Leon Greyrat: The Second Son – Mushoku Tensei OC

Chapter 44 – Fangs of the Black Wolf: Reunited

— Roxy Migurdia —

After discovering the location of Zenith and Lilia thanks to the Great Empress Kishirika, our group consisting of Elinalise, Talhand, and I immediately set forth south towards the Millis Continent and eventually Millishion, where Paul and his group were hopefully still stationed.

That was nearly half a year ago.

The journey wasn’t particularly difficult with our combined adventuring experience and fighting power, as well as my knowledge of the Demon Continent, but we still felt a sense of urgency due to Zenith’s precarious position.

With our timeline lining up perfectly, we were able to cross the Great Forest shortly after the end of the rainy season, though we could tell that something odd had happened in Zant Port… ah, well, that wasn’t our problem, so we ignored it.

Quickly making it to Millishion, upon entering the grand Adventure Guild headquarters, we were quickly met with the shocking news that Paul’s group, the ‘Fittoa Search and Rescue Squad’, had been disbanded.

Luckily, we were able to find out it wasn’t due to Paul’s death, but that still left us in an unfortunate situation, unsure of what to do next.

Which was where we found ourselves now. 

Sitting in a bar, pondering over our next move.

“Well… I guess we’re shit out of luck, eh?” Talhand said, stroking his beard.

“It is quite inconvenient…” Elinalise muttered. “I want to get Zenny as soon as possible, but with a group this small…”


The Begaritt Continent, much like the Demon Continent, was a harsh land, full of monsters and bandits.

And unlike the Demon Continent, where I hailed from, none of us were knowledgeable about the land nor the customs.

So it would be an arduous journey, to say the least. 

And even once we got to the labyrinth the two Greyrat women were trapped in, it would be presumptuous to assume that we had the firepower to clear such a place.

So… what now?

Would we hire someone?

We knew from Kishirika that Leon was in the Great Forest around five months ago, and considering how he had likely only stayed there for the duration of the rainy season, he was likely in the Central Continent by now.

Maybe we could go to him?

He would surely fill in the frontline attacker position we needed…

“You guys…”

As I heard a familiar male voice, all three of us turned to look at who had just entered the building.

“Paul?” Elinalise said, surprised.

“Elinalise… Talhand… Roxy…” he continued, stunned. “What the heck are you three doing here?”

“Searching for Zenny of course,” Elinalise said, standing up. “We saw your message back in the Fittoa region right after that disaster occurred.”

“Y-You guys… you were searching for her?” Paul asked, his words dripping with emotion.

“Yes,” I nodded. “Speaking of, we found out that she and Lilia are alive, as well as all your children.”

Paul sighed in relief. “I see… Leon didn’t tell me he met you guys.”


What did he mean?

I expected him to show a more… emotional reaction.


“We… didn’t meet Leon, Paul,” Elinalise said, her tone also showing her confusion. “We just passed him as we ventured into the Demon Continent, we believe.”

“You didn’t?”

Great, now Paul was confused too.

This was turning into a troublesome affair.

“Then… how could you know that Zenith and Lilia are alive?” he asked.

“We met an… interesting figure,” Elinalise said. “She was able to tell us where all your lost family was, such as Leon being in the Great Forest, and Zenith being in-”

“The Begaritt Continent. I know,” Paul said, interrupting her.

…He knew?

What in the world was going on here?

“I’m assuming this ‘interesting figure’ is the same one Leon met then,” he said, sitting down at the table. “It seems that we have a lot to talk about.”

I see now… Paul must have met up with Leon during his journey towards the Central Continent and told him about Zenith and Lilia’s survival.

Quite the coincidental turn of events.

“More importantly, for searching for my family… even after I ended up breaking up our party… thank you,” Paul said, getting on his knees in front of Elinalise and Talhand. “And thank you too, Roxy.”

“Ah, don’t mind it!” I said, waving my hand.

Jeez, that was an embarrassing feeling.

Especially when I found myself sometimes thinking about his son in… certain ways.

Certain ways that were much too shameful to reveal.

“No, please… especially when you have even fewer ties to us than these two, thank you,” he nodded in my direction. “Though… did you get injured or something? What’s with the eye patch?”

“Ah, this…” I then ran my finger over my left eye. The one that had been turned into a Demon eye thanks to the Great Empress Kishirika.

“It’s… a goal, you could say,” I said, smiling softly. “You can blame it on Leon’s influence.”

