I Became a Mother in Another World

Chapter 49: Visitors

It was when a visitor came that the two kids moved. Ah-Liu must have sensed her, since he got up in the blink of an eye, the only evidence of his outburst was the wrinkled sheet by her feet and the few drops of tears that had landed on the bed.

Samaya glanced at the doorway and, finding it empty still, gestured at the boy to come closer. She cupped his cheek and wiped the corner of his eyes once he did, where his tears were sitting.

“I’ll be fine, alright? Don’t worry.”

He stayed like that for a split second and it seemed he wanted to stay more. But Samaya could hear the footsteps getting closer and so could Ah-Liu. He gave a quick nod and stepped back, bowing to her just as the footsteps reached the door. It would look like he was taking her orders. But Samaya knew it was once again his way of apologising.

She sighed. This brat.

But there was no way she could say anything more right now.

“Lady Qing!” Fu Caiyi’s frantic voice reached her and she turned to see the woman stepping inside the residence, almost storming up to the bed, the little Princesses following her with their small but hurried steps. “I apologise that it took me so long to arrive. I heard… how are you doing?”

“What are you apologising for?” She asked with a shake of her head. “I am just glad that you are here. I am alright now, as you can see.”

“Oh you are far from alright,” she sat down beside her on the bed, looking fondly down at the bundle in Samaya’s arms, refusing to let go of his mother. “I was going to come with Prince Xu but he took off when your maid came for him and your servants followed him. I would have run after him too, but unfortunately, it is not permitted for concubines to act so brazenly.”

Samaya opened her mouth to protest but Fu Caiyi just interrupted her, as if she knew what she was going to say. “You are an exception, Lady Qing. The Emperor allows you much more freedom than I ever thought possible.”

Samaya went quiet at that. Those words made her pause, suddenly remembering how close the man had been to her just half an hour ago. She felt the itch on her neck intensify, at that same place where she had felt his breath.

“Well, you didn’t have to hurry here,” she quickly changed the subject. “I am fine. The Imperial Physician took care of the wounds-”

“Wounds?!” Fu Caiyi nearly shrieked.

Oops! She hadn’t realised that Fu Caiyi didn’t know she was wounded. She was so used to talking about her wounds frankly that she forgot to censor herself.

“Yes, wounds. But don’t worry!” She hurried to reassure the woman. “The Physician treated them and put some numbing ointment on them. I will recover in a few weeks.”

Fu Caiyi sighed and shook her head. “I should have guessed you were injured the moment I saw the blood.”

“Blood?” Samaya blinked. Her eyes went to the pool of blood on the floor and then to the piece of wooden shard embedded into the wall, coated in blood and brain matter, now dried. Damn. She had forgotten all about that. No doubt her maids had forgotten too, in the wake of everything that happened.

She turned to Ah-Liu. “Eunuch Liu, please have someone clean the blood and get that thing,” she gestured at the wooden shard, “out as well.”

Ah-Liu, to his credit, had already composed himself. He bowed quietly and walked out to set about doing what he was ordered to do.

Samaya looked at Fu Caiyi. “What was I saying?” She tilted her head. “Oh, yes. I am completely fine. You didn’t have to exhaust yourself hurrying here. See, the Princesses are still heaving.”

She gestured at the empty space beside her. “Come on. Sit. You two must be tired.”

The two immediately sat down beside her before looking up at her with wide eyes. Samaya braced herself and, sure enough, the bombardment of questions came.

“Are you okay?”

“What happened?”

“I heard people came in at night to hurt you. Was it scary?”

“Did you fight them?”

“Does it hurt very much?”

“Calm down, calm down,” Samaya chuckled softly. “One by one. I will answer the questions as much as I can. There is no hurry.”

And she did answer them as much as she could. Of course, she had to paraphrase some things and omit others. She couldn’t exactly tell them how she killed most of her attackers. Manu also listened quietly, finally coming out of the crook of her neck to look up at her curiously. She knew Fu Caiyi was also listening, though how much she believed the toned down version of the events, Samaya did not know.

Meanwhile, the servants got around to cleaning the room. It was a good thing too, because almost as soon as they were done, about half an hour into Fu Caiyi’s visit, Min came in with the news of the arrival of new visitors.

