Love (Fast Through)

Chapter 7

Chapter 6: The general took the initiative to be robbed (6)

I was afraid that people around would find that Yan Jing did not speak, but his eyes were full of affection, and his teeth gently rubbed Su Moxiu’s fingers.

Su Moxiu only felt that the numbness rushed from his fingers to the bottom of his heart, making his whole heart confused.

He is in his twenties. At his age, his brother had married his sister-in-law and had two children, but he had never been interested in starting a family. His mother tried to say a kiss to him several times, but he refused.

Later, I didn’t know what happened. His mother misunderstood that he wanted to marry a scholarly girl who had studied and learned well, so she didn’t rush to say a kiss to him. She just urged him to go to Beijing for the exam and let him go to the capital. Find a girl you like.

He didn’t want to be forced to marry, so he acquiesced in it. After that, he focused on his own affairs and never thought about getting a wife. Sometimes a woman seduce him, but he refused all of them.

Those beauty tricks are completely useless to him.

He felt that he was loved by God so that he could be so sensible and completely out of the control of desire. He was born suitable to judge a case and be a master of the sky.

However, at this moment, Su Moxiu suddenly realized that he didn’t regard beauty as dung as he thought.

He is planted!

He realized what his friends around him said before, “When she smiles, I forget everything.”

It’s just that all his friends like women, and he… is a man.

It turns out that he likes men, so he has no feelings for women!

But this is not right… He has also met many handsome men before, why didn’t he feel it?

Hmm… It should be that those men are too ugly.

In addition to loving men, he also likes handsome men.

Su Moxiu stared at Yan Jingze, and instantly “figured out” many things.

At this moment, Yan Jing had reached out and grabbed Su Moxiu’s hand and kissed Su Moxiu’s palm.

Su Moxiu’s whole body froze, unable to move a single movement.

At this moment, he was only fortunate that he was more particular than others and washed his hands and face before going to bed.

Yan Jingze’s breath drifted between his fingers, and his soft lips touched his palm. Su Moxiu suddenly had such an impulse, wanting to be really stunned.

He wants this person.

But Yan Jing is a man who has already suffered so much from the Rong people, how can he still covet his body?

It’s not right for Yan Jing to be like this, he can’t stand by and watch Yan Jing degenerate.

Su Moxiu kept staring at Yan Jing while watching.

Yan Jing moved his body to bring himself closer to Su Moxiu.

They got too close, Su Moxiu subconsciously wanted to hide, but he was reluctant to let the air that Yan Jing exhaled fell on his face.

His face was slightly prickled in the cold wind, and Su Moxiu became annoyed again-he had known that when he was going out, he had taken a pot of facial cream from his mother!

In fact, he is okay. After all, he doesn’t rely on his face to eat, and he doesn’t need grease. But if Yan Jing’s face is roughened by the wind, what a pity?

Yan Jing looked at Su Moxiu’s silly look, and couldn’t help but laugh again.

He leaned over and kissed Su Moxiu’s nose, held Su Moxiu’s hand, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

He ate all the rabbit liver and heart that Su Moxiu gave him. His body really needs to be supplemented and he needs to rest.

Veterinarians are very popular among the Rong people, but he looks like a Han, so people don’t take him seriously. Sometimes he treats livestock diseases, and those people not only don’t give money, they also make fun of him. Drive him away afterwards.

Although he would get some poisonous weeds to feed the sheep of those people every time, but for this reason, he couldn’t make any money, and he couldn’t raise his body well.

Yan Jing closed his eyes, breathing evenly.

Su Moxiu was accustomed to observing people, and at a glance he knew that Yan Jing was really asleep.

He ate the rabbit heart and a piece of rabbit liver for Yanjing, and the rabbit liver and the bird’s liver were left, but Yanjing was already asleep.

Su Moxiu thought for a while, ate the rest, and closed his eyes.

Before dawn the next day, Su Moxiu got up.

The fire in the room was lit all night, and it is still on, but Yan Jing is still asleep…

Su Moxiu motioned to the person responsible for guarding the second half of the night not to speak, and went out alone.

