Infinite Mask Game

Chapter 271 Migratory Eye

There was no smell of decay and no bones as imagined.

Wei Miao saw a red-haired young man with a peaceful look.

Even after many years of death, Hatu Dan's body was still not rotten.

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He closed his eyes tightly, placed his hands on both sides of his body, and lay flat in the coffin without a sound. There was a layer of dark blue fluffy cushion underneath.

It was as if he had just slept for a long time underground.

After being surprised, Wei Miao understood a little.

The extraordinary and mortals are no longer the same species. The great power they possess is enough to subvert ordinary cognition. It is not impossible to die without decay.

When someone passes by a grave and kicks an open coffin, they may worry that the owner of the coffin will resurrect.

But Wei Miao is now a soul hunter and also has great power.

If Hatu is really not dead, it is unknown who will be afraid of whom when he resurrects.

Therefore, Wei Miao is not afraid of this shady cemetery and the dead who have been lying for hundreds of years. She knows that the difference in power is the essence of fear.

After looking around, she found a palm-sized booklet placed against the wall of the coffin on Hatu's right hand.

Other burial objects included an emerald ring with a dark green vertical slit in the middle that looked like a cat's pupil.

An exquisitely crafted metal astrolabe engraved with dark gold patterns.

A monocular telescope inlaid with reddish brown wood, the surface was still warm and smooth.

There was even a deck of cards of unknown material, hard in texture, with black background and gold lines, well preserved.

These were of little value to Wei Miao. To be more precise, for her now, the most important thing was to figure out the possible secrets.

Secrets are invisible resources, and veins are the guide for everything.

Wei Miao supported the coffin lid with her left hand, reached into it with her right hand, and took out the booklet that was as thick as a knuckle.

She carefully closed the coffin lid, controlling the force with her right hand, for fear of crushing the booklet.

The yellowed paper showed the desolate years it had gone through. It felt thin and fragile, and the brown cover had no pattern.

The sharp claws opened the cover with just the right amount of force. On the title page was an ugly signature: Hatu Dan.

"If Hatu really left some clues, they should be in this notebook."

Wei Miao squatted beside the coffin, brushed her fingers over the edge of the paper, and quickly flipped through it to find the part she needed.

From the information she got from reading ten lines at a glance, this was Hatu's research notebook, which was covered with some patterns and symbols that she couldn't understand, and there were scribbled shorthand annotations next to it.

When she turned about two-thirds of the way through, a sentence came into view.

"It is preliminarily estimated that around 3066, the ups and downs cycle of the Migratory Eye will enter the alternating stage."

3066 is the year on the tombstone.

The page-turning action suddenly stopped, and Wei Miao turned a few pages forward, trying to sort out the whole story.

"...According to observations, the intensity of the rainbow light of the Migratory Eye has reached the critical value in the records, and a doomsday eruption will come soon... It is preliminarily estimated that around 3066, the Migratory Eye's ups and downs cycle will enter the alternating stage."

"Divination and astrology show that the 'death tide' is likely to pass nearby??"

The big question mark next to this sentence shows his disbelief.

Then there is a lengthy symbol calculation, which occupies more than ten pages, similar to some of the previous fragments.

"Error 5.1%...3066, possible location..."

Among the place names, "Sabo Town" was circled by a red ballpoint pen.

Next to it, "Jenny", the name of his lover, was circled many times.

After that, it was to continue in-depth research.

After more than a dozen pages of unique symbols, the notes came to an abrupt end.

Wei Miao flipped back and confirmed that there was no more content behind.

The last stroke was cut off at a symbol that looked like "μ". The stroke stopped very abruptly, and the ink pen wiped a shallow mark in the nearby blank space.

"'The Eye of Migration' is most likely some kind of astrological phenomenon, and the so-called 'Great Cataclysm' is the eruption of the Eye of Migration he mentioned."

Wei Miao speculated based on the records he saw.

"After calculating that a disaster might befall the town of Sabo, he warned the townspeople to no avail, and he prepared to take his girlfriend away."

"The last page should have been written before the sudden death, and the person died halfway through."

Wei Miao checked carefully and found that the last two pages were not consistent with the previous calculations.

Hatu seemed to have a templated calculation method, and most of the processes began with the same string of symbols. Even if Wei Miao couldn't understand it, he could still perceive the pattern.

"Unfortunately, there is no other valid information except the cause of the Great Cataclysm."

"The time of his death was too bizarre, and it was a sudden death..."

Wei Miao looked meaningfully at the sickle she had leaned against the tombstone.

The soul hunter can completely achieve a phenomenon similar to sudden death with a sickle.

This is what travelers do. The connection between the body and the soul is severed, and the soul is absorbed into the realm of requiem.

It will not leave any wounds on the body surface. The official explanation is "sudden death", which also means that there are no external wounds on the body surface, which is consistent with the soul-stealing of the soul hunter.

Of course, there must be other secret methods that can kill people instantly, but Wei Miao has not come into contact with them.

"If it is really murder, then who killed him? Judging from Hatu's notes, he has a deep understanding of the catastrophe. Did he discover something after the disaster, so he was silenced?"

"The only ones who have the ability to do this are two forces, the Silent Death and the Blessing Angel. After the catastrophe, All Saints' Day emerged, and the Blessing Sect gradually grew in size."

"Since Hatu can foresee the arrival of the death wave, as gods, they can also know in advance and make arrangements... They may have reached some kind of deal and reap their own benefits."

"The first is the Silent Death force. Judging from the admission conditions of the Requiem Realm, it should have appeared after the Cataclysm. As far as the special residents currently in contact are concerned, they are all closely related to the Cataclysm."

"There is reason to believe that the divine companion 'Soul Hunter' was also born from the cataclysm. The significance of its hunting is unknown for the time being. There are too many possibilities."

"The Cataclysm gave birth to All Saints' Day and gave birth to the Requiem Realm. The Silent Death has since taken root in the small town of Sabo, and its purpose is unknown."

"Judging from the means, it is very likely that the soul hunter took action to obliterate Hattu."

"The second is to bless the sect. The blessing angel protected the believers in the church when the catastrophe came, and all the unbelievers died in the disaster."

With her thoughts at this point, Wei Miao glanced at the crowded cemetery, her mood was calm: "This is the so-called 'those who believe and are baptized will be saved', right? Those who don't believe will be classified as the silent god of death, and they will only be resurrected one day a year." ”

"It not only eliminated the unbelievers, but the miraculous salvation also made the believers desperate. Through the influence of All Saints' Day, the town gradually prospered, which fed back the sect, and the expansion of financial resources and personnel gave it the confidence to expand."

"There is no obvious possibility of killing people in the sect. After all, everything is smooth, upright and blameless. On the contrary, the Silent Death lineage that relies on the survival of the souls of the dead may be regarded as a heresy."

"The long history has buried too many details, and the answers to many secrets have been nowhere to be found. But there is one thing worth paying attention to."

Wei Miao put the booklet back into the coffin, covered the coffin board, properly backfilled the nearby soil, and trimmed it slightly to cover up the traces of earth-moving.

She picked up the scythe again and stood in front of Hattu's tombstone.

"Soul hunter... who is this god's descendant?"

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