Isn’t the wannabe Villain too cute?

Professor Austin~2!

The hall was dead silent.

The quietness was so sharp in the auditorium after a certain someone appeared on the stage that teeth gnashing might have been heard if listened closely.

Every eye stared at the handsome blond youth standing at the center wearing a red robe which undoubtedly belonged to the typical uniform which every professor wears.

Coupled with the statement that Professor Leone threw earlier about students leveling up and all, it was undeniable that Austin was the newly appointed tutor.

Some students had look in disbelief. Some were like that they expected such a conclusion. But the problem arose from those who got utterly aggrieved by the fact that a mere teenager would be teaching them.

"Is it some kind of joke?"

"Isn't he just a first-year newbie rank?"

"Are we going to get instructed by such a noble disgrace?"

Small murmurs started erupting from the audience before a bold and scornful voice was raised as in to voice the thoughts of other chatterers.

"Isn't it disgraceful to put such a shamed noble above us all, Professor Leo? Or is it that Eden Academy has lost all their confidence in a single war?"

"Isn't it better if we just go back and study from our servants if the Academy is no longer capable of providing with a proper teacher?"

"Why is that person on stage when I can beat him anytime? I don't know what I would gain from learning from someone who's weaker than me."

Those who were shouting such baseless accusations and contempt were mostly third-years who didn't believe about Austin's contribution to the school protection.

Austin, on the other hand, anticipated such development. That's why he didn't even react a single bit, even though he was getting disdained from all around. He just felt fortunate that he already had convinced Luna not to react if something like this happens, but now he worries about how long she could hold.

'Her expression doesn't look good. '


Suddenly a blade slashing noise erupted from the stage which quieted down the crowd in the process.

Focusing his gaze on the front, Austin never noticed that someone from the audience had advanced to the stage as the person stood with his back facing Austin.

What the groups of students saw was the massive remarkable blade that was only built for a single entity, the hero.

With his back straightened, Kyouki stood with his hand placed on the butt of the handle and the tip of the blade on the wooden stage.

His eyes were cold enough to share a frightening shiver among the third years as they heard a heavy voice resonating from the person in front.

"If anyone doubts Austin's capability, then duel with me. Only any of you can beat me; you will find the chance to take Austin on since, by any means, Austin is far stronger than me. So make it quick and come at me."

His voice was stern, unlike his usual self, which stays cheerful and bright all the time. Not to talk about the severeness in his gaze, which explicitly told how serious he was with his words.

Those who were shaming Austin and those who were thinking of him as a weakling halted their mouth in an instant.

Even though the hero wasn't a warrior to face a whole army alone, but it doesn't change the fact he still is way above than average students.

Challenging a hero would not only bring disgrace from the outside world but also the chance of getting killed in the process lies in the possibility.

No one dared to utter a single word from that point onward.

Kyouki surveyed the audience for once before turning toward Austin.

The blond youth had a surprised look on his face as the verbal taunts were lopped smoother than he thought.

"Thanks, man."

"No problem."

With a nod, Kyouki walked away from the stage as he stood at his previous spot.

For some reason, Kyouki felt Luna was glaring at his back intently, which made his forehead covered in sweat since he knew why she was annoyed with him.

Walking with a steady step, Austin moved forward before the first of words were spoken.

"Okay then, let's get over with this real quick."


At the same time, in a beautiful garden where various colorful flowers, along with the pleasant evening sun peeking from the horizon, sat an incredibly gorgeous girl.

By looks, she seemed to be in her teenage but the aura she carried around made people think that they are greeting a prominent noble in the appearance of a girl.

This woman was none other than the eldest princess of Gram, Tiara.

Her platinum blond hair which covered her forehead and braided on her back, shimmered elegantly in the sunlight as she sipped the milk tea.

It was one of her habits to sit alone in peace and think about the person whom she desired most to have.

'I wonder what he is doing right now... '

Might be the lady luck has blessed her today, as the spy which she has been planted on the Eden Academy suddenly arrived near her, before kneeling on the ground with his fist thumped on his chest.

"Greetings, Your highness."

"Tell me."

Tiara didn't bother looking at the man as she asked in between her sips before she picked the cookie in her hand, only to break it in the end after hearing the report.

"I just got the intel that Sir Austin would be now teaching in the academy for a temporary basis."

Her eyes widened as she dropped the broken cookie and looked at the man with astonishment.

"Are you completely sure, about what you just said?"

"My neck would compensate if my words come out untrue."

Complete silence fell in the garden as Taira instructed the spy to go away.

Tiara rested her back on the chair as she thought about the information she had gotten.

A sadistic smile formed on her lips as she thought of something truly unladylike before a an idea emerged in her mind.

'Seems it finally time for me to get proper academic knowledge~.'


A/N: - Now here comes the yandere in light. I wonder what would happen if she and Luna comes face to face.


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