I have tens of millions of wage earners

Chapter 4 can carry but not necessary

Chapter 4 can carry but not necessary

There is a task, ask the player to accept it?

This question is redundant.

The players naturally readily agreed, and the impatient Niu Dingtian couldn't help but want to leave the village immediately.

But fortunately, the evil panda stopped him and said, "You just wear a white vest and go out to kill monsters? Find the lord first and get some equipment."

"That's right, Boss Flynn, please give me some novice outfits, ebony sword commoner clothes or something, if you can't do it, give me a bra for more protection!"

Blue Snake asked Flynn, "My lord, what is the danger outside the village? We don't have the equipment now, can we fight?"

Can you beat it?
Good question!
There are so many monsters outside the village, it would take three days and three nights to describe them in detail.

Flynn reckoned that with the few players in front of him, they would probably die suddenly in the wild.

In Tudou Village, there is only one man who can carry steadily in the dangerous wilderness!
The hot guy is Flynn himself!

Flynn, who was reborn, had experienced many battles in his memory.

At that time, the tall, rich and handsome Flynn Knight, with his outstanding personal strength and luxurious equipment, encountered ordinary robbers and mobs, and he was unrivaled!

Even now, Flynn can feel the strength in his body, which is definitely much stronger than ordinary people.

With Flynn's current strength, plus his family's sword and armor, Flynn reckoned that he would have no pressure to fight a gang of robbers by himself.

But... Flynn didn't want to take any chances.

The system only said that players can be resurrected, but it didn't say whether they can be resurrected after they die!
Flynn asked the system before: "How many lives do I have? How can I be resurrected after death?"

The indifferent mechanical sound of the system made Flynn despair: "The small wooden door system relies on you, what will happen if you die? This touches on the knowledge blind spot of this system."

Therefore, Flynn's first priority now is to ensure his own safety.

Perhaps the current self can easily lead the players to adventure outside the village.

But Flynn wouldn't do that.

Risky, but not necessary.

All these dirty work can be done by the tool people.

Therefore, facing the player's question of whether he could beat wild monsters, Flynn just said lightly: "I don't know how strong you are, maybe you are not even as good as the weakest goblin."

"You need to prove your strength, otherwise I will call another stronger brave."

"Go to fight, brave men, after all, as far as I know, all of you brave men from different worlds are fearless of death."

Although Flynn is a feudal lord with Mo De's feelings, it is for the better performance of the toolman players and for these players to have a better good experience.

Flynn made an impromptu decision to give some equipment to the players.

After all, when a company recruits employees, it must at least provide them with an office computer, right?

Now that the players are all wage earners serving him, he has to find a way to improve the production efficiency of the players.

Naturally, the villagers have no weapons. As for the only blacksmith in the village?
That old man's main job is also farming, and his side job is blacksmithing for the villagers. He usually mends pots, hammers plow blades and the like.

Fortunately, when I just came here yesterday, An'er picked up a rusty iron sword while cleaning the lord's mansion, and now it's just for the players to use.

"An'er, bring the best sword in the village and dedicate it to the brave men."

An'er's small face froze and her eyes widened, obviously she didn't understand.

"The best sword in the village?"

"Ahem!" Flynn winked at Ann, and whispered, "That's the one you picked up yesterday."

Soon Ann brought the Rusty Sword and handed it to Flynn.

Flynn held the sword and came to the players with a rusty sword full of ritual.

"This is the best sword in the whole village, only this one. The five of you will use this sword to take risks and prove the strength of the brave!"

Seeing the tattered rusty iron sword, the players were immediately stunned.

Is this the best sword in the whole village?
The sword may not look amazing, but isn't it too rusty?

Niu Dingtian looked at the iron sword, then at the exquisite scabbard around Flynn's waist, and couldn't help saying quickly: "Mr. Fu, your old man's sword looks better, how about borrowing your sword?" Shall I use it?"

"When the game is in public beta, I will collect the game currency and buy your sword directly."

Flynn was taken aback when he heard that, and then couldn't help laughing.

This Niu Dingtian information seems to be a grand guild leader?
As worthy of being the president of the Grand Council, it is indeed ruthless!

It was the first time Flynn saw someone who directly asked for top-level equipment from an NPC.

His face darkened, and Flynn said, "Brother, is it too much to ask me for a knight's family heirloom sword?"

Niu Dingtian was afraid and fell in love with him, so he quickly laughed and said: "I'm just asking, just asking, I know knights, just like soldiers can't leave their guns, weapons can't be borrowed randomly.

Niu Dingtian's whimsical ideas were naturally rejected by Flynn.

However, Flynn knew that one of the great joys of players playing online games was to collect equipment, so Flynn did not forget to place satellites.

"My lord's sword, of course I can't give it to others."

"But since I can summon heroes from another world like you, I naturally know what you want."

"As long as you complete the tasks I gave, there will be weapons."

While speaking, Flynn raised a knife and dropped a sword to cut a basketball-sized stone under his feet.

Cut melons and vegetables effortlessly!
Flynn pretended to be B, and said lightly: "The ability of a superpower will also be there."

Armed with the best sword in the village, the high-moralized players are ready to go.

"Boss Flynn, we are about to leave, can you tell us about the rewards in advance?"

"Forget it! Let's not talk about rewards, go ahead! Go slaying monsters!"

"I'm so hungry and thirsty! I want to be as strong as the lord!"

"President Fu, my uncle is leaving! Don't worry, there will be food!"

The brave behavior of the players has also been cheered and shouted by the villagers.

"Worthy of being a brave man!"

"Okay! That's great! The brave men are as brave as the legends say!"

"Master Brave, come on!"

"come on!"

"Be sure to come back safely!"

A dirty little girl, only five or six years old, walked over cautiously holding a lonely little white flower.

She seriously handed the little white flower into the hands of the evil panda, and then said very seriously with a slightly childish accent: "Thank you, Mr. Brave, come on."

The Evil Panda was taken aback for a moment, and after two seconds of being absent-minded, the Evil Panda secretly cursed that this game is so fucking real, and then said with a big grin: "Don't worry, I'm a brave man!"

Players with high morale stood at the entrance of the village and waved to the villagers for the last time, and set up the Flag: "We will return victorious soon! Bye!"

As the players left, Flynn also received a system message at the same time.

"[Achievement: Start the first adventure] has been unlocked, rewarding the pain adjustment function of the small wooden door system."

This function is very important!
Since this world is a real world, the pain may be very realistic, and the players can't bear it.

So Flynn quickly adjusted the pain in the system to 20%, that's all for the time being, and we can see the situation changes in the future.

The brave players set off, and Flynn was reclining on a nearby boulder to read "The Chronicle of Tudou Village".

With An'er by his side fanning himself and handing him tea, the small days are still very pleasant.

And the players came back an hour later.

 Don't forget to invest, everyone, you can get it with starting coins.

(End of this chapter)

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