Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch204- Naruto vs Obito


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As Kakashi and Shin were at the brink of despair, Out of nowhere, a flash of golden light caught their attention, a stark contrast to the crimson hue of the battle. A blond teen appeared, a sleek sword in one hand and a special kunai in the other. He stood between Kakashi and Shin, placing himself in the direct line of Obito's deadly attack. His long hair, now tied into a man bun, swayed with the brisk wind that blew across the battlefield. The diamond mark on his forehead, an unusual violet color, was a testament to his time away in the mysterious Tengu Realm. Dressed in an ensemble of black and red, he carried the unmistakable air of maturity that months of grueling training had bestowed upon him.

The Kamui Shuriken sped towards them, tearing the air apart with their lethal velocity. Yet, the teen’s eyes held no trace of fear, only a calm, determined resolution. With a swift, almost effortless motion, he raised his sword and met the incoming blades. The resulting clash sent a wave of shock through the field, causing the very ground beneath them to quake.

In an awe-inspiring display of strength, the teen swung his sword, a bold move that went against all odds. The impact sent the towering Susanoo hurtling backwards. A smirk graced his lips as he turned back to his two startled companions.

"Naruto..." Kakashi's voice held a hint of relief mixed with surprise. His single eye widened, taking in the sight of his former student. There was a distinct change in Naruto's aura, a commanding presence that was almost palpable, hinting at the growth and strength he'd acquired during his time in the Tengu Realm.

"Uzumaki Naruto!" Obito's voice was riddled with shock and apprehension. The strength Naruto had just demonstrated was far from anything they'd anticipated. "We wanted to find you so we could remove the Kyubi from you!"

Naruto's azure eyes narrowed, his grip tightening around the hilt of his sword. The Kyubi, now Kurama, was not just a power source to him, he was a friend, a companion. "You will not touch him," he said, the note of finality in his voice resounding through the battlefield. "I will free the others as well."

His words were met with stunned silence. Even in the midst of the ongoing battles, heads turned towards him. The conviction in Naruto's voice, the promise of liberation, echoed across the battlefield, a beacon of hope in the heart of a grueling conflict.

"You?" Obito scoffed, shaking off his earlier shock. "Don't make me laugh. Your naive determination is admirable, but it won't save you here."

"Admirable or not, it is my determination that has brought me this far," Naruto retorted, his gaze unwavering. He scanned the battlefield, taking in the chaos that the battle had wrought. His eyes then settled on the Jinchurikis, their expressions etched with a mix of resignation and defiance.

Naruto's heart ached as he took in the sight before him. His friends, standing tall against their adversaries, bore the physical and emotional scars of battle. The wounds on their bodies were a testament to their valor, but it was the look in their eyes, the lingering touch of despair masked by their determination, that truly moved him. His gaze fell upon Gaara, his friend, his comrade, now just another pawn in Madara's twisted game. And the others - Roshi, Han, Utakata, Fu - they were all victims, just like Gaara. Victims of a war they never asked for.

Fury coursed through him as his gaze fell on Madara, his figure looming ominously on a hilltop. The older man's arrogant gaze, his cruel smirk - they were a grim reminder of the villain they were up against. But it wasn't just Madara. There was another - a man who had once been a part of their lives. Itachi Uchiha. A man who'd chosen the path of a rogue for the sake of his village, only to be played into Madara's hands.

His grip tightened on the hilt of his sword as he stepped forward, his eyes never leaving Madara and Itachi. "You," Naruto growled, his voice echoing across the battlefield. "Madara. Itachi. You've played your games long enough."

Obito's smirk widened, a chilling sight that added fuel to Naruto's rage. "What can you do, Naruto Uzumaki?" His voice was laced with scorn, his eyes glinting maliciously. "We have the power of the tailed beasts."

Naruto's eyes hardened, his stance unwavering. "You're wrong," he retorted, "You have their bodies, but not their spirits. I've seen it in their eyes. They're fighting back."

"Enough talk. Let me show you the results of my training," Naruto's voice cut through the air like a sharp blade, an edge to it that hadn't been there before. The wind picked up around him, twisting and swirling in a frenzied dance. It whipped at his hair and clothes, the churning gusts morphing into an ethereal armour around his body. This was Wind Cloak technique, a new jutsu born from his training in the Tengu Realm. It augmented his speed and agility, but it did more than just that - it also amplified the speed of his sword strikes, making them lethal beyond belief.

His grip tightened around the hilt of his sword and the special kunai in his other hand. The Kunai was sealed with the mark of Tengu, its very structure modified to last longer when replicated with the Shuriken Clone Jutsu. The seal on top of it was Naruto's personal touch, a trick he had learned from his father's heritage- the famed Flying Thunder God technique.

On the other side of the field, Obito watched with a mix of intrigue and annoyance. His Sharingan flared dangerously, observing Naruto's transformation with a calculated gaze. "More theatrics, Naruto?" he sneered, crossing his arms over his chest. The towering form of his Susanoo loomed in the background, a terrifying testament to his power.

But Naruto did not react to Obito's taunt. Instead, his icy blue gaze remained focused, his attention honed in on the two ominous figures standing atop a nearby hill. Madara and Itachi. His fingers twitched around the hilt of his sword, a wave of determination washing over his face. This was his battle to fight, his promise to keep.

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