I will save you in this 5th Life

Chapter 19: Movies (2)

I turned on the lights to my room, and put my bag on the chair in front of my table, and then I slotted in my Personal Device right in the slot on the table 

After that, I took off my clothes and showered to wash away the sweat after a tiring day 

Once the warm water hit my body, the fatigue of going through the class training and also training for the new magic hit me at once 

Which made me sigh in exhaustion 

But the fatigue disappeared as soon as it hit me due to the warm water washing it away 

After making sure I cleaned up well, I left the bathroom and wore my home clothes after drying myself off 

I just sat for a bit after changing my clothes and then stood up in order to stretch my body 

This was something I really neglected for a while after I started this new school, but it was something that my mother told me since I was a young kid 

I think she said something along the lines of 

“Itsuki don’t forget to stretch before and after working out no matter how intense the workout was 

Not only can it improve your performance by helping your body improve its range of motion, but it can also lower the risks of injuries during different activities 

And this is something people don’t say often but when you stretch it can also help you calm down quite a bit and might help release some stress 

So don’t forget to do it even when you are not living together with us anymore” 

Back then I did not really think I would be so away from home since I was just a young kid at that time, but now that I have truly left home it made me remember that I should really keep up with the things my mother had taught me 

I stretched for about ten minutes 

Honestly, I am not sure if I did the right actions, or if I even did the right actions 

I guess all that matters is I did stretch 

I guess? 

I finished stretching I went to the area where I hung my clothes and checked the pocket for the sticks that I got from the store 

I put my hand in the right pocket first but I realized I put it in the left pocket of the pants 

I took out the three sticks and put them on my table 

And I took the clothes I wore earlier and moved them to the washing machine in order to wash them 

If I was living in my own rented apartment, I definitely would not have one, since the cost would be so high 

It's good that this is a school dorm 

I thought as I put the clothes in the machine and started it up 

I went back to my table as I heard the whirring of the machine 

I sat down and looked at the three sticks that I bought 

I looked through their titles again and I put down the one on the serial killer since it was something I was quite familiar with already so I am going to watch last 

I looked at the remaining two choices, and since one was on cultists it made me interested and chose it to watch 

I took off the cap of the stick and slotted it in the area next to where I slotted my Device, and after it lit up, I took out my Device to input some settings and transferred the movie footage into the large screen which just popped up 

And just for the sake of ambience I went to the entrance and turned off the light in the room 

I then sat on the chair and prepared to do what I had planned 

I took out some items in the bottom drawer of the table as the movie started 

Huh, I did not know I put that there 

I found some throwing knives which I bought some time ago right before I moved to this place 

I took them out along with the pouch it was with and set it down in front of me 


There were four knives in the pouch, I think this should be enough for what I wanted to try 

Since the movie started, I activated the magic I just learned today and started by coating two of the knives with enough mana so that I could manipulate them 

After a few seconds and some mana loss later, it started to float 

I made it do some movement 

It complied and started to move from left to right 

I continued to input the commands and made the two knives go spiral up and down 

And finally, I made them stack on top of each other using the tip of the blade 

After this, I focused on the movie while keeping them afloat in order to start my concentration training 

Earlier when Nozomu startled me and I lost concentration when using the magic which nearly led to the loss of my device made me notice the major weakness of this ability 

And at that moment I was thinking about how to combat this weakness

Or even just slightly lessen the chance of this happening 

And the measure I came up with was to watch something that can shock me enough to lose my focus, but then try to make it so that I can recover fast enough or not be affected too heavily

I don’t know if this is something that is humanely possible to learn or if this training is even possible, but I thought it would be worth a try if I wanted to integrate this magic into my arsenal  

The movie started off with the title 

“The Hunting of the Dark Cult” 

And then it showed a point of view of some hooded figures chasing after some people in a dark neighbourhood 

With the chased person occasionally looking back at the hooded figures that were chasing after them 

Then next the angle switched from the first-person view of the hooded figure to the person that was being chased 

And it seemed they found a good place to hide, and thought it was a good idea to bring out their device and call for help 

