Justice in the One Piece World

Sequel Up!



Dominance in the New World! 

I'll give the synopsis and the first chapter here.


Gods of old defeated and crushed by true power. A new chance is offered and a contract with the omnipotent is formed.
A journey to obtain power, power, and true power at last. To protect themselves, their justice, their lifestyles...and perhaps take revenge should fate dictate it so.

Kara and Diana's story. A Continuation of 'Justice in One Piece'.
A different Universe. Starting in the dystopian world of 2138 and continuing into the New World of Overlord.

Follow the 2 OP sisters as they crash the World of Overlord with incredible power and luck.

Warning: This story is mostly light hearted with 2 OP MCs on the loose in the Overlord Universe. if you do not like this sort of novel, I recommend you do not read it.

This fanfic was heavily influenced by MisterGrin's Chaotic Good.

I do not own Overlord. I only own the OCs

I do not own the Cover Art. Cover Art is from Overlord Fandom Wiki


P.S: To fully understand the characters and some stories, I recommend that you read the previous story as well. If not, that is fine too.


First Chapter:

Chapter 1: Hello Old Friend

You might be confused by the intro (prologue) but I assure you that this is an Overlord (you know, Ainz Ool Gown) fanfiction. The intro is merely setting the stage of our MCs passing from one life to another).



Being burned to death, revived, ripped to shreds, revived, beamed to death, revived, and...well...you get the idea. It sucks.

The million dollar question, however, would be if I would do all of this again should I be in the same question? My answer each time would be a yes.

Becoming a symbol of Justice in a world such as One Piece required such will and being praised as a god(dess) for over 4,000 years have only strengthened by desire and will to protect them and our values to my last breath.

My death only proved my point...though it also proved that despite my godly powers I was nothing more than a mortal in the end. Despite my regenerative properties and the resurrections, I was still flesh and blood unlike the cosmic invaders.


Ancients. Titans. Called my many names throughout the cosmos in which we were so foolishly unaware of until their invasion. Feeding off of the life-force to continue their immortal existence. Their numbers? Simply too many.


My sister and myself did a number on their numbers before going down but in the end it wasn't enough. Fire that should have incinerated them simply burned them. Blades that should have decapitated them left a cut. Energy which should have atomized them simply stung them and force which should have crushed them merely bruised them.

The distance between mortal and immortal was simply far too much. Our strength should have been enough but an unspeakable barrier stopped us from ever harming more. As if the universe itself was stopping us.

Perhaps this was for the best after all. We did manage to ensure that our people would live on and those Titans would probably never return along with our sacrifice...but we were dead. Dead as we could be.

Floating in the darkness with nothing but my mind, I remembered what it was like to be powerless like a baby. Completely weak, incapable of doing anything by themselves.

Me: *sigh* Perhaps I should have indulged in more services?

I was tired. Too tired to do much anymore. For so long I have led the world to greatness...but a mortal mind could only handle so much before things get dull and the mind demands rest. I still wished for justice, equality, and power...but at the same time I wished for comfort. To be spoiled like I once had in the very beginning. Spoiled by my sister, my father, and my nakamas before we became living gods and our lives were taken away from us with the responsibility that came with them.

I let my mind roll back into the darkness as I embraced it's calmness. To finally rest in peace after the long conflict.




??: Hey, Kara, wake up


??: Fine, I'll poke you until you wake up then.

*poke* *poke*

Me: *annoyed*

*poke* *poke*

My mind pulled itself out of the darkness as it registered the familiar ball of light of...well... double question marks.

Me: Oh it's you again. Will you still not give me your name?

??: Nah. Names have power young lady. Maybe one day but surely not now. Besides, we're not alone.

I was embraced in a familiar warm feeling as I felt the mind of my loving sister. Diana.

I just let myself bathe in the warm feeling we gave each other. To know that we weren't lost to darkness or death forever...that we were both here. We stayed like that for a while but in the end we needed to turn back to the childish ball of light.

Unwillingly, I unfocused my mind off my beautiful and loving sister to the annoying ball of light which was not there when we needed him most.

Me: What can we do for you 'Oh omnipotent ball of double question marks' who was not there when we needed you most?

??: Oh don't be like that Kara. I don't have any good excuse for not helping you, but then again, why should I help you? Didn't I mention? You girls were born into your world as my entertainment. For so many years you girls made everything so boring with your perfection and ideals of Justice. So of course I didn't help when things finally began to spice up.

Diana: You sick fuck

??: Now now, chill with the insults. You girls are going to be with me for the long run so let's starting mending our relationships, kay?

Me: I demand an explanation. We deserve to know, at the very least.

??: Very well then.

