Love Heart Online: Yandere’s Game of Change [VRMMO SCI-FI LITRPG]

Chapter 062: Bombshells From a Bombshell

I don’t know how to feel about this…

“Onward, to adventurer ehehehe~!” That bubbly voice exclaimed out while holding my antlers like they were some kind of steering; something that made me frown. I don’t quite know why but having someone hold my “mighty horns” is very unpleasant.

If I had to give a comparison - it was like having a random guy you’ve never met slap my ass as I was walking down the halls of a certain university. That man is no longer among the living. I hope he and his friends thought that their little giggle fest was worth it because they tasted great...

Great, just what I needed, I’m now hungry and confused!

At least the experience of being wedged between the two plump thighs of this mad god - her sitting atop of my shoulders - was kinda worth it. My pride seemed inferior to my lust. Not like there was anything I could do to actually stop this mini master of mine.

Can’t say I understand how but I am currently walking through an open field on the north side of the city that I just arrived at (I can tell from the direction of the sun) with its walls at my back. Walking towards a forest in the distance because a midget told me to. This is my, the Armor-Cordis Porshi, life now.

I still wondered why someone like her wanted me to rescue some random prissy princess who she apparently didn’t even agree with. Still… This was an opportunity to learn more from the one person I knew who probably had a lot of the answers I sought. “What’s with my status page?”

“Hm?” I couldn’t see that goddess tilt her head nevertheless I could certainly feel it since she decided it was a good idea to tilt her entire body while hanging off my antlers!

My poor neck was not made for this kind of mistreatment…

At least those massive melons feel nice atop my he- No, focus almighty princess of the modern era, you have things other than boobs to focus on. No matter how great those boobs are. “I thought that the status would use numbers like my other one did yet instead it shows it as being letters instead.”

Of course, there was my past life information to help me come to this conclusion but I wasn’t going to share anything about that with her. I literally didn’t even know her name nor her divinity. Each god is closely related to the divinity they ascend to the point where some think it influences them.

Others merely believe that it’s due to their personality that they end up with the divinity they garner.

In the words of my psychologist, is it the destiny they chose or their fate all along.

Either way it means a lot can be learned by the attributes they possess - it seems pointless to ponder it when I imagine the attributes can be understood instinctively.

Captain obvious suggested she was a goddess related in some way to water since I’ve seen how good she is at manipulating water while I also met her by the ocean. Yet something about her just seemed too “off” to label her so simply. That wasn’t an “off” as in she was trying to trick me but she just…

Well she just felt like a little person shaped bag of secrets. It wasn’t so much as “lying to my face” but rather not caring enough about her secrets to bother bringing it up. Making me think they either weren’t too important or they simply were too bothersome for her to think about too hard.



<< {user}.[Armor-Cordis] Is Getting Distracted - Focus On The Buxom Midget >>



“Ah~ well it did indeed used to use numbers but I guess that changed!” She said with all the ignorance of a child who only just learned that the flowers change every season or so.

This was the woman I agreed to learn from.

“Can you elaborate please-”

“- No need to be such a grumpy guts, I know all the details about the system, hey did you know that the system is actually a female and has a name. Oh the cultivators even call her the “world voice” instead since those baby-killers usually don’t get access to its features other than announcements!” Wagging a finger about (for which I could see the shadow of).

Still… That was actually quite a lot of information that I had no clue about. Obviously the possible planets included a cultivation world but it is also said that cultivating will decrease your experience to the point where it came as a shock to many who never expected it.

Though the combat experience of the cultivator players allowed them to be quite the strong contenders when it came to the first tournaments at least.

I never paid attention to the details of the others (other than events & major upsets) so couldn’t say how they did in the later ones when everyone gained their own experience. Regardless, it couldn’t be doubted that the savagery of the cultivation words made it a great place to temper combat skills.

“I just didn’t expect it to also be so disliked by the divine system of all things…”

“Oh~ well I can’t say for sure if the System exactly dislikes cultivators or is just upholding the tradition that was put in place with its creation.” Her reply made me realise I said that out loud yet it certainly seemed like an interesting story was about to finish. As such I remained quiet.

Sure enough… She continued on. “See the world was a chaotic place when the second Mother finally managed to ascend to her throne through the bloody expulsion of the primordial god faction. Even if she had helped elevate the standing of mortals, they were still weak at the end of the day.

See the title of Mother is one that doesn’t inherently come with any divinity yet it is prestigious because it comes with a solemn duty to ensure the Mortal Realm says as the mortal realm. Unfortunately the first of the Mothers, the Mother of Life, wasn’t the best. She created mortals but was too passive in their protection which resulted in everything they created being stolen by the immortal races.

