I Have a Crush I Want to Talk to You

Chapter 23

: Chapter 19 Sickness Is Sweet

But I never thought that getting up early is to get up early, but it is definitely not to go to sea. The sky was already bright, and the blue sky was lit with a few sparse stars, and my stomach suddenly began to cramp. I tossed and turned over and over again, and slowly, the pain in my abdomen became more and more severe, and pressing my stomach with both hands had no effect.

After an unknown amount of time, Zhao Jun finally heard the sound and opened the curtains in fascination, “It’s already dawn, get up quickly.”

I finally couldn’t help the pain, got up and ran to the bathroom to retire, but I couldn’t vomit anything.

“What’s wrong with you, Jingjing? Did eating seafood ruin your stomach?” Zhao Jun finally realized that something was wrong with me.

“I don’t know…” I was so in pain that I had no strength to speak. After enduring the pain, I brushed my teeth and washed my face. After a while, Xiaobai and Jiayao knocked on the door, urging them to go downstairs for breakfast.

When I got to the restaurant downstairs, I smelled the food. I suddenly felt nauseated again and ran into the bathroom to retire. When I got back to the table, the pain in my abdomen was unbearable, I couldn’t help but snorted, and my forehead started to sweat non-stop.

Xiaobai and Jiayao also noticed something was wrong with me and asked worriedly, “Ah, Jingjing, what’s the matter with you?”

“How are you going to go out to sea like this?”

“I may not be able to go out to sea.” My stomach hurts more and more, I have no strength, I lie on the table like a dead pig and can’t move.

Wei Xue snorted coldly, “It’s either seasickness or a stomachache, but she’s really delicate.”

I didn’t have the strength to argue with Wei Xue, so I said to Xiao Bai, “You guys…

Go, I’ll just rest by myself…”

Xiaobai said, “Look at your pain. Your clothes are all sweaty. We will accompany you to the hospital.”

The instant noodle came over and touched my forehead with my hand. I immediately reached out and rudely knocked his hand off. My stomach was cramping, but it didn’t make me forget how he made me look ugly in front of Xu Jingjing last night. He forcibly put his hand on my forehead again. I wanted to get rid of that nasty hand, but the pain made my hand only care for myself.

The instant noodles said, “I’ll accompany you to the hospital. Xiaobai and Jiayao, let’s go play.”

I quickly said, “I don’t need you to accompany me. You all go to play…”

“When is it, are you still strong?” Instant Noodles snapped.

Gao Zhan suddenly said: “Jiawei, go with everyone, I’ll accompany her to the hospital.”

Xiong Shuai also ran over to join in the fun and said, “You guys go play, I’ll accompany her to the hospital.”

Wei Xue snorted coldly: “Ha! Everyone finally came out to play once. She has a lot of things to do. If you can’t eat seafood, don’t eat it. It makes everyone stop playing and go to see a doctor with her.”

Instant Noodles suddenly lowered his face, frowned, and shouted at Wei Xue, “Can you shut up?! You keep doing things along the way, and you like to make irresponsible remarks, and I don’t know where all the nonsense comes from. It’s my business to accompany her to the hospital. If you want to play, you can play, no one will stop you.”

For a time, everyone was shocked. Everyone has never seen instant noodles with such stern words and stern words, and in his impression, he will always be the most pleasant person.

Wei Xue seemed to be frightened, and stammered, “I-I didn’t mean that…”

“that’s not what it means?

what does that mean? Do you remember when you were so drunk last night, who carried you back? You vomited all over your body and lost consciousness, do you remember? “Instant noodles said rudely.

“I, I, I don’t know…” She looked at everyone anxiously.

Everyone told her with their eyes that the living Lei Feng last night was me, Xu Jingjing.

“Is it Xu… Jingjing?” Wei Xue looked at me in disbelief.

I was sweating profusely from abdominal pain, how could I have the heart to pay attention to her, wishing that all the people in front of me would disappear.

Wei Xue said, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know it was you. I can’t remember anything.”

Xiaobai also snorted coldly: “Since you don’t know anything, if you can’t remember anything, just shut up.”

Wei Xue burst into tears.

At this moment, I just want to be alone and quiet. The more people there are, the more painful it is for me.

“Okay, stop talking, let’s go.” I finished weakly, stood up staggeringly, and prepared to go upstairs to lie down for a while.

