Justice in the One Piece World

Final Chapter

Chapter 85 What happened afterwards.



Timeskip (20 years)



Things changed a lot. First, we took over all the territories previously controlled by the two emperors. To fill up all of this land (or islands), we had a New World Draft, per say. Our territory grew with every year, crushing any sort of resistance…but hear me out, we never attacked without a reason.



Despite this, we became an eyesore in the eyes of the World Government and…as expected, they ordered the Marines to declare war on us (Safe Haven) on some ridiculous charges.



Right before the war, Sakazuki resigned as Fleet Admiral stating that he could not do so…this shows that he finally opened his eyes and looked at the corruption he’s been trying so hard to ignore for pretty much his entire life. The resignation of the Fleet Admiral was quickly followed by the resignation of our father. Unlike Garp, he didn’t even want to even pretend and listen to the government. He said that he trusts our choices and strengths and decided to return to Wano, where he feels at peace. Which is actually under our rule by the way.



With the only powerhouses being Kizaru and Ryokugyu and maybe a couple of vice admirals when they’ve already declared war, victory was quickly achieved.



Once we successfully defended our territory, we didn’t stop there. Spreading propaganda around the world of how the World Government was unjust and hypocritical in their words and laws, we pushed the Marines out of the New World. Once we made an official alliance with the Revolutionary Army, things got much easier.



Safe Haven and our armed forces pushed the remaining forces of the Marines out of the Grand-line itself (including Paradise) and bombed the 2 Marine Bases along with the Gates of Justice…we saved Impel Down since we thought we can salvage it once the war was over. While we were taking care of that, the Revolutionary Army pressured the Marines all around the Blues and holding out until we finished out business in the Grand Line.



As expected, they did have some sort of machinery that could rival the Warlords with enough of them…but we prepared our own cards.



We unleashed 2 Plutons, which was all we could build within the given time. But it was more than enough. Resistance was crushed all around the World and new order was formed as countries that were member states of the World Government declared their unconditional surrender.



Finally, we purposely left the Holy City alone…as a punishment. Instead, we broke all of their connections and methods to go back down below. As a result, they would be getting no money, no food, no nothing. No supplies at all. We set up a perimeter so that no even a single soldier, messenger, and god forbid a World Noble from escaping.



As expected, within a month of our work of surrounding the Holy City, they were begging to be let down into the world below. They’ve never worked in their lives, they couldn’t grow a single patch of wheat with all the land they’ve got. They begged, they promised money, yet we stood firm. Within another month, most of them starved to death. The others were taken to court and sentenced to death there. This officially marked the end of the World Nobles.



We sacked the entirety of the Holy City and let it stay there in ruins as a reminder of the corruption and horror these so called ‘World Nobles’ have committed by abusing their position at the top of the ‘World Government’.



We took in Vegapunk alive and got his pledge to serve Safe Haven. We found him to be nothing more than someone searching for the truth of this world, so as long as we continued to allow him to perform scientific experiments, he would bring great benefits to the world. Of course, we forbid any experiments that would result in the death of innocents. The only people he was allowed to have were death row Prisoners who committed the worst of crimes. We also gave him Weapon’s Devil Fruit which brought around great scientific breakthroughs in just a few decades.



Timeskip (300 Years)



We lived in the background now. After around 30 years of actively ruling the world, or the majority of it, we decided to slide into the background and let the Prime Minister take power.



It was hard to let people go…but this was something we’ve expected. First, it was dad who died peacefully on his deathbed. We weren’t able to see him often since our existence itself gathered attention about our supposed ‘They are still alive conspiracy’, but we managed to be there as he drew his final breath. We wished him a final farewell and a prayer to ?? to take good care of his soul, wherever it may go.



Our friends, crew also left one by one. Old age, accident, and other reasons. Even though we knew this was coming with us taking Eternal Youth, it was still hard. But time eventually did its job and smoothed out the pain. We never forgot…but after decades, it no longer hurt constantly. We just felt nostalgia and a fond happy memory whenever we thought of them.



Perhaps it was because of the death of those around us but sis and I bonded even more than before. We became completely dependent on each other, even a moment of separation becoming something that could possibly cause some (phantom) pain. I knew that living together for over 300 years, we became more than family.



Regarding Safe Haven…



No system was perfect. We knew that better than anyone but we implemented a system in the very foundation of Safe Haven that would try and self-cleanse the filth out of it. Of course, over the last few centuries we had to step in time to time and ‘mysteriously kill’ a few politicians who got dangerously close to forming a dictatorship.



