Love Heart Online: Yandere’s Game of Change [VRMMO SCI-FI LITRPG]

Chapter 011: Pathetic


Reminder that patreon is currently a full 20 chapters ahead for only £2.50 so please give me your money~!

Some real interesting things have happened in the latest few chapters...

Anyway, emjoy~♥


Having just exited the foyer, we were met with a rather open floor plan, with many support pillars that had the bark still on the lumber. This hall could be said to have been split into half. With the area we had walked into being filled with round tables that saw little use as the younger members of high-society wandered around discussing; below fifteen years of age.

The latter half of the hall had their guardians overlooking their wards - from an elevated platform that had a single stairwell up the side of the rightmost wall. In contrast, the left wall utilised bulletproof glass to allow both sides to view into a fairly average shooting range which would no doubt be the one we were to use.

One may think it’s weird that the adults would need to walk through the children's section, to reach their own seats, however that’s only if you forget the point in this meeting.

Having it like this showed exactly what background each new kid comes from - allowing for those already there to know who they can go against. Afterall, how embarrassing would it be for someone like Gunter to act chivalrous to a girl only to find out she’s some poor minister's mistress’ daughter, being totally useless due to offering no benefits at all. At least until she grew up and was useful for his “relief”.

Thus having all the children visibly enter with their parents allows for everyone to easily recognise (as long as they had done their research) what the worth of the children would be. Daddy wasn’t the only one who proudly displayed his own company logo; I even had the logo of Furstin upon my rider-style outfit.

Due to all that, it was hardly surprising everyone turned to look towards us, likely seeing me being lifted by mother first and foremost. Which I must admit is quite impressive considering I can’t be lig- wait, since I’m a spirit, I have no muscles or bones inside of me?


<< Answer to {query}.[since I’m a spirit I have no muscle or bone inside of me] From {user}.[Armor-Cordis Mantis] >>

<< Affirmative >>


You enjoy watching me suffer don’t you?


<< Affirmative >>


How can a system produced, from my own remnant mental processing, by my father have developed a grudge like this?


<< Answer to {query}.[How can a system produced from my own remnant mental processing by father have it in for me like this?] From  {user}.[Armor-Cordis Mantis] >>

<< [REDACTED] >>


Thought so.

System aside; in front of us stood a little black haired boy with a level of annoying smugness that could only be achieved by the most self-centred of young masters. Similar to brother he even had his hair slicked back by gel yet a strand of hair jumped out from his fringe to fall down his face giving him a very evil looking appearance.

Around him he had some very familiar (if far younger) followers. As well as many who I had never directly seen but had researched in my past life. Three of those were particularly familiar to me - as if it had only just been yesterday since they both led and caused my death.

The black haired girl acting snobbish with obvious disgust toward me & Alexis, the already handsome pretty boy was working that smile while the Umpa Lumpa… Well that is very curious - his face showed some unusual confusion as he couldn’t help staring at me with a gaping mouth. If it was what I thought it was then he would prove to be a very interesting pawn who thinks himself a queen or maybe even king in this game of chess.

A pawn who thought himself a king is best to be removed, however.

“Wow I’m surprised you came again this year!” The black haired 6 year old boy said while adjusting his little tie that had the Vagen logo embroidered on it. His own blazer was like the one brother had slung over his shoulder except the logo on the chest pocket found itself with our rival corporation's logo.

Daddy frowned at the brat who showed no respect (brother close behind) causing both of the men to look at amongst themselves. Only for daddy to nod toward him. It was far below him to acknowledge someone of the younger generation & giving them a response for their crass attitude would just give room for the older generation to judge.

As such it was, my brother stepped forward to meet with the complacent Klaus, who had already clearly marked my brother as his ‘rival’ since they were the same age. “I’m not too interested in these sorts of events, Klaus, yet unfortunately little Armor caught a bug so I had to take her place last year.”

A perfect defence that got a thumbs up from me.

“Armor? Who the hell is that?” Klaus said with some annoyance in his voice while those who obviously had done their research turned their gaze to me.

Since I could foresee that I was going to be needed in a few seconds, to help support brother Arthur in this verbal shootout against these Vag-goons, I leaned over to mother. I just whispered so that both mother & Daddy (who had an arm around mother’s waist) could clearly hear me. “I think us three are good here so you two can head to talk to the other adults.”

Mother obviously gave the usual worried look yet she willingly placed me down as well as letting Alexis go to perform untold chaos on these poor mortals. Although she was the smallest person on their own two legs within the room - she was also far more dangerous than any of them.

Even I had to bow down the title to her.

Turning my attention back to Klaus - sister is now other people's problem -  I saw the primary three having their goons whisper details into their ear making Klaus look toward me with that smarmy smile.

What he didn’t expect was for brother to visibly frown at his earlier words and now that mother was gone he had no problem letting them know about it. “Do you think you’re entitled to use my little sister's pet name, you loathsome troglodyte?”

“I’m Armor-Cordis Porshi but you can call me winner~!” Before those gormless cretins could express their witless opinions I decided to introduce myself with a cheer that ended with me cheekily sticking my tongue out the corner of my mouth; hitting the side of my scalp with a closed fist. This manoeuvre will get me forgiven by any adult with just a little bump on the head - due to the level of bright endearing-ness I am able to naturally emit with this new young form of mine.

Being as young as they were, the brats weren’t able to comprehend the wonders of a girl like me, so this act did more to annoy them than actually appease them. Of course this was something I had accounted for when I spoke - it was mostly to deal with any adults that were spying on us - so it appears like ‘this group of mean boys are bullying a wittle ol’ me’.

As could be expected, Klaus wasn’t too happy about a newcomer challenging his easily obtained throne, and was more than happy to express it. “You think a little girl like you can even hit a target a metre away?”