And I heard them call their friend while heavily breathing, I don’t know why they did not call for their family in this scenario but I guess since this is a movie I did not think much of it 

And the next scene immediately answered why they did not call their family and also provided the name of the person being chased 

It seems the person was called Sam 

And it was actually revealed that Sam is being chased by their family 

From what I got from the conversation, the person seems to have told their friend before that there was a basement area in their house that no one was allowed to enter and every week their family would go off somewhere and come back very late 

And they would not answer even if the person asked where did they go  

Which made Sam very confused and also suspicious 

Another thing that made her very suspicious was the abundance of books that were written in a language Sam did not recognize  

When asked by Sam concerning the content of the books, her father replied and said it was something related to his research 

And Sam seemed to have believed in them at first since their father was a professor and researcher who specialized in ancient ruins and culture 

But all the suspicious movements of the family and also the suspicious items found by her such as different animal skins and various gold-made items that had a hint of red in their design made her determined to find out the truth behind their suspicious activities 

Sam thought checking the basement would provide her with most if not all of the answers 

“And since this a movie, she would definitely find something weird in the basement or maybe she will even find her family in their doing something suspicious” 

I thought as I continued to float the blades 

The film showed that there was a three-week time skip before Sam actually prepared mentally in order to enter the basement 

They made sure that on that day, her family members would be away from home and she would have enough time to check the basement 

She waited for everyone to leave the home and after making sure everyone was gone, she called her friends in order to tell her the plan and also to have insurance to call for help if she does not come back from her visit to the basement 

After one more check around the house, she took a flashlight and also a knife from the kitchen and walked down to the basement 

She slowly walked down the stairs after she opened the door with the stairs that led to the basement 

She pointed her flashlight on the stairs as she made her way down in order to make sure she would not trip on anything and also to see if there was anything suspicious or weird 

After a few seconds on the stairs, she reached the lower door that opened to the basement 

She had to cover her nose as she made it down the stairs since she commented on the fact that there was a very heavy scent of iron the more, she walked down 

“If it is how these movies usually go, it is probably blood but there is a chance that it might not be human blood as people usually presume” 

I thought as I spun the blades around for a bit 

And then I injected mana to a third blade and made it float alongside my first two floating knives 

She pointed her torch to the handle to see if it required her to bring tools to open it up 

The light shined and it revealed that the door was actually slightly opened 

She gave it a small push and it successfully opened  

She then had a face of disgust and covered her nose again 

As she entered the room, she found out the reason why she could smell something bad enough that forced her to cover her nose 

At first, I was confused and so was she, and then she realized it was blood on the ground 

Instead of red paint that was slowly peeling off 

She covered up her mouth in an attempt to prevent herself from hurling 

But it was a vain attempt since she went to a corner and hurled 

She wiped her mouth and continued her investigation in the basement 

Then she slowly made her way in the middle of the room where a table was located 

But as she made it to the spot, it was actually something similar to an operating table with a weird logo in the middle 

The camera panned and revealed the logo in the middle 

There was a large eye in the middle with various hands coming out of the area where the iris was supposed to be located 

“Huh what's with all these hands imagery that I am seeing today” 

I thought as I added the last knife into the floating armada 

Sam looked at the table for a bit and moved on to look at the books that were placed on the bookshelves around the table 

And all of them had the same imagery on the covers and also had the same unrecognizable language that Sam’s father had 

She continued to look at other things in the basement and found a small step ladder in the corner  

At first, she was confused about the ladder and then she looked up to see there was a trapdoor that led outside 

She braced as she climbed up and out of the trapdoor 

And she saw that it led to an area quite close to their home and guessed that this might be how they were accessing the basement without going down the basement stairs 

The crushed grass around the trapdoor supported her theory 

She looked around the trapdoor and went back down the door to continue her search in the basement 

Looking at the shelves she found some jars holding red liquid, but each of them seemed to have different degrees of redness 

There were some labels on them which gave hints on what was being kept in the jars, and the labels read out various animals 