Races such as Radiant Lions & various species of dragons.

It was this sort of thing that the second Mother - The Infinite Mother - sought to prevent from happening in the future. Obviously she had the strength to protect them yet she was a goddess of growth so couldn’t coddle them when that meant stifling their growth. So she came up with an ingenious idea.

You see… The goddess of Order, the system, is actually an artificial goddess made through carefully managing the various bloodlines that make her who she is. A being who was perfect for the task of helping to manage the direction in which the various mortal races would grow.

The Infinite Mother was not a soft cookie so understood the importance of balance through conflict and order through chaos. As such she stole the evil cultivation arts from the Abyss in order to let those realms she blessed with enlightenment to grow. Letting the system manage it all.

That is what the system is as well as why cultivators suffer as they do; cultivators essentially abandon their mortality so the Infinite Mother sees them as unworthy of her!” Spreading her arms out wide as if she had just dropped a major bombshell. She didn’t actually drop any, though…


“Wait, so using the system to level up cultivating an evil cultivation technique?!” My shock was obvious since I had read quite a few cultivation novels in preparation for this. Those evil cultivators were never the good guys unlike how you can have a sympathetic demonic cultivator.

To know that I’ve been using an evil cultivation technique over the last decade… Didn’t really affect me since I literally ate a guys soul just a few hours ago. Still it could be problematic in the future. “Eh~ I thought you were smart; what else do you call gaining strength from murder if not evil cultivation?”



<< She Got A Point >>


You’re not wrong… Kinda obvious in hindsight.

“Wait, if it was the second Mother who came up with that, why did the Mother’s that inherited the title after her keep to those rules?” Tilting my head as I tried to get a view of my passenger.

Allowing me to meet with her big beautiful pink eyes as she spoke. “Because the second Mother was very good at what she did - the Golden Mother was the one who followed after her. The first Mother can be said to be the one who started, the second grew it and then the third was the one who stabilised the realms.”

I simply nodded along.

“The third was not a goddess of growth but the primordial of covenants, in other words the law, so it shouldn't come as a surprise that she was a contributor to the system. At the same time she was far more cunning than those that came before. Also far better at being transparent than the second who did a lot of her darker dealings in the background despite doing just as much.

That was the genius in the third.

She wasn’t a god but a ruler who knew how to manage people's emotions to keep loyalty despite her actions being questionable at times.”

That was quite curious, making me turn my head towards the approaching treeline. “So you mean to say the first was too good a person, the second was manipulative yet effective while the third was so efficient that nobody could even complain?”

“Right~! As expected of my cute disciple, you got it in one, the Golden Mother may not have been a honourable person yet her abilities left little to doubt. We had a saying that went along the lines of “a hero king will either be a bad hero or a bad king” which is something you should remember,” I could only nod along to her words since they made a lot of sense.

“The way you’re talking about the third makes it seem like they’re past tense… Does this mean there is a new mother in charge?” This was actually a rather interesting topic all things considered.

“Indeed; initially the third wanted to hand it down to the goddess of dreams yet that goddess vanished then the third Mother also vanished leaving only the system. Now I’ll share another saying… “ Taking a brief pause.

“The first generation builds the horse, the second grows the wealth, the third maintains it all and the fourth squanders it in the belief that they’ll always have the wealth & the house.” She said with me not even needing to see the pout on her face.

“You don’t like the way the system is running the mortal realm despite her being made to maintain order since the time of the second?” Saying that as I walked past the trees to find a mushroom that I recognised from Earth. Deciding it may be an idea to compare, I decided to pick it up.

This didn’t stop the nameless god from answering. “Silly girl, you need to understand that chaos is inherently a good thing as it prevents stagnation which then invites the void. Too much is bad yet that was not a worry in the reign of the third Mother since she was great at micro management.”

Letting out a long sigh. “Going back to your earlier cultivation question… The reason cultivators still aren’t able to fully utilise the system is likely due to her not being motivated to update her global cultivation technique to properly interact with those of the cultivators. Is that someone who should rule?”

So the person in charge of the mortal realm at the moment… Just does a “good enough” job?



<< {software}.[B.I.T.C.H] Believes This Is What Is Commonly Referred To As A “Yikes”>>


Indee- Wait she totally avoided my original question about the change in the status; I’ll just re-ask-

“You’ll never take me alive you bastards!” The angry voice further into the woods promptly removed any thoughts of asking my question. It seemed that my master was quite manipulative yet I couldn’t help feeling a little proud that I was being taught by someone so good at what she does.

“Onward!” I could do without being used as transport, however!

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