While I had yet to take control of this new power, I was able to use it to some extent. It was especially useful when studying how the mana flowed through my spells.

But the world was still a little too bright when I had it uncovered, no matter how much I tried to suppress the mana flowing into it. 

So for now, it was the eye patch.

“Oh… I see… sorry?” Paul said, a bit confused.

“Well, aside from that, it’s only natural we look for her, right?” Talhand said. “That little Leon made us a true family, even if it was only for a year.”

“Indeed. While I have no care for you, I do have quite the attachment to Leon and Zenny,” Elinalise said, getting up as she stood over Paul.

“And speaking of Zenny…” her usually kind or flirtatious gaze hardened as she glared down at the man. “It seems that you picked up another wife while I wasn’t looking. You do remember what I said, right? What would happen if you betrayed Zenny…”

“Y-Yeah… I know, but until I save her, put off killing me, alright? Please?” Paul said, clasping his hands together in prayer.

“...Fine. But this isn’t the end,” Elinalise said, flipping her hair before she sat back down.

“Now… the Paul I knew would be drowning his sorrows in women or alcohol right about now, but you have a good look on you,” Elinalise said. “Did something happen?”

Paul rubbed the back of his head with an embarrassed smile.

“Ah, well, you could say that… a lot of it actually happened in this bar if you believe it!”

Paul then went on to explain his and Leon’s first… unfortunate meeting, as well as their reconciliation and his attempts to get in the good graces of his daughters during their month-long stay.

But to think I missed Leon by a week… I was quite saddened by that. 

Though he did make that embarrassingly cute promise that he would save me in a dungeon when we next met, just like my fantasy, I did miss him and his letters quite a bit. 

And there was also that embarrassing promise on my side where if he still felt enamoured with me once he reached adulthood, I would… be with him…

Gah! No! Bad Roxy!

Anyways, at least he seemed to be in good health, alongside his sisters and two comrades.

Though it was… odd. 

From hearing of Eris and Leon, the way Paul explained that she helped him out of his sadness… that upset me for some reason.

Really upset me.

How vexing.

Were they… together?

I mean, why wouldn’t they be? They went on a grand quest together for two entire years in the harshest of lands, and even tamed a Superd!

So… it wouldn’t surprise me if romance blossomed.

…The thought made me slightly nauseous, as well as igniting a flame of curiosity in my mind.

I would have to ask Paul for some insights later.

But aside from that… even though I knew Elinalise was a kind person… the aura wading off her tense figure right now was something… dangerous.

“...Paul,” she spoke icily.


“...I won’t do anything, just because you seem to have been punished enough, but I will be telling Zenith. Understood?”

“...Yes. Understood,” Paul said, hanging his head low.

Well, at least it was resolved without violence.

But aside from that…

“So, I assume now that your group is disbanded, you will be heading to Rapan?” I asked.

“Yeah,” Paul nodded. “There are only a few people who have the skills to come with me, and only two that would accept, so… I could really use your help.”

“Isn’t that obvious? We’ve come this far, why would we quit when we finally know where she is,” Elinalise said with a huff.

“I see… thank you… truly,” Paul said, his lips spread into an appreciative smile. “If there is anything I can do to repay this… just say the word.”

Elinalise, who was previously fixing the man with a stern glare, looked a little flustered at his honest thanks.

“No need for that, Paul. Just… be better… for Zenith and your kids.”

“Heh,” he smirked, getting back into his chair. “I got those same words just a week ago. But yeah, I promise.”

Sighing, Elinalise continued, “So? I know you’re leaving with us to go to Begaritt, but why did you disband the group? I assume there are still quite a few Fittoans in precarious positions.”

“Actually…” Paul smirked. “While there was a problem about some slaves here in Millishion when Leon and his two friends came down, we were able to rescue all of them before they left.”

Elinalise widened her eyes. “Truly? But those self-absorbed nobles wouldn’t take it lying down…”

Paul chuckled. “Ha! That’s right, but the situation’s a bit different when six Saint-rank swordsmen were taken out in a night!”


It seems that Leon has grown stronger than I expected.

Then again, this was the group of three that was able to become A-rank adventurers in less than a year on the Demon Continent, so not much could shock me anymore.

Plus, they had a Superd with them… I felt shivers just thinking about it.

