Isekai Speedrun

Chapter 85 – Sorry Man Vs. Thiefmaster, Part 1/2


Just follow the script and Thiefmaster’s final scene should develop roughly the same way it did in the anime.

If I can introduce and select the correct dialogue options, the conclusion should hit the same way; if I can convince Thiefmaster to take on Sorry Man in a melee duel, there won’t be any mystery about who killed who.

It was a hostage situation, as expected, and Thiefmaster naturally expected us to shoot the hostages first. He wanted to laugh at us for killing our own people.

Cleaner-Goby was probably dead. If he were alive, he would be fighting Thiefmaster right now; he wouldn’t give up or run away.

I spotted some older students hiding in the bushes on the south side. They tried to give me hand signals about simultaneous attack, but I threw back a signal to wait, and then ignored them.

Magic Word was among the hiding students, which told me that there was no immediate danger (to him at least), so I felt confident in stepping forward.

“Thiefmaster, accept the duels!”
“Oh, it’s you, the chef from the Winter Forest! You survived and brought your friends with you, how wonderful! You’ve come to kill me? That is wonderful, how wonderful that is! Let’s see how–” (Thiefmaster)
“Skip dialogue! I am the Mad Seer of Revolution! I have come to fulfill my vision of the future!”
“Oh, you all wish to duel me one by one, one after another? What an intriguing proposal!” (Thiefmaster)
“However, before you fight me, you must first win our leader! Dragon’s Head Sorry Man fights first! This is the way of the Revolution Movement, the hierarchy of our clan! You must beat our Number One, lord Sorry Man, before you can fight our Number Seven, which happens to be me!”
“You would send out your strongest first? You would send your king to the arena?” (Thiefmaster)
“That’s right! We are not like the martial artists of the eastern mountains! The stars are right and the future is set in stone! Our duel will come only after at least one to six previous duels! The person you really want to fight today is great lord Sorry Man, is it not? He is not only the most dangerous one, he is right here and he is ready to throw hands! This is the great boss fight dictated by the principle of the world! Accept it!”

While talking, I paced in circles and stretched my arms like a ringmaster. Thiefmaster was peeking from the window behind the hostages. I didn’t want to look at him directly, but I also didn’t want him to realize I knew everything about his hypnosis ability.

Thiefmaster laughed and laughed.

“Your words are as speculative as they are amusing! Oh, here is an interesting question to you, weakest of the seven: what if I surrender? This is a topic I recently discussed with that assassin-guardian of yours who committed suicide!” (Thiefmaster)
“As expected of Thiefmaster! Will you join us and take his place? There is certainly room for negotiation!”
“Ha! Your lies are as transparent as glass, chef! I would rather escape and return in disguise to join you! Are you confident you will be able to tell which one is me?” (Thiefmaster)

That’s how it happened in the Starfish Mansion murder mystery episode. Thiefmaster was able to infiltrate in disguise, side characters started dying, and Crys’ investigation lead into a hostage situation just like this in the garden room. The episode ended in a duel between Thiefmaster and Sorry Man. The location now was orphanage school instead of Starfish Mansion, but like a rap battle of timelines, it rhymed.

“Are you more cowardly than Cleaner-Goby when it comes to duels, Thiefmaster? Is keeping children as hostages and shields the candor of Thiefmaster, the Scourge of Sylvania? We might welcome you as a new member in disguise and have you work as a scarecrow on a wheat field!”
“Oh, so many lies and truths, so many insults and provocations intertwined! A future dictated by someone other than me doesn’t interest me, false prophet! However! The thrill of destroying the future madness preaches… Yes, I would rather duel your leader to the death first, leaving your weak mind last! Which one of you is Sorry Man? No, don’t tell me, I will make a guess! You two I recognize from the wanted posters, Crystal Pencil and–”
“Skip! Here comes lord Sorry Man!”

My sudden announcement prompted Mirim to push Sorry Man forward in his rickety wheelchair. Rainwoman followed them holding an umbrella. Her expression revealed anger and annoyance, but she gently took Sorry Man’s hand when they lifted Sorry Man to his feet. They left him standing next to me and returned behind the vehicles.

The rain kept getting stronger; Rain was not a happy camper.

I need to wrap this up quickly.

Thiefmaster observed the apathetic pale man in dark clothes with curiosity, then suddenly grabbed the neck of one of the young hostages.