During these 300 years, we’ve made space travel possible. The fact that the moons were so close made it quite easy. As a fact, we already knew that aliens existed in the One Piece Universe (as the people from Sky Island are from alien descent. Seriously, not kidding. I only read canon). Perhaps it was from the lack of people or resources but the people there were quite primitive. Reminding me of the time we went to Mycan.



Speaking of Mycan, the storm was no issue for the newest massive Cruise Ships that could cut through the weather of the New World like it was nothing. The place became a famous tourist location for people to visit the well-preserved headquarters of the Revolutionary Army.



Using my powers, we terraformed the world a bit more than technology already did so people would no longer be locked in on the sea they were born in. Massive tunnels were formed onto the sides of the Red Line. Islands were moved to form bigger landmasses and many areas of the calm belt were purposely lined with massive gates as to remove the Sea Kings in that specific area.



We made sure that this world would not repeat the same mistake our Earth has made. With a lot of threatening involved, we banned the use of unsustainable resources such as oil and coal. We knew what would become of the world if we let such a tragedy happen. It was also a bit of a selfish request as we knew that we were going to be on this planet for a long time, we’d rather keep this planet clean and sustainable than choking on smog.



From time to time, there were trouble with new random criminals who gained ‘above average’ powers with either haki, Devil Fruits, or both. However, with the unification of the world came peace. Peace which people became so accustomed to that people in general became much weaker. The strongest nowadays (other than us) could be barely compared to a Pirate Captain from Paradise. Like Luffy before the Time Skip, and that was being called Legendary. It is understandable of why the standard of strength became so much lower though, there was simply no need to fight anymore.



The World was unified (or mostly) under one banner. Exploration around the world was allowed, and in fact, encouraged! However, the One Piece on Raftel (or Laugh Tale as Pirate King Gol. D Roger named it) was found and taken by Safe Haven for safekeeping and a symbol of the Golden Age of Piracy centuries ago. There was no motivation for Pirates to take to the sea. Without Pirates, the people keeping the peace didn’t have a reason to train to get stronger. Without strong peacekeepers but with the world at peace…the world didn’t have a need to get stronger.



Strange…other than the use of sustainable energy, this world was turning more and more into a normal world. Hope it wouldn’t become too boring after a while.




Time-skip (4000 Years)



We were caught once or twice by the eyes of the world when we performed some deeds we considered necessary…the result was something annoying. A religion formed around us with a mix of some bullshit science.



Other than that, the world changed drastically. For some reason, the number of Devil Fruits decreased to almost zero as once the user died, almost none of them entered the circulation again. Perhaps it was something to do with the changing of the world?



While that happened, sis and I became ridiculously powerful as we let experience and new scientific explanations to bullshit our Fruits to give us the power. I, for one, came to literally become a living sun with my power over electromagnetic waves. Sis came to be able to control the strings of matter. That means energy itself at its most basic form.



Yet, all good things must come to an end.



As we looked up into the sky we saw a giant portal opening…and out came…Luffy? No, that was too big for it to be him.



Me: Sis, didn’t Oden once say something about Joyboy returning?



Diana: I honestly don’t remember. But why would he come back…after all this time?



Me: Who knows? Well, everything has a time and perhaps this was the right time for him.








Hello everyone, thank you so much for reading ‘Justice in the One Piece World’. Unfortunately, I will have to end the story there. To give you a short recap, here is what happened for those dying to know.



Joy boy was not the only one to have returned to the One Piece World and their powers were quite Godlike. Many of them embodied the traits of typical Pirates. Which was, “Take what you wish’ and in a modern society, you can guess how that went.



Once they managed to hijack the newest weaponries, it was pretty much over. Our twins, Kara and Diana, gave them a fight their entire kind would never forget but it wasn’t enough. They killed Joy Boy, many of the leaers, but their numbers eventually overcame the twins. Even with the resurrections and Kara’s electric CPR effect.



That was how they died protecting humanity while the denizens of the One Piece World flew out into the vastness of Space looking for another world to inhabit. Since this is the One Piece universe and not our own, let’s assume that they successfully found one nearby but out of reach of Joy Boy’s kind and lived happily ever after.



But…! If you remember the 1st meeting with ??, you would know that once Kara and Diana die, they would just meet with him again!



This story is not over! I plan to continue their journey in other Universes.

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