HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 23

Chapter 23 Jon’s Conjecture

(This chapter involves some conjectures, I suggest you read it repeatedly.)

The three roommates went to the kitchen for supper, and Jon went back to the dormitory by himself.

Although he was sleepy in the morning, but now at night, he is very energetic.

He chatted with Helga for nearly one night last night, so the class tonight was suspended first, but Jon was not for rest, but planned to sort out the results of his chat with Helga yesterday.

Pulled two pieces of parchment from the drawer of the desk, Jon picked up the quill pen and stained it with ink. He is still very uncomfortable with the use of the quill pen, but more practice should be much better.

Jon lightly traced a few strokes on the parchment paper and drew a timeline.

“Jon, your pie.” Scully walked in with the pie wrapped in a paper bag. “What are you drawing here?”

“Look, do you understand?”

Jon handed the timeline on the parchment to Scully, only in exchange for Scully’s head shaking.

“What are you painting this?”

Jon looked at Scully’s confused eyes, shook his head without explaining: “This is a secret.”

“Well, you are always a lot of secrets.”

Scully put down the pie and the parchment and patted Jon on the shoulder: “You should rest early, don’t be so tired. The first session of tomorrow will be Professor Snape’s potions class.”

“Don’t worry, I will go to bed earlier, so you can go back to rest as soon as possible.”

Sending Scully out of the bed curtain, Jon bit the pie and started drawing the timeline.

The time axis and the magic wave curve, the former is used to sort out the various major events that have occurred in this thousand years, and the latter is used to estimate the magic at that time based on the major events.

Jon has learned some Muggle history, and according to tradition, when something big happens in the wizarding world, it is often when something big happens in the Muggle world.

This truth is basically true on the other hand. The lowest ebb of the wizarding world was when European theology was at its most declining, and then came the era when science became popular.

“The industrial revolution…this should be the lowest point of the magic environment, and then with the development of technology, the low tide of the magic environment ends, and the viability of the wizarding world begins to rise.”

“At the beginning…it should be the bourgeois revolution that broke out in Europe. The first…it should be that the United Kingdom passed a bill of rights restricting kingship in 1689 and established a constitutional monarchy with parliament restricting the king’s rights. In the same year, the wizarding community passed International secrecy law.”

“The low tide period—it should last from 1689 to around 1840. At that time, the United Kingdom went through the bonus period of great voyages, and its overall strength reached the peak of the world. It was accompanied by the rebound of the magical environment and the dividends that the whole country received. The wizarding world should have been intervening.”

“Since then, as the magical environment has recovered, the power of wizards has become stronger, the friction between each other has become more and more, and countries have switched positions. After all, although magic has no borders, wizards We have our own country.”

The curve in Jon’s pen has become clear. At this moment, this curve is maintaining its upward trend. Although it is weak, it is much better than when it was at its lowest point.

If you look at the timeline of the original work, Harry Potter himself and his two friends, the future Minister of Magic Hermione Granger and her husband Ron Weasley, plus some similar Classmates of this year, such as Neville Longbottom, Draco Malfoy, and others, will maintain their magical abilities to the level of “Second Dumbledore”, and the total amount must surpass the two legendary wizards.

Jon thought, while writing Gellert Grindelwald’s name on the parchment.

The legendary dark wizard was expelled from Durmstrang in 1899, and then went to England in the summer to meet the young Dumbledore. The two quickly fell in love, and later broke up because of a conceptual difference.

But there is no doubt that Grindelwald has only loved Dumbledore in his life.

Dumbledore does the same.

Jon’s love experience is few, and he has never experienced this kind of unforgettable love for a lifetime, so there is no other feeling besides being shocked.

“If Gellert Grindelwald pushed the will of Germany behind his back, and initiated two wars indirectly, it is not totally unreasonable.”

Jon drew a circle on the name and concluded: “He does have this strength.”

He made a conclusion, but it was actually useless.

Could it be possible to contribute to the “Daily Prophet” and publish a copy of “The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore” before Rita Skeeter?

Then he may be expelled from Hogwarts next.

He is not a historian, and there is no need to do this historical research. As for why it took time and energy to make this timeline drawing, half of it was for Helga to see, and half of Jon wanted to verify his own idea. Or, in other words, he wanted to predict whether something might happen in the wizarding world next.

Not to mention anything else, just say that the UK at this time, and even the entire international environment, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is not as calm as the original book describes.

Last year, in 1989, after the fall of the Berlin Wall in Germany, a large number of East Germans controlled by the Soviet Union flooded into West Germany. As a result, the Muggle government welfare and social security expenses in Germany rose sharply. This incident directly led to Germany. The government deficit soared.

Before, Jon didn’t know too much about this, because he collected the memorabilia of the wizarding world before entering school. The memorabilia of the Muggle world only started to be collected three days after school. As a result, he has relevant memories in his mind. , Secondly, Hogwarts also opened Muggle Studies, so some related books can also be found.

With regard to the fall of the Berlin Wall in Germany, Jon suspected that there was a dark wizard from Germany behind it.

Although it is not clear whether these dark wizards are Grindelwald’s remaining subordinates or Voldemort’s layout in the British Isles-both are possible. Voldemort’s power is indeed not as weak as described in the book.

No matter what, Jon thought that the dark wizard contributed to this incident.

Since the black wizard was dispatched, the purpose is definitely not to simply promote the reunification of Germany.

If these dark wizards want to take the opportunity to provoke trouble, then the British magic world where Dumbledore lives is undoubtedly the first node they have to deal with-whether these people are under Grindelwald or Voldemort, they are all with Dumbledore. Lido has an insoluble hatred.

That’s why Jon said that this matter is very important.

Regardless of whether this is one of the signs of Voldemort’s comeback, the next British wizarding world is likely to collapse like the British society of the previous life.

At that time, the magical world might not be able to maintain its apparent peace for long.

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