Sam realized that these jars likely hold the blood of various animals, and she back away from the jars 

As she backed away, she saw the second floor of the shelves which had more jars, but instead of blood this time, it mainly held eyeballs 

Each of the jars only held one pair of eyeballs and it also seemed to be labelled but with numbers instead of names this time 

She backed away and hit the desk behind her 

A book fell to the floor 

Sam picked it up and saw the same logo that was prevalent throughout the basement 

She opened the book and realized she could understand what the book wrote 

On the first page, it wrote 

“Do you desire the eyes that can perceive the truth 

Do you desire power that could fight off the evil brought by the Fake Gods  

If you wish to join our crusade 

Then cast your blood unto this Crimson Bible of our lord ADEKARORAT 

To show your faith in the one who rules the Crimson” 

She flipped to the next page and there was a pentagram which was probably the area she was supposed to drip her blood on 

The other pages were empty as she flipped through the book until the end 

And then there was a clacking sound 

The camera then moved to show that her father at the entrance of the house had opened the door, which was the source of the sound 

It was already too late for her to climb back up the stairs so she chose to go out through the trap door and look for help instead 

Her father walked into the house and saw that the door the lead to the basement was slightly ajar and put the pieces together 

The father's eyes grew slightly red, and he took out his phone and typed something 

Then he rushed down the stairs into the basement and saw that the trapdoor was open, indicating Sam had successfully run away 

The father also rushed after Sam by climbing out of the trapdoor 

As the father continued to search for Sam, more and more gathered around him 

After a while, they stopped and discussed, which led to them splitting up to look for Sam 

“Something that they should done in the beginning, but I guess this is a movie” 

I yawned as I continued my training 

I feel like I chose the wrong movie to train for this since there has not even been one shocking scene so far 

And now it continued with the beginning of the movie where Sam was talking to her friend on the phone 

Her friend said they would come to find her, and she told her friend the location of where she was hiding 

Luckily her friend seemed to recognize the place since it was close to where she was 

After they finished their conversation, Sam waited for some time for her friend to arrive 

There was some sound of grass crunching, and suddenly her friend appeared 

The loud music of that moment and her friend appearance made me jump a little 

Nearly dropping the knives, I was able to focus and keep them afloat 

They hugged and talked for a bit to formulate their next plan 

As they walked out of the area, they met the father standing in the way with other hooded people standing beside him 

Then she heard her father thank her friend causing her to turn and look  

Which revealed that her friend’s eyes had hands coming out her eye sockets where her eyeball was supposed to be at 


That actually surprised me, especially due to the close shot of the grotesque looking thing 

Then her friend stuck her tongue out and revealed the same logo that she saw on her table 

Sam tried to run away but was cornered by the number of people around her and it cut to black as the cultist rushed to capture her 

Then it moved to a scene where she was placed upon the table of the basement with her hand being cut and dripping her blood on the bible 

Then hands came out of the book and engulfed her  

Making her into a cocoon made of human flesh and hands 

After a while, the cocoon cracked and revealed her looking the same  

Then there was another cut, this time she was going to school and waved goodbye to her family  

As she got out of the door, she met her friend and they walked to school 

The movie ended with her and her friend glowing red, it also revealed that her eye had the same logo that was on her friend tongue 

Then the credits started 


“That was it? 

I am surprised it was that popular 

But I could not really get shocked enough, but it did help me control multiple knives as I watched the movie  

So, it was not a full waster” 

My stomach then growled 

I looked at the time and saw it was quite late already 

So, I got up to turn on the light and check the fridge for food 

The light of the fridge opened to reveal 


Well, nothing that is filling anyway 

I guess I will just have to go to the store and grab something to eat again 

I quickly got changed and picked up my device to go out 

Then I heard something akin to a glass breaking as I opened my door 

I went back in to check if it was my window 

My window is still in one piece 

“I guess something else outside broke” 

I said to myself as I closed the door behind me 

I looked out to see the streetlights in the street were turned off, so I turned on the light of my device once I got out to the street 

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