Love (Fast Through)

Chapter 6

Chapter 5: The general took the initiative to be robbed (5)

Su Moxiu took Zhang Erque out of the door. They brought all their weapons, but they didn’t ride a horse.

In winter, there are not many animals that are still active outside, and they are all very alert. Horses walking in the woods move too much, which will disturb them.

There is also the complex terrain of the mountains and forests, and there is snow. If you ride a horse into the mountain, if the horse accidentally steps into a small hole or a crack in a stone, it may break its leg.

There is a shortage of horses in the Zhenbei Army. Horses are very, very important to them. They would rather be hungry than hungry horses. Naturally, they would not easily risk their horses.

Before, they would go out on horseback because they used the business roads developed by the merchants who did business with the Rong people.

Su Moxiu stepped deep in the snow, and walked carefully, carefully observing the traces on the snow.

His nose was a little red with cold, his lips were pressed tightly, his eyes were focused and his expression was solemn.

Zhang Erque was infected by this atmosphere and lightly heeled behind him without saying a word.

Su Moxiu suddenly stopped.

At the same time, some animal sprang out from under a piece of dead wood!

It’s a snow hare!

Su Moxiu stretched his bow to shoot an arrow, and then ran while taking out the second arrow.

His first arrow missed, but he was shocked by Snow Rabbit, so he changed its escape route in a panic, and followed closely, and the second arrow fell in front of Snow Rabbit!

The panicking snow rabbit rammed everywhere, Su Moxiu rushed up, and swooped up, the snow rabbit was crushed by him.

“Second Young Master! You are amazing!” Zhang Erque looked at Su Moxiu with admiration.

He fought Su Moxiu with real swords and guns on the battlefield, and he could definitely beat Su Moxiu to the ground, but he was no better than Su Moxiu in things like hunting—he learned killing.

Su Moxiu **** the snow rabbit that was stunned by him and put it in a sheepskin bag, relaxed a lot, and smiled shyly: “A fluke.”

“Rabbit meat is really fragrant…” Zhang Erque swallowed, “Er young master, shall we go back?”

“Look again,” Su Moxiu said, “We are crowded, and one rabbit is not enough to eat.”

Just a rabbit is not enough, Zhang Erque followed Su Mo Xiu and continued to walk forward.

Su Moxiu took a few breaths, and the mist spread in front of him. After thinking for a long time, he finally asked Zhang Erque, “Erque, what do you think of Yan Jingze…?”

“Yan Jingze?” Zhang Erque was a little confused, and then suddenly remembered, “The second master, you are talking about that little white face?”

“En.” Su Moxiu responded in a low voice.

Zhang Erque said: “I think he is quite pitiful. It is estimated that he was tossed in a terrible way on the side of the Rong people. Alas, this kind of thing happened to a big man… It’s too miserable!”

Zhang Erque sympathizes with Yan Jing. Yan Jing had delicate skin and tender flesh. His face was well maintained, but his body was hurt everywhere. He must have been used as a woman by the Rong people.

“The Rong people… really like men?” Su Moxiu asked.

“Don’t talk about the Rong people, there are some people in the Northern Army who like men! You should have seen the second master, right?” Zhang Erque said.

“I saw it…” Su Moxiu hesitated.

“Second Young Master, do you think it’s weird? Someone likes men! I don’t know what they think! Even if I can’t find someone, I’m not interested in stinky men!” Zhang Erque said.

Su Moxiu glanced at the smelly Zhang Erque, closed his mouth, and didn’t tell Zhang Erque that there should be a hole in front of him.

“Oh!” Zhang Erque accidentally tripped, he got up and patted his clothes and complained: “This snowy area is really hard to walk!”

Su Moxiu continued to move forward, pretending to ask casually: “You said… what did he mean by taking the initiative to rob me?”

Zhang Erque is still patting the snow on his body, and while patting it, he said: “I just want us to take him and give him food and drink! I guess it was used to changing things with the body before, but I can’t change it anymore.”

Su Moxiu thoughtfully.

Zhang Erque said again: “He can’t be like this, he is a big man, how can he think about relying on others all the time! When I go back, I must teach him and let him know what men are like! Speaking of, Although he only knows that there is nothing good at crying, he is really tall! Practicing well, he will definitely be a good soldier in the future.”

Su Mo Xiu said: “Stop, there seems to be prey ahead!”

Zhang Erque stopped talking.

Su Moxiu didn’t actually see the prey, he just had something to think about.

He was born in the border, and he likes to settle cases. He has seen all sorts of horrible things these years.

He had seen his son beaten to death alive, and a man who agreed to reconcile with a bag of grain.

He has seen a woman who betrayed herself for a bite and was accidentally killed by a group of people.

