Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch18- Orihime and Tatsuki’s Abilities

I want to give a big, shout-out thank you to some extraordinary individuals who recently joined our exclusive club: The unsung heroes, the invisible supporters, the ones who make reading magic happen—Dad, Pierre, Pop, Alireza, Jaylon, and Sage. You are the legends behind the scenes, making dreams come true for readers everywhere. Keep spreading the literary love!

Orihime looked down at her glowing hairpins and hesitated for a moment before placing them back in her hair. She focused her thoughts on Sora and the love they had shared. As she concentrated, the hairpins began to transform, and six small, winged spirits appeared around her, their tiny faces reflecting Orihime's determination.

"I think... I'll call this Fullbring 'Shun Shun Rikka'," Orihime declared, marveling at the spirits that had emerged from her hairpins.

Tatsuki, meanwhile, observed her silver-colored boxing gloves with curiosity. She felt a surge of energy coursing through her as she experimented with channeling her emotions into the gloves. As she focused on her connection to Kai and their shared history, the gloves began to change, adopting an elemental property.

"Kai, it looks like my Fullbring allows me to manipulate the elements with my gloves. I'm not sure what to call it yet, though," Tatsuki said, excitement bubbling in her voice.

Kai nodded approvingly. "That's amazing, Tatsuki! You can call it 'Elemental Fist' for now. As you continue to train and refine your Fullbring, you'll discover the full extent of your abilities. Remember, practice and patience are key to mastering your powers."

Now that they had awakened their Fullbring abilities, it was time for Orihime and Tatsuki to learn how to use them effectively. Kai transformed into his Shinigami form, ready to spar with the girls and help them refine their newfound powers.

Kai began by explaining the basics of Fullbring, emphasizing that their abilities were intrinsically linked to their emotions, experiences, and the objects they held dear. He encouraged them to keep practicing and focusing on their connections to their prized possessions in order to strengthen their powers.

As the training session progressed, Orihime discovered that her Shun Shun Rikka spirits had a variety of abilities. They could create powerful barriers to protect her from harm, and they could also generate healing fields to mend injuries. She practiced using these abilities, gradually becoming more adept at controlling the spirits.

Tatsuki, on the other hand, started to experiment with her Elemental Fist. She discovered that she could channel different elements into her gloves, giving her punches unique properties. She practiced using Fire Fist, creating a burst of flames with each punch. As she continued training, she learned to control the intensity of the flames, adjusting the heat as needed.

Next, Tatsuki focused on Water Fist. She managed to condense water into her gloves, creating a powerful blast of water with each punch. The water could penetrate most defenses, giving her an advantage against well-protected opponents.

As she trained further, Tatsuki discovered Lightning Fist. This ability allowed her to charge her gloves with electricity, stunning or paralyzing her opponents with a single punch. The electrical charge disrupted her opponents' movements, making it particularly effective against agile foes.

Tatsuki's experimentation with her Elemental Fist continued, leading her to discover Earth Fist. With this ability, she could imbue her gloves with the power of the earth, allowing her to manipulate rocks and minerals. She practiced creating pillars of stone to trap her opponents and hurling boulders at them for devastating effect.

Lastly, Tatsuki unlocked the Wind Fist. This ability allowed her to create a powerful gust of wind with her gloves, knocking back her opponents or disrupting their balance. The Wind Fist proved to be highly effective against opponents with low defenses, as the wind could easily knock them off their feet.

Throughout the training session, Kai sparred with Orihime and Tatsuki, helping them refine their Fullbring abilities and adjust to their newfound powers. The girls worked tirelessly, fueled by their determination and a desire to grow stronger.

As the sun set and the warehouse was bathed in the warm glow of twilight, Kai called an end to the training session. Orihime and Tatsuki, exhausted but exhilarated, collapsed onto the floor, their bodies slick with sweat and their hearts pounding from exertion.

Kai offered them both a proud smile, his eyes shining with admiration. "You both did incredibly well today. I'm amazed by how quickly you've begun to harness your Fullbring powers. With continued training and dedication, I have no doubt that you'll become even more formidable."

Orihime and Tatsuki looked up at him, their eyes filled with gratitude and a renewed sense of determination. They knew that this was just the beginning of their journey, and they were eager to continue growing and discovering the true extent of their Fullbring abilities.

As they left the warehouse, Orihime and Tatsuki couldn't help but feel a newfound sense of confidence and camaraderie. They had taken their first steps toward unlocking their true potential, and they were eager to see what the future had in store for them. Together, with Kai's guidance, they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Next day, Orihime's eyes sparkled with excitement as she shared the news with Kai and Tatsuki. "You guys won't believe it! Ghost Bust is coming to Karakura Town! Don Kanonji, the host of the show, is going to exorcise a ghost at the abandoned hospital!"

Tatsuki couldn't help but join in on Orihime's enthusiasm. "Wow, that's so cool! I've seen a few episodes of Ghost Bust, and it's pretty entertaining. Don Kanonji is quite the character!"

Throughout the day, they noticed their classmates and friends mimicking Don Kanonji's signature pose and laugh. "Bwahahaha! Spirits are always with you!" they chanted, trying to imitate the TV show host's unique laugh. While it was amusing at first, the constant repetition began to annoy Kai.

Kai rolled his eyes, but seeing the excitement on Orihime's and Tatsuki's faces, he decided to join them. "Alright, I'll go with you guys to see Don Kanonji in action. But just so you know, I'm only going because you two are so excited about it."

Orihime and Tatsuki beamed at Kai, their faces lighting up with gratitude. "Thank you, Kai! This is going to be so much fun!" Orihime exclaimed, clapping her hands together.

On the day of the event, the trio made their way to the abandoned hospital. The area was packed with people, all eager to see Don Kanonji and his Ghost Bust crew in action. The atmosphere was electric, with fans chatting excitedly and mimicking the host's signature moves and laughter.

As they found a spot to watch the show, Kai couldn't help but feel a little out of place. He wasn't particularly interested in the spectacle, but seeing Orihime and Tatsuki so happy made it worthwhile.

The event began with an introduction from Don Kanonji himself. He stepped onto the stage, his extravagant outfit and larger-than-life persona drawing gasps and cheers from the crowd. "Greetings, Karakura Town! Are you ready to witness the power of the mighty Don Kanonji? Bwahahaha! Spirits are always with you!"

The crowd roared in response, with many mimicking his signature laugh. Orihime and Tatsuki joined in, their faces filled with excitement.

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