I will save you in this 5th Life

Chapter 18: Movies

After I ushered out Yuuna from the library once the bell had rung, we made our way back to the classroom where the majority of the students had already returned and prepared to leave the school 

And since we were early compared to our friends who were in the gym, we instead waited while I tried to continue practice using the earlier spell that I learned 

This time I tried to pick up a heavier item in order to improve my efficiency with this skill 

I was looking for something heavier to lift when I realized I had quite the daring option on me already 

My device 

I told Yuuna I was looking for something heavier to use and she was also helping me look, and she saw me pull out my personal device from my pocket 

She looked at me dead straight in the eye and said 

“Please don’t tell me you are doing what I think you are doing” 

“Yes, I am going to try it with my device since it is quite hefty, and it's going to be useful for when I need to get it when my hands are not free” 

I gave her a smile and I heard her sigh 

I then chanted the chant for the spell 

And I felt mana slowly go into the device as I tried to fully envelop it with my mana 


It obviously felt different due to its size being wider and thicker, along with its material being much more different 

Once I felt that I had fully wrapped my mana around it, I tried to raise it up a bit using the magic and I felt some resistance due to Its weight but I could slowly feel it rise up with some trouble 


It was still unstable and hit the desk slightly as it flew up 

And Yuuna looked at me in amazement as it slowly continues to float higher 

And then I tried to will it to go left 

It did albeit with a little difficulty 

And we looked at the Device in amazement as it went to the left slowly and shakily 

Suddenly, I felt someone touch my back and yell 

“BOO, what are you doing” 


I was surprised and forgot to input commands into the Device and caused the magic to be cancelled since I was not able to focus on it due to the shock I just received 

And since my Device just lost the ability to float it should have just dropped down on the table  

But since in this case, it was not floating above the table since I moved it to the right side, it was on a one-way route to the cold hard ground of the classroom floor 

And I was not fast enough to catch it but I still tried to reach for it 

But as I saw that my hand was still quite a bit away from it, I was already prepared to have it repaired once it hit the floor 

But the impact never came 

Since a familiar hand swooped under it and grabbed ahold of it 

She put the Device on my table once she caught ahold of it 

“Here, I told you to be not to use something so valuable to practice something you are not used to 

Although, you Nozomu are also at fault for scaring Itsuki and breaking her concentration” 

“Sorry sorry, I am glad your Device didn’t break down though” 

I looked at her face and saw that she did feel apologetic so I chose to forgive her instead of making this issue lengthen 

But not before 


I gave her a forehead flick 

“I forgive, but you doing that did gave me something important to note of” 

She looked at me with confusion 

“But it’s a secret” 


“I will let you know after I take care of the issue” 

After this, she did not press the issue and we waited for the rest to come back from the gym before leaving the classroom 

Everyone picked up their weapons and packed up before leaving the classroom 

We talked as we made our way to the school gate and broke off into two groups like before to make our way home 

I told Yuuna and the others I want to stop by a store so that I can rent something for personal use and they also chose to follow me to the store 

It was quite close to the area that the convenience store that I usually go to was 

As we entered, we saw the shopkeeper greet us with a smile 

The store was lit up with the same contraception that was seen in the convenience store 

The store had quite a catalogue of movies, drama series and even music discs 

But I made a beeline to the area I was looking for, which was located towards the backside of the store, for obvious reasons 

As I reached the area, I looked at the others who were minding their own business and looking for something that interested them 

I saw Nozomu and Mizuki in the music section browsing music and talking to each other 

While I saw Yuuna in the drama series section looking around for something to watch 

I turned and looked at the area I reached 

The shelves of this area were quite dark I guess to match the theme of the disc in this section 

I looked at the label on the first shelf and it was written 

“Horror and Thriller, rent or buy at your own risk” 

And there was another row of words but in a smaller font that wrote 

“Please follow the age restriction of each disc before renting or buying” 

I took a look at the films and dramas that were located at the top of the shelves 

I was able to recognize some of them in an award show that was held at the end of last year 

I first looked at various videos that had monsters as their theme but I refrained from choosing them because as someone who had been training since a young age most of them do not scare me anymore 

On the contrary, I feel like I would just be spending my time criticizing these videos for their inaccuracy or absurdity 


I found the movie I saw last month, which was about zombies 

The movie started with zombie hordes attacking a town, where the hero used weapons to defend the town and it ended with him successfully fighting off the horde 

The movie overall was fine, but the main thing I will have to complain about is, where the movie constantly put focus on how the characters were able to eradicate the zombies by destroying its brain, which is unrealistic 

The biggest misconception regarding this happened since the people in the series made it seem like the characters were fighting against a creature that has its movement controlled by its brain 

Which is false 

A zombie is a corpse that moves due to the mana that is stored inside its body and not because its brain controlling its movement 

That is also why the zombies that are usually seen in the wild have weird and erratic movements that are vastly different from us humans 

This is why the best way to handle them is to completely drain their mana using abilities or weapons that are tailor made for such scenarios 

And this is also why zombie eradication missions are often done by individuals or parties that have mana-less members 

Or using light-based magic is also a good way to take care of them since they can purify and negate the dark mana that exists inside the corpses 

This is why light-based magic is used for the extermination of various creatures that rely on dark mana to function 

Although, I have to say that they are not fully wrong in the fact that cutting off their head will make them stop for a bit