“Hm? I’m more worried that none of them are over one hundred metres away at this range, so, won’t it be too easy to get full points?” I inquired with a tilted head; an action that only caused little Klaus’ face to become even more dire than it was prior.

“I don’t think a cute little girl like you would understand the intricacies involved, lil’ Porshi~.” An obnoxious voice (that was far more childish than in my memory) cut through.

Gunter cut between Klaus and myself - with that ‘prince-like’ smile aimed right towards me - in an attempt to seemingly teach me a lesson. Those eyes of his even revealed a clear contempt due to his young self not being as talented in using women as his stepping stones; brother spoke up with ridicule. “Yes, I’m sure the heir of our firearm division doesn’t understand the intricacies of firearms, you self-serving dreg of a human.”

Honestly, I was impressed with my brother's vocabulary this early on in his life and it also seemed we had succeeded in our counterattack. A simple strategy where we make it so they can’t focus on a single one of us - essentially attacking on two fronts - thus taking advantage of their obliviousness to their own advantage in numbers.

“She is still just a girl though.” So Gunter replied with a bit of a chortle; lifting his arms up in a shrug as if he was saying “can’t be helped if she’s a bit dumb”.

“Enough talk - I’ll just have to show these idiots in Porshi why the Vagen is better!” Klaus mithered as he turned to walk towards the reason I was here in the first place - the firing range - where we would perform for the adults peering in from above.

Now that the group of Vagen groupies were gone; our own collection of sycophants came to greet us yet I just nodded along happily while we slowly made our way over as well. Surprisingly many also came over to greet me (despite my obvious ‘unprofessional appearance’) although this could be explained by their young age combined with their sheltered nature to make them unbigoted...

Well, some of the more well regarded ones were as such, like me & brother. Those who found themselves attending schools (as well as having more free time) would glare toward me or point while saying something or another. I was an unrecorded urchin in my past life, doing things to live that mother would no doubt cry about if she knew, so some rich kids giving me dirty looks was something I had plenty of experience in phasing out. Ironically it was those same rich kids that found the most ‘use’ in a small androgynous boy who looked quite beautiful.

Not that I could compare my two lives; I looked way better now so would have no problems seducing Jessie.


Seems like he was finished on top of having incurred some minus points due to an obvious rookie mistake by the sounds of that attempt to fire on an empty cylinder.

I couldn’t relate.

The glass doors automatically opened to allow us into the shooting range - where a hologram leaderboard was upon the left and the current score as well as the challenger was above. Looking at Klaus’ score which was currently the top, I couldn’t help pretending to try to contain my mocking snickering, although my brother didn’t even attempt to hide his own snigger.

“What's wrong?” Klaus uttered through clenched teeth.

“Too impressed with our improvement over last year, so went insane, Mr. 15 points?” So the always insightful Gunter remarked. Proudly waving his hand toward the leaderboard revealed that the male trio of Klaus, Gunter & ‘Agustus’ (I have no idea who that is but Umpa Lumpa junior looks smug) all were far ahead of everyone else who had already taken part.

Although this was a very casual competition, where one could freely talk & compete as they saw fit, it was certainly still a competition that would have quite a bit of publicity. A lot of those in the middle & working class enjoyed watching their betters. So it was important.

In this regard - their scores usually would be very impressive for kids of only 7-8 years of age - though at the same time… This time I was here. So their pitiful scores of 51-48-56 would soon pale in comparison to what I would get. Especially considering I had improved a lot since the first time I held [Baby’s Erste Schusswaffe].

“Hmpf sis got 105 on her first try!” Somehow our little Alexis had shoved her way through the crowd to confront those under Vagen yet it was clear they hadn’t believed her as they broke out into hysterical laughter.

I didn’t bother to verbally aid her, as I happily hopped up toward the holopad, where I pressed a finger to identify myself as the next test taker.

“Oh this should be good *snort*.” So a young - but still bitchy - Leonie chimed in with her arms crossed across her chest with a haughty look upon her way smaller face. Still, I just took my revolver from its holster, to look toward the tiny birds about 40 metres away.

Which also marked the best targets there were; since I had no intention to fan the hammer.

With my thumb resting upon the hammer - I lightly pressed the trigger before pulling the hammer down while redirecting the muzzle to the next target. Although it was far slower (than if I was to fan it) it was certainly still more than they had managed. So I would win even if it wasn’t a game of pure accuracy.


Just like that I blew off the rising vapour from my muzzle then, using the finger guard, spun the revolver on my trigger finger. Guiding it down promptly into my holster. Above me was a perfect score of 150 points making everyone go completely silent. Even those watching from above also didn't give so much as a peep. Except for daddy who I heard softly utter “I told you I wasn’t being overly doting”.

“That’s not possible; that unwanted bitch must have cheated!” Sure enough, there was no such thing as a graceful loss when it came to Klaus, as he soon came barreling over to me with a face that would make a tomato feel embarrassed over how little colour they had. Additionally, something about that word (“bitch”) just makes me strangely ‘angry’ for some reason.

Before he could make it to me - a little hellspawn knocked his legs out from under him. Making him fall to his knees thus stopping his charge. He didn’t even seem to know what happened as Alexis grabbed his head with her little hands and then proceeded to send his face into her little knee. No way his nose would be fine after that; the blood dripping down from his lowered face coincided with this belief.

“Only I’m allowed to bully my sister *ptui*!” Klaus was just trembling on the ground yet the monster that is Alexis who no one could stop, expecting her to be a weak little girl, spat on his head while kicking his side after having dismantled the poor kid.

I feel a bit bad…

Just a bit…

Not really.

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