Kamen Rider, the Mission Must Be Fulfilled!

Page 53

The second one will be later, everyone can go to bed first, and watch it tomorrow


Chapter 46: The law of victory has been determined!

"Why, Homura is here?"


To Madoka's question, Akami Homura did not rush to respond, but watched Madoka quietly.

Just when Madoka was about to ask again, Akami Homura suddenly closed her eyes. Although it was not clear, Madoka felt that she could clearly see a relaxed attitude from that always cold face.

It's like exhaling a breath of stale air after finishing some heavy labor, there is a faint sense of relaxation.

"Entrusted by others, that's all."

While talking, Akami Homura's gaze passed Madoka and landed on Sayaka and Kamijo Kyosuke.

Rarely, this time Sayaka didn't explode her hair immediately like usual. The girl leaned on Madoka's shoulders and lowered her eyebrows, her slightly gloomy face was hidden under the scattered forehead hair, which made people look a bit unreal.

"Well, do you want to stay?"

"What do you mean by staying?"

Seeing Madoka's bewildered look, and realizing that she still didn't understand what she was talking about, Homura thought for a while, then raised her finger to Kyosuke Kamijo who was in a daze.

"Do you want to keep his memory?"

"Memory... Sure enough, it was just..."

Madoka suddenly realized that he turned his head and looked at Kamijou Kyosuke, apparently he had been influenced by Akami Homura's magic at some point, and now he couldn't hear the girls' conversation.

Madoka pursed her lips and hesitated for a moment, then asked Xiao Meiyan, "Will there be any side effects from doing this?"

"No, just replace them with suggestive words about what happened in this short period of time, so that they will not recall and pay attention to them subconsciously, which will not harm their body and mind in essence. This is the basic principle of being a magical girl One, safety is guaranteed."

The rare long-winded speech seems to be afraid of Madoka's misunderstanding, Xiao Meiyan used a simple and easy-to-understand method to let Madoka understand the essence of this technique, and seriously ensured that this method would not cause harm to people's body and mind.

Just confirming the safety is not enough for Madoka.

The girl stuck to Sayaka's ear, asking for her opinion in a low voice.


From Madoka's point of view, since she has ensured that no one else will be hurt, she is naturally happy to save Teacher Justice a little trouble.But when it came to Kamijou Kyosuke, she still felt that she couldn't make the decision alone.

At least, Madoka wanted Sayaka to decide the matter.

Surprisingly but seemingly reasonable, Sayaka did not hesitate after hearing Madoka's inquiry, and quite decisively agreed to Akami Homura's proposal.

"I don't want to cause trouble to the teacher again."

In the girl's hoarse voice, which was suppressing a lot of emotion, Akami Homura finished dealing with Kamijou Kyosuke.

Looking at Madoka who was softly comforting Sayaka, and glanced at Kamijou Kyousuke who was sleeping on the corridor seat, Akami Homura looked around the empty corridor.

There was no sign of Cupid for a long time.

As for the incubator's escape, Xiaomeiyan is also aware of it, but on the one hand, in front of Madoka and in the hospital, on the other hand, compared to killing a mere body here to vent her anger, for Xiaomeiyan, it is complete. What Yi entrusted was obviously much more important.It's just that it's really unbearable for Xiao Meiyan to let her revenge target leave like this.

Rubbing her fingertips and adjusting her breathing, Xiao Meiyan stood against the wall, her eyes seemed to be able to see through the thick concrete wall, and see the fighting body in the witch's enchantment in the ward.

It's not that she didn't want to help, but Zheng Yi's purpose for letting her come was not to destroy the witch from the beginning.

The target that Xiao Meiyan wants to guard against is far more troublesome than the witch in Zheng Yi's view.

No matter which time, I have to trouble you like this...

Sorry, teacher.

In the eyes of the expressionless girl, there is a light that no one can find, as if she is chasing something far away, and those purple eyes are straight towards the place that only the girl can reach.

-Dividing line-

"Troublesome guy!"

The fierce punch directly pierced through the old TV set that rushed up from the right rear. Without time to check his own results, Zheng Yi turned his body around suddenly. The wide compound eyes provided Zheng Yi with almost no blind spots. The tall body showed With extraordinary coordination and responsiveness, he avoided the huge vines that hit his face with a slight difference.

A little bit.

