How To Say I Love You

Chapter 33.1

Xiao Jiashu ’s Weibo “Xiao shumiao” had been certified by the company. From now on, this was his big name. He could post selfies and promotional information. At present, he only had Ji Mian in his column. He would need to add Director Luo, Shi Tingheng, Miao MuQing, etc.

He had just opened the screen of his phone when it started ringing, it was his father who rarely called.

“Dad, are you okay?” According to past experience, Xiao Qijie would never take the initiative to call the younger son when he was free. Even if his son encountered some problems abroad, he left it with his secretary to deal with it. His father seemed to be only an authoritative and symbolic figure and does not need to assume corresponding responsibilities. But to Xiao Dingbang, he was a meticulous and good father, and almost gave him everything he should give.

“Where’s your mother? Get her back soon! If she doesn’t want to, you ask her why she planned to marry into the Xiao family. Don’t think that having a son means you can be fearless. I can always find a younger, more beautiful woman.” Xiao Qijie said angrily.

“Dad, don’t you understand why mom married you? She really loved you. If she wanted money and fame, there were so many suitors around that could provide that. Some people are no worse than you. You had also been married and had a son. When she married you, she would need to take care of your son, your family, and even quit the entertainment industry. How much did you sacrifice? You then asked why she married you. You are only so harsh on her for loving you. The fearless person has always been you. ”

As Xiao Jiashu said more and more, it became unbearable, he lowered his head to wipe his eyes before continuing, ” but the maintenance of a relationship requires the effort of two people. Mom had been working hard and you have been enjoying her efforts with peace of mind. An immeasurable amount of affection has been consumed by your indifference. Mom slept well yesterday, did not take sleeping pills, and hummed while getting up in the morning. Cooked some noodles for me. She is having a good time after leaving you. Do you know why? ”

Xiao Qijie’s breath was a little unsteady. He was silent for a while before asking,” Why? ”

“Because she doesn’t love you anymore. Sif she could sign a pre-nuptial property agreement for you, then you should understand that she loved that person with no sense of remorse, and how straightforward she would be if she didn’t love. Dad, you …” before Xiao Jiashu finished speaking, he hung up in a hurry and the line went busy.

What he didn’t know was that the fearless Xiao Qijie sent the divorce agreement to Xue Miao’s lawyer. He thought it was a way to threaten his wife, and after hearing what his son said, he woke as if from a dream and hurriedly went to intercept it.

“Having troubled for half my life, it should be enough.” Xiao Jiashu shook his head and sighed after hanging up the phone, but did not feel so sad. Both parents were adults, and capable enough to lead their own lives.

Since the caller was Xiao Qijie, he was afraid of speaking inconveniently, so he went to the dressing room to pick up the call. He pushed the door open after hanging up but heard the faint voice coming from the next door.

Miao Muqing’s agent complained, “Qing Qing, you see that your arm is purple again. And there will be an advertisement for some cosmetics tomorrow, what can I do?”

Miao Muqing: “Is it impossible to cover it with concealer? Come on. ”

” How much concealer do you think I have that would sufficiently cover up this purple and blue bruise? I asked you to ask for a double, and you don’t listen, if you annoy the advertiser, you may be cancelled! ”

” Please, what double? Heng-ge and Ji-ge have n’t asked for a substitute. How could I?”

“ That ’s different, they are men, you are a woman! ”

“ In the crew, men and women are actors, there is no difference. A good female stand-in is difficult to invite, and it may not be better than me when I come to play. If I have a male stand-in, that sturdy figure can be seen? One would still have to stop for me to show my face. How much filming would then be wasted? Then wouldn’t Director Luo be annoyed! You don’t know why I became popular. My reputation is based on my own sweat and even blood. It can’t be broken.”
The agent seemed to be convinced and sighed helplessly.

After Xiao Jiashu liked acting, he investigated the actors in the crew and naturally knew Miao Muqing’s background. At that time, she was only one of the thousands of people. She had no connections and no background. Because she was brave to work hard and fight.

She had the status of today because as she said, it was exchanged with sweat and blood. She almost died in a car accident when filming a drag racing scene. She left the hospital to continue shooting and never retreated. Although she was a favourite for producers and investors, she was also understandably helpless because of having no background.

In this entertainment industry, everyone was wearing two skins, one skin outside and one skin hidden. Everyone had unspeakable hearts and secrets, so one really can’t just look at the surface. When she first came to the crew, Xiao Jiashu was very disgusted with Miao Muqing and didn’t like her always coming to bow, but now he was filled with emotions and moved. He sent a WeChat message to his personal assistant and asked him to go to Xiao’s R & D department to get some special medicines for blood circulation, and then he quietly left the dressing room.

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