Leon Greyrat: The Second Son – Mushoku Tensei OC

Chapter 45 – The Central Continent

— Leon Greyrat —

After two nights and an entire day at sea, we had finally arrived in East Port, the southern entrance by sea to the Central Continent.

More importantly, it was one step closer to home.

While the day of rest was nice, as Aisha and Norn got to experience the novelty of seafaring once more while I got to experience a cute and meek Eris again, we didn’t have time to waste around.

After all, we still had to make it across the entire continent, with this one being the largest continent yet.

Safe to say, we had our work cut out for us.

And that wasn’t even mentioning how we now didn’t have the Holy Sword Highway to use anymore…

There was a very well-maintained road that stretched from our current location, East Port, all the way to the capital of the Asura Kingdom, Ars, and while its size and quality were comparable to the Holy Sword Highway, there was one factor that we would now have to deal with during our travels that we didn’t have to before.


It was said that the Holy Sword Kingdom was made by Saint Millis himself when he slashed down his sword and parted the Blue Dragon Mountain Range and the Great Forest, and while that story was quite obviously doubtful, there was still some merit to it as the road was bursting with mana.

I would know, as I had been nearly blinded when I first used my Demon eye while we were on the road.

Anyway, with that mana warding away monsters, the only thing one needed to worry about were bandits, but the knights often took care of those before there were any problems.

But now, it would be a bit different.

I think I could rely on my barrier magic unless some insanely strong monster made itself known, but until I was sure, I guess we’d be splitting the nightly guard duty between the three of us once more.

Or, at least, I thought it would be the three of us…

“Leon,” Ruijerd said, looking down at me with an apologetic frown. “I… believe that we should part ways here.”

That was quite the thing to hear, right after getting our new carriage and horses set up.

“...Is there any particular reason?” I asked.

“Yes,” he nodded. “After talking to my friend in Millishion… he mentioned that there was an old rumour, around a hundred years ago, that there were Superds in the south of the Dragon King Kingdom.”


Well, we were currently in the southeast of that very Dragon King Kingdom and would be heading up north as soon as we began travelling, so that… made sense.

We would have to part ways, if not now, then very soon.

After all, while Ruijerd had been helping us, his main goal was to find his people and restore his tribe’s good name.

“I will search for my people,” he continued. “And with the lessons you’ve taught me, as well as your theory that our hair is the source of our curse, I can begin restoring the Superd’s reputation.”

Right. There was that as well.

After getting more control of my Demon eye in the Great Forest, as well as Ruijerd having forgotten to shave his head for a few days, I was able to notice it.


But it wasn’t the usual free-flowing type I was used to, but rather… something else. Something… murkier.

And it was concentrated in his hair.

Just as I had assumed, the Superd reputation, while much was done through word of mouth, had something magical to do with it too.

A curse of sorts.

Unfortunately, I was only able to identify it, and not remove it, but with the knowledge of the Superd’s green hair causing many issues, it was a clear next step in Ruijerd’s quest.

“And… you’re sure about this?” I asked, trying to hide my worry.

Despite all of my training, I was still nowhere near Ruijerd’s level.

Maybe if I had the distance, I could deal some good damage with magic, but as soon as we were in close combat, it was over… and that wasn’t even mentioning his invaluable experience and his third eye.

So the prospect of not having him around anymore was… quite worrying.

His expression softened into a smile as he patted my head, my height only reaching his shoulder as he looked down at me.

“Do not worry. You and Eris are more than strong enough to protect those two on your travels,” he said firmly. “You are both warriors. True, respectable, strong warriors.”

It was then that the other three made their appearance, having finished going to the bathroom before we departed.

“Ruijerd… you’re leaving?” Eris asked.

“Yes,” he answered, staring at her resolutely.

Eris glared at him for a few moments, before crossing her arms with a huff.

“Hmph! Fine! But next time we meet, I’ll be stronger than you, got that!?”

Well… I was initially worried about her raising a fuss, but it seemed like she wasn’t going to be difficult.

Looking over at my two sisters, I noticed that Aisha only had a small frown, but otherwise was unconcerned. 

That girl had likely already expected something like this to happen with how smart she was.

Norn, however…

“You’re… going?” Norn said, clutching her stuffy tighter to her chest. “But… why?”

Norn was much more… emotional, compared to her sister. And, in many cases, much more childish.

Plus, with how Ruijerd would always tell her stories by the campfire when I was busy training or sleeping, the two had grown quite close. 

So it was no surprise she was upset by this development.

“Norn…” Ruijerd said, crouching down to be at eye level with her. “I have something to do. Just like you have your family to reunite with, I must reunite with mine.”

