Love Heart Online: Yandere’s Game of Change [VRMMO SCI-FI LITRPG]

Chapter 010: Now Completely Undefeatable

Today it was finally the day to head towards the ‘wine & dine’ session which was being glorified as a marksmanship competition between talented (or more accurately rich) kids. Currently the whole family was in the back of another limousine - as we sailed through the countryside - towards our destination for the weekend.

Idea was for it to be a retreat for rich parents to debate, meanwhile the next generation will learn all about one another, on the surface to make friends but business is never that nice. It was far more than likely that it’s to actually help make those children aware of each other. Whether that means they’ll see one another as possible enemies, masters, pawns or a useful spouse.

We, in the Porshi family, were divergent in that regard and had no interest in any of that political mumbo jumbo as we were well aware of our place at the top of the ecosystem. Even when my brother took part the year before it was only to keep an eye on what the sheep below would be doing. Rather than taking precautions over them.

There were people for that.

This time around - it was going to be used as a platform to get my name out there as a talented deadeye with no equal inside the same generation - a stepping stone to gold if you would. For that reason I had been working quite proactively to get my levels up to ensure there would be no slip ups and, although I hadn’t checked yet, my status should certainly showing as much (11,160xp worth).

If you would Big B.


<< Displaying Information On {user}.[Armor-Cordis Mantis] >>

Name: Armor-Cordis Mantis/Porshi
Age: 5
Race: Dark Matter Spirit ([REDACTED] + [REDACTED])
God/Pantheon: N/A
Element: Dark Matter
Level: 3 (7.4k/21.5kxp)
Status: Healthy
Inventory: 0/500

Class: Baby Gunslinger Lvl 7 (500/1.6kxp)
Job 1: N/A
Job 2: N/A
Job 3: N/A

-[Baby’s Erste Schusswaffe] (Unequipped):
Weapon Type: Revolver
Damage: 2
Projectile Speed: 120
Skill: [Baby Growth] (When equipped the player gains a bonus of xp 1.5)
Bio: Even a prinzessin’s trash is a magd’s treasure,

Health Points: ERROR 404
Spirit Points:  110110

<< Average For Adult Human Is 5 With 7 For Some Athletes  >>

Vit: 1
Str: 1
Def: 1
Dex: 10 +7
Agi: 3
Int: 10 

Remaining Attribute Points: 030

-[Ameliorating Gun (Talent)]: Experience gained for Level & related Skills based on practice with Firearm type weapons
-[Dark Matter Body (Physique)]: Mana Points along with Health Points converted into superior Spirit Points with the usual 10 modifier to both Vit & Int while body is made from [Dark Matter] Element although also makes physical exercise useless since there is no muscle.

-[Range Finder Lvl 7 (400/12.7kxp)]: Player gains information relevant to Ranged Weapon usage



Although my race is certainly difficult to level up - the levels seem to be well worth it - though one has to question if I wouldn’t have gotten more attribute points if I was of a lower ranking race than I am?

At present I can say with confidence that the answer would be no. Since a ‘common’ race would give 1 attribute point per level up so, based on the number in range finger, that would be no. Then again it could also be a matter of diminishing returns after one reaches a certain rank in their race but there is no point in worrying about something I can’t control.

It also would be silly to think of lessening my race as I would need to rank up again inside Love Heart Online if I want to become undisputed number one. Even if my race may have the weakness of slow growth, that is something that I honestly don’t need to pay much attention to, since I have the massive advantage that is Big B 10 years ahead of LHO’s own system gets publicly released.

The real question is where do I put those 30 attribute points when 8 alone makes me akin to a superhuman not even keeping in mind that the gap of 7-8 is far greater than 5-7. Obviously I could just increase intelligence to be smarter yet 10 points is already more than enough for this point in my life.

Dex was another stat which would greatly help me as it obviously came in greatly useful when handling firearms however I already had 17 dex which would continue to grow as my class did. Not to mention that Big B had informed me that my stats would grow as my age did.


<< Note: A {race}.[Spirit] Of The Highest Bloodline Will Grow Passively Even After Maturity   >>


Perchance, does that relate to me, Big B?


<< Affirmative >>


Well that certainly makes my choice even harder… Though, based on what I know about the natural passive growth rate of high ranking species such as dragons or foxes, passive growth will take hundreds of years to actually pay dividends. Then again, it could be completely different for a spirit, as there are only records about how terrifyingly powerful spirit gods are and I doubt Big B would share such information.


<< Affirmative >>


Thanks a lot…

Either way I don’t know which stat to increase. So I may as well just hold onto them before coming up with a better plan for where to invest them. It would be foolish to spend them without a plan when I have no need to do that - I had the benefit of money to protect me in this life.

At the same time I had to admit that having more strength would be useful; my current body was so weak it could only handle the smallest of calibres possible. Although I doubt that permanent damage could occur with my physique being what it was. Nonetheless - I also couldn’t be sure what my regeneration would be until I actually perform some tests - which also makes me wonder what would happen if I used all of my spirit up.