I've told you last time but there are only 7 omnipotent beings...and will only ever be 7. But omnipotence is a curse. To be all powerful and all knowing...there is nothing out of the expected. Nothing ever a surprise. Thus from the very beginning, we sleep in a state of 'unknowing' where we purposely cut off our powers and dream.

Me: Yes yes, we get it.

??: But you see, with enough time we begin to find ourselves within our dreams and realize that everything is fake. Some of us are content but others, like myself, find more pain in the realization that the perfect world for ourselves are fake than the knowledge of knowing everything.

Diana: So you wake up

??: We can't...at least not right away. I guess the right word would be that we choose not to in order to not be bombarded by the sense of omniscient. We cut off our knowledge and limit ourselves before we wake from our slumber.

Me: So to be all powerful but not all knowing

??: Exactly. As of the moment, I am the only one awake of the seven.

Me: Cool, but that's just a repeat of what you told us last time. I want to know about them.

A bit of rage seeped into my voice as I remembered the image of the Titans burning down and devouring everything we had built up over the millenias.

??: I'm getting there. So other than us, we classify everything else as 'mortals' or 'immortals'.

Diana: Isn't immortality just mortals who don't die?

??: In a way, but that is your definition. To us, the immortals are a race and mortals are simply anything and anyone else.

Diana: Explain

??: Most of the time, Mortals are those with souls who enter the cycle of reincarnation through the sea of mana. They are cleansed, broken down, and reformed within the ocean before sent throughout the multiverse the be reborn. Karma and other factors have an impact on the reincarnation but that's an explanation for another time.

Me: And Immortals?

??: If they die, they're gone for good.

Wait...then didn't that mean the being a mortal was technically better? Sure our lives would never know (for most) that they were being reborn over and over or at least a piece of ourselves...but immortals would never get that chance again.

??: I know what you are thinking but in exchange for a single-life, Immortals are extremely powerful. Especially compared to most mortals. Untouchable in a way.

Yup, felt that.

??: Due to this natural given strength, there are a couple common features in most immortals. Arrogance, laziness, cruelty, and no self improvement.

Diana: I would see no point in improving my strength if I was as powerful as they were

??: Exactly! But then there comes anomalies like you. Mortals who crosses the boundaries of strength meant for mortals and within the realm of gods and beyond. Once, near the very beginning, anomalies like you have trashed and cut down the population of Immortals to critical levels. Obviously, we couldn't let this be.

Me: Fuckers. Why didn't you let them?

??: Because even though they cause great pain and suffering, they are crucial to existence itself. Like oxygen to humans. You need to breathe to live...but oxygen will slowly kill and age you.

Diana: Horrible analogy. *sarcasm* Please, carry on.

??: So the immortals came begging for us to help them and so we came up with a solution. A combination of the efforts of all seven of us to create something called the Universal Contract. A single bei--I mean a binding agent which separates the immortals and mortals forever.

Me: So you are partially responsible for our downfall.

??: Yes, but truly I apologize for that. I would have still made the contract should I have known but that doesn't mean I still don't feel at least a little bad for your fate.

Me: You need some bleach through your head and I'm still not sure if that'll be enough.

??: *godly cough* Anyway. With the creation of the Contract was the moment Immortals established their superiority over all mortals forever. As a general rule, normal mortals would not even be able to harm Immortals at all while anomalies such as yourselves would feel as if the Universe itself is holding you back.

Diana: That sounds about right...

So was that it? Was there no way we could fight back at all? Was it simply just a 'game-over' just like that?

??: I know what you're thinking Kara, and yes there is a way. No, you cannot go back to your world but you can have a do-over in a different world this time.

A little 'thump' beat off inside me as I realized what this meant.

Another adventure. Another try

A chance to fix and a chance to do things better. A chance to become so strong that this time nobody would be able to cause our downfall. Not the Marines, not the Emperors, and especially not the Titans or any Immortals crossing our paths.

Me & Diana: TELL US

We were desperate for this. Our hearts which had stopped beating like it once did seemed like it would burst even without a physical form as the sweet words pumped energy and hope into us.

??: Become an immortal yourselves. There is no way to destroy or bypass the contract...so go over it. Become the other side and make use of what is already there. Become a god...but this time for real.

But how? If all of our achievements weren't enough, then how could we possibly do that?

??: I'll create a loophole just this once. A small hole which will close as soon as the two of you pass will close as if nothing had happened.

We were listening

??: Overlord is the world I will be using as a base. The original world of Overlord of Earth. Through the game, I know you know what I'm talking about, once you pass into the new world...you will have a chance.

Diana: Will be become gods the moment we pass through?

??: No, because that means others could become immortals as well. What you need to do it become Level 300 in the New World.