Instant Noodles stretched out his hand to support me, I subconsciously shook off his hand, but the abdominal pain was unbearable, making me fall down, Gao Zhan held my body in a hurry. The two of them took my arm and started fighting each other.

I finally broke down with my last strength and shouted, “Enough for you two!”

At this time, Xu Jingjing stood up and said calmly: “The driver has been waiting for us outside for a long time, no matter what, the fees for so many people have already been paid. If everyone does not go, the fees will be paid. They won’t come back either. I suggest leaving one person to take care of Xu Jingjing, and the rest should play well.

Those who want to go to sea follow me, those who do not go to sea stay and take care of Xu Jingjing. ”

I looked at Xu Jingjing sadly, I should thank her for standing up and telling the truth at this moment, but she stared straight at me with a bit of resentment that made me shiver. Although she was trying her best to restrain herself, she could still feel her unhappiness, but she didn’t show it directly like Wei Xue did.

In the current situation, everyone is frozen. If I don’t make a choice, there is no point in coming to play this time. I can’t make everyone play bad just because I am alone.

I stretched out my hand and grabbed the arm of the instant noodle, gritted my teeth and said, “You accompany me to the hospital. Everyone else should go out to sea to fish.”

Gao Zhan’s expression was obviously lost, and he said, “Do you have enough money on your body?”

The instant noodles replied: “There is money.”

“Report us when you arrive at the hospital.” Gao Zhan patted me on the shoulder, turned and walked out the door.

Xu Jingjing glanced at the instant noodles and left with a trace of unwillingness.

Everyone said goodbye to me one by one, and finally they all left in the car, and the whole lobby became quiet. I gritted my teeth and hurried to the bathroom. Only then did I stand up, and I started to retire in the pool again. I always felt that my stomach was turning upside down, but I couldn’t spit out anything.

The instant noodles stood outside the bathroom and said, “Go to the hospital.”

I nodded, desperately wanting to go to the hospital. However, just after nodding my head, I rushed into the bathroom again, repeated several times, and started to flutter when I walked, as if my body no longer belonged to me, and I had attained the Tao and ascended to heaven.

It is convenient to ask the innkeeper about the hospital location, find another car, and stuff me

into the car.

As soon as the car bumped, I felt so uncomfortable that I wanted to vomit, and my head started to feel dizzy.

He held me in front of him, suddenly reached out and touched my head, and said, “I seem to have a fever… Hold on for a while, it will be there soon.”

I nodded dazedly.

When I got to the hospital, I leaned on the chair like a dead pig. The cold chair became a good thing for me to cool down. I pressed my cheek against the back of the chair and felt the coldness passing through my skin, even if only a small area.

The town hospital is not very big, and the huge hall is crowded with people, many tourists like me. Instant noodles crowded into the crowd queuing for registration. After an unknown amount of time, he stuffed a thermometer into my mouth, took it out after a while, and murmured, “38 degrees 8…”

The high temperature of 38 degrees 8 made me think that my body temperature could fry an egg.

After speaking, he disappeared again, and when he came back, he put a soft sticky thing on my forehead, and the cool touch spread from my forehead, which made me feel better all at once. Later, I learned that the thing is the thing that I often see on the foreheads of sick children, called physical cooling stickers. I have to say, this thing is really a good thing when you have a fever.

He gently shook me awake, “It’s our turn.”

I opened my misty eyes slightly, my eyes flickered, my body vacated, and the thin jaw of instant noodles was in front of me. He picked me up. In normal times, I would still be struggling, but at this moment, all I have left in my chaotic mind is hug, it’s very comfortable to hold…

I saw the doctor with great difficulty, and asked a few questions, such as vomiting a few times, and I was at a loss.

Looking at the doctor, I weakly said: “It seems to have been pulled three times… I can’t remember…” I lay down in front of the doctor and didn’t even have the strength to stretch my fingers.

“Pulled four times and threw up three times. The body temperature is 38 degrees 8.” He knew better than the chaotic me.

Soon the test results came out, acute gastroenteritis. The end of eating seafood and ice drinks! The mouth is too addicted, but the body suffers.

Instant Noodles found a wheelchair and pushed me to the infusion room. This is the first time in my life that I have lived in a wheelchair for almost 18 years. It feels amazing. He was as powerful as a robot cat, and he found a hospital bed for me, and carried me, who was so sick that I could no longer stand, onto the hospital bed.

The little nurse inserted the needle for me, and the cold liquid flowed down the needle tube into the veins on the back of my hand, and flowed to my whole body, which finally made my body feel cool. After tossing for a long time, I can finally sleep peacefully.