“...It seems little Leon has grown up into a good man,” Elinalise smiled warmly. “Hopefully I’ll be able to bring him his precious ‘Mama’ when I see him next.”

“Well, he said he’d come to join us once he dropped off Aisha and Norn, so you might see him even sooner,” Paul said.

The thought caused a small tingle to run down my spine.

Leon? To a dungeon? With me?

That… sounded quite nice.

Just the two of us… adventuring… cleaning out labyrinths…

“Anyway, you said they were still in Rapan when you learned where they were, right?” Paul said, rubbing his chin. “If that was when Leon was in the Great Forest… I guess they didn’t move, huh? Were they in the labyrinth that Leon mentioned when you checked in on them?”

“Y-Yes!” I said a little louder than I meant to. “T-They… they were still in the labyrinth. I… doubt they’re being held against their wills. More than likely… they were teleported inside the dungeon, and have found some way to survive off water magic and monster meat… or something similar.”

Why was I drifting off into daydreams in the middle of such an important meeting?

Get a hold of yourself, Roxy!

“Yeah… but if she’s still alive… and has been for two years…” Paul’s lips widened into a smile. “Then I guess I do have some good luck after all.”

“Well if luck is want you want, then here it is!”

Another voice echoed through the nearly empty tavern, and upon turning to see the owner, I was met with the sight of a middle-aged man with the face of a monkey.

“Geese!?” Elinialise and Paul said, standing up.


Was this him?

The thief of their old party I’ve heard so much about on our travels, Geese Nukadia?

If he was planning on joining us… he would be quite a useful addition.

Considering that there are likely traps littered throughout the labyrinth we would be clearing, someone with his skillset would be incredibly valuable.

“What are you doing here?” Paul asked.

“Hey, is that any way to greet an old friend?” Geese smirked. “I overheard that you were heading out to get Zenith, right? Well… I guess you can count me in.”

“Really?” Paul asked.

“Yeah, I’ve never been to Rapan before, despite all the stories,” he said, rubbing his palms together. “To me, that sounds like a place ripe for swindling.”

He would be useful… right?

“But Paul, is this everyone?” Geese asked.

“Almost. Vierra and Shierra said they’d come along,” Paul said, his lips spreading into a gentle smile. “Despite everything they went through, those two are really good girls.”

Paul then shivered before looking back to Elinalise, who was glaring at him with an icy expression.

“W-Whoa! It’s not like that, I swear!” he said, waving his hand. “They just have been helping me out for a while! Nothing more! Promise!”

“...Hmph!” Elinalise huffed, obviously not impressed with the man.

To think that this guy was what I saw as the paragon of a husband in a loving young family… while I still believed in him, I think I ought to raise my standards a bit.

“A-Anyway, the three of us were planning to leave this afternoon before these guys showed up,” Paul continued, pointing to our group with his thumb. “But now, since we’ll have to get more supplies… we’ll probably have to wait another day…”

“Ah! Got it, but you can leave that stuff to me!” Geese said. “That’s about all I’m useful for anyway.”

“That’s not true,” Elinalise shook her head. “You’re also a great cook. Too bad you have a gambling problem, else you would be the perfect husband.”

“Aye, I’m not sure if that’s a compliment or not…” Geese sighed, rubbing the back of his head. “But damn… to think our party would get back together again… though Ghislaine and Zenith aren’t with us, it’s still nice to see.”

Talhand nodded to Geese’s words, while Elinalise and Paul both smiled softly.

The Fangs of the Black Wolf… to think I would be so close to such a famous party.

Wait… wasn’t I basically a part of it at this point?

I wonder what the me who had just left Ranoa would think of me now.

“Well, let’s meet back here tomorrow morning, alright?” Geese said. “If you’re anything like the Paul I knew from back then, I wouldn’t trust your preparations at all. Bet you don’t even have any spices for cooking meat, do ya?”

Shaking his head in disappointment, he then started heading out the door. “Well, see ya! And don’t you dare be late!”

With his departure, Elinalise then sighed. 

“Well, I think we should be finding ourselves a place to stay for the night,” she said before licking her lips. “And as for me… well, it’s been a few days on the road, so I wonder just how sinful I can get in the Holy Country’s capital…”

…I was glad we were only staying a night in Millishion.

I didn’t want to get branded a heretic due to her… activities.

“That sounds about right for you,” Paul said, shaking his head with a fond smile. “But I should go tell the other two the new plan. Ah, and I should also introduce you, but if we book our rooms together for the night, we can just do it then.”

