HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 22

Chapter 22 Another day at Hogwarts

Almost all night, Jon was having a simple but extremely large discussion with Helga.

What Jon said was something Helga had never heard before. She possessed brilliant magic skills and profound magic skills, but she had no understanding of contemporary magical society.

So when Jon started to narrate some of his opinions, Helga showed great interest. The two of them forgot the time when they talked, which caused Jon to lose energy when he went to class the next day.

“what happened to you?”

After class, Jon’s three roommates gathered around and asked with concern.

When I just took the history of magic, Stephen, Scully, and Fren formed a circle and surrounded Jon, so that he could snooze secretly without being noticed by the teacher—the ghost of the professor. The class itself is drowsy.

After all, they have to go to flight lessons next, and Jon is not energetic.

“It’s okay, I went to bed too late yesterday, I’m fine now.”

Jon wore a pair of huge dark circles and said nothing convincing.

“Why don’t you go back and sleep for a while?”

Fren was a little worried that Jon’s state could not control the flying broomstick, after all, flying at high altitude was still quite dangerous.

“That’s not necessary. There are no classes in the afternoon. I can just go back and rest. By the way, don’t go to the lobby at noon. I ordered food.”


The three people will follow Jon suspiciously, afraid that he will fall down one by one.

Fortunately, this situation did not happen, Jon’s spirit in the wind was pretty good, and Mrs. Hooch, the flight class teacher, did not let them stay in the sky for too long.

In fact, except for some students who have already played with flying broomsticks at home (Jon only played with flying broomsticks as a child), they have just learned to fly and are not suitable for staying in the sky for too long.

After class, the four of them went to the hall together, not to eat lunch, but to pick up packages.

In the letter sent home yesterday, Jon asked his parents to help him buy a McDonald’s set meal for six people. Considering that his roommates and he are both young men, they are more edible (he estimated according to his own appetite), but Mrs. Smith The owl sent them two packages, one large and one small, all wrapped in thick parchment paper, and the heat preservation curse and preservation curse were cast on them.

The younger one was for Bella. Although Jon hadn’t visited Bella in the three days of school, he still considered his cousin, so he bought two copies for Bella when he bought McDonald’s.

It’s not that the family doesn’t have this condition anyway.

In the cafeteria, Bella was not found, so Jon had to ask a senior lady who was also Bella’s classmate. He saw this girl sitting with Bella the day before yesterday and helped Bella take it home. According to the girl, Bella It was called by Ravenclaw’s dean to help.

“Why didn’t I find that my cousin had such a gift for magic, I could be called to help by Professor Flitwick?”

Jon walked to the dormitory with the big parcel, Stephen, Fren, and Scully followed him listening to him whispering, but couldn’t hear clearly.

“Do you think Jon is weird?”

Fren, who was walking a little behind, said quietly to Stephen: “He is always talking to himself in a low voice today. I don’t know what he is talking about?”

“It should be the reason why I didn’t sleep well. When I called him this morning, I found his potions book lying on the table. I guess it was all night.”

Stephen shared his guess with Fren, and the image of Jon who was diligent, studious and motivated suddenly appeared in the hearts of the two.

“Yes, he was born as a pure-blood wizard but was assigned to Hufflepuff. Even if he is relaxed, he should be under a lot of pressure!”

Scully stepped back two steps and added.

The three nodded their heads in agreement, and then also reacted, putting Hufflepuff Academy in a lower position in their own words, and stopped there quickly.

Otherwise, Jon would have heard it, it must be another preaching.

Even if school has just started three days ago, they already have a deep understanding of Jon’s skill.

said that the speeches are too omitted, it is simply a one-sided knowledge point crush!

The three people who experienced Jon getting up on the first day of class, until now, have not figured out why there is so much to say for a person who seems so calm and so domineering.

However, Jon’s words will not affect the deliciousness of McDonald’s.

The four people reached an unprecedented agreement on food. They quickly ate a large package of meals and swept the empty cartons and coke cans into the paper basket. Jon was pushed into his own small space because of lack of energy. To make up for sleep, the remaining three people went out and continued to complete the castle exploration that was not completed yesterday.

They are off in the afternoon, only there is an astronomy lesson in the evening.

The three of Stephen ran for an afternoon. In the evening, he appeared to be lack of energy. On the contrary, Jon, who was not energetic in the morning, followed Professor Sinista to observe the starry sky for a long time. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

The starry sky at Hogwarts is so beautiful. Jon, who has never seen a few stars at night in his two lifetimes combined, pays considerable attention to the starry sky in the astronomy class, which draws Professor Sinista to him, a hardworking student. Great appreciation.

No one showed too much attention to Jon’s performance in astronomy class. After all, astronomy class, this kind of course is not worthy of everyone’s attention, just go through smoothly.

The time for the astronomy class was after dinner. Stephen knew that Jon hadn’t eaten dinner, so he asked him if he was hungry when he was over.

—If you are hungry, maybe you can go to the kitchen to get some food, and by the way help them bring some.

“Then why don’t you go by yourself?”

Jon had a good rest in the afternoon, just when he was full of energy: “Isn’t it time for curfew at this time? Just go get it yourself, and the kitchen is not a forbidden place.”

He doesn’t want to go to the kitchen anymore. Those enthusiastic house elves can’t wait to give him up. The scene of all the elves saluting him on Sunday makes him feel uncomfortable now.

Anyway, they are all Hufflepuff students, whoever goes to eat is the same.

“No, it’s different.” Fren shook his head and said, “We don’t know where the kitchen is.”

“…The kitchen is just behind a fruit portrait not far from the lounge. Just go there and say that you are a student of Hufflepuff. The elves will welcome you very warmly.”

Jon swept around and saw that there was no one who whispered to three roommates: “Don’t say know me. I said last time that one of you is sick. Don’t show your feet—help me bring two pies. Enough.”

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