??: Play your cards right, not only will you have all the cards in the world...but you'll find that you might reach that level in an instant. Remember, games are based on codes after all and hacks exist for a reason

Me: You said in the New World. We can't be level 300 in the game for obvious reasons! Besides, even if we somehow manage it, we'll be kicked off the game of hacking or something and we'll have to...my god...this is going to be even worse.

??: Now now, the struggle is what makes immortality worth it, isn't it? Besides, you'll be among the first mortals to reach immortality. And probably the strongest too once the contract's gone.

After years of honing my observation, I could sense a tiny lie in there but I couldn't tell which part he was lying about. Was it strength? Something about the contract. He obviously had another motive for us but I couldn't really tell.

??: I know you're doubting me and I understand why. But hey, you're never going to get a deal like this again. Why don't you girls just willing fall into my trap and just accept the deal? It's a Win-Win situation.

Diana: It's obviously very fishy

Me: It might as well say 'Trap' but seeing as we have no other choice...*sigh* just grant us a few things before you send us off.

??: Now we're talking! Ask away girls.

We needed to think carefully about this. We weren't going to be thrown into the New World immediately which meant we were going to be reborn as 'powerless innocent babies' into the Overlord's Universe version of Earth.

A complete dystopia. A world where the air was so polluted that if you breathe the outside air without a gas mask for an extended period of time...you'll die. A world where the economy was so unbalanced that the majority of people lived in complete poverty with minimal education. Living off of insect protein bars and drugs...pressed down under the fat thumb of mega corporations.

It might seem selfish but even if it is only for a couple decades at maximum, I don't think we could bear a life like that.

I looked over at my sister who nodded, signaling that we were sharing the same train of thought.

Me: It might seem obvious but we absolutely refuse to live like a normal person in that world. We don't want to be Suzuki's sisters or have any relations like that. We would like to be at the top of this capitalist world. One of the wealthiest and influential families. A family that would really care for us and love us. We know this is selfish but we would need all the things we can if we want to excel in a pay-to-win game like Yggdrassil.

??: Very well. Granted.

Diana: We don't want technology to bind us in game. Like the bad animations or the fixed combos. We've mastered out sword and martial arts for thousands of years and that's going to be our main strength early on in the game against other players. What I mean is, when we are inside the game, just make it seem like IRL for us. No clunky movements, no lag, no fixed movements. We would like our avatars to move as if we really are them. This should also help out when the transfer occurs.

??: Quite the greedy wish...but I understand. You may.

Me: We'd like to choose the time and place when we arrive in the New World. There are times when it is good to arrive and others when it is bad. For us...it'd be extra beneficial to arrive before the 6 Great Gods when there were hundreds if not thousands of Dragon Lords in the New World. All of the Exp would help us really.

??: As much as I want to see you struggle and fight it out against the Dragon hoarde, I'm afraid I will not grant you that wish. Don't ask why

*che* fine

Diana: Then at least give us back all of our powers when we arrive in the New World...and I mean ALL of our powers. We've trained for them all our lives and in game we're limited to only our body movement freedom. So give our powers back after the transfer. Also, if our powers happen to overlap, please just stack them. We're not ones to refuse free power.

??: That won't be a problem

Me: Ah! Except for 3 powers please, keep them passive from the very beginning.

??: What will they be?

Me: Calm Mind. The one which makes us immune to any mind control or panic or any negative mental related affects. After so long, I can't really imagine living without it.

Also, Inventory. You never know when you'll need the stuff inside for emergencies so we'll live to keep that. And finally, accelerated brain power. We'll need to think and plan a lot as well as fight in our weakened avatar state. This is the least you could do.

??: Guilt tripping me would not work but I will do as you say. Anything else?

Diana: Just make sure that after we're stuck in the game, could you take care of our parents and family? We don't want them to worry or suffer because they had goddesses for daughters who were destined for something greater.

??: I'll just replace your bodies with clones who'll wake up the moment your minds and avatars enter the new world. Don't worry as they'll live in ignorant bliss for the remainder of their lives.

Me: *sigh* Sounds about right. I guess if there's nothing more we should get ready for the transfer.

??: I'll throw in a little extra for you girls. I guess this is it for now *snap*

As our minds began to get a little hazy, my sis asked the being one last question.

Diana: Will we hear from you again?

??: Possibly...if things go as I've planned.

As you've planned??! What do you mean by that! Well...I guess I've already knew he had ulterior motives but what could it be?

I didn't ponder on the subject for much as I embraced the darkness once again, knowing that I'll wake up in a completely different world.


Author Note: For those of you who have read my previous novel, you can expect that Kara and Diana has ate A LOT of additional Devil Fruits, practiced Haki for a long long time. In other words, they were strong enough to be considered Gods in the One Piece world.

Also, welcome back!




See you there!


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