Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Face Reveals

I start the stream, cracking my neck a bit to get more comfortable.

My eyes laid upon my new starting screen which made by one of my viewers. It's not my chibi version doing parkour, it's my Virtual self sitting on a golden throne, with my glowing blue eyes full of scrutiny looking down from my high place—all the while glorious music blasts through my earphones, like some anthem.

But no, it's just good old-fashioned brainwashing using memetic messages. I make people think better about me, by me using my Voice.

Is it immoral? Yes, absolutely. Is it illegal to brainwash people? As long as people don't catch my tricks. I am the embodiment of mankind, it's safe to say what I want is what the majority of humanity wants.

Oh, the intro ended, "Hello everyone, welcome to my grand abode. I am Silver Royal, be glad that you get to bask in my presence.", I smiled.


[Valentine Bite: Hello~]

[Aster Cos: Hi]

[177013: My Queen!]

[Anewhope: Hello!!]

[Allogater: Princess!!]

[Occultic Flame: Hello Roy]

[FinnTheYuusha: STEP ON MEEE]


The usuals are up to their antics. I love them to their death.

"Today I will do a special stream, a face reveal per se.", even though I revealed my face already, "Don't worry, nothing bad will happen to me."


[Man-niisan: You are going far too bold, Roy]


"Like I said, don't worry. I can handle anything thrown at me."

I stood up from my chair, pushing it away. I reached out to the left side of my collar, pushing the button to deactivate the virtual model.

At first, the chat was silent, with the exception of Occultic Flame, who obviously is Hoa.


[Occultic Flame: I knew it]


And then a flood of praises came, completely drowning out her comment. I smiled, and the number of viewers skyrocketed to 30k.

Do I enjoy this amount of fame? Yes, it feeds my ego. The attention I receive just makes my breaths heavy out of excitement.

"Hello, my loyal followers.", I widen my smile, "Let me tell you about myself, my name is C̶̞͊̍h̶̞͛a̷̭̠͋̂r̸̘̊l̶̥͊o̵͙͔̿͝ţ̴̺̂t̸̠̔͝e̶̠͝ ̴̧̲̀S̷͓̅ͅi̵̫͆̇l̸̺̊v̷̙̿ͅî̸̲, nice to meet you all in my full glory."


[Gerandal: Huh?]

[Valentine Bite: what?]

[Zaneg: Did the audio glitch out?]

[YHWH: C̶̞͊̍h̶̞͛a̷̭̠͋̂r̸̘̊l̶̥͊o̵͙͔̿͝ţ̴̺̂t̸̠̔͝e̶̠͝ ̴̧̲̀S̷͓̅ͅi̵̫͆̇l̸̺̊v̷̙̿ͅî̸̲?]

[Gerandal: I could only hear Char]


Most are confused, that means Nyarlathotep's ability is working as intended. 


That viewer, YHWH, Yahweh... the name of God, they spelled my name correctly. I noticed them too, one of my first viewers in fact. Getting Seria to investigate them was a good idea, he is the Gem Holder of another Eldritch God.

I am an official member now, I have to do my job in "Protecting Humanity", which also means I have to watch out for my viewers and see if there are any suspicious people.

Also, Hoa is a cult leader in Vietnam. Also, she's a vampire, pretty neat.

"I guess I will show you what my real room looks like.", I showed them a devious smile, "Be ready."

I turned off the virtual room and specifically angled the camera to not show my mess. I have to keep the image of a perfect and haughty princess.

"My room is a little plain, but there is no point in decorating up to my standard if my standards are infinity."


[FinnTheYuusha: our princess is closer to us than the sun]

[177013: so much space... so much...]

[Valentine Bite: I'm so glad mine is prettier than Princess!]

[Occultic Flame: This is not what I was expecting]

[Man-niisan: not what I was expecting]


"So as always.", I sat down on my chair, rolling it towards my monitor, "I will be playing a game... hm, I think I enjoy this."

I changed the scene to my game, Ape x Legend. The game I always enjoy, dominating others while getting reported for hacks.

Well, I registered myself as a Gem Holder, so I play on the Gem Holder exclusive server. Even then, who can compete with the entirety of humanity's survival instinct?

Thank you.

You rock, Survive.

I know.

"Let's see...", I held up my controller, "A simple game for a not-so-simple person."


[177013: Yo, your eyes glowed purple!]

