Kamen Rider, the Mission Must Be Fulfilled!

Page 52

Shocked by the man in front of him breaking through the door and grabbing his wrist in a series of smooth movements, Kyosuke who just came back to his senses hadn't had time to think about it, but the anger in his chest was burned out with great difficulty. Restore some rationality.

"Who are you! Let go!"

"I'm sorry, it's urgent and simple, I hope you can understand."

Yiyan let go of Kamijou Kyosuke who was struggling, and Zheng Yi carefully hugged Sayaka's hands that were still held there together with the gift and cake.Feeling the sudden wetness in the palm of Sayaka's face, Zheng Yi's originally cold complexion revealed a dangerous atmosphere in an instant.

After closing his eyes and adjusting his breathing, Zheng Yi opened his eyes again and looked at Kamijou Kyosuke on the hospital bed.

The boy's face still looked resentful, although it could be seen from the regretful expression he showed when he looked at Sayaka that the behavior just now should be his impulsive behavior caused by his anger, but it was not Zheng Zheng's. That's why Yi forgave him.

Even children should know how to cherish and treat everyone who loves you carefully.

Besides, you're a boy.

"I'm meeting you for the first time. Let me introduce myself. I'm Masayoshi Kujo, and I'm currently working as a biology teacher for Miki Sayaka at Mitakihara Middle School."

"...Kyosuke Kamijou."

"I often hear Sayaka talking about you, so although we are meeting for the first time, I am not too unfamiliar with you, Kamijou Kyousuke-kun."

Embracing Sayaka who was trembling all over, Zheng Yi lowered his head, with pity and love for the girl in his drooping eyebrows.He didn't want to use violence or excessive means to resolve the matter between the two children, but seeing Sayaka's current appearance, it would be a lie to say that he didn't feel distressed.

"First of all, I want to apologize to you. I heard the conversation between you outside the door. Originally, this is a matter between your children. I shouldn't interfere too much. But..."

Raising his head, Zheng Yi looked straight at Kamijou Kyousuke who was obviously starting to shrink back but was trying to hold on, and asked seriously.

"Kyosuke Kamijou, let me ask you, how serious are you in what you just said? How angry are you? Do you really think Sayaka would do such a thing to laugh at your pain?"


Kamijou Kyousuke couldn't respond.

When meeting those eyes, Kamijou Kyousuke couldn't say whether it was the angry words that he subconsciously blurted out for bragging rights, or the apology that he wanted to express as his gradually recovered rationality made him want to express it.Even though it was just a simple thing like opening your mouth to make a sound, your body didn't listen anyway.

"If you understand the problem yourself, I hope you will make the right choice. Every time you hurt someone you love, those wounds will never heal. All you can do is recognize what you did something, and try not to do it."

He was not in a hurry to force the boy to answer, and Zheng Yi didn't speak to Kamijou Kyosuke who seemed to have gradually calmed down until he straightened Sayaka's temples in his arms.

"Now, tell me what you're going to do?"

And I will also decide what to do according to your choice.

Seeing Kyosuke Kamijou struggling a bit, Zheng Yi narrowed his eyes slightly.

From Zheng Yi's point of view, on the one hand, Sayaka's actions were reckless, but anyone with a discerning eye could see the friendship behind that recklessness.On the other hand, regarding the behavior of Kamijou Kyosuke, Zheng Yi can understand the reason why this young man is irritable and withdrawn in such a situation, but he cannot accept his behavior of hurting those who love him by relying on being loved by others.

Regarding the issue of Sayaka, he will have a good talk with the child after her emotions stabilize, but right now, if the boy Kamijou Kyousuke doesn't even have the courage to admit his mistakes and apologize to Sayaka, then Zheng Yi will never Support Sayaka and the romance between him.

As a teacher, but also as a friend of Miki Sayaka, Kujo Masayoshi has his own bottom line.

Facing Zheng Yi's increasingly cold gaze, Kamijou Kyosuke hugged his right hand, gritted his teeth and made a weak voice.


However, before he could speak, the four walls in the ward suddenly twisted.

Watching this familiar scene, Zheng Yi took a step forward with Sayaka in his arms, slightly protecting Kamijou Kyosuke on the hospital bed.

Sure enough, you couldn't hold back the bait.


PS: The last update for today

Regarding Kamijou Kyousuke's behavior, although I can understand it, I cannot accept it.Taking myself as an example, I know very well that no matter when you are loved, you can’t hurt those who love you by relying on yourself being loved, otherwise one day, the cause of such behavior will bear fruit for you. A bitter pill that cannot be swallowed.If you regret it at that time, it will be too late to say anything.