I didn’t know how long I slept, but I slept very deeply and comfortably, until I could clearly hear the voice of instant noodles calling the nurse to change the water. I slowly opened my eyes, the instant noodles just sat down, the warm palm naturally held my cold hand with the needle inserted, and the cold arm was also covered with a quilt. Yes, it doesn’t feel cold.

I moved, he noticed.

“Awake?” He immediately stretched out his hand to probe my cheek, and quickly sighed, “The fever should be gone. How are you feeling? Is your stomach still hurting?”

I shook my head, the fever was gone, the heat was not so uncomfortable, my limbs were no longer sore, and my stomach finally stopped cramping. Not to mention how comfortable it was, it was just a little cold.

It’s the reason why the cold fluid travels in the blood vessels all over the body. The amount of the liquid was a bit large, and it rushed up to my nose. My nose was inexplicably sour, and it rushed into my eyes again, and my eyes began to get a little wet.

From childhood to adulthood, when I was sick, the people who took care of me were my parents. Now it turns out to be instant noodles… Thinking back on the meticulous care he took after I vomited from the inn and vented to the hospital, I actually wanted to cry.

I forgive you, instant noodles!

I raised my arm to cover my eyes, intending to wipe away the overflowing tears, but I didn’t want to be discovered by him anyway.

“What’s wrong with you? Does it still hurt?”

“No. I want water…”

He immediately took out a brand new water glass from the side and said, “It’s warm, you can drink it directly.”

I sat up slowly, took the brand new water glass, and drank the water in my arms.

He kept saying, “Slow down.”

I handed the empty cup to him, then smiled awkwardly, and said, “I want to go to the toilet…”

“I’ll help you over.” He got up immediately, one hand just touched my arm, trying to lift my whole body, but I was accidentally pulled by the needle tube I was pressing, which made me gasp. He simply hugged me whole.

My ears suddenly became hot, and I’m sure I’m definitely not having a fever.

I whispered, “I can go.”

“It’s faster, I’m afraid you won’t be late like the morning. Take the infusion bottle and don’t drop it.” He said the truth of the morning calmly.

When I was most in pain, I lost two pairs of panties…I really don’t want to believe it and don’t want to mention this nightmarish morning again.


He held me and put me down until the door of the women’s restroom, and said, “Can you be alone?” His question seemed like if there was any sign of impossibility, he would follow him into the women’s restroom.

I burned my ears and said, “I can.”

I squatted down with great difficulty, and I was exhausted again. The doctor said that even if the water is hung up, it may not be able to stop the leak immediately, and it may take until tomorrow. Maybe I was squatting for a long time, and then I heard him shouting outside: “Jingjing, are you alright?”

“It’s okay.” It’s hard to imagine life, I would have such a conversation with him through the bathroom door.

I held the bottle in one hand and my trousers in the other, and finally got out of the bathroom door.

He looked at me, couldn’t help but glance at my shorts, and asked with concern, “Are you okay?”

I was a little annoyed and said, “Where are you looking? Are you perverted? Do you know what sees no evil?”

He took the bottle and said with a smile, “It doesn’t seem to be a big problem to be able to scold people.”

I laughed and said, “Thank you.”

“What else did you say thank you to me?” He also smiled.



“You can’t go fishing together…”

“What nonsense are you talking about? I haven’t been there.”

“How are they playing?”

“I had a lot of fun. The harvest is not small. Xiong Shuai fishes the most. It is said that today’s lunch and dinner can be solved.”

As soon as I heard that they were having a good time, I finally breathed a sigh of relief: “Oh, it’s fortunate that I have you, otherwise everyone will not be able to enjoy themselves. Thank you.”

“Do you want to repeat the cycle and say sorry?”

“Huh?” After a morning of torture, like a dead dog

I can finally laugh freely.

The next second he gave me another blow, “I’m going to hang water tomorrow.”


“I can continue to accompany you.” He smiled and rubbed my messy hair.

“Wait a minute, my hand hurts a little.”

The instant noodle took my hand and lifted it up, I don’t know when the back of my hand was already blue and swollen. It is estimated that I just went to the bathroom and pulled the needle crooked, no wonder the last bottle of water has been hanging for so long.

He hurriedly called out nervously, “Nurse! Nurse! This way!”

The little nurse came over with a smile, and soon gave me the needle again, and told me to be very careful when I went to the bathroom.