Cutting their head is a good way to delay their movement, since having their head cut off causes a large leak of their mana making it difficult for their body to function for longer periods of time 

Having their head cut off is the most major damage you can deal with them without a dedicated weapon or ability since their mana core will be the most exposed to that injury 

But in most cases, they would immediately try to plug the hole with its strong regenerative power or search for its head at once, instead of keeling over once their head has been cut off 

But you will definitely find some time to run away or look for a better weapon since it is going to be standing still in order to heal its body 

And of course, there are going to be people who are going to be like 

What if I tried to constantly try to cut off its body parts so that it spends all of its mana in order to regenerate itself and  

I am going to stop now before the other people look at me weird for glaring at this piece of CD 

So, monster movies are a no go for me 

I guess I will just look for some thriller movies that focus on attacking me psychologically 

I went a bit further and found the thriller section 

I did not watch many thriller movies so I did not know much about them, so I just looked for some that I recognized were popular  

I think this one was about a serial killer who was a high ranked Warrior, which made it harder for not only the general public but also experienced adventurers to stop her from committing the crimes 

I think this was based on a true story that happened quite some time ago 

Luckily these types of incidents don’t happen often in this country, and even if they did the country administration would immediately dispatch a suitable party in order to deal with the situation 

Although it did not happen that swiftly in the movie and also in this particular incident, which made the victim count increase before the killer was finally subdued 

Coupled with the fact that the criminal was using a demon blade further increased the difficulty of the situation 

Ultimately it took three high-rank squads in order to subdue her rampage 

This is highly uncommon for these types of situations, as this amount of personnel is usually reserved for dragon level threats 

Since each high-rank squad should have about 6 years of experience at the least, and the average rank of the members should be six 

This further shows how dangerous this situation was during the time 

But once this incident ended, the fear of this incident slowly disappeared and people continued with their daily lives  

But I think most people who have been living here for some time should be able to tell you the commonly known details about this incident 

And I think she was captured and taken to a high-security prison in order to be executed, but there are still many rumours that she has not been executed and instead is just being locked up somewhere unknown to be used as a controlled soldier during certain situations 

But no one knows the truth since there has been zero coverage on her after this incident had ended 

I guess I will choose this video since I have seen its high rating online 

I looked for more random thriller films before settling on two more that were highlighted as “Hot New Release” 

Then I made my way out of the horror and thriller section and saw Yuuna still in the same section standing around without looking for anything  

Which made me curious 

I think I saw her glance towards the music section once or twice 

I took a look 


Makes sense now 

I saw Nozomu and Mizuki listening to something from the music section by sharing earphones, and it seemed like they had quite a good mood going on 

And I think Yuuna did not want to intrude on them so she just stood around in the drama section  

So, I made my way to the drama section in order to make her less awkward 

“Hey, did you find anything you want?” 

She was a little shocked when I suddenly called out to her 

“Oh hey, I did try to look for something but most of the things I had no interest in 

What about you, did you find the thing you were looking for?” 

I raised the three discs I found in the section, and from her reaction, it seems she did not like the choices 

“I am not really good with these types of movies because they make it hard for me to sleep at night” 

Understandable reaction 

“I see, I don’t really rent these types of movies much but I wanted to try something by watching these movies so I just chose some popular ones to watch” 

“Ah, is It related to the thing you said after school earlier” 

“Yes, that’s exactly it” 

“I will look forward to the results” 

She said with a smile 

“But why were you just standing around here if there is nothing you wanted to see?” 

I wanted to confirm my suspicions 

“Is it because you did not want to intrude on the those two in the music section?” 

She got embarrassed and said 

“Yes, you are right, I feel like it would just be awkward if I just intruded in there since I feel like it's been ages since I saw her have that much fun with someone who shared the same interests as her” 

And she continued on and said 

“I was actually going to come to find you, but I saw that you were in the horror section and I was actually too scared the enter the section so I just stood around in the drama section to wait for you to come out” 


“Ah... Ah I see” 

Both of us got slightly embarrassed and I said 

“Let me just rent this first and let’s wait for them to finish” 

She nodded 

I went towards the counter 

“I would like to rent these please” 

I handed the cashier the three discs 

“Would you like to rent them in disc format or stick format that is more convenient for Personal Devices?” 

“Oh, if it's possible I would like the stick format please” 

“Got it” 

The cashier quickly typed something into the machine and she put away the three discs I handed her  

After a few seconds, she handed me three stick-like objects 

“I trust that you know how to use them?” 

I nodded 

“Yes, I do” 

“The rental period is a week, so please don’t forget to bring it back on time or you will have to pay a fine” 

“Got it” 

“Please press your device in this corner” 

She pointed to a corner located near the machine and it read “Press here” 


“It will be 150 Mar” 

And I confirmed that the correct amount had been deducted 

We then waited a bit for Mizuki and Nozomu to finish what they were doing 

As they came out of the section, I gave Nozomu a smirk 

It seems there was nothing they wanted to buy so we left the store after they were done 

I teased Nozomu on the way until we had to go our separate ways 

After saying our byes to Nozomu and Mizuki, we continued our movies and drama discussion that we were having at the store 

The discussion continued until we reached home 

“Goodnight and see you tomorrow” 

“Goodnight Yuuna” 

I said as I opened the door and entered my house 

I turned on my lights as I closed the door 

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