't for the sign belonging to the Thieves' Guild that was so clearly hung on the outer wall, someone would have thought they had found the wrong place.

The so-called "thieves' guild" is not a powerful organization, and it is different from the three major organizations of the adventurers' guild, mercenary guild, and magician's association.

Its nature is more like a liaison station established by various small and medium-sized organizations walking on the dark side for the convenience of mutual communication. Most of the personnel stationed in it are local 'powerful associations', one or more mixed. And the location is a peaceful place agreed by everyone, no matter how big the enmity is, it is only talking here, not doing anything.

That is to say, people who can thrive in the Thieves Guild in one place may suffer in other places. Of course, there will be some masters who can eat everywhere. Usually, the fame and strength of this kind of person are no less than that of the Dharma Saint among magicians.

Such a place is also the place where the local gossip is the most well-informed, and there are the most various shady transactions. Of course, don't think that this is a place where morality is emphasized and money is paid for. After eating the target and the employer, peeling both ends is also a daily life here.

People who are not strong enough to enter such a place are just dishing up dishes and letting others slaughter them. So here is someone who has never stepped into such a place after traveling to this magical side of the world.

Now for those two wild girls, I have to walk into such a place. To be honest, I feel a little uneasy in my heart.

Fern was standing right behind Lin. Looking at someone's embarrassed and tangled expression, he finally gritted his teeth and made up his mind. The time is short, but it has undergone a big change. When he started walking towards the Thieves Guild, Fern asked, "What's the matter? You seem very reluctant to go in."

"I have dealt with this kind of people before, but I didn't leave a good impression. Forget it, let's not talk about that. It is serious to bring those two wild girls back."

Someone who has made up his mind, no longer hesitates. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he walked into the dangerous building that was about to collapse.

It looks dilapidated on the outside, but there are holes in the inside. Although it is still far away from the word "taste", at least it looks much stronger.

The layout here is also not like the reception desks of the other three major organizations, allowing people to know where to go and who to serve them at a glance. The Thieves Guild in Pilsen City is like a salon and bar. There are quite a few women dressed in enchanting clothes, holding wine bottles, interspersed among the crowd, serving everyone, and being raped from time to time.

The scene inside really makes someone a little overwhelmed. But even if you don't know who is in charge of those people who eat, drink, or play around with women wantonly, the bartender behind the bar must have a certain status or connections. So Lin walked to the bar, pushed a gold coin out without saying anything.

The bartender who silently accepted the gold coins gave the two first-time guests a glass of ale. Lin Zuoshi took a sip of the wine, but didn't dare to drink it. He said directly: "I want to inquire about some news."

The silent bartender wiped the glass and gestured in a direction with his eyes. Lin Shun looked over, and just happened to meet the sitting man. The other party raised his glass as a gesture, and smiled cordially.

After walking over, Lin directly put a small bag of coins on the table. Open the mouth of the beam, revealing the yellow gold coins inside. "I'm looking for... Well, it should be VII(7) people, there are IV(4) silver-bearded dwarves, I(1) one-eyed female, and a brown-skinned, black-haired female. They go Where did it go, where did it end up?"

Instead of describing how tall they are or what their faces look like, Lin directly reported the most obvious characteristics of the group of people. Needless to say, the silver-bearded dwarves of the four legendary races, with their iconic silver hair and bearded dwarves, are definitely the only four in Pilsen City.

The characteristics of the one-eyed girl are also obvious. Although Kaya is a pure-bred human, she is also considered a minority among humans. In other words, the main living place of her ethnic group is not in the west and southwest of Midi, but in the south-east. So in Pilsen City, a human city dominated by white people, she stands out as well as someone with black hair and yellow skin.

The man picked up the purse, weighed it, then threw it back on the table in disdain, and said, "Your Excellency is a man worth XbarV gold, can you only afford such a price? Those people are your followers." Or is it a follower of this one?" The man's eyes pointed to Fen who was standing behind someone without speaking.

Someone didn't bother to bargain, took out another big money bag and put it on the table, saying: "This is all the money I have on me. And I'm in a hurry, it's about the safety of my apprentice, so please tell me what you know If you really don't know, please tell us directly, so we don't waste time."

Showing a disappointed look, he picked up the big money bag, and then put it down again. The man said in an innocent tone: "Everyone who comes to me to inquire about the news, who would not say that he is in a hurry. And of course it is related to life and safety. But I want to get information about your apprentice from me. The news, these, are not enough."

"You!..." Lin Cai stood up angrily, but countless voices came from behind him. With a glance at the end of his eyes, he realized that the others had all stopped their play, and pressed their hands on the handles of their weapons, ready to go.

Of course, Lin knew that in business negotiations, the party that showed a sense of urgency would be at a disadvantage. But the matter was really urgent, and he didn't want to talk too much nonsense with people, so he planned to spend money to pass the level. Seemingly getting the opposite effect, the man in front of him shook his head with a helpless expression, but he was actually preparing to open his mouth.

One wrong step, one wrong step. Lin Cai was thinking about how to save the situation, when Fen walked out. Patted someone to appease and said, "Let me ask. I'm better at this."

"Oh, the beauty is ready to show up. To be honest, I'm better at negotiating with beauties. I really have nothing to talk to with men." At the same time, the man pointedly grabbed his crotch, and He showed an expression that any man could understand.

Fen Pingting moved lightly, came to the man, and bent down. There is no doubt that the beautiful scenery can be seen at a glance, but it makes people's eyes straighten. He eagerly licked his upper lip, looking at the beautiful face that was almost close to his own, Ru Lan's blowing made people fascinated.

Fen approached the man's ear and said, "Don't worry, I will be very gentle and won't make you feel pain."

Although the voice was a bit magnetic and not gentle at all, it had another kind of allure. The man was intoxicated by it, and all feelings came to an abrupt end.

The five fingers of the Lich inserted into the man's neck flatly, pierced through the spine, and passed out from the back of the neck. To mention it further, the body and the head are separated.

The people who were surrounded were caught off guard. Before they could react, the team leader had already died tragically by the magician. The others were about to take action when they heard a "Zha!" like thunder. In an instant, everyone's movements stopped, and no one could move.

This is one of the famous unique skills of the Tikal Demon King, eternal imprisonment. If the strength is higher, you can break free earlier. But if it is an ordinary person, it is possible to be banned until death.

But Fen didn't look directly at those who were going to encircle him, she just looked affectionately at the head in her hands, and then offered a kiss.

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