“How sorrowful! You claim this one is your supreme leader? What kind of delicious diversion is this? Is there someone coming in from the back of the house? Shall I kill this boy?” (Thiefmaster)
“Lord Sorry Man ignores your insulting questions! Great leader Sorry Man is deliberately mocking you with his haughty demeanor! You’re not worth the walk from there to here, you're not even worth speaking to! Thiefmaster, how long will you allow this mockery to continue?!”
“Oh, did you find some drug addict from the streets and dressed him in fancy clothes, brought him here to play the role of a jester in a play? What a wonderful idea! I commend your creativity, chef! That is something I might–” (Thiefmaster)
“Skip! No villain monologues today! Only good guys are allowed to commentate! Lord Sorry Man will burst your illusion by declaring that the one who is standing here is Dragon’s Head himself! As you can see with your own eyes, lord Sorry Man thinks you are nothing to him, a complete void! A weak nobody who cannot be taken seriously as an enemy! He doesn’t care to address you as a person of any standing!”
“Oh, now you’ve really intere–” (Thiefmaster)
“Skip! Let us make a bet, Thiefmaster! Let us play a game with our lives at stake!”
“Do not interrupt me again, cook! I will crush this boy’s neck!” (Thiefmaster)
“Hear me sweetening the deal for you! If you win one versus one, we promise we won’t attack you as a group! That is what you both fear and wish, right? Instead, we will give you a sporting chance; a fifteen minute head start in the forest before we come after you! Judge the truth of my words!”
“Why would I take such a foolish bet? Who would walk into such obvious trap?” (Thiefmaster)
“You will because it’s entertaining! It is entertaining to the utmost limits, isn't it? The audience wants to see an epic battle between Thiefmaster and Sorry Man! The chat is going wild, the crowd is doing waves! Seize the day and YOLO like a man! I’ll call the wambulance for you, you can cry under your wet nurse’s skirt after Sorry Man crushes your bones! Do you trust your own judgment?!”

Thiefmaster’s natural lie detector should be very confused by the mixture of truths and lies at this point.

“Your exotic words are as transparent to me as Valkrossian glass!” (Thiefmaster)
“Skip the bluff and admit your inferiority! Hear this piece of lore: a mask comes towards you, it takes over your face and becomes you!”
“Hou, you have even learned the ways of the mask that takes your face? Truly a prophetic one you are, madman!” (Thiefmaster)
“How appropriate, you fight like a cow! You wish to play with fire without burning yourself, but there is entertainment beyond that simple cowardice! Have you experienced the joy of standing in a funeral pyre and not burning?! Because I have! I have experienced it with this very body and you may be able to experience it as well! It is your destiny to fight Sorry Man today, on this arena! I have seen it with my elf eyes!”
“Such confidence, so many lies that sound like truth!” (Thiefmaster)

There was a sudden lightning strike above the forest. The soft drizzle turned into a full-on rain.

Nice timing, Rain.

“Behold the Protong! Even the heavens are on our side, Renaud Coward! The truth of my words is known to you! Come down and duel with our boss! Or are you a chicken, McFly?!”
“So the rumors are true! The wanted woman of Caliphate can call water and fire from the heavens! How magnificent!” (Thiefmaster)
“We do not play with fire, we are fire! My words are the truth beyond truth! The rules and rewards of this duel are set in stone: accept the duel, or we will blow up the building like we blew up the top of the Rukhkh Mountain!”
“Hah! It–” (Thiefmaster)
“Skip! Accept the fate written in the Akashic records of the Mu-Ur fan wiki! Face Sorry Man’s impossible challenge! Only then you will have a chance of slipping out from this raging fire! The hammer of time will crush all of us eventually, Renaud Coward! Do you want to live forever? Do you want to live even when the stars die?!”
“Very well! The mask shall become the face! I accept this challenge, you loud-mouthed imbecile! As a tribute to your surprising survival, I will go against the will of the heavens, even against the will of heavens! If anyone tries to interfere with this holy duel, I will kill every child in every window!” (Thiefmaster)
“Everyone, hold your fire! You are not allowed to shoot Thiefmaster!”
“Those words are an absolute truth! Hear me, rats: anyone who moves against me will answer to both me and him! When you are on the range of my weapons, you are a hostage without understanding it! Do make a move, and I will shoot you without looking!” (Thiefmaster)

Thiefmaster pushed the young hostages out of his way (almost pushing one of the students down from the terrace roof) and jumped down to the ground with a revolver in his right hand and a knife in his left.

When he landed, he fully expected instant gunfire, but no one moved.

Thiefmaster raised his arms and laughed joyously.

“This is the thrill! Oh, this is the culmination of everything!” (Thiefmaster)

Yes, your big bet paid off. It’s a legit duel. Yokatta ne, Thiefmaster-kun.