Rubbing her head gently, Ruijerd continued, “Your father was able to impart some good wisdom about the sword, and you know you can lean on Leon and Eris for many things… But be good. Both of you.”

Aisha and Norn nodded as the latter’s eyes began to water.

With a final hug being exchanged by the three, Norn then ran to my leg, burying her face in my hip as Ruijerd stood up.

“Then, I should be off. Thank you for helping me, for reforming my methods… for everything, Leon.”

“No worries. I promised I would, right?” I said, extending my hand for a handshake. “Besides, this is not a final farewell, is it?”

“...No. You’re right… we shall meet again,” he said, reciprocating my gesture. “If by then your family has still not been found, or if you need help with anything else, know that I will gladly assist.”

“Then… I’ll see you at that time,” I said. “Though I hope I will have my family back together by then.”

“I hope so as well,” Ruijerd nodded with a smile as he turned away. “Then… goodbye, you four. It was… a most pleasant journey.”

And with that, he walked away, and our party of five became one of four.

Ah… I should also remove him from the ‘Red Wolves’ the next time I visit an Adventure Guild, right?

“You okay Norn?” I said, patting my little sister’s head as she cried into my shirt.

“Un…” she nodded slowly. “W-We’ll… meet again, so it’s only a small goodbye… but it’s still sad…”

I couldn’t help but smile at that.

“That’s right,” I said, scooping her up into my arms. “It’s only a small goodbye, just like with your beastfolk friends. But for now, let’s get going. We have a lot of ground to cover, after all.”

With Aisha and Eris heading into the carriage, and myself taking the reins in the front with Norn still in my arms, we set off down the road ahead.

With the trees darting past as I rode onward, I began to think inwardly about our group’s next steps.

It was sad that Ruijerd left, but he had his own goals, and now that I knew everyone I loved was safe, knew where they were, and had the power to bring them together, I didn’t need his help as much.

Though it would certainly be useful…

Anyway, with Ruijerd out of the picture, I would have to be more careful, especially in terms of tracking.

I suppose my Demon eye training would get some use, huh?

But still, despite everything, other than being a little more vigilant, our plan hadn’t changed much.

We would hasten our way to Sharia so I could drop off my sisters with Rudy and begin heading toward the Begaritt Continent to rescue Mama and Lilia. 

And Eris… well, we’d stop by Fittoa, both as a resting point and for Eris to see her parents.

As for if she wants to come with me or stay with them after that… that will be her choice, I suppose.

“Hey,” Eris said, leaning her head on my shoulder as she hugged me from behind. “Don’t… think too much, okay? We’ll be fine. We’re… both warriors, right?”

I then felt my chin being grabbed as Eris turned my head, quickly locking her lips with mine as I unconsciously closed my eyes.

My heart pounded as my spine tingled, the same feeling of elated excitation from our first kiss coursing through my body.

Seriously… this girl was going to be the death of me.

Separating our lips, I opened my eyes to see a trail of spit connecting us as Eris stared at me with lidded eyes, planting a final kiss on my mouth before turning my head back to the road.

“...Don’t look at me,” she mumbled.

And now she was meek again?

Hah… she was too much.

“Sure Eri… thank you,” I said, reaching my arm behind me to stroke her hair. “...But what was with that? Did you learn that from your mother or something?”

I instantly regretted my decision as her touki-covered fist dug into my ribs.

Yep… I deserved that.


Looking down, I was met with the sight of Norn staring up at me with wide, starry eyes, and looking beside me, I saw that Aisha had found herself a seat beside me, wearing a similar expression to Norn.

What? Did they want…

“Please?” Aisha asked.

Haa, such troublesome sisters.

Seeing their expectant looks, and right after a display like that, I didn’t even need to ask what they were waiting for.

And so, leaning down, I gave Norn a peck on her forehead before pulling Aisha closer and kissing her on her cheek.


Seeing their blissful expressions, I could only shake my head fondly in slight exasperation.

Truly, they were such troublesome sisters… in the best of ways.

Speaking of siblings, I was likely walking- or, rather, riding, the same path Rudy did, wasn’t I?

He should be in Sharia by now, right?

I wonder… just what has my lustful, talented brother been up to?

— Rudeus Greyrat —

Rudeus Greyrat here!

To put it simply, life has been good.

Great, in fact.

With the Ranoa University of Magic’s library and talented professors at my disposal, I had become a King-ranked water magician, while also advancing my earth, wind, and fire magic to the Saint level.

Becoming the youngest King-ranked magician wasn’t something I had planned during my trip to the north, but it was surely a welcome surprise.

Anyway, by clearing many dungeons with Counter Arrow, combined with my previous adventuring exploits, I also became an S-rank adventurer during this time.

