Laundry Divers: An Erotic Lesbian LitRPG

Ch. 16: Penetrator

>[Vulnerability] has reached lvl 1!

>(6/6) Aspects unlocked! Classes available.

>With no class committed, point have been allocated on your behalf.

>Damage resistance significantly increased.

>New weakness: breath in ears.

>Intimacy: confess your phobia and dispel its power over you. You are subject to a growing sense of dread until you have confessed.

Classes available!

Acolyte of the Succubus.

Profane Swindler.

Courtesan Assassin.

Blitzing Penetrator.

Jovial Swashbuckler.

Elusive Voyeur.

In a resigned calm, Sabrina did what Jade would do. She chose the first one that called out to her without thinking.

Blitzing Penetrator.

Scout out the battlefield to identify weak spots, then strike with devastating bursts of power.

Boon: bonus to piercing damage. Negate enemy armor to a moderate degree.

Ability: Blitz. Bolt directly to a selected enemy for an attack with 3x damage. Moderate cooldown.

Ability: Sense Weakness. Focus on an enemy to detect weak points.

Class weapon gained: Spear of Devastating Thrusts.

All over, Sabrina felt a surge of power. Vibrating with energy, she shook herself back into the real world. The feeling of power was then overcome by overwhelming fear and anxiety.

“Well? What’s it like? Get anything good?” Jade prodded.

“I’m terrified of tape worms! All parasites, really. They gross me out! Ever since I heard about them as a kid, whenever my butt is itchy when I’m trying to sleep it keeps me up all night, just worrying about a creepy little worm poking out of there the second I let my guard down!” Sabrina breathed a sigh of relief, feeling the curse lifted.

“And yet, you eat ass? My ass in fact, like ten times last night.”

“Huh? What does that have to do with… whatever. That last aspect is weird. It’s called Vulnerability. I got damage resistance, then a weakness, which is breath in my ear, I guess. Then it gave something called intimacy, which made me really anxious until I revealed my phobia. Now, I don’t feel too worried about it,” Sabrina explained, jittery from her increase in power.

Jade reached out to hug Sabrina. The gesture said “oh you big dork, I love you.” It was a devious ruse, however. Once she had Sabrina close, Jade softly blew into her ear. Right away, Sabrina’s knees buckled, and she crumbled to the floor limply.

Instead of getting mad, Sabrina slurred, “I love you so much.”

After a minute to recover, Sabrina got to her feet and let her scatter brain come back together. Looking at Jade, the perfect payback offered itself up. Following her instincts, she brought a finger to a spot on Jade’s side that called out to her and gave a little tickle. Jade burst into laughter and quickly squirmed away.

“Neat trick,” Sabrina remarked to herself.

“Mother fucker!” Jade roared. “Did you get a perk for tickling?”

“Nope,” Sabrina said with a devilish smile. “Class boon. I can sense weak spots.”

“Awesome! What’s your class? And what’s it like to get one? Like, is it random, or like character creation, or something?”

“I got a list to choose from. I did what you suggested with the subclasses and just picked one without thinking. I got…”

“Well that was stupid,” Jade teased. “You should always weigh out your options.”

“Shut up,” Sabrina said dryly. “I got Blitzing Penetrator.”

Sabrina never thought she’d see the day that Jade was irritated with an innuendo. She scrunched up her face like she’d just eaten something sour. “Why? Is it a dick thing? Are you gonna fuck really fast and then tap out in thirty seconds?”

“I… don’t think so? I guess the class does kind of sound like a glass cannon, though. I scout shit out and then swoop in for high damage spear strikes. Oh yeah,” she alluded, before pulling her spear out of her inventory.

The spear was as tall as Sabrina. The shaft was smooth white wood, with handholds wrapped in baby-soft burgundy leather. At the end was a leaf-shaped blade made from some kind wine-colored volcanic glass. Holding her arm away from her friends, Sabrina gave it a twirl, delighting in how naturally it moved in her hand.

Sabrina held out her dagger towards Alice. “Here. You should use this until you get your own weapon. Don’t lose it. If you shave with it, it’s better than laser hair removal.” Alice humbly accepted the dagger with a bow of her head. “Whadya think of the Sensation jelly, anyway?”