Mirim’s mechanical eye was glowing deep red. She was leaning onto her vampire rifle lifted on top of the car’s hood. The rifle was pointed at Thiefmaster’s head. I walked backwards toward the vehicles while keeping my eyes on Sorry Man and kept repeating a single hand signal behind my back: hold your fire.

“Ha! Your ridiculous bluff was the truth! Hahaha! How exhilarating! Sorry Man, come forth then! Let us duel with our fists and feet, with our nails and teeth!” (Thiefmaster)

Thiefmaster took a fighting stance and I made a victory pose in my mind. Verbal aggroing skills 10 out of 10.

I gave a nod to Crys. He raised his voice to make a final ultimatum to everyone present.

“This is a decision made by the founders of the Revolution Movement! Duel to the death between Dragon’s Head Sorry Man and Thiefmaster will now take place! Anyone who interferes with this duel will die! If the victory of this duel goes to Thiefmaster, he is free to leave this place alive or duel me next! Injured or not, walking on his own feet or not, crawling on his knees or not – no one is allowed to touch him except the one taking part in the duel!” (Crys)

The answer to Crys’ decree was consenting silence.

All the eyes of the students now went to Sorry Man, but he did not speak or react in any way. He stood like a living statue in the rain.

“If you do not care to speak, show your will through actions and step forward first!” (Thiefmaster)
“Our great leader is above cheap provocations and ignores them!”

Thiefmaster ignored me and waited with a grin on his face, but Sorry Man didn’t move. Nobody moved.

Suddenly Sorry Man took a small step towards northern side of the house instead of closing the distance to Thiefmaster. Homing instinct kicked in; he was starting to automatically turn toward Starfish Mansion, the closest attractor on the map.

“Oh, are you as blind as you are mute? Where are you looking? I am here, hahaha! Showing so many openings, not even taking a stance! You really look down on me so much! This prideful mockery, I like it! Let us begin!” (Thiefmaster)

Thiefmaster attacked without a windup. A sudden flying kick landed in Sorry Man’s face.

Sorry Man dropped to the ground like a sack of potatoes.

“Oh, not a single defensive move! Not a single drop of blood! What a boring enemy you are! Get up, I must enjoy this duel!” (Thiefmaster)

Another lightning strike echoed in the forest. Don't do it, Rain, just wait and watch.

Sorry Man got back up like a sleepwalker, facing northwest. His blank expression hadn’t changed.

“Oh, I understand now! You are exceptionally sturdy fellow! So that’s why, haha!” (Thiefmaster)

Thiefmaster took two steps to the side and shot Sorry Man in the face with my Caliphate revolver. Sorry Man’s body jerked back, but surprisingly didn’t drop.

“Oh no!” (Snow)

Snowstone jumped up from the bushes and raised his voice loud enough that everyone could hear her.

Thiefmaster turned his revolver toward her.

“No! I didn’t mean to say that aloud! Please continue! I didn’t mean it!” (Snow)
“Shut up, idiot!” (Word)

Word and Snow disappeared in the bushes again. Damn kids spoiling the setup.

“Ignore the noise, Thiefmaster! Your opponent is Sorry Man and he is still alive! Ignore the ignorant masses!”
“Oh, truly! The immortal Dragon of Revolution! Are you truly as immortal as the stories and rumors claim? Oh, this may well be the most exhilarating duel of my life after all! You can even survive a bullet in the face; what is your trick? Do you wear invisible armor? Is that why you are so slow?” (Thiefmaster)

Thiefmaster was still confident. He hadn’t used his special skills yet.

“No answer still? Oh, allow me to make a guess then! This is the power of Rukhkh, isn’t it? That bird is the reason why you wish to rule the north instead of the south!” (Thiefmaster)

Thiefmaster held knowledge about the ancient legend about Rukhkh’s Egg, or at least some version of it. Understandable misunderstanding. That's the correct direction, keep going.

“Still looking past me like I’m not even here? So be it! Open your mouth!” (Thiefmaster)

That's right, he knew the weak point of Rukhkh’s Egg immortality as well: user’s mouth.

Now, if everything goes according to plan, Thiefmaster will use his hypnosis skill to force Sorry Man to open his mouth and *ahem* shoot his load into his throat.

Thiefmaster quickly moved closer to Sorry Man, grabbed his head between his palms and forcefully stared into his eyes.

The hypnosis skill activated –

– and Sorry Man’s unconcerned gaze suddenly focused on Thiefmaster.


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