He has also seen many elderly people who try to end their lives in order not to drag their children.

There are many such things when men are with men.

The border is bitter and cold, and many people can’t get enough to eat. For them, their fate is nothing, dignity? What is this again?

This person Yan Jingze…no matter what he was like in Daqi before, he can speak such fluent Rong language, he must have been in Rong people for many years.

The Rong people were always bad for the Han slaves they had robbed.

On the other hand, Yan Jing had been abused on the Rong side for several years, and the injuries he suffered, he may have been accustomed to exchanging certain things with his body, so he was robbed of **** and seduce him again.

Su Moxiu felt distressed, and decided to help a group of Yan Jing Ze, so that Yan Jing could lead a normal life.

But even as a soldier, the sword has no eyes, it is too dangerous.

Su Moxiu walked for a while, his eyes suddenly fell on a certain tree.

He took out the dagger and dug up the trunk of the tree.

After the trunk was excavated, a hole was revealed, and this hole… was filled with shelled hazelnuts.

“It’s a hazel!” Zhang Erque was beaming, and quickly took a leather bag to pack it, and was a little confused: “How come there are hazelnuts in the tree hole? Someone hides it here?”

“It should be hidden by the squirrel.” Su Moxiu said, Zhang Erque’s family was originally farming, but after joining the army, he has been a soldier. He doesn’t understand things in the forest, but he likes to talk to all kinds of People chat and like to run around, they know many things.

Squirrels would hide food in the trunk, and mice would also hide food in their own holes. A famine broke out more than ten years ago, and the work he had made with him was able to survive by digging a mouse hole.

It was a surprise that they could find some hazelnuts.

The sky was getting dark, but Su Moxiu did not find any other prey. He sat down against a tree and said, “We will go back after a short break.”

Walking in the snow is very tiring, Zhang Er nodded, and also found a place to sit down.

After sitting down, Su Moxiu took a piece of tree root from his arms and chewed it in his mouth.

The bitter taste filled his mouth, and the whole world was quiet, only the sound of the wind was left.

At this moment, a bird suddenly emerged from the bush next to it.

When Su Moxiu returned with Zhang Erque, he brought about five catties of hazelnuts in shell, a hare and a bird whose name was unknown.

Su Moxiu came out to look for Zhou Jingshan this time. In addition to Zhang Erque and Cai An, he also brought ten other people. With Yan Jingze, they had a total of fourteen big men.

Such a small amount of food is certainly not enough for 14 people, but if everyone has a bowl of broth, it should be much better tonight.

As for the future…

They are all big men. They used to eat and drink enough in the Zhenbei Army. They were in good health, and it was nothing to be hungry for a few days.

Only Yan Jingze…

Yan Jing spent a few years with the Rong people and was hungry for a few days, so he should eat some good food.

Tomorrow, he will come out and look for it again to see if he can find something to eat.

Su Moxiu returned to the place where they were temporarily staying and saw Yan Jingze sitting at the door at a glance.

Yan Jing still wrapped herself in airtight.

He wears a top hat on his head. This hat is made by rolling sheepskin into a cone shape, but only half of it is sewn. After putting it on the head, the sutures are in the front, the face can be exposed from the place where it is not sewn from below, and the ears will be wrapped again.

This kind of hat is often worn by the people of the Rong people to keep warm. Su Moxiu used to think it was ugly, but Yan Jing looks really good and looks handsome when worn.

Wait, is he fainted?

Yan Jing was covered with a cloth towel on his face, and he couldn’t see his face at all. Why would he think this man was handsome?

Su Moxiu thought so, and met Yan Jing’s gaze.

Yan Jingze’s eyes were bent, and he pulled off the masked cloth and smiled at him: “You are back.”

Like when they first met, Su Moxiu felt that something exploded in his mind. For a while, he couldn’t remember anything.

“The second master caught a rabbit! Really, there are almost no living things in the forest in this ghost weather. We have been busy for a long time, but only caught one rabbit and one bird.” Zhang Erque’s loud voice sounded.

The people in the room rushed out all at once-rabbit! There are rabbits!

A group of people just squeezed between Yan Jingze and Su Moxiu.

Yan Jingze: “…”

Su Moxiu suddenly became sober, and coughed slightly, “You clean up and stew the rabbit.”

The fire in the room was always on, and tea was still brewing on it.

The black tea is mixed with the lanolin used to wipe the face of Yan Jing and exudes a strong fragrance.

Well, the taste of this camellia is not fragrant, but they are very hungry, so it smells good.

The rabbit and the bird were quickly picked up, chopped into small pieces together with the bones and thrown into the pot. Jiujiu also grabbed a handful of beans for the horse and threw it in: “Originally, our horse feed could still eat six or seven. God, but Xiaohua’s appetite is too big…I am afraid that in four days, we will be out of food.”