The last bottle of infusion was finally finished, and it was already one o’clock in the afternoon when we left the hospital. The instant noodle stuffed me into the back seat of the taxi, and sat up after him. Suddenly, he stretched out his hand and took me over. I blocked it subconsciously.

Seeing my reaction, he sighed and said, “You will be more comfortable with me.”

I hesitated for a moment, and he clasped my head directly on his shoulder. As he said, comfortable.

I closed my eyes, bit my lip, and leaned against his shoulder quietly.

The driver in front suddenly said with a northeastern accent, “Your little girlfriend went to the hospital with a bad stomach, right?”

“I’m not his little girlfriend. I’m just classmates with him.” I immediately defended.

The elder brother of the driver smiled, “Classmates? Hey, hey, you are not very old. Have you gone to college?”

I was silent. Instant noodles did not speak.

The driver’s brother said to himself: “There are many thieves who come to us every day to travel with bad stomachs and go to the hospital, and they can’t eat any more in the next few days.

What seafood, can only drink some porridge, the old uncomfortable. ”

Brother driver, you are sprinkling salt on the knife’s edge.

As soon as I got back to the inn, the instant noodles asked the proprietress of the inn to cook a pot of porridge for me. When going up the stairs, he suddenly crouched down and said, “Come up.”

“Why?” I wondered.

“I’ll carry you.”

“Why are you carrying me?”

“I’ll carry you upstairs.”

“I can do it myself.”

“Aren’t your legs weak after pulling so many times?”

“…Not soft.” I lifted my feet up a few steps, but my legs kept shaking. Soft but also not soft!

“Come up quickly.” He saw through it at a glance.

“I’m really fine.”

“Then I hug you?”


“I see, you want me to hug you. Okay. I’ll hug you.” He laughed and said he was about to hug me.

What the hell! Who wants to hug? !

“Back to back!” I’ve been hugged by his princess several times in one day, and I didn’t need to be conscious at that time. Now that my consciousness is awake to hundreds of millions of sheep, I won’t be confused. Scared of him!

He was half-squatting, I lay on my stomach, and as soon as my body vacated, he carried me on his back. I couldn’t get used to it for a while, so I was so frightened that I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck. He smiled lowly again, and the vibration of the laughter passed through his back all the way to my heart, and the whole heart was beating violently.

“If you’re tired, you can put me down. I can feel the bar and climb up.” I was a little embarrassed listening to his breathing.

“You’re as light as a chick, just climb one more floor and you’ll be there.” He paused and lifted me up.

It’s like being filled with honey

The same sweet taste spread in my heart. I bit my lip and pressed my face against his hair, feeling the warmth. But before I could enjoy it for a few seconds, there was a sudden rapid current in my abdomen, an indecent sound came, and the whole air seemed to be still in an instant.

“You hold back!” he said first.

I gritted my teeth and said anxiously, “Quick! Quick! Quick!”

He quickened his pace, rushed up to the fourth floor in three and two steps, and put me down. I hurriedly swiped my card and ran to the bathroom of the room. Across the two doors, I could hear him laughing wildly and loudly outside the door.

I sat on the toilet, clenching my fists and clutching my forehead. Today is the darkest day of my life in bold.

Not long after, the proprietress brought the clear porridge and sympathized with me, “When you come to the beach to play, you are afraid of eating bad stomachs. Seeing that seafood can’t be eaten, you will suffer if you think about it!”

Woohoo, the lady boss begs you to stop stabbing knives.

After the lady boss left, I said, “I’ll pay you back the money for the doctor. The phone is broken, and I don’t have enough cash on me, so I can’t pay you back.”

“I don’t have a lot of money.” The instant noodles sat down opposite me, filled a bowl of porridge, scooped out a spoonful and kept blowing heat.

“That won’t do. I can’t take advantage of you for nothing.”

“I see you girls do the math all day long for some money, are you tired?”

“It’s called brother-in-law settlement, do you understand? No matter, go back and pay you back.”

“You owe it first. When I am short of money, you will pay me back.”

“You have an ATM mother. When you are short of money, when will I wait?”

“Ah—open your mouth!” He suddenly put the cold gruel to my mouth, successfully blocking my words.

I thought he was feeding it for himself, not thinking about feeding me. I shyly said: “My legs are a little weak, but my hands are not disabled.”

“Isn’t it crippled? Isn’t it swollen like a pig’s trotter?” He glanced at my swollen right hand.