“I was just getting to that, actually.” On cue, Alice popped her jelly. She took a second to adjusted, then spent a much longer pause intently focused on something. Then, her eyes went wide, and she looked to be in awe. A tear dropped from each eye and fell down her face.

Sabrina and Jade both jumped in to ask if she was okay. Alice ominously answered, “I hear it. Oh my god, I hear it. I hear the difference, in how she sings! By god, she’s beautiful.” Seeing that she was about to get a follow-up question, she clarified, “the dungeon. The way the universe resonates is something we’re so accustomed to we register it as silence. The cosmic background radiation echoing from the Big Bang, quasars dancing, the ballroom dance of delicately bent spacetime warped around bodies orbiting bodies orbiting bodies orbiting bodies. She sings a whole other song.”

“Oh,” Jade commented, unsettled. “What does… um, she sound like?”

“Lonely. Yearning. Marooned.” Alice then trailed off and shook herself out of it. She still looked somewhat preoccupied, but not so entranced. She gave a nod that silently said, “I’m okay, let’s move on.”

They headed down to where they left Sloan to fend for herself while a toilet-dwelling tentacle had its way with her. Whatever guilt they felt went away when they saw Sloan step out of the stall with a large blunt object slung over her shoulder. She wielded a strange weapon, made up of a baseball bat handle attached to a hardened purple and green octopus tentacle that was longer and thicker than one of her own impressive legs.

Jade let out a cackle, before asking, “what the hell is that?”

This bad boy is what you get when you’re awesome. When I had my fill of Mr Wiggly’s poor excuse for fucking, I clamped my snatch down with the strength gained from years of competitive Kegels.”

“What the fuck are competitive Kegels?” Jade asked, more of a side-comment than a conversation starter.

Rolling past it, Sloan continued, “then I just stood straight up to drag him out. Once I got my hands on him, it was just a matter of dragging him over my shoulder and heaving him until he snapped apart. I think I scared some respect in the dungeon with that, because this is what I looted from him. I named him Night Club.”

“Okie… dokie,” was all Sabrina had to say about that.

“Really though, what are competitive Kegals?” Jade wondered aloud.

The party went on exploring the bathroom. One by one, they kicked open stalls. If nothing was inside, Sloan bashed in the toilet, and one in every two times, she’d end up splattering a tentacle monster in the process. This quickly raked in Lust and Vigor jellies to share with the party. Eventually it even yielded a Sensation jelly for Jade.

They also found another porcelain monstrosity. They took care of it with a one-two shot wherein Sloan cracked its armor with her Night Club, and Sabrina blitzed her spear through the crack.

This one gave a Cognition jelly and two Vulnerability jellies. Alice took cognition, gaining a bachelor’s degree in economics. The other two went to Sloan and Jade. They each popped their jellies, and Sloan was the first to come out of her trance.

Sloan huffed in frustration, and stewed for a minute before bursting out, “shit! Okay! I’m a very active member of the Doctor Who fandom on tumblr! Goddamnit… and I went to Dashcon. That shit sucked. Whew! Thank fuck. It went away.”

Sabrina just shrugged, unbothered by it. Alice looked hurt, giving Sloan puppy dog eyes. “This whole time? All the times I talked about Doctor Who you acted like it was gibberish.”

Sloan put on her poker face. She boldly lied, “I have no idea what you’re talking about. Is that the Marvel wizard guy?”

As Alice gasped at the knife in her back, Jade regained awareness. She smiled widely and leaned into Sabrina for a long kiss. As she pulled away, she admitted. “I left my door open on purpose. I saw you watching me and pretended not to notice. It was hot. Also, I’ve had a crush on you for years, before we even became friends.”

Sabrina blushed and her eyes went wide. “Really?”

“Really. I love you so much.”

Grinning like a fool, Sabrina replied, “I love you, too.” After a minute of forgetting where she was, Sabrina remembered to ask, “oh, what class did you get?”

Jade smiled, tickled pink about it. “Bolstering Battleslut. I’m a support/fighter combo. I can add buff effects to my milk, including elemental effects. My milk production is also increased a lot, and when I go a while without letting it out, my tits get even bigger and more sensitive.” She shivered at the though. Then she leaned in to whisper to Sabrina, “and my weakness is head pats.” At the end of her sentence, she breathed softly into Sabrina’s ear again, nearly making her cum.

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