Song Yuhan and Princess Fang.

As soon as she came in, Samaya straightened and inclined her head towards Song Yuhan in a bow as was the etiquette when greeting a Consort superior in rank. The higher the rank, the deeper the bow. This was not a proper greeting but she neither had the energy to get up nor the will to get Manu off her lap.

“Apologies, Your Highness,” she repeated the words she told the Emperor. “I am unable to greet you properly.”

“Oh, nonsense,” she said in her usual straightforward way. “You almost died. This is not the time to worry about formalities.”

Song Yuhan usually stayed quiet in a crowd. But when she did speak, she spoke clearly and did not tolerate any nonsense. Samaya liked that about her. She hoped Princess Fang developed that sort of confidence as she grew up.

She told her maids to bring up chairs for the two. When they sat down, it was once again the same old pattern of them asking how she was and what happened. She gave an abridged version. They did not pressure her. As concubines with children, their conversation of course turned to the topic of their kids. They all asked after Manu. Samaya saw Song Yuhan soften as she coaxed Manu out of her bosom and handed him a few candies. Samaya casually took one and popped it into her mouth. She couldn’t trust that they were not poisoned, after all. Song Yuhan pretended not to notice.

Their conversation was pattering off when another visitor arrived.

“Her Majesty the Empress arrives!”

In the blink of an eye, Fu Caiyi, Song Yuhan and their daughters went down on their knees. Samaya gently pushed Manu off her lap, reminding him that he had to follow etiquette too. She was pretty sure she would be exempt but did she want to take that risk? Not for now.

So she slowly started to push off the bed.

“Dispense with the formalities,” the Empress’s voice reached them just before she came into their sight. “Lady Qing, I believe you have been told not to move. You need not worry about the etiquettes until you heal.”

She paused and lowered her head in a low bow, still sitting on the bed. “Your generosity is boundless, Your Majesty.”

“Arise.” The command came and all of the ones on their knees finally stood, while Samaya straightened. The maids quickly brought a luxurious settee for Her Majesty and stepped away politely once she was sat down. Fu Caiyi and Song Yuhan took their previous places. So did the kids, though Manu just crossed over her body to the other side so he could burrow himself into her side.

Samaya wrapped her arm around the boy before looking at the Empress. “Thank you for visiting me, Your Majesty. Especially in your condition.”

“I was quite taken aback at the news, to say the least. Of course, I had to come and ensure you were alright. As much as some like to think that I sit around doing nothing but conspiring harm on another, the Harem is under my rule and it is my duty to ensure the well being of all who reside here.”

There was an awkward silence. The Empress rarely allowed herself to spill even a smidgen of her true thoughts. She must be really irritated - either with her stunt with the attendant or with something else - or she must think that none of them would blabber outside. Or both.

“I am grateful for your concern, Your Majesty,” she said softly, breaking the silence.

The Empress nodded. “I wish to speak with Lady Qing alone. Everyone, disperse.”

The two concubines glanced at each other before standing, their daughters following suit. Manu, however, sat still, her hands now bunched in her clothes. Samaya saw the Empress’s eyes flicker towards Manu and knew immediately she did not want him there.

Samaya sighed softly and gently tapped Manu’s shoulder. “Go with Auntie Fu, Manu. Your Imperial Mother wants to speak to Mama alone. Be a good boy, hm? Go.”

Manu did not move still. Samaya looked at Fu Caiyi, silently asking for help. Fu Caiyi nodded and leaned over her to speak gently to Manu. “Come on, Prince Xu. It will only be a while. You can play with Ai and Mei till then.”

Manu finally pulled away and then looked up at her with wide eyes. Samaya smiled reassuringly. “It’s alright. I am okay, aren’t I? You don’t have to worry.”

Manu finally nodded reluctantly, once again moving over her to get off the bed. Ai quickly took his hand and the group slowly filed out, leaving her alone with the Empress.

Author's Note: A bit of a relaxed chapter again, for the most part lol. Things will be picking up soon! We have some exciting events coming up with the Empress!! If you wanna read ahead, you can head over to my Patreon. Every bit of support helps so much!

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