Lord of Fire is a Gamer

Second Coming of Combustion God

[Quest: Second Coming of Combustion God]

[Details: Impress everybody in the village with your explosion, even shadowing the explosion of Ahnah and creating a new legend.]

[Rewards: +3000MP, Title (Second Coming of Combustion God)]

This doesn't change literally anything. I was about to do my best no matter what anyway, but thank you for the free reward system.

I activate Gamer's mind to keep myself in check. This is an important moment, I don't want my excitement to get in my way.

With a deep breath, I start charging bombs in both of my hands.

The speed I charge them is extremely fast and inefficient. I would never do something like this in a real fight but I have no such weakness thanks to the existence of my inventory and mp potions.

As I fill the small fireballs in my hands, extra chi I wasted disperses into the air but I don't care. I can't charge it for a long time and bore them. Part of the quest is impressing people after all.

Just as my MP is at the 400 mark, I refill my mana with an MP potion.

I do it again and again for 3 times until I literally can't hold back the explosion.

'I have to release it, this is my limit.'

As drops of sweat slightly drench me, I thrust my hands forward and throw them.

I made sure they would meet together in the air just as they're about to explode by calculating the throwing speed and the angle of my arms.

I watch along with others in anticipation.

They probably don't expect much since this isn't combustion bending, just a firebending technique that creates delayed, throwable explosions. But they're still somewhat hopeful due to Jee choosing me as his latest (and probably last) disciple. They want to see something magnificent, and I won't disappoint them.

Seconds later, my small balls of fire meet in the air far above us.


A deafening voice is heard as some people cover their ears, some too amazed to protect themselves.

A large ball keeps getting bigger and bigger while radiating so much heat, it could be clearly felt by the villagers on the ground.

The deafening sound is followed by a shockwave strong enough to kill weaker children as the explosion fought against the atmosphere of the planet, increasing the killing power in the process.

Everybody instinctively opens their mouths to protect themselves as much as possible from the shockwave so that it doesn't explode their lungs.

Seniors with experience gets in front of the younger generation and seniors that are too amazed to move to protect them with special firebending techniques created solely to fight against explosions, created by the village famous for their explosion itself to protect themselves from themselves.

However, it's not needed.

Jee suddenly appears on the platform and uses the most advanced version of the technique, protecting the whole village alone with simple arm movements.

The beautiful and gigantic orange-red ball of fire slowly disappears after a while, leaving only a giant mushroom cloud.

[An: So, I researched a little bit and despite the common belief, mushroom cloud can be created by not only  nuclear explosions, but any large explosion apparently. I don't mind if you correct me, I would actually be happy. Deepening my dao of explosions will be really beneficial for this fiction after all.

Slowly, every single pair of eyes are drawn towards the 'culprit'.

They can't help it. It's almost instinctive at this moment.

Their hands move on themselves for a second to clap them to cheer for him, in a second everybody does it consciously as they let out loud whistles to congratulate him.

They understand now. They understand why was he chosen as the last disciple of the legendary master of combustions.

He is... He is the second coming of the combustion god.


I disappointed neither myself nor the villagers.

It's already over but I can still see it somehow. It was just... too beautiful to forget.

A loud clap that's soon followed by thousand others distracts me.

I look around to see their expressions.

Yes. This is what I wanted to see.

A place that loves my art as much as I do.

I chuckle as I try to ignore the few men with obvious bulges in their pants and some with wet white patches on them. They don't care or try to hide, they are still clapping despite that.

Yeah, they might actually love it more than I do. I don't think I would nut at an explosion.

'But' I laugh out loud as I see some other things.

Things like the eyes of some of the younger girls. All of them are about my age and have basically sparkling eyes as they look at me like they're looking at their God as they rub their legs to each other unconsciously.

I look to my side to have a silent chat with my master.

He nods with an understanding look. 'Don't worry about it, just enjoy.' is what I understand from his sagely smile.

He must have experienced something similar.

Truly a man wise beyond mortals.

Thankfully my bed in the guest house is the biggest kind, no way I'm just choosing one of the girls. I will fearlessly let my greed consume me and take on the challenge, I have the assistance of the HP potions on my side after all.

[Quest Complete!]

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