Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch205- Evil Spirits


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"Watch closely, Obito," Naruto replied, his voice echoing across the battlefield. His words were not a challenge, but a promise. What happened next was nothing short of a spectacle. Naruto threw the kunai into the air. It twirled, catching the light, before it multiplied, the air around him filling with the sound of whistling wind and shimmering steel. Hundreds of kunai rained down, each a perfect clone of the original, complete with the unique Tengu seal and the mark of the Flying Thunder God.

The battlefield turned into a maze of kunai, the deadly rain of blades embedding into the ground, the walls of the Susanoo, even the bodies of the dead Zetsu. Naruto disappeared from sight, his form hidden behind the tornado of swirling wind and steel. The only proof of his presence was the occasional flash of his wind-infused sword, a streak of lightning in the storm.

Just when the shower of kunai seemed to come to an end, Naruto reappeared. One moment he was engulfed in the storm, the next he was on top of the Susanoo, his sword slicing through the chakra-infused construct. A shocked gasp escaped from Obito, his confident façade cracking as he watched his defensive Susanoo falter under Naruto's assault.

Naruto's form was a blur, moving faster than anyone could track. He was everywhere and nowhere at once, the unique seal on the kunai and the Flying Thunder God technique enabling him to teleport across the battlefield in an instant. He was relentless, his wind-infused sword and the swarm of kunai making him an unstoppable force.

Obito, ensconced within the heart of his Susanoo, watched as Naruto dismantled his defenses. The azure-eyed warrior was a force of nature, his every attack swift and relentless, a whirlwind of steel and chakra that threatened to shatter the invincibility of the Susanoo.

The Uchiha's eyes, hypnotic in their crimson and black, flared with a mixture of annoyance and intrigue. His gaze followed Naruto's every move, the Sharingan's prowess allowing him to track the blonde's swift movements. "Do you really believe you can penetrate my Susanoo, Naruto?" Obito taunted, an edge of amusement seeping into his tone.

With a grim smile, Naruto replied, his voice ringing out against the chaos of their clash. "I don't just believe it, Obito. I know it."

"You always were too stubborn for your own good." Despite his dismissive words, Obito's eyes narrowed, a wary edge creeping into his voice. He could sense the change in Naruto, the increase in strength and speed, the newfound control over wind chakra. It was an unexpected development, and it put him on edge.

As Naruto darted around the battlefield, the pulsating chakra of his Wind Cloak surrounding him like an ethereal armor, he unleashed a barrage of attacks. His every strike, every thrust was met with the unyielding shield of the Susanoo. The chakra-infused titan, a specter of daunting power, stood immovable, its form shimmering under the relentless onslaught.

With every blow that failed to penetrate, Naruto's resolve solidified. He felt the weight of the promises he had made, the vows he intended to keep. He was Naruto Uzumaki, and he would not back down, not until he had fulfilled his destiny.

A sudden twinge in his gut made him pivot. Obito had launched another Kamui Shuriken towards him, the deadly chakra blades tearing through the air with lethal velocity. With a swift movement, Naruto deflected them with his sword, the clash producing a shockwave that echoed across the battlefield.

"Truly the eyes of the evil, Sharingan," Naruto remarked, his icy blue gaze fixated on Obito's red and black orbs.

Obito's eyes flared at the words, a hot anger seeping into his voice. "Uchiha are not evil! We were forced onto this path! Sharingan is the eye of love! It evolves when a loved one dies! How can it be the eyes of evil?"

Naruto merely shook his head, a look of deep regret in his eyes. "True, Uchiha are not evil, but you, Obito, know nothing. You don't even know the real history of Sharingan. The abilities you possess are not yours but those of the evil spirits who manipulate your hatred to execute their plots."

Obito scoffed, dismissing Naruto's words with a wave of his hand. "What the hell are you talking about?" he asked, his tone thick with mockery.

Naruto didn't answer. Instead, he gathered his chakra, allowing it to pool around him in a swirling mass of energy. It began to take shape, morphing and solidifying until it enveloped his body completely. A gasp of shock rippled through the battlefield as Naruto's Susanoo materialized, dwarfing him in its towering, ethereal form.

A flurry of reactions followed his transformation. Madara's smirk faded into a grim line, his eyes flashing with an unseen wariness. Itachi's eyes widened, his stoic facade cracking just a bit at the sight of Naruto's Susanoo. The Five Kage - Tsunade, A, Oonoki, Rasa, and Mei - and even Koushin watched with wide eyes and open mouths, their gazes locked onto the immense form that was Naruto's Susanoo.

A flicker of the past lit Naruto's eyes as he saw Obito's reaction, his Sharingan swirling in a mesmerizing dance of power. The memories washed over him like a warm wave, bringing him back to his time in the Tengu Realm, training under the wise and ancient Tengu Konoha-Tengu.

"Little one, Chakra existed long before humanity," Old Konoha-Tengu had begun, his voice filled with an ancient wisdom that resonated within the rocky terrain of the Tengu realm. "Before your kind evolved to wield it, Tengu were the ones that ruled this world. And like in every sentient creature, we had our own share of evil. It saddens me to say this, but most of the evil techniques that circulate in your world originate from my tribe."

Naruto, taken aback, had blinked in surprise, his cerulean eyes wide with disbelief. "How can that be? Wasn't it Sage of Six Path that gifted Chakra to humanity?" His voice was thick with curiosity and confusion, echoing softly against the age-old rocks.

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