While I had still yet to find any of my family, I hoped that with my name being spread with many stories of my and my party’s achievements, it would only be a matter of time before they came to me… or at least someone with information did.

Hitogami did say it would happen, and as untrustworthy as that guy seemed, he had yet to lead me astray thus far.

I had also kept up with my morning training that Leon and Paul drilled into me, and while I was still an Intermediate-rank swordsman, with my body cresting the peak of puberty, my figure was now that of an elite athlete from my old world.

With Heracles and Hulk at my sides, and Tindalos and Baskerville supporting me, I was ready for anything this world could throw at me!

…Just kidding. I knew there were some real monsters I could only dream of running from, such as Eris and Leon.

Anyway, with my training, it wasn’t only the strength that I had come to love, but also the stamina I had gained.

After all, it wasn’t useful in only running if you catch my drift.

Aside from some personal growth, both in magical abilities and mental development, with me confronting some of my flaws and gaining some confidence in myself, there was one more big change in my life… one that was definitely the most positive.


My arm being latched onto by a familiar beautiful blonde-haired girl, I looked down at my wonderful girlfriend.

“Hey, Sara. Are your classes done for the day?” I asked.

“Yeah,” she sighed. “I wish I could just skip it like you do. I know the basics of archery already, dammit!”

She finished her words by kicking a pebble down the road with a huff.

Yes. My prayers when I first was told to join Counter Arrow were quickly found to have been granted in the form of the ever-wonderful and ever-beautiful Sara.

She was quite similar to Eris, in their matching tsundere personalities, but she was much softer… and kinder.

Oh, and she was absolutely stunning.

With her constant adventuring, she had an awesome body, and since she was only 15, I knew she would only be getting better. 

And her scent… it was divine.

When I first asked to join them, I was surprised that their group didn’t want me for my skills, but only wanted me after I explained why I wanted to join them, my reason being to find my family in the north.

At first, it was a bit rough, especially my relationship with Sara, as she had something against nobles and presumed me to be one.

I could understand her hatred. 

Especially after she told me about how her parents had died, how her local lord had failed her, and her consequent experiences with noble brats hoping to gain some fame by joining them in adventuring… brats that she expected me to be just like.

Eventually, my charming self ensnared another young lady as I rescued everyone from a pack of wolf-type monsters during our first quest together.

Well, not exactly ‘ensnared’, but she didn’t hate me anymore after that point.

And then, slowly, with us being the only two teenagers in our party and two of the few teenage adventurers in general, we grew closer.

First, it was sharing a meal away from the party, usually when they went for drinks. 

Then, it was us two going out alone to procure equipment.

Then, it was a drunken kiss… which led to a real kiss… and then… you know… the stuff you do after that.


“Rudy. You’re drooling.”

“Ah, sorry.”

Shaking my head, I got those very exciting thoughts of our first time out of my mind.

I still had the stain she made on the bedsheets to remember it by, after all. Only such a precious holy relic would be fit to be placed in my divine shrine.

Anyway, that was our story. 

Very romantic, if I do say so myself.

With our relationship cemented about a few months after my joining, our party continued with our operations in the northern regions, clearing out many monster dens and ruins before eventually… disaster struck.

It was a lone arrow from the skeleton archer, and then, Mimir had died.

It was a real shock for me, having death happen right in front of me.

Of course, it was not completely foreign to me, thanks to my crazy brother saving me back in my tutoring days, but to have it happen to an ally…

It was scary.

Death happened fast, in an instant, and then… that was it.

It could have easily been me instead.

But, like always, Suzanne was there to help me back up, having become someone I could proudly look up to as a mentor and a big reason for my personal growth over the past year.

Anyway, that disaster happened two months ago, and afterwards, our party decided to move to Sharia as a base and put a stop to our nomadic lifestyle.

We weren’t exactly disbanded, per se, and we did the odd quest on the weekends or when one fit our skillset, but we had all moved on to other things.

Following Hitogami’s advice, I decided to enrol in the Ranoa University of Magic, and quickly found myself accepted as a special student, enabling me to essentially do whatever I wanted.

My dear Sara, however, wasn’t so lucky, as noted by her scathing words towards her archery instructor.

Sara, naturally, was initially against joining me at the university, expecting it to be a bastion of pretentious noble pricks like all the other educational institutes in this world, but was quickly surprised at how… equal it was.

Well, it wasn’t exactly equal, but the hierarchy was based on skillset and merit, not noble ties, so Sara didn’t mind it.

Luckily, while the University was called the ‘University of Magic’, it also had many courses for various other subjects, so Sara had found herself enrolled in a survival class, an archery class, a swordsmanship class, and a basic healing magic class.

