Love Heart Online: Yandere’s Game of Change [VRMMO SCI-FI LITRPG]

Chapter 061: A Sense(i) of Amusement

Finally the call was over.

It was decided that we would make the most use out of our time by remaining separated. Gobbling up all the opportunities we can; getting as strong as we could before the obvious influx of players. Of course we’d make a guild with it being decided that I would be the guild leader since I have the most public face.

There isn’t any rush to make the guild yet there was also no need to not do it since it’ll just require me to go to some public union (adventurers guild, merchant guild, mercenary guild etc.).

In fact I may be able to do it within the god hunters saloon? They are very much akin to those if far more professional as an organisation than you’d expect from the chaotic adventures.

Certainly more suitable for me.



<< {software}.[B.I.T.C.H] Believes There Is Only One Way To Find Out >>




With those thoughts I turned around, to see that my little draconic teacher was still there (sitting atop the back of the chair), meeting the amused gaze of the nameless god. A clear glimmer of amusement in her eyes as she had her head tilted as if she was looking at something over my shoulder. That was clearly confusing as there was nothing of interest within this room.

Unless she was able to see my system window without me sharing it - however that was meant to be impossible - but if it was her. Well there is only one way to find out. “So… Were you watching my family video call all this time?”

“Eh~!” Letting out a shocked voice as if surprised & offended by my accusation; cutely placing her palms on those plump cheeks of hers. “How could I possibly spy on my precious little disciple as she talked about such precious matters with her family~!

Ah, as expec-

“I only came in when they started talking about your missing eye tee hee~.” Sticking out her tongue while knocking the side of her tilted head. A massive bout of vertigo overwhelmed me as I struggled to comprehend this teeny teacher of mine - is this what they meant about not understanding a genius?

I couldn’t help letting a defeated sigh escape from my lips. “Haha… The world really has its ways of making you know how small you are.”

Still, this was an opportunity I couldn’t waste, quickly regaining control over my feelings to look towards the tiny terror who had jumped atop the table to play with the ashtray. Lifting it up into the air without care that the ash from my earlier sugar shot poured all over the table.

“So how did you manage to look at my system window without me sharing it with you?”

Obviously I expected her to tell me about some secret technique or some grand conspiracy that would make all this become clear.

Instead she shrugged while playing with the ashtray by spinning it around her fingers.

“Dunoh, just gotta be better than the system, you can probably do it as well if you tried to…” Not even bothering to look towards me as she spoke.

Her words obviously bring more confusion than enlightenment so I desperately attempted to squeeze more out of her. “But how can you just be “better than the system” when it’s just some piece of magical software?”

Perhaps when my arcane abilities got better (or started to exist) I would be able to do something to the system but the way she stated that sounded more like I could do it now.

I certainly didn’t know how to do it yet I knew better to doubt the all powerful “oppai loli”.

She just laughed at me as she threw that ashtray over her shoulder - I could only ask for understanding from the bombshell who owned this place - to poke me in the centre of my forehead. Where the pretty pink gem comfortably sat. “You really are a silly little bean, aren’t you~?”

How was I supposed to react to that?



<< {software}.[B.I.T.C.H] Recommends {user}.[Armor-Cordis] Shuts Up & Looks Pretty Since It Is What You Are Best At >>



Do shut up.

“Now lets have some fun~!” Jumping back with her arms outstretched as if showing me all the great things that existed in the world; I swear I even saw some magical sparkles trailing from her fingertips. It must have just been my imagination, though, since nobody would actually waste mana on something like that.

It would be unbelievably silly and a complete waste of a useful resource - who knew how much it would even cost to do something like that!

“What do you have in mind?” I asked with some caution as there was no knowing what sort of bedlam this little chaos mongerer had planned. Those big bright eyes held so much darkness behind them; her chubby cheeks cannot hide the nasty gremlin that she was.