In winter, if you let horses run in the snow, the horses will be very tired and must eat something good. So when they went out a month ago, they brought a lot of horse materials, except for feeding the horses the hay they could find on the road. , And give them good nutrition horse feed.

But now, the horse feed is almost finished.

“In three days, we will go back.” Su Mo Xiu said. The place where General Zhou disappeared is nearby. He will look around again these days, find some evidence, and then go back.

As for General Zhou himself…thinking that they had searched the grassland all the way and saw the tattered clothes and clean bones left by Zhou Jingshan’s guards, he didn’t think Zhou Jingshan was still alive.

Uncle Zhou is dead, and his father is afraid that he will be very sad.

About ten years ago, Su Moxiu met Zhou Jingshan once. He remembered that Zhou Jingshan was a bold and generous person. He was a good opponent of soldiers. He didn’t expect such a person to be betrayed by his men and died in a foreign country with no bones left.

Su Moxiu’s mood was a little depressed, and silently drank the mutton tea on his hand.

At this moment, Zhang Erque said: “Today’s prey was caught by the Second Young Master. The Second Young Master hadn’t drank the porridge before. Give this rabbit’s darling to the Second Young Master!”

“Yes, it should be given to the second master.” The others responded, the person in charge of cutting the meat stopped cutting the rabbit liver and rabbit heart, and threw the whole into the pot.

In the past, Su Moxiu would definitely refuse, but at this moment he was stunned, did not refuse.

Everyone is hungry. Although we know that rabbit stew is more fragrant for a longer time, we still can’t help but start the pot early to separate the meat.

This time it was divided into fourteen bowls on average. In addition, the rabbit liver and the bird’s heart and liver, which were no more than the size of an egg, were separately installed and given to Su Moxiu.

Su Moxiu put things aside and drank the soup slowly.

Yan Jing is also drinking soup.

When these people cook the soup, they are reluctant to remove the foam, so that the soup has no color and fragrance, but it can fill up the stomach anyway.

They drank the soup, gnawed the meat off the bones, and finally chewed up the bones. If they were edible, they would **** up the bone marrow and spit it out.

Yan Jing saw that Su Moxiu was drinking this kind of soup with relish, and he couldn’t help feeling distressed, so he leaned in and said, “Second Young Master, when I get better, I will give you something to eat. My cooking skills are good.”

“Okay.” Su Moxiu’s heart moved-Isn’t it good to take Yan Jing back to be a cook for himself?

Yan Jing said again: “Second Young Master, I am a little afraid of the dark. Can I sleep next to you at night?”

People who were far away did not hear Yan Jing’s words, but Zhang Erque and Cai An were close to each other and heard them.

Cai An frowned, disagreeing very much, but Zhang Erque contemptuously said: “You are such a big person, and you are still afraid of the dark?”

However, Su Moxiu and Zhang Erque almost spoke at the same time: “Yes.”

Zhang Erque originally wanted to say that he didn’t look like a man, but when Su Moxiu agreed, he could only swallow the words in a puzzled way.

Cai An was actually a little worried that Yan Jing would be detrimental to Su Moxiu, but Su Moxiu agreed…Should the second youngest of his family want to stare at Yan Jing in person?

Cai An changed the subject: “Thanks to the Second Young Master, otherwise I am afraid I will be too hungry to sleep well tonight!”

The big guys were tired. After arranging three people to watch the night, they found a place to sleep by the fire in twos and threes, while the horses stood outside them.

Yan Jing lay beside Su Moxiu.

He had been holding back a lot of energy before, but now he was in a safe place, eating and drinking, and found Su Moxiu. The energy vented, and exhaustion rushed into him.

But he endured it and didn’t sleep.

The night is very suitable for small movements. When Su Moxiu sleeps…

Before Yan Jing moved to Su Moxiu’s side, Su Moxiu beside him suddenly stretched out a hand and touched his mouth.

Yan Jing opened his mouth subconsciously, and something was stuffed in his mouth.

It’s a rabbit heart.

Yan Jing opened his eyes and looked at Su Moxiu on the opposite side.

Su Moxiu took out another piece of rabbit liver and stuffed it into Yan Jingze’s mouth.

At night, Su Moxiu fed him the food he saved…

Yan Jing’s eyebrows curled up, holding Su Moxiu’s fingers.

The fire in the house was not extinguished. Instead, the ground burned more vigorously to keep warm.

The two of them slept in a corner, covered with sheepskin. The watchman couldn’t see their little movements, but they could see each other’s expressions clearly.

Su Moxiu opened his eyes wide and looked in shock at Yan Jingze, who looked particularly attractive under the flickering light, and had no strength to retract his hand.

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