She excelled in her archery and survival classes, of course, but struggled with the magic and swordsmanship ones. 

But she tried her hardest all the same.

I… really admired her for that.

In fact, it was one of the things I loved the most about her.

And yes… I did love her.

Once I parted with the beastfolk princesses, I was initially a bit lonely and missing the connection of a partner, and Sara had filled that gap… and more.

And I knew, despite me playing around a bit in my youth, I had a real connection with her. 


“Sara,” I said, taking her hand in mine. “I love you.”

“W-Wha!?” she exclaimed, her cute face glowing red as she took a moment to compose herself. “I… I love you too, now come on! We have to cook dinner!”

She then started pulling me towards the house as she kept her gaze forward, making sure to hide her flustered state from me despite her fingers linking with mine.

She was too cute like that.

With our group settling down, Suzanne and Timothy decided to enter a relationship as well, as they already liked each other for a while but hadn’t committed due to the nature of their job and the likelihood of death.

And so, with me and Sara, the four of us decided to get a house.

Well, Suzanne and Timothy got a house, while Sara and I lived with them while paying a small amount of money as rent each month.

Once the two moved their relationship forward and had a kid, we would of course vacate the extra bedroom and get a place of our own, but for now, the four of us lived in relative harmony.

I was just glad I learned a wind spell that nullified sounds because Sara… well, to put it simply, she was a screamer.

“A-Anyway,” Sara said, still holding my hand with interlaced fingers. “How was your day, Rudy? You had a healing magic class today, right?”

“It was… good. Still can’t do anything chantless though,” I sighed. “Yet Leon and Sylphy could do it so easily… I wonder why exactly?”

“I think every mage on the planet would punch you if you said that to their face,” she said, shaking her head. “Chanting is the natural way, you know? Plus, I’m still unsure if your brother’s a real person. Maybe he just tricked you when you were younger?”

“No, he was just a monster,” I said. “Er, a… kind monster.”

Sara simply raised her eyebrow in doubt before she continued pulling me down the street.

But yes, I was also having a swell time at the University of Magic.

I even had friends!

Farewell, lonely life of the past! I was actually popular now!

First, there was Zanoba, the Shirone prince I had endeared myself to with the figures that I created with magic. He had also become my unofficial disciple in the art of crafting figures.

Next, there was that Cliff guy who challenged me to a magic duel back when I stopped by Millishion and met up with Paul.

Turns out, beneath the pride he had before, he was a good guy. He just needed to get humbled by yours truly to show that side of him.

Anyway, apparently, his grandfather had already planned to have him leave, so when he went to ask to head to Ranoa to improve his skills, his request was easily granted.

Then there were Linia and Pursena, the two beastfolk princesses that I had guided up to Fittoa, who I was able to reunite with.

While it was certainly awkward considering some of the things I did on our journey, as well as the fact that they wanted to take me as a husband after they graduated despite me being a happily taken man, we got along well as fellow special students.

And then there was the mysterious ‘Silent Seven Stars’.

Apparently, this student went on leave just as I arrived here, but I was certain that we would be friends once they returned.

After all, they had introduced such mysterious and novel ideas to the University, such as a school uniform and ‘shampoo’ for your hair… ideas that were absolutely from my world.

But I couldn’t be completely sure until we met in person.

Speaking of meeting in person… I really hope my family is safe.

I know Paul was having some trouble, but he was an oddly reliable guy in difficult situations like the one we found ourselves in, so I think he was fine.

Lilia and Zenith… well, word was spreading in the north, and Paul had the rest of the Central and Millis continents covered with his group, so eventually… they should be found.

And then there were my siblings.

Honestly, after Paul told me about how people touching got teleported together, I was relatively unconcerned about them for the most part.

After all, Leon was insanely strong and was just as capable, so if he wasn’t able to keep our little sisters safe, then no one was.

But at the same time… it had been two whole years, and yet I haven’t heard anything about him.

Since I was an adventurer, and I had travelled more than half of the world over the years, I should have heard something about him with his crazy strength and eccentricities, but yet… there was nothing.

I really hope they were fine… I suppose I would just have to trust Hitogami’s words for now.

Besides, so far, with travelling with Counter Arrow and making it to Sharia…

“Rudy? Why are you looking at me like that?” Sara asked, turning back to me.

…I was really happy.

A beautiful girlfriend, a group of good friends, and being hailed as a prodigy of magic in the world’s largest University… 

“Nothing, Sara,” I smiled. “Let’s go home.”

Who would have thought I was a shut-in before coming here?

Reincarnation truly is amazing.

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