“I still have a left hand!” The corner of my mouth twitched, and I stretched out my left hand, which was also bruised, “Can you speak well? With your artistic level of speaking, how can so many girls like you?”

“No way, who told me to be handsome?” He shrugged and tossed his unbridled instant noodle curls.

“Evil! No, I’m going to vomit.”

“Bear it.” He quickly put down the bowl and spoon, stood up nervously and picked me up.

“What are you doing?” I was stunned, he would have carried me to the bathroom door.

“Didn’t you say you were going to vomit?”

Is this guy addicted to princess hugs? It’s okay to go to the toilet and climb the stairs, this vomit is directly hugged to me…

I rolled my eyes weakly, and said, “I said I’m going to vomit because you made me vomit because of your narcissism?”

“Ha! Ha! Ha!” He laughed awkwardly and weirdly.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open from the outside, and Zhao Jun, Xiao Bai and Jia Yao stared at the two of us in astonishment. Instant noodles and I were both stunned, and looked at her.

“Oh cake seller!”

“what’s the situation?”

“Looks like we shouldn’t be in a hurry to come back.”

After the three people called, the door was closed again.

Outside the door, Xiong Shuai shouted again: “Hey? Why are you closing the door? How is my Lizhijing? Hey! Jingjing!”

“Put me down!” I struggled.

Instant noodles quickly and carefully put me

Come down and reopen the door. I quickly sat back in front of the stool and ate porridge.

A group of people came in one after another to condolence and love me. Xiong Shuai came in with two buckets and showed me their trophies for the morning, many of which were sea fish that I did not know, many shrimps and shellfish, and an oversized octopus.

“It’s a pity that you couldn’t go fishing today! How is it? Are you jealous?” Xiong was so handsome that I wanted to kick him.

Dapeng went on to say: “At night we plan to grill half and half steam.”

“Hey!” I bitterly dug out a spoonful of white gruel and put it in my mouth. I was thinking that the three-day island tour had turned into a hospital tour. Looking at all kinds of tempting and delicious seafood, I didn’t even want to touch it. It was even more unbearable than the top ten tortures in the Qing Dynasty.

“Look at what you eat of white porridge, I’m always distressed.” Xiong Shuai said in a northeastern accent.

“Did you want a dog leash today?” I raised a spoon at him.

Xiaobai and Jiayao blasted him and Dapeng out.

I saw Wei Xue poked her head from behind and smiled at me embarrassedly, “You’ll be fine.” After speaking, she ran away.

Gao Zhan stood far away, folded his arms with both hands, and did not speak from beginning to end. Xu Jingjing stood beside him calmly, with no expression on her face.

I swallowed the gruel and said, “I’m fine, you have worked hard all morning, and the sun is so vicious, so hurry back to your room to wash and have a good rest.”

Gao Zhan wanted to say something, but he swallowed the words again, “You have a good rest.” He smiled lightly and walked out of the room with a relaxed expression.

I’m leaning towards instant noodles

He glanced at him and said, “You’re tired too, go back and have a good rest.”

He nodded, and before leaving, he did not forget to remind: “Remember to finish the porridge.”

Xu Jingjing went out with him.

As soon as Jiayao saw that it was all his own people, he began to be presumptuous, “Hey, hey! Remember to finish the porridge! Do you have an overbearing president?”

I was too lazy to talk to her while drinking porridge.

Xiaobai also teased me and said, “It seems that the master didn’t stay in vain, and you didn’t suffer from the disease in vain. The master has embraced your princess? Tsk tsk tsk! You guys are going to board the rocket.”

Zhao Jun circled around me and said, “I just thought you had something to do with Kang Jiawei. When I first heard the rumor, I didn’t believe it. It turned out to be true!”

After I finished my last mouthful of porridge, I said, “I’m still cooking it! Don’t listen to their nonsense, their minds are full of filthy things. People are filthy and everything is filthy! Kang Jiawei is helping out of humanitarianism. , If it weren’t for him, I would be a dead dog now, let alone drink porridge.”

“Forget it, let’s not puncture your little bitch. Let’s wait for the master to be abducted by the goblin. You follow behind and stare and slap your face. Go back to wash and sleep!” Xiao Baihe Jia Yao, hand in hand, left my room with a wanton laugh.

Zhao Jun touched his chin, lost in thought.

“You must not be spoiled by the two of them.” I wiped my mouth, and after I told Zhao Jun, I climbed into bed and rested.

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