It took him an hour and a half to come back, and when he came back he was dragging a sheep.

When he went out hunting yesterday, he saw that the snow in a certain place was turned over, and some vegetation underneath was revealed, which goats love to eat.

He went there to guard him early in the morning, motionless, really waiting for a few goats.

It’s a pity that he lurked for a long time. After a long time without moving his hands and feet, he became a little inflexible. In the end, he only caught a goat that had been injured.

This kind of wild goat is very small, and even the belt bones are only 30 to 40 catties. After peeling and removing the internal organs, it can produce 20 catties of meat.

When he walked closer, Su Moxiu’s heartbeat was a little fast unconsciously when he saw someone at the door.

However…it was Zhang Erque instead of Yan Jingze who was waiting at the door.

Su Moxiu’s heartbeat quickly returned to calm, and Gu Jing was waveless.

“Second Young Master, you caught the sheep!” Zhang Erque jumped up abruptly and swallowed saliva.

“Well, you take it to deal with it,” Su Moxiu handed the sheep to Zhang Erque, “Give me the liver and heart.” After hunting, the tigers and wolves in the mountains will eat their offal first.

Although lamb liver does not taste very good, it should be able to replenish the body.

“That’s for sure!” Zhang Erque was delighted.

Su Moxiu shook the snowflakes off his body and went to see the people who ran out after hearing Zhang Erque’s words.

There is no rule of speech.

He was a little upset and walked in blankly. After entering, he found that Yan Jing was still lying on the ground.

Is this still up?

No, such a big movement, even if you haven’t gotten up, you should wake up.

Su Moxiu strode forward and saw that Yan Jingze’s face was not right.

he is sick.

Su Moxiu knelt down and put his hand on Yan Jingze’s head, only to realize that Yan Jingze’s head was too hot.

“Cai An, come and show him!” Su Mo Xiu said.

Originally, Cai An was with others, watching someone who is good at handling prey handle the sheep, and came over after hearing Su Moxiu’s words. When he came over, he noticed that Yan Jingze’s face was not right.

Cai An is forty years old this year. He has actually never read a book seriously. He is not a scholar, but his father worked as a bookkeeper. He also followed his father to recognize the words and learnt the accounts. He wanted to be like his father. People do the accounting.

There are few frontier shops, and such work as the accountant is not easy to find. He has never found an errand, so he can only farm at home.

Sixteen years ago, on the second day of the first lunar month, his wife returned to her family with a pair of children.

On the same day, a group of Rong men robbed his mother-in-law’s village.

The villagers, immersed in the joy of the New Year, faced the devil.

When Cai An got the news, his wife and children had died.

He was heartbroken and dealt with the funeral affairs of the villagers together with other people, and returned to his village after the treatment was finished… His village was robbed by bandits, and bandits killed all the villages they tried to resist like the Rong people. people!

Cai An decided to take revenge at that time, but unfortunately there was no way out. It was not until Zhou Jingshan came to the border that he voted under Zhou Jingshan’s gate and became a bookkeeper.

But as an accountant really couldn’t do much, he began to learn to be a military officer.

Later, he always stayed in the army and followed the army to get medical skills.

At this moment, I looked at Yan Jingze’s situation, and then gave Yan Jing a pulse. Cai An frowned: “He was seriously injured and his body was very weak. He is still feverish now! This…”

They are short of doctors and medicine… This person has a fever and may be fatal!

Su Moxiu was shocked and extremely annoyed.

Why didn’t he care about Yan Jingze’s body yesterday?

“I’m fine, just take a rest.” Yan Jing opened his eyes at this moment.

He’s weak, but it’s really not a big problem, and he can get better with a rest.

In fact, if he hadn’t met Su Moxiu, he would have been able to insist on not falling, but when he met someone, he relaxed all at once, and the pain on his body would come to him.

“If you burn it like this, how can you say it’s okay?” Su Moxiu looked at Yan Jingze disapprovingly, “You take a good rest, take your medicine, and get well soon!”

Yan Jing could feel Su Moxiu’s worry about him, and smiled weakly: “Okay…Will I be a drag on you?”

