Infinite Mask Game

Chapter 272 Death Acts on Behalf

The Soul Hunter can be said to be the agent of the Silent Death and the manager of the Soul Requiem.

Lurking and stalking during the day and hunting at night, it is the key figure connecting the Soul Requiem and reality, and runs through the beginning and end of the All Saints' Day.

Judging from the emotion at the beginning of the dungeon, the Soul Hunter has become a little confused after hundreds of years of hunting, and its long-cherished expectations are about to be realized.

"The wear and tear of the spirit... Will the undead also have an aging period?" Wei Miao speculated, "This is not like the mental strength that a God's Favored One should have."

For a true God's Favored One, a mere 300 years is far from enough to decay the spirit.

She served as the rabbit god "Scarlet Eye" in the second dungeon and created hundreds of God's Favored Ones, so she has a certain understanding of this aspect.

Even for a lowly god like "Scarlet Eye", its agent "Lubit" can survive for more than 300 years.

Due to the absolute belief in the gods themselves, the God's Favored Ones have tempered their tenacious beliefs and will, and their mental strength is not at the same level as ordinary extraordinary people.

Moreover, if the "long wait" mentioned by the soul hunter is a dedication to the gods, it should be excited when it is about to be completed.

But in fact, it is tired and indifferent, and its words are relieved.

Wei Miao touched the edge of his face. The crow mask was embedded in the flesh, and the leather spread to below the neck, covering the original appearance.

"If it is said that its predecessor was also a resident of Sabo Town, and it was promoted to God's favor by taking advantage of the disaster, it makes sense. Locals who are familiar with the town are more convenient to act than God's favor who is airborne."

"It is not justified by faith, but... it has reached a certain agreement with the god of death. It is watching for its own interests."

"The 300 years of hunting and waiting are the price it paid. Although it has been promoted to God's favor, its spiritual level is still at the level of ordinary people, and it does not have a real extraordinary will."

Wei Miao walked along the road in the garden, his eyes swept across the tombstones, and the brief inscriptions on them wrote the life of the deceased.

After walking through the unexplored areas during the day, as expected, there was a person's tombstone not among them.

"Who will be promoted to be the God's Favored One?" Wei Miao began to walk back, "The Silent Death God originally had no foundation in this area. If He wants to choose someone, He can't choose a homeless person as the God's Favored One. The status of the God's Favored One cannot be desecrated."

"The Silent Death God made early arrangements, so the God's Favored One should have been selected in advance. The most likely candidate is... the mayor of the town."

This guess originated from a small detail.

In the Soul Requiem Realm, the mayor's original residence is the only residential house with a door but not locked.

If the Soul Hunter is the mayor, then of course, there is no obstacle to returning to his home.

"There is no tombstone of the mayor in the cemetery. If he is really a soul hunter, the Blessing Sect would never erect a tombstone for a pagan god in their own cemetery."

"And in terms of status, the mayor represents the administrative power of the town and is qualified to be a pawn to counter the Blessing Sect."

The town hall and the church face the statue across the square. The opposition and coexistence between politics and religion can be seen from the orientation of the two.

The same pattern is also in the requiem area. The soul hunter is a god's favor and the representative of the silent death god. His residence is opposite the cathedral.

It makes sense from a symbolic point of view. Symbols are the key to interpreting gods.

The gods of supreme power cannot come to the world in person, so most of them appear in symbols.

"The mayor who is familiar with the town is also the best person to manage special residents, including the subsequent guidance and establishment of the All Saints' Festival and cooperation with the Blessing Sect..."

"But he should know the arrival and consequences of the Great Cataclysm, after all, he has to contribute in the future. What kind of interests are worth him using the lives of all the people in the town as bargaining chips to make a covenant with the Silent Death?"

Hatu once came to the town to persuade the residents to flee the town, but was ignored. At that time, the mayor might have known the truth.

As a natural disaster, the Great Cataclysm will definitely come. But if he came forward, the tragedy of death in the Great Cataclysm may not necessarily happen.

But this destroyed the plans of the two gods.

"So, the mayor is actually powerless to the arrival of the Great Cataclysm. It is better to say that he got something from the Silent Death at the cost of 300 years of watch."

Thinking of this, Wei Miao felt that he needed to go to the town hall to take a look.

The town hall was rebuilt from the original mayor's residence. If the mayor really left any clues, that would be the most likely place.

Of course, these are all her speculations based on the very little known information. During the limited stay, the town of Sabo was almost in a deep sleep, and exploring the game and transaction between the two gods was the most appropriate thing at the moment.

After putting the tools back in the gravekeeper's hut, Wei Miao flew out of the cemetery.

Looking down from a high place, there was no figure on the square. It seemed that she was the only one awake in this town.

Wei Miao looked up and saw that the sky was clear and the air was clear. In the starry night sky, there was a rainbow star that was particularly bright.

The distance between the town hall and the cemetery was very close, just across a square.

At the speed of a soul hunter, half a minute later, she stepped onto the stone steps in front of the town hall.

Midnight was non-working hours, and the door of the town hall was closed.

Wei Miao walked around the town hall and found that the balcony on the side of the second floor was a good sneak channel.

The balcony is usually not blocked very strictly because few people can enter from the balcony.

She landed silently on the semicircular balcony, walked forward, opened the unlocked frosted glass door, and walked straight into the room.

This is an office space. A large pile of documents is stacked on the desk next to the door, and many wooden tables that look very heavy are put together in a row.

Wei Miao simply glanced at it and did not look closely.

In fact, she did not know what she might find. If there are still clues left in the world, what form should it take?

Wei Miao could only answer "It depends on fate".

It is possible that there is no trace, and the possibility is not small.

But with her extraordinary insight, she vaguely felt that the soul hunter should leave some arrangements.

For Him, the town of Sabo is just one of the arrangements as numerous as stars. At most, He can divide a wisp of thought and use it to make use of people and things, but He cannot end up.

He is high in the dome, observing thousands of things, and everything is at hand and can be discarded at will.

And using sacrifice to interfere is a common method used by Him.

The formation of the Soul Requiem Domain must not be the result of His direct action. The souls living in it and the connection with the All Saints Festival all indicate that this is the result of the great catastrophe.

He is just a designer, not an actor.

The actor is someone else, so this task will certainly fall on the head of the God's favor.

As for the scale and layout of the Soul Requiem Field, Wei Miao doesn't believe that the mayor didn't make some advance preparations.

The most convenient place to prepare is naturally your own home.

Belated holiday wishes: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

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