Fortunately she also wasn’t very good at acting (unless she was perfectly acting like a gremlin to get me to let my guard around her) so I didn’t need to worry about being tricked. Her jumping about while happily clapping as if I had already agreed to her, no doubt, crazy plan. “We’re gonna rescue a princess or maybe a queen!”

“Rescue a… Princess?” Personally I felt my scepticism was very understandable - it would be hard to trust even a seemingly benign quest from this sadistic sensei. She just lifted her hand up to her lips while letting out another giggle.

Those bright reddish-pink eyes sparkling with glee as I could see my face contort in the reflection; like the reflection of the moon on the ocean. “Something unusual with what I said~?”

“Well… You’re a dragon so how can I be sure you aren’t the one kidnapping the princess to hide in some gigantic stone tower so you can be the fairest in the land?” I mean she wasn’t the fire breathing type yet it wouldn’t be surprising if she had done something like that for her amusement.

If she hadn’t already done something like that… There was a serious chance, essentially a guarantee if I was going to be honest, that she would do that in the future. “Ehehehe~ not today; instead it’s a story of a sweet romance where a royal fell in love with a peasant of a different nationality~!”

Oh, that is interesting.

“Her mean family wanted her to marry some other member of her superior race yet she fell for the charisma of a fellow girl from a different inferior race. Though her family said they would never accept that beast as anything more than a consort. Personally I thought that made sense but the two didn’t agree and appear to be running away right at this moment. However, I doubt they can escape~!” Raising her hand as if panicking despite clearly having the time of her life.

Ignoring that she showed support for the choice that the family of the girl (that doesn’t surprise me) there was another problem. “What about the god hunters?”

I couldn’t just leave since-

“Ah~ don’t worry about all of that, we’ll just be in and out real quick, smiles will never even realise that we left in the first place~!” She then proceeded to mumble something about “heavens” but I couldn’t hear it over the sound of my system sending a notification that was no doubt a quest.

Plus… I  feel like I forgot something…

“Anyways~ let’s quickly go - I’ll sneak us right out this place~!” Giggling as she ended up sitting atop my shoulders before I even realised it. A sudden lightness overcame me, as if I was suddenly flung up into the air or perhaps plummeted downwards instead, as reality began to split around me.

Like glass splintering around me.

If I actually had a stomach it would likely end up hanging out my mouth right about now; there was no way to describe what I was looking at other than chaos given a visual appearance.

How could I begin to describe it? 




Charging through the forest were a pair, a girl with dog-like ears sweating in her fairly average clothes while another girl with a scaled tail dragged her, yells echoing from behind them.

The dog-kin appeared more muscular than the lizard girl but she was also far shorter than the over 6-foot figure that led the way for her. Hair short with spots varying in shapes in a slightly darker brown. Lots of tears even appeared in her clothes due to constantly getting caught on the forest foliage.

Meanwhile the tailed girl had a crimson silken dress with a golden eastern dragon embroidered - clothing one would expect of a Chinese emperor. Her long hair tied into a ponytail with a precious golden ornament that was styled like a dragon’s maw opened out. This makes her green hair almost appearing like a spout of potent green flame.

Although she had curves that certainly didn’t lose to anyone; a large chest with an equally large rump which were both perfectly outlined despite the inherent dignity of her robes.

“Just a little further…” The lizard mumbled as she tightly clutched her fangs closed; her optimism not shared by her companion who was breathing heavily and well past exhausted. “Till what? It doesn’t matter where we go, just abandon me, you can at least escape more easily without me holding you back.”

The mature beauty just clicked her tongue with clear refusal to accept their situation. “If we can just get to that human country then we can just lay low or maybe even work as adventurers in the future. Even if they continue to follow… We can get help from there.”

“Help from who; who could possibly be stronger than those chasing us when not even you can fight back against them!”   That beast girl firing right back with the reality of the situation.

In turn she was met with a growl but didn’t say anything more as she heard footsteps getting closer.

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