Therefore, although for Kamijou Kyosuke, if he can have the courage to admit his mistakes and apologize as a boy, then Zheng Yi will guide him and Sayaka to get along in the following days.If he didn't even have such courage, but was blindly immersed in the vortex of self-pity and self-destruction, then Zheng Yi would drag Sayaka out of this vortex.

Even if Sayaka might be disgusted by that, Zheng Yi would not hesitate.

In fact, when I watched Madoka before, I was deeply impressed by this scene, because my friends in real life have encountered this kind of thing.At that time, I couldn't make up my mind. It wasn't until my friend got deeper and deeper that I regretted why I didn't do what I could.

Although Zheng Yi loves the world and the people he loves, he is by no means a person who forgives the wicked easily.

From the moment he made up his mind to use violence to control violence, Zheng Yi knew that he would eventually bear the guilt that was difficult to wash away.

Ok, I'm going to continue writing the report.

Thank you for your support, and I hope you will continue to support me


good night

Chapter 45: Zheng Yi's backhand

Is it a different type?

Seeing the blue water seeping down from the ceiling of the ward, Zheng Yi turned sideways, picked up Kyousuke Kamijou who was still dazed by the sudden situation on the hospital bed, and hugged Sayaka together.

"pay close attention!"

"Huh? Wait-"

One of the two strategies when encountering a witch is to first try to escape from the range of the witch's enchantment.

It was too late to explain to the panic-stricken Kamijou Kyosuke that the two children who were both junior high school students were not considered tall. Considering Zheng Yi's height and physical fitness that has been gradually transformed by spirit stones, holding two children is not a problem. It will be more strenuous than picking up two books.With his right hand around Sayaka's waist and his left around Kamijou Kyousuke's waist, Zheng Yi took a big stride, his powerful legs kicked the smooth tiles without hindrance, and with the two children, Zheng Yi's body But still as light as a feather.The direct distance from the hospital bed to the door is not short, but under Zheng Yi's stepping action, he rushed to the door almost in the blink of an eye.

From the moment when the witch enchantment began to produce abnormalities in the real world, to the complete formation of the closed witch enchantment, according to Mami, the reaction time is generally less than eight seconds, even in the hands of some witches who mainly rely on the enchantment to fight. , this time of less than eight seconds will be further reduced.

For ordinary people who know nothing, let alone running away at this time, most people will be like Kyousuke Kamijou who is being picked up by Zheng Yi now, unable to recover for a long time.Doubts and overwhelmed by the changes around, these things will cause great confusion to ordinary people when they find out that the witch's enchantment is unfolding, so that by the time most people realize that something is wrong, the witch's enchantment has fully unfolded, and they can escape His hopes were completely sealed off.

But for Zheng Yi, who already had combat experience, the time required from making a decision to actual action would not exceed two seconds.

Sorry, I will make good compensation.

There was a silent apology in his heart, but the action under his feet could not be hesitated. When he had no time to open the door, Zheng Yi kicked at the closed door of the ward without hesitation.

The well-crafted metal door sank visible to the naked eye around the position where Zheng Yi kicked, and the entire door folded inwards abruptly. While twisting the door, the incalculable force also damaged the connected door frame.To prevent rust, the connecting parts made of a large amount of stainless steel were directly shattered under the pulling of the completely deformed door leaf, and the damaged screws and invisible fragments with metallic luster flew up into the air together with the door leaf that flew upside down.

Who are these people!

Watching the man who claimed to be a biology teacher kick the door of the metal structure in a daze, Kamijou Kyousuke's brain suddenly lost the ability to judge under the impact of a series of information.

I was a little helpless about my inability to restrain my kick, but I was in a hurry and kept things simple.In order to ensure that he can escape with one blow, Zheng Yi will still use [-]% of his strength even if he does it again, instead of reducing it appropriately.

As expected, Zheng Yi kicked open the door and saw Chubby squatting next to Xiaoyuan outside, and the corridor without the slightest difference.The nurses, doctors, and resting patients in the corridor all stared at this side with wide-eyed eyes. Obviously, Zheng Yi's merciless kick shocked them, so that when they saw the tall Zheng Yi holding two children across When rushing out through the completely deformed door, he couldn't react.

It can be called a needle drop.

Taking a quick glance at Chubby, Zheng Yi placed Kyousuke, who was still in shock, and Sayaka, who had been grabbing Zheng Yi's collar and buried in his arms, in front of Madoka.

