I have tens of millions of wage earners

Chapter 3 Ferry became a dog?

Chapter 3 Ferry became a dog?
Flynn explained patiently and earnestly for a long time, making sure that every villager understood his intentions.

Then Flynn combed his hair to look like a knight, put on a handsome armor, turned on the system, and performed the summoning ceremony.

The so-called summoning ceremony is actually to connect the system with players on Earth.

After a few white lights, 5 players successfully logged into the game.

They landed in the game and came to this world at the same time.

At the same time, Flynn also received a system notification: [Achievement: First Summoning] has been unlocked, and the number of linked players in the reward system has increased by 50.

Flynn was very satisfied to see that the achievement was achieved so easily, and there will be more players next time, and more point cards can be collected.

However, Flynn has not directly summoned 50 more people for the time being, and Tudou Village is not ready yet.


Five brave men appeared, and the villagers all looked at them, and the name strips on their heads.

This name...is really a bit strange!
The villagers are very curious about the brave man from another world, but because of Flynn's explanation before, the villagers dare not go up to watch for the time being, and only dare to watch from a distance.

And these five players who had just arrived in the other world were equally shocked.

This mountain, this water, this stone, this sky... is too real!
The reptiles under the feet, the sunshine that dazzles the eyes, the rustic smell of the country brought by the breeze...

The facial expressions and clothing details of the NPC in front of me are simply against the sky!

It's not that I haven't played a game with good graphics and a high degree of realism, but I've never heard of a game that can achieve this level of realism!

This is Zenith Star technology!

Could it be that I blamed the dog by mistake?

Flynn is not missing and having a good time, but he is practicing behind closed doors and preparing to create a stunning masterpiece?
Evil Panda, Leader Stealing Guevara, Shuiyou's Hot Weapon, Blue Snake, and Niu Dingtian, the five first-test players, you look at me, I look at you, they are all excited and somewhat dazed.

But one thing is certain: this must be a super big production created by Flynn's designer!
The evil panda first asked: "Are you also a player who signed up for the closed beta?"

"Well, I'm Blue Snake, and I know a little bit about "Super Warriors"."

"Wow! Blue Snake! The 4th PVP champion? Disrespect, disrespect! I am a hot weapon and a UP master."


Several players introduced each other, and then they all cut to the chase and asked about the game.

"How do you play this game?"

"I don't know either, and there is no information on the official website."

"Looking at the painting style of these NPCs, it seems to be a fantasy-style world, which is different from "Super Wars"."

"How to open the backpack?"

"This game seems to have nothing, no backpack, no attribute panel, and I don't feel that I have any superpowers."

"Is it a real game? Last year, the real medieval game "Heavenly Atonement" was quite popular."

"Reality games are normal, but this is too real, right? I was even bitten by a mosquito... the pain is almost exactly the same as in reality!"

"No, I said, let the truth be the truth, but the jeans I'm still wearing are too outrageous, right? Since it's a fantasy world, at least give me a wooden sword and a set of training leather armor!"

"Be patient, it's an internal test after all, there must be something missing."

"Closed beta? Nima, this game feels like nothing is done well! What is Fugou doing?"

Several players were discussing with each other while looking at the world curiously.

Obviously, the players are at a loss now.

And Flynn, like a guiding light, will light up the players' heads that are not enlightened.

Now the function of the small wooden door system is very limited, and Flynn cannot allow players to have superpowers, nor can they spawn equipment.

All Flynn can do now is to issue system announcements.

So Flynn issued a system announcement:
"As brave men who have been summoned, you should first visit the lord of Tudou Village—Knight Flynn, and ask the lord why he summoned you."

Only players can receive this system announcement. After receiving the system announcement, several players looked at each other in blank dismay.

"The lord here is called Flynn? This guy made himself into the game."

"It's normal. In "The War of the Espers", isn't the first big version of the boss Lin Flyn the incarnation of Flynn?"

"But this time, Flynn is not a boss, but an NPC."

Among the NPCs at the scene, Flynn wearing handsome knight armor was quite conspicuous, so the players saw Flynn at a glance.

Then the players walked up to Flynn while looking around curiously.

Among them, Niu Dingtian walked the fastest. He walked directly to Flynn, admired the armor with greedy eyes, and even tapped it with his hands.

"Ding dong!"

"The texture of this armor is awesome! I have to figure out a way to fix it too."

And the leader Che Guevara also said carelessly: "Ferdog, send us the task."

Hearing about this dog, Flynn was immediately unhappy.

what's the situation?
What is the dog?
I remember when the reporter was interviewing, the reporter said that his nickname was Ferdae!

Why has Ferdy turned into a dog?

Although in the Western context, dog is not a curse word, but Flynn's face turned black instantly.

Pushing Niu Dingtian away, Flynn gave the leader Guevara a cold look.

Then Flynn issued a system announcement: Player Niu Dingtian and leader Che Guevara offended Lord Flynn and reduced NPC favorability.

Niu Dingtian and the leader Che Guevara were stunned for a moment, but they were also old players, so they immediately understood what was going on.

"I'll go, Flynn is still brave. This kind of realistic affection system has been sprayed out by players, and he dares to use it."

"Yes, if there is a realistic affection system, then when we play games, we must be polite and orderly to NPCs, and it really hurts to play."

"The current new online games basically don't have a realistic favorability setting. I didn't expect Flynn to do this."

"I think the authenticity of this game is really exploding. The favorability is also for the sake of being more realistic. It's understandable."

"You guys still complain about such a real game, Flynn is Flynn, if you don't make a move, it's such a shocking masterpiece! Mr. Fu, you are worthy of being my idol."

"That's right, it's an internal test game, there are some imperfections for the time being, it's totally fine!"

Complaints are complaints, but the announcement about favorability is really effective.

The five players all stood in front of Flynn relatively respectfully, and did not dare to speak of Flydog in front of Flynn anymore.

Flynn pretended to be a native of another world, and read slowly: "Heroes from another world! Tudou Village is in danger, and you are called to serve me!"

"You work for me, and I will provide you with rewards. We can have a pleasant cooperation."

"But remember, you must abide by my rules in my territory, and you must not harm my people, otherwise I will cancel your summons, so that you will never come to this world again."

The meaning of this sentence is: eternal seal.

While Flynn himself was speaking, he also used the small wooden door to make the same announcement.

The system announcement warned all players: In Lord Flynn's territory, you must abide by Flynn's rules, otherwise you will be disqualified from the game, banned for a period of time or even permanently.

This is to warn players from the NPC in the game and the system announcement: Flynn is the absolute leader here.

Flynn let a few players digest it, and then said: "And now, I will give you the first task commission to test the strength of the brave from another world."

And the 5 players replied very cooperatively: "No problem! We will take care of it!"

"My lord, what can we do for you?"

According to the previous planning and communication with the villagers, Flynn had already prepared the task.

The first thing to solve is the food problem. The rations that Flynn carried are probably enough to feed two people for more than a week, which made Flynn feel a little insecure.

Moreover, Qidian’s historical novels told Flynn: In ancient troubled times, there was food to pull the team together.

So Flynn wanted to stockpile some grain first.

So Flynn said: "The development of a village is inseparable from food. If you can bring some food back to Tudou Village, I will be very happy."

"Braves, do you dare to venture outside the dangerous village and contribute to the development of Tudou Village?"

(End of this chapter)

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