[YHWH: she's definitely a Gem Holder]

[Aster Cos: beautiful]

[FinnTheYuusha: step on me]

[Allogater: let me clean your shoes]

[LocalDemonSlayer12: I'm late!!!]

[LocalDemonSlayer12: SO COOL!!]


I held the controller gently, letting it sit on my hands instead of me gripping it. I want to play casually today, but also trashing others.

"Let's ruin some people's day...", I whispered.

I entered a game, solo as always. I don't need people to hold me down, or get carried by me. I just like to stand on the top, alone.

Well then... this map is Olympian, as always, avoid the high loot area and stay out of direct confrontation. 

I dropped down to the outer area, and as expected no one followed me. This area has a fairly poor loot pool, but everything is a deadly weapon in my hands.

I grabbed the Six Shooter and the Hand Shotgun, that's what I call them instead of their actual names. I also grabbed the Second Tier Armor.

"Let's begin the hunt.", I smiled.

I hopped into the car, driving it toward the center of the map. Hm, forty players remaining.

A battle entered my view, so I full speed ahead. However, I hopped out of the car and ducked into a house.

Oh, I downed someone.

I get out of my hiding spot, throwing a smokescreen over to the opposite direction. Using the distraction, I came over to a full team of three. With my Hand Shotgun, I shot one at point blank, downing them instantly.

Then using his downed body as a cover, I crouched and weaved, letting the aim assist do most of the work and...


Another down... 


And I got myself three kills.

Huh, I never actually kill someone. Well, the Project Darwin people are dead, and that building is entirely shut down. Shame I didn't get to see their end, it happened when I was in Las Vegas.

Shame, really.

But does everything important happen when I am not around? Like, I read the files about Elderstahl on Seria's computer, but I wasn't there. And the whole situation with Romulus, I wasn't there in the call with him when I had a bone to pick with that man.

Well, I guessed I beat that woman... huh, again, think about it, the people I beat up are all women.

Hmm, the other team is rushing me. It seems like they are fully healed.

I threw another smokescreen while they were shooting at me, and I made my retreat. I have to cut them off my back somehow.

Oh, right, I have Survive, the power to calculate the world.

I feel the power of Survive washed over me, more and more... I can see everything. 

Then Euphoria's Hysteria came, slowing everything down for me to observe my surroundings. I spun my character around, taking in every little detail...

The frame rate dropped down a bit at a location... the Hangar. There must be fighting over there.

And I ran in that direction.

A good thing about a powerful PC is that I can render everything without lagging. But the frames still drop when I directly facing fights.

A beggar can't be a chooser.

Very quickly, I encountered a four-way battle. So I threw more smokescreens right in the middle to draw everyone's attention.

I use my ultimate too, dropping missiles everywhere and causing even more chaos.


ABABABABABA! No swear words~! Or I will strangle you~!


Anyway, I shot down a duo and looted them for more ammo, and swapped my armor.


I dodged an energy beam by going into a storage container. At least this game doesn't have bullet penetration logic, I would have to use more brutal ways if it was that way.

I am human after all, just the most dangerous creature on Earth—

"Pan!", I yelled at the cat who just jumped in front of my screen.

"Grrr...", it growled in annoyance.

"Get off or I will not cuddle with you.", I threaten it.

And Pan jumped away instantly over my threat. Even if it doesn't show it, Pan likes the way I pamper it. I of course have the entire knowledge of how to make every animal submit to me, a cat is just a simple matter.

I quickly acted as soon as I saw a single pixel of an enemy, breaking their armor with a headshot, then another blow to the head.

Quickly throwing a smokescreen, I ran outside and taking advantage of my aim assist, I shot two more down with perfect accuracy.

This earned me another three kills.

I felt bored with this team's effort, so I took a glance at the chat for praise. They don't disappoint me.


[Grem: Nice!]

[Valentine Bite: Good shot!!]

[Edemer: That was amazing!]

[177013: GG EZ]

[Gerandal: EZ]

[General Report: this is nothing for our lovely and adorable Princess~]

[Majin Boom: she's really a human aim-bot]

[FinnTheYuusha: Gosh I wish that was me]

[Allogater: I achieved ultimate bliss, getting shot by The Queen!]


I quickly glance at the kill feed, and there they are, Allogater.

With my ego charged, I widen my grin... it will be a bloodbath today.