"Zheng, justice teacher!"

"I'll leave the rest to you for the time being."

He muttered something in a low voice, but it didn't seem like he was telling Madoka.Zheng Yi patted Sayaka's hands, which were still unwilling to let go, and pressed them against the girl's ears, as if whispering something.Immediately, Sayaka, who was still a little stubborn, seemed to hesitate for a while, and finally chose to let go of the hands holding Zheng Yi's lapel.

Rubbing the girl's hair in satisfaction, Zheng Yi suddenly got up before the others in the corridor could react, and jumped into the ward behind him again with his back turned.

Until then, the other people in the corridor began to function again like puppets that had been wound up again.

The older nurses with rich work experience calmed down first, and began to comfort and evacuate the patients who were still in the corridor or at the cargo station in an orderly manner, and returned to their own rooms. Some young nurses were sent to the guard room Notify the head of the department and other responsible persons of the situation.

All of a sudden, the hallway returned to its usual sound, even getting noisier.

"What happened? Little Sayaka, Kamijou-kun, are you all right!"

In the noisy room, a nurse who was in charge of Kamijou Kyosuke's rehabilitation and recuperation work on weekdays rushed over and squatted down to help Kamijou Kyosuke and Sayaka who were sitting on the floor.Madoka on the side didn't care too much, and leaned forward to support Sayaka's half body.

"What's the matter? Didn't that gentleman come to visit with you? Why..."

Faced with the nurse's question, Kamijou Kyosuke-kun, who didn't know the truth, could only shake his head hastily, expressing that even he himself hadn't figured out what happened, and Sayaka, who had kept his head down from just now, just kept silent. Shaking his head, anyone could detect the dull atmosphere.

So I thought that Sayaka, who was a girl, might be a nurse who was frightened, and had no choice but to look at Madoka who seemed to be calm.

"this and that……"

Teacher Justice, how do you want me to explain this!

Facing the anxious and doubtful eyes of the upper nurse, Xiaoyuan looked around with her neck red, but she couldn't find a plausible and suitable reason to explain the series of shocking actions of her teacher just now.

Kick the door, put down the child, and leave in one go.

It can be described as flowing clouds and flowing water.

The movements were smooth and aboveboard, the kind of naturalness in every action made everyone who was watching him, including Madoka himself, fail to realize how outrageous what the man in front of him was doing.

"Don't panic, it's just that the gate has been in disrepair for a long time and fell down."

A cold voice intervened in the conversation between the two parties.


Hearing this nonsense explanation, the nurse frowned, and subconsciously turned her head to scold the owner of the voice of skill.As a result, she just turned her head around, and she couldn't continue speaking in the middle of her speech. At the same time she lost her voice, the nurse just stood there in a daze, facing the direction behind her, covering Madoka's vision.

But even if she couldn't see it, Madoka could guess who was standing there just by the sound alone.

"Now, go back to your post like everyone else. The broken gate will be repaired later, and business as usual."


Anxiety and doubts all faded away, the nurse's answering voice was weak and lifeless, and there was a sense of emptiness in the thin voice, like...

Before Madoka could figure out the situation, the nurse walked around the visitor with smooth steps and walked towards the other side of the corridor.

Until then, the arrival was fully revealed in front of Madoka and the others.

"Xiao... Yan?"

Dressed in a magical girl attire, the girl didn't look at the nurse who passed her by, but kept staring at Madoka who was stunned, and slowly lowered her purple radiant right hand.

Xiao Meiyan stood there impressively.

PS: It can be seen from TV that when witches attack humans, they tend to avoid crowded public areas. Even if they attack multiple people at the same time, they usually use hypnosis and other methods to guide them to remote places.It can be seen that although the reason is not known, if Chubby does have the ability to drive the witch, then for some principle or purpose, it will not simultaneously involve a large number of humans in public places into the witch attack.

Therefore, although the attack was carried out in the hospital as Zheng Yi expected, it only attacked three people in the ward as Zheng Yi expected, and did not involve the entire hospital or other people on the floor.

It's just that even so, if you want to send the children away from the range of the witch's enchantment in the first place, you will inevitably do some outrageous actions, and Zheng Yi is also very aware of this.

The second hand born for this is Akami Homura.

It can be seen from TV, rumors, and the theater version that magical girls also have hypnotic abilities similar to witches. For victims who are rescued in time, magical girls should naturally have corresponding means of dealing with them.

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