As for the small familiars that were climbing up from all directions, Zheng Yi couldn't pay attention to their energy for a while.But fortunately, in his almighty state, he has been able to skillfully attach the sealed energy to the body surface, forming a force field that integrates offense and defense.So although I didn't dodge the pounces of these small familiars, but in the face of Zheng Yi's airtight sealed energy field, these small and weak familiars let alone cause damage, and even just touched the boiling sealed energy. It was devoured and turned into the nourishment of Lingshi and Zheng Yi's reserve energy.

Lowering his body to avoid the sweeping large vines, Zheng Yi rolled neatly out of the range of the witch's attack. The moment he got up, he punched again and smashed the two old TVs that were trying to attack him.

There was no extra room to breathe, and a large number of huge vines that had been separated in less than a few seconds entangled again during Zheng Yi's short pause in handling the TV.Holding his breath and concentrating, Zheng Yi walked in the frantic offensive net of vines with a vigorous posture. Relying on his keen offensive and defensive sense of smell and the sufficient field of vision provided by compound eyes, Zheng Yi can always find gaps and dodges in seemingly hopeless pinches. opportunity.Paired with unsloppy clean movements and decisive and courageous judgment, even though every dodge seems quite dangerous, until Zheng Yi kicked the sneak attacking TV again, he was surrounded by small familiars and huge vines. When he escaped, none of these massive and intensive attacks could effectively concentrate Zheng Yi.

On the contrary, in dodging and cooperating with the fists and feet attacking from time to time, the sealing energy field around Zheng Yi's body became stronger and stronger.

"It's really been put together."

Zheng Yi is very fortunate now that he did not involve Sayaka and Kamijou Kyousuke out of prudent considerations, otherwise even he would not dare to guarantee that he can now deal with the witch's offensive while protecting the two children.

Of course, this is not how powerful the familiar came from this attack.To be honest, although Zheng Yi has lingering fears at this time, he also understands that as long as he fights like this for a while, he will be able to generate destructive sealing energy for the two witches in front of him.

That's right, there was not one witch who attacked everyone this time, but two.

He didn't have a deep understanding of witches, and Zheng Yi didn't know whether this kind of existence could use a barrier to carry out activities at the same time.From the mouths of Akami Homura and Mami, Zheng Yi learned that the types of witches are basically active in the form of individuals, and at most it depends on the number of familiars.Zheng Yi had never heard of two witches attacking humans in the same barrier at the same time as now.

As for why it can be concluded that there are two witches instead of one witch and one familiar...

When Zheng Yi attacked the vines and those TVs and small familiars, the magic power he devoured was completely different.

And I don't know if it is because they are in the same enchantment, the two sides of the enchantment show different appearances.The left side is like a huge circular glass greenhouse or the interior of a botanical garden; the right side is a huge circular square with the main color blue, and the circular wall of the square is densely packed with TVs affected by snowflakes.

This obviously strange scene made Zheng Yi unconsciously raise his vigilance as soon as he entered the enchantment.

When he first found out that it was the order of the double witch, Zheng Yi was going to bear the attack of those vines in the form of a titan, and prepared to launch an attack with the purpose of defeating one witch first.But this kind of tactical thinking had to be left behind by Zheng Yi after encountering the attacks of those old TVs and small familiars.

When the old TV cooperated with the small familiar to attack, it actually made Zheng Yi in the form of a titan feel a strange sense of crisis.After tentatively swallowing an attack from the old TV and a small familiar, Zheng Yi understood the reason for this sense of crisis.

The witch who drives the old TV familiar and the small familiar has the ability to directly break through the Titan's defense layer, transforming Zheng Yi's attacked limb into something fragile before destroying it.Before getting the sealing energy against this witch through devouring, Zheng Yi thought that he had better not eat this troublesome special attack in the pincer attack of two witches.

As for the witch driving the large vines, it is much simpler and rougher. Its image is a towering tree covered with a white human face mask. In terms of size, it is probably bigger than the main body of the dessert witch that was killed at that time. Much bigger.Does not rely on the familiar and does not have the special ability of the familiar. This witch just blindly tries to catch Zheng Yi with a large number of giant vines extending from the branches of the trees, and does not distinguish between enemy and friend when launching attacks, even if it is an old TV familiar It will also attack without discrimination.However, after swiping his sword to fight, Zheng Yineng was sure that he was out of the form of a titan. Among the forms he has at this stage, there is no other form that can eat his whip multiple times in a row.

But on the other hand, Zheng Yi also quickly grasped the respective problems and lack of cooperation of the two witches during the trial of the Titan form.

- Accuracy and speed.

Although the plant witch's attack has a wide range and high frequency, there is no trick. When attacking, some vines even block each other's attack route, providing several good opportunities for Zheng Yi to dodge.

