Lord of Dreams – A Multiverse Fanfiction

Chapter 268: 3 Paths to Law

Taking the Dream World born from the Dream Path at its core, and fueled by a substantial influx of dream energy, the trail leading to the Law Stage finally became discernible.

Looking at the results, Lorien likened this development to a Law Hub, as it served as a nexus for progression, much like a content hub in function, structure, and shape.

To make things clear, within the typical Dream World born of the Dream Path, there always exists a central pillar that acts as the center and fulcrum linked to everything else within the Dream World.

This pillar allows the different dream worlds to emerge and unfold in the real world, and for Lorien, this pillar takes the form of the large golden-colored [Eternal Dream Tree].

Thus, drawing from this foundational concept, three avenues that lead to the Law Level have emerged.

The first method entails reaching the Law Level through personal comprehension and diligent training, gradually refining one's power until the core pillar within the Dream World evolves, thereby propelling the individual to the Law Stage.

It's just that prior to Lorien's recent analysis, such an achievement seemed insurmountable, as neither he nor anyone on the Dream Path knew the nature of the Law Stage, let alone how to attain it.

However, after dissecting the composition and structure of the Eternity Devil, the veil shrouding this stage dissipated, revealing a clear path for all to traverse.

However, such a way is quite slow and takes a lot of energy and effort, so, Lorien actually expects most people to follow the second path which is the path of [Killing].

Nevertheless, such an approach is quite arduous and demands considerable energy and effort.

So, based on his knowledge of human nature, Lorien anticipates that most individuals will opt for the second method which is the path of [Killing].

The second method, as its name implies, revolves around the act of slaying [Law-Level] entities born from negative energy, absorbing their Law Power, and forcibly assimilating it into one's Dream World pillar element.

Through this process, the practitioner gains mastery over the absorbed law, facilitating advancement to the next level.

However, such a "crooked" and "unconventional" approach of course comes with its drawbacks.

Unlike the serene and relatively secure nature of the first method, this path requires the user to confront and battle Law-Level beings, risking their life to obtain their law power.

Furthermore, there exists the risk of acquiring a [Law] that is incompatible with the practitioner's own path, rendering all preceding efforts futile.

For instance, should an individual skilled in water manipulation defeat a Law-level fire devil, the acquired Law may prove of limited utility or even counterproductive.

Thus, it is within this concept that the third and most powerful method emerges.

Combining elements from the previous two approaches, this third method elevates [Killing] and [Evolving] to brand new unprecedented heights.

Much like the second method, the third revolves around the killing of Law-Level entities, however, unlike its predecessor, this method demands the user to eliminate numerous Law-Level beings, not just one.

Subsequently, harnessing the array of absorbed law-level powers, the practitioner channels them to refine their own law, rapidly elevating it to extraordinary levels.

In simpler terms, it's akin to the main law being a sapling, and the absorbed laws serving as additional roots, working collectively to nurture the sapling into a towering tree.

In other words, it's akin to harnessing a multitude of secondary laws and leveraging their collective power to amplify the chosen innate primary laws exponentially.

This way, there's no risk of the individual reaching the law stage based on incompatible external laws, which could jeopardize their future advancements.

After all, the precise laws used as the core of the breakthrough are very important as the moment said breakthrough happens, these main laws will transform the individual's soul and body, making them more compatible with it.

So, even though it is possible to reach the Law Stage through any random Law, it's better to be careful as it'll have grave repercussions.

'Well, it's not like I have a choice here as different from the [Dream] Law, the Law of [Reality] requires the existence of other Laws to evolve...'

'So, if I want to take the [Dream] and [Reality] Laws as his main Laws, my only choice here is actually the 3rd method.'

'After all, the nature of these two Laws made this something unavoidable.'

Different from the [Law of Dreams], which is a standalone power, the [Law of Reality] is actually a combination of all existing powers in a world.

In fact, it could be argued that there is no such thing as the [Law of Reality]; instead, this Law can be called the power of [Existence], [World], or [Order].

So, to use such Laws as Dream and Reality to reach the next level, Lorien needs to absorb as many secondary Laws as possible and merge them with his Dream Realm to upgrade the Laws of [Dream] and [Reality] in reverse.


'Why do things have to be this complex?'

'Why isn't there a Dream or Reality Devil that I can simply absorb and be done with it...'

Muttering under his breath, his frustration evident in his voice, Lorien refocused his attention on the Law fragments that he had extracted from the Eternity Devil.

'Well, there always needs to be a beginning, so let's start from here.'

Now that his path was finally clear, Lorien wasted no time as he immediately shattered the protective barrier surrounding the [Eternity Law].




As the seal shattered, the [Eternity Law] quivered, attempting to flee back into the world's core.

However, before it could escape, the Eternal Dream Realm that Lorien had unfurled unleashed a powerful unresistable swallowing force.



In an instant, the Law was ensnared, swiftly absorbed, and left powerless to resist.

It's just that after doing this, Lorien didn't stop as he instead turned his attention to the other Devils who were inadvertently trapped within his realm.

'I don't want to prolong this any longer, I want to reach the Law Stage today, so, now that free food was delivered to my mouth, why throw it away?'

'Additionally, if these Laws prove to be insufficient, there's always [Hell], I can always just go there and start a slaughter.'


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