So many interesting questions yet no way to answer them yet.

“Are you sure you are ready, dear?”

Having heard my mother's worried voice, I turned to look up as I sat between her lap with her patting my head softly which I allowed her to do since it soothes her. Not like it feels good or something - I wasn’t an ordinary child that could be easily appeased.

It was finally time to utilise everything I had been training to do since I had awoken for the first time within this wonderful new body & life of mine.

Of course I spent a lot of time with my family over these few months, more than one shopping trip with my mother as well as little sister, as well as learned a lot about running Furstin. Even beyond that - this was clearly far more important than the mountains of experience I had earned over the past month.

This was it…

“Yes mother dearest~!”

There it was; now there exists nothing in this world that can hold me back as I have fully prepared for anything that can get in my way. I was easily able to learn how to speak properly thanks to reading that book my mommy had left (combined with my high level dex & intelligence).

Due to knowing I would regress - I ended up reading some ‘isekai’ novels as a way to prepare ahead of time. Since they ought to have come up with everything by now. However, unlike what they say, high intelligence is only 25% of the problem which we call speech. With dexterity being seeming far more important in my process of learning.

As for the book, well, mommy has never given me a normal present before so I should have expected a book on language to have some convoluted twist.

Contained within its pages wasn’t just about auditory or literary methods of communication but some that included senses I wasn’t even aware of even after all my research. There was even one mentioned to be used by beings that existed purely (or primarily) within the dimension of thought - a place a mere mortal had no place being considering gods apparently didn’t even understand this mindscape!

What was certainly more useful than that was a particular language referred to as ‘arcane’. Which was apparently the language only commonly known by spirits; the language reality itself is written in.

The problem with using magic (for a mortal) was that they needed to convey their own meaning across into this ‘language’ which is not something they could understand. It would be akin to trying to describe an image using charades, in hopes that they manage to draw the exact same picture, down to the colour pigments used.

Pretty much impossible.

“That is good and all but do you remember what you’re ready for?” Feeling those stern eyes stabbing into the side of my head - I could only turn to look toward daddy who had an even graver expression upon his face than usual.

Phase me, it does not. “Indeed I do daddy; I just need to show up all those cocky boys.”

Along with that, I patted my holster which was already preloaded with six bullets from Furstin, giving daddy a wide smile that showed my confidence. Daddy seemingly pleased with this answer has he enounced with some level of amusement. “If you succeed I’ll give you the Heidelberg Furstin branch as a free testing ground as long as you keep up your current performance.”

“Hmpf! Anybody could do something like beat those incompetent brats that go there to show off.” A cute little harrumph reminded everyone that Alexis hadn’t been acknowledged for a total of 10 seconds. So we all turned toward her. However, based on the content, I couldn’t help looking towards my brother who now possessed the graveness that daddy previously had.

He hadn’t exactly done well last year - still he turned towards me with an icy fire behind those irises - as he made me unconsciously shiver as he coldly pronounced each vowel. “You need to not only win but crush that Klaus, as well as those under him, to such a degree that he doesn’t dare look down on one of our representatives again.”

Certainly a sentiment I can get behind; as such I just nodded sagely.


Just like that, we had arrived, a chauffeur opened the door to let the harsh sun of late summer invade into the regulated cabin we had sat in for an hour or so. To be perfectly honest it was a little hard to tell the time - considering our windows were blacked out to help prevent assassination attempts - so I couldn’t be sure how long had passed.

Being lifted up & taken out of the limousine allowed for me to take in the sights of the far larger wooded area that had seemingly opened up to allow for a wide cobbled-stone paved road.

At the end of the road was a large wooden manor that seemed reminiscent of those old rustic hunter-grottos - if on a far larger scale than those ever would be. There were already many other cars, of varying lengths as well as staffing, loitering around for if  their masters required them. In terms of prestige there was only one that could match up to ours - with their driver looking as relaxed as one could be with seemingly no worry that his family would need to suddenly leave.

In fact, upon looking at us, his gaze landed upon my brother before smirking slightly with a little snort with seemingly no realisation that I was paying attention to him. “Daddy there is a rude man over there who doesn’t want to do his job but dares make snide comments about everyone else instead!”

My cute voice easily got everyone's attention toward me; noticing my pointing finger they would no doubt follow to see the now sweating man.

“No need to worry Armor; not everyone can be as professional as our own servants since they don’t have as much capital so we shouldn’t be judgemental.” His words had the obvious effect of making a joke out of said servant, however I had an inkling that he knew fine well that the servant I motioned towards belonged to Vagen.

Mother, in contrast, just snorted while bringing me as well as Alexis (who she held the hand of) into the building with the males of the family following closely behind. There was a servant to take our coats but we didn’t have any so mother bulldozed past with a scowl as that “man's uncouth behaviour” showed the age old adage to hold water.

“Wow~ I’m surprised you came again this year!”


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