Lord of Fire is a Gamer


I watch in awe as people roughly my age shoot explosions towards the air from their heads.

I'm sure I can beat any of these guys in a normal fight, but my dao of explosion is my beneath them for sure.


I'm getting a bit too comfortable with this neet's memories. I'm starting to talk like him more and even laugh at memes in his memories.


Fuck it. I can think about that later. I can't miss these explosions because of trivial thoughts like 'identity crisis'.

Damn, that's a good explosion. I wonder how powerful mine would be? Can I create a nuclear explosion, you know with radiation and shit maybe? Change the explosion color?

With Wildfyre my fire color is supposed to change but from my understanding, this isn't ordinary firebending. They're compressing and balancing their chi in their crown chakra (the head one) and release it through their forehead, the moment it hits something or they decide it's time for explosion the chi turns chaotic and releases a magnificent explosion with a chain reaction by mixing with oxygen and stuff.

Just speculation from what I've read and seen through. Hopefully, it's not more complicated than that.


Fucking beautiful...

It must have shown on my face because I can hear one of the girls giggling at my expression but I couldn't care less.

Explosions before hoes.

As the clapping dies down the guy who released the explosion gets down with a proud expression.

Damn right, be proud of that bro.

Another guy maybe a few years older than me got up to the platform to show off his explosion with a haughty face.

Seeing his overwhelming confidence I can't help but get excited for the explosion he's about to release. Even that little bitch Baraz seems excited.

I guess they prepared the best for the last huh? Is it because they want to make my explosion look even smaller compared to them, or am I just thinking too much?

...Nah, Baraz is clearly eyeing me 'secretly'.

Now you got me curious, let me see what Observe says about this guy.


Name: Ahnah

Title: Prodigy Combustion Bender

Class: Firebender

Rank: B-








Ahnah, the son of Baraz and the great-grand son of the legendary Combustion Bender Jee. He has exceptional talent in combustion bending and has started training the day he started walking.

Secretly mad that Jee, his great grandfather chose a random stranger instead of him who showed talent from a young age, trained for years, and always showed appropriate respect to his elders.

Wants to show you your place by releasing an explosion you could never even compare to, just before you show your explosion.



I kinda feel bad for him now.

Whatever, still gonna cheat with mp potions and release my biggest explosion ever.

I swear, it will make some guys nut in their pants at the moment and turn some girls into waterfalls.

'... Did I just fucking think that?'

I'm getting too much like that neet.

As I was thinking of that, I could help but get distracted once again from my apparent 'rival'.

His muscular body that was straight before now bent forward a little bit.

His hands balled into fists and thrown into his back with his straight elbows, resting near his waist.

His face scrunched up as his eyebrows creased, seemingly focusing as much as he could.

His stomach pulled back in as he takes a deep breath.

A beat of heart later, a magnificent, beautiful sound is heard.


Something tears through the air so fast it leaves mist behind it as it gets faster and faster with each small explosion it lets out through its journey.

My eyes widen as I see the most beautiful explosion I've ever seen.

It's as if multiple explosions joined together to create a beautiful orchestra.

The sound, the visuals, everything is beautiful.

This is art...

I keep watching with a gulp as it slowly dies down.

Then we feel the shockwave of the explosion hits us gently with the wind.

There is silence for a second or two, but suddenly everybody starts cheering and clapping along with me.

Baraz seems to have forgotten about me. Even he is in awe at his son's magnificent explosion, congratulating him and hitting him gently in the back.

Ahnah is breathing gently with a tired and proud smile on his face as sweat falls down from his scalp to his brows.

'Yeah, this is where I belong.'

Everybody appreciates a good explosion, just like me.

I can't help but grin in anticipation.

I will show them what I can do as well.

It won't be from my forehead but from my hands, but I'm still confident I can create something at least at that level if I put all my cheat a little with mp potions.

As the small celebration dies down, Baraz remembered me and called out to me with a victorious grin as if we were competing in the first place.


He acts surprised as if he suddenly remembered something

''Our new additions to the village, Kunyo has been chosen as the disciple of Jee. KUNYO! WOULD YOU LIKE TO SHOW YOUR MIGHT RIGHT HERE AND RIGHT NOW!?''

Bastard asked as if I had a choice. If I refuse I might as well kill myself socially.

Everybody is pumped up and they're all excited to see my 'might' since I was chosen as that old guy's disciple. They all want to see what I'm made of.

Refusing isn't much of an option now.

I give a confident smile as I make my way towards to platform

''With pleasure.''

[An: Rank isn't just determined by stats but also skills. So someone with a weak body might have a high rank if he is a good firebender. Just to clear the confusion if there is any.]


[An: Water spilled on my laptop, posting this from phone. I might not be able answer questions for a while because I dont like wn mobile app. Take care.

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