“No.” Su Mo repaired.

Su Moxiu said that, and Cai An said: “I still have some medicine over there. I will let someone boil it for him to drink?”

“Okay,” Su Mo Xiudao, thinking of something, asked Yan Jingze, “Do you have any wounds on your body, do you want to take medicine?” He went out this time with enough medicine for golden sores.

“There is a wound, need medicine.” Yan Jing looked at Su Moxiu pitifully. He hadn’t lay down for a good rest in these two months. The wound on his body healed and collapsed again. It was really miserable.

He not only needed Ashiu to give him medicine, but also Ashiu kissed him to comfort him.

“I’ll give you medicine.” Su Moxiu took out a bottle of golden sore medicine.

Cai An quickly picked up: “Second Young Master, how can you do this kind of thing? Let me do it.”

Su Moxiu squeezed the medicine bottle and looked at Cai An alertly: “You go and boil the medicine, I don’t worry about letting others come.”

Cai An immediately said: “Second Young Master, don’t worry, I will cook the medicine well!”

He got up to cook the medicine, Su Moxiu secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

When Yan Jing saw this, he laughed again. Cai An actually wanted to help him with medicine… How could Su Moxiu let others look at his body!

Cai An had gone to boil the medicine. Su Moxiu filled two bags of hot water with a sheepskin hose and placed it next to Yan Jingze. Then he said, “Let me see your injury.”

“Good.” Yan Jing stretched out his hand and undressed slowly.

Su Moxiu watched by the side, feeling a little hot on his body for some reason.

Yan Jingze’s action… how does it seem to seduce him?

This must be because he was wrong, and Yan Jing was feverish. With that pale face, how could he still have the energy to seduce him.

Is Yan Jing… used to it?

Su Moxiu’s heart swelled sourly.

Yan Jing cast a wink at Su Moxiu: “I’m a little bit weak, Second Young Master, can you help me take it off?”

Su Moxiu: “…” This person is seduce him!

He became so sick, and even seduce him!

Su Moxiu simply didn’t know what to say, and then…

He didn’t control himself, stretched out his hands and undressed for Yan Jing.

When Su Moxiu undressed for Yan Jingze, he was a little bit disheartened, but when Yan Jingze’s clothes were taken off by him…

He couldn’t give birth to even a little charming mind anymore.

Yan Jing suffered too many injuries.

Knife wounds, arrow wounds, everything! Some of them looked like old wounds from a long time ago, and some were new wounds. The wounds were simply bandaged and scarred, but they didn’t heal, and they leaked thick water and blood.

“Those Rong people are too cruel!” Su Moxiu couldn’t help saying-how much hardship did this man suffer when he was on the side of the Rong people? How many sins did you suffer?

“Yes, it’s too cruel,” Yan Jing hugged the hot water bottle and looked at Su Moxiu with a smile. “Fortunately, I met the second youngest…you will protect me, right?”

“I will.” Su Moxiu did not hesitate.

“Second Young Master, you are so kind.” Yan Jing held Su Moxiu’s hand and rubbed it.

The original owner is tall and has big hands. Later, he has been practicing martial arts with thick hands, which makes his hands bigger.

And Su Moxiu…Looking at his hand, you know that although he has also practiced martial arts, he has never suffered-although he has a cocoon in his palm, he still feels a bit slippery in the touch.

Su Moxiu was rubbed by Yan Jing’s hand, sweating unconsciously from his palm, and looked at Yan Jing’s speechlessly.

This person has been so badly injured, so… so…

He has seen many women who are willing to do everything for money, but none of them can fight like Yan Jing.

Yan Jing is not afraid of what he will do with his bestiality?

If he can’t control himself, he’ll be dead if he can’t decide!

Su Mo Xiu retracted his hand expressionlessly, and took a piece of sheepskin to cover Yan Jingze’s head and shoulders: “I’ll give you medicine, don’t move!”

Fortunately, my self-control is strong enough!

Su Moxiu took a deep breath, looked around guardingly, and felt relieved when everyone was looking at the shaved sheep with coveting gazes.

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