As Paul began to head out, I inexplicably felt the need to call out to him.

“Paul,” I said, walking up to him. “About Leon…”

My words trailed off into a whisper as I griped about what I was about to ask, fiddling with the brim of my hat in anxiousness.

Why did I feel the need to ask this question?

And why was my stomach turning in anticipation of the answer?

“Is Leon… together, with that Eris girl?” I asked.

Paul widened his eyes before his lips spread into a smile.

“Heh. Yeah, he did mention her being my ‘future daughter-in-law’, and there was also that kiss…” he shook his head fondly. “While I entered the game a little earlier, young love is still nice to see.”

I felt my body freeze as Paul continued talking about his youthful exploits.

I… knew it.

Leon was too amazing to stay with someone like me.

I’m sure that for a child, I was pretty and cute, but once he got to see other women, and know what a true female body looked like, there was no room for me in his mind.

Haa… right. I expected this.

So… why?

Why does it… hurt so much?

“-oxy? Oi, Roxy!”

“Hwah!?” I sputtered, jolting out of my thoughts.

“I said I wanted to talk to you about something,” Paul said, quieting his voice. “Privately, if you don’t mind.”

Looking back at Elinalise and Talhand, who were both looking at us with interest, I nodded before following Paul out of the tavern and into a nearby alleyway.

Still blank in muted shock from the new information, my mind didn’t even try to imagine why he would want to talk with me.

“Right. This should be good enough,” he said, turning back to me with a serious look. “Roxy… I have a favour to ask of you.”

“...Yes? What is it?” I asked listlessly.

“You see… god, Leon’s gonna be pissed at me, isn’t he?” 

Shaking his head, Paul continued, “You see, before we left, Leon and I decided to have some father-son bonding time by sharing a drink, but… well… Leon hadn’t really gotten drunk before, so he went a little… overboard.”


“That must have been quite a sight, to see the usually mature Leon like that,” I nodded. “But… how does this concern me, exactly?”

“I’m getting there,” he said. “Well, when we were talking, we eventually got to the topic of… women. He… mentioned Eris, of course, as well as that Sylphy girl, but he also mentioned… you.”


“Well, I’m sure you remember his crush on you from back then, right? It was obvious for anyone to see,” he said, smiling fondly. “But that crush… well, it didn’t go away. In fact, from the look on his face, I would say it grew to something more.”

Wait wait wait… what?

“And, well… I can tell he’s serious about you. God, he said some embarrassing things, haha!” Paul chuckled to himself, wiping a tear from his eye.

Wait, Leon is serious about me?

He… remembers me?

He… is attracted to me?

Does he… love me? Still? After all this time? Despite my immature body?

The thought made my heart race, accompanied by a pleasant tingle that shot down my spine and a heat that flushed my face.

Paul calmed down his laughter and looked seriously into my eyes. “So, please, when you two meet up again, I ask that you let him… down… easy…”

His words trailed off as a shocked expression came onto his face.

But that surprise only lasted a moment before a wide grin spread across his face.

“Well, I’ll be… That’s my son,” his prideful smile dimmed into a worried frown. “Though… I don’t know how Zenith will take this…”

As Paul began mumbling, “Will Zenith take it easier on me now that her son has two women, or will she punish me for influencing her innocent Leon?” I found myself lost in my own thoughts.

And the thoughts were wonderful.

Being with Leon… was that truly a possibility?

No, it must be.

He might have had that Eris girl already, but that didn’t matter.

After all, the man standing in front of me had two wives, so it was only in Leon’s blood.

And while I may not be the first to be with him, I was his first love, so I wouldn't lose in any way…

Wait, what am I thinking!?

Tipping my hat down to hide my flustered state, such thoughts continued to go through my mind.

They were embarrassing, childish, tender, warm, and… oh-so romantic.

Perhaps that was why my lips had unconsciously curled into a smile.

The future seemed quite uncertain, especially with our group’s upcoming journey, but one thing was clear.

Considering we will be leaving for Begaritt tomorrow before embarking on a quest through the perilous desert, it will likely not be for a while, but Leon… I cannot wait to see you again.

And so, with my heart aflutter, our reunion with Paul marked the start of another journey. One to reunite the final two members of the Greyrat family I have grown so close to, and the very family I hoped I would be joining in the coming years.

Not that I would openly admit that though.

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