And I was victorious once again, keeping my perfect record of 100% win rate. The last fight was a close call, the portal trick to extend a few seconds is a good trick, but with a few clever headshots, it was easy.

I put the controller down, and I stretched my arms and cracked my neck. It was fun.

And here is the fun part.

I exited to the main screen.

"Let's see how many reports I got today.", I think out loud for the chat.

Well then, twenty reports. Still, this isn't the highest number of reports that I got, fifty was my best. Imagine being so good that it counts as cheating. Then again, I am cheating with Survive.


[Deadpol: Only that much?]

[Mixelmi: most of the community already knows Roy, the devs also sanctioned her.]

[Valentine Bite: but the reports keep coming in~]


Then I spotted a conversation in the chat.


[Gerandal: as expected of Ataraxia's future student!]

[CrimsonFckr: @Gerandal shouldn't you be on grading duty today?]

[Gerandal: @CrimsonFckr got Okita covered for me]

[CrimsonFckr: @Gerandal a student? You fool! What if she changes the answers?!]

[Gerandal: @CrimsonFckr she's too straightforward to do that!]


And I promptly deleted all of their chats. This isn't their place, so they don't have the authority to talk about their work.

"Well then, now a round is done... let us visit Tenma for her birthday."

Today is April 23rd, Hajun Tenma's birthday. We got closer in these past months, and I got to know more people through Tenma's connections, and again, all girls.

I see a pattern now.

"So I'll be ending the stream and private the vod.", I winked as I turned back on my virtual avatar and smiled, "This is only a special stream because I am in the mood for it."

And the streams of cries and regrets came. To that, I only shrugged.

"What did you expect?", I tilted my head to the side, "I have full control of my own channel, there is nothing you guys can do to stop me."


[Occultic Flame: what if someone were to doxx you?]


Doxx me? Yeah, good luck in trying to reach a flying air base in the clouds above the Atlantic Ocean. Also runs on human souls, just pointing that out.

I sent Hoa a private message since I got her phone number without her consent. It will surely freak her out. I can imagine her expressions already~ the sheer terror that she would feel... it excites me.

"Anyway, this is it for today. I'll send you guys to Tenma's birthday stream after I say my goodbye."

I inhaled a sharp breath.

"This is Silver Royal, thank you for watching today's stream. Now that you are free to do what you want, stretch your limbs, move around, and then stay to enjoy Tenma's birthday stream."

I start the ending of my stream. As well as going to Tenma's stream, copying the link, and posting it back on the "Send to" option on my stream.

While listening to my glorious music, I made my way into the call channel. I got in, and the five people in there, including Tenma, stopped chatting.

I quickly muted my stream and Tenma's, so that it was easier on my ears.

"Hello Tenma.", I introduced myself with an air of nobility, "Happy birthday to you, my friend."

Of course, I have turned Tenma into a friend, but in a more conventional method than what I did with Hoa.

"Roy!", Tenma spoke first, "I'm glad that you could make it!"

"Well, I just finished my stream and just hopped on by to say hello. Oh, I also have a present for you."

"Wh-What is it?", she shuddered.

Right on cue, I tapped my phone while grinning to myself.

"Hm? Sorry, I just got some...", Tenma stopped in her track.

One of the other four girls spoke, "Silver... what did you do to Tenma?", it was the green-haired Vtuber, Sirius is her name.

"Just my gift to her. Heha... seeing her speechless is fun... and exciting."

"Ya could tone down a bit of the... you know, the noble face?", this time it was Maui, the girl with the dark skin avatar.

"It's just how I normally speak, blunt and direct. There's not really much nobility in me, and besides, today isn't about me... it's about our birthday girl."

I heard audible finger snapping from the third girl, Eden with her avatar being a brunette with golden eyes, "Tenma~ snap out of it already."

And Tenma snapped out of her little shock, "A— oh! Sorry! It's just that— what Roy sent me was a bit absurd."

"This is our little secret, you can reveal what I gave you if you want, or leave it for another day.", I put my index finger on my lips, for the fun of it.

"You truly spoiled me rotten...", Tenma gave an awkward laugh.

"It's what I do to people I like.", or stab them, in the case of Athen and Seria. I still try to stab them from time to time, but it's harder now.

Hm? I got a text message from Seria.

[You are authorized to go to Mu, Charlotte~ have fun!]

And along with it is a file... I'll read it later.

For now, I will have fun chatting with my friends.


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