The witch of the box is also the witch who drives the old TV. Although the ability is strange and troublesome, its attack speed is slow, and it must rely on the old TV and the small familiar to contact Zheng Yi's body at the same time to play its role.

Therefore, the almighty form that can proficiently activate the sealed energy field and is agile has become the best choice for this battle.

Once again relying on the madness of the Plant Witch to block the sneak attack of the Witch of the Box, Zheng Yi's body began to glow with scarlet lightning, just like when he was fighting the Witch of Dessert, his whole body grew stronger under the light of thunder.

Feeling the surging power in his body, Zheng Yi knew that the time had come.

The first thing to get is the power against the plant witch.

"The law of victory has been determined!"

Facing the vines that hit him head and face again, Zheng Yi launched a counter-charge against the towering tree standing in the center of the botanical garden for the first time after the battle started.

While walking, the thunder light rushed towards Zheng Yi's right leg like a river flowing into the sea. Wrapped by the manic scarlet thunder light, Zheng Yi's stationary voice was like the thunder mixed in the river and waves, resounding loudly throughout the witch barrier.

Boy, jump up.



From the setting threshold of Witch Night, it seems that it is not impossible for witches to be in the same enchantment at the same time, but this kind of situation is rare, so I will take it here.

The Witch of the Box is actually very difficult to deal with from the TV performance, but the attack speed is too slow, coupled with the slow response, Sayaka, who was savagely on the stage, directly cut the curtain with a knife, which can be described as deadly neat.

The Plant Witch is an original witch, of course the image design also has her own story, maybe it can appear in the episode in the future (no)

3000 words


good night

Chapter 47: If only I could have a little bit of power

As Zheng Yi expected, the battle was over the moment he broke through the double-team formation.

The huge red-gold Linduo characters are deeply engraved on the huge body of the Plant Witch. Centering on the position where Zheng Yi kicked and hit, the scarlet Benlei, which was compressed to the limit, roared and moved around. Amidst the deafening thunder, The destructive sealed energy created to target the Plant Witch ruthlessly bit the Plant Witch's body, and the sputtering lightning and sparks burned the emerald green branches and trunk, and was almost completely coked by the persecution. Under the twisted shell, there is a scarlet thunder that doesn't squat deep, tirelessly eating away at the intact part of the plant witch.

On the towering giant tree, dense golden cracks appeared.

It seems to be able to feel that death is knocking on the doors and windows, not only the vines that tried their best to pull back and try to grab Zheng Yi, but also all kinds of vegetation in the surrounding botanical gardens suddenly became agitated. All of a sudden, they lost their original shape, and rushed towards Zheng Yi like a monster who had abandoned their disguise.

However, this last struggle was too late.

Kicking on the cracked witch's body with his left leg, Zheng Yi poured the last bit of targeted sealing energy into the plant witch's body, and then made a neat backflip in midair and landed steadily.

The squatting boy raised his head, stared at the witch who suddenly stopped all movement, and let out a long breath.

The next moment, the thunder of destruction burst out of the body.

Fueled by the Plant Witch's body that seems to support the entire botanical garden, the flames from the thunder light spread to the surroundings, and the huge botanical garden was burned in the blink of an eye.Raging fires surrounded the pillar of fire that reached the sky in the middle, and the swirling fire seemed to ignite the entire witch barrier.

Wrapped in flames, Zheng Yi stood up and turned around slowly. In the swaying flames, his ferocious and heterogeneous face was surrounded by heat. In a trance, the figure of the soldier lost his previous appearance for a moment.In the too dazzling firelight, that Ling Ran's figure stood still, but there was a faintly different atmosphere from the past.

I don't know if it's because of the licking of the flames, but the warrior's armor, which is as red as a scorching sun, is slightly visible from a distance.

Taking a deep breath, calming down the hot emotions surging in his chest, the boy's gaze fell on the Witch of the Box.


The Witch of the Box, who had always been quite slow in battle, made a move to shrink her defense quite neatly at this time.The old TV and small familiars that were suspended in mid-air just now, waiting for an opportunity to sneak attack, rushed towards the center of the circular square in an instant, forming a spherical barrier made of familiars.

The main body of the Witch of the Box is at the center of the ground in the circular square. There is a much newer and larger TV than the old TV on the wall. When all the old TVs are playing snowflake images, the only one Only its screen was pitch black, and nothing was broadcast.

Obviously, even if he followed his instinct to take precautions, in Zheng Yi's view, this kind of behavior is no less stupid than not having 300 taels of silver here.


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