How To Say I Love You

Chapter 32.2

Xiu Changyu’s background was no worse than that of the Xiao family, so he can easily say “Xiao Qijie”.

“Uncle Xiu, you don’t have to ask. My mother and I are very happy…” Before Xiao Jiashu finished speaking, Xiu Changyu had already run away, so he had to persuade Ji Mian, “Ji-ge, here is your favourite crab dumpling. Try it.” He was really not sad that his father kicked him out of the house and transferred his shares to his brother. It was the most valuable thing for him to be able to make a film and realize his dream with all his heart. Compared with the confused period when he just returned to China, he was living for himself now.

Ji Mian took a careful look at him. His expression changed from dignified to relaxed. After taking the offered crab bun, he encouraged him, “Since you are now independent then you must be able to do a good job.”

“Well, of course.” There was no haze in Xiao Jiashu’s eyes. As long as he could keep filming, he will overcome any difficulty.

Ji Mian stared at him again, his expression, indescribably complex. He seemed a little surprised, but also emotional.

Xiao Jiashu had already eaten breakfast, so he took the initiative to go out to the restroom to study the script. He could recite the words and act at one at a time. Making a play by himself.

Luo Zhangwei looked at him through the window and sighed, “At first, I didn’t like Xiao Jiashu very much. I felt that his acting skills were not good, and he was not diligent. That he just came here to make trouble. I didn’t expect that he was not bad at acting, it was just being lazy. He just didn’t open his mind to it. Now he is working harder than anyone else. If I had his background, I would come to the entertainment industry only if I had a bad brain! It can be seen that he really loves acting! “

Ji Mian didn’t answer, just shook his head and smiled.

It was difficult to understand how Xiu Changyu talked to Xiao Qijie. Huang Meixuan, who was originally going to announce the newcomer silently, actually sent a newsletter to the entire network, showing several beautiful photos of Xiao Jiashu on the largest page. They were all him dressed in high-end suits with a dignified and intimidating look. The intimidating face was more eye-catching than the spotlight, and the silver halo plated iris would definitely stare at you, and if it could, it would take one’s soul.

As soon as the press release was published, all over the Internet, the people were excited. There were prr, prr and prr sounds everywhere. It was unknown how many screens were licked.

Contrary to Xiao’s high-profile release, Lin LeYang debut was also announced at the same time. However, the studio followed Ji Mian’s instructions and didn’t publicize it, only waiting for the release of The Apostles to take him out to participate in the event, so as not to consume his popularity too early. A few of his photos were quietly hung on the official website of the studio. The new-look was much more handsome and smile sunnier than before. If in the past, it would definitely attract a lot of attention.

Many fans left messages on the websites, saying how Ji-Shen[1] would like such a newcomer. Some good people compared the two artists who started their careers today, and then grade them from the aspects of beauty, age, height, education, figure, dress, temperament, etc. the result is naturally disastrous.

[1] Slang for Awesome or amazing. So basically praising Ji Mian.

“I don’t know what they are thinking,” Heizi gloated. “Let’s put the two people who are very different together to make their debut. One is like a noble son and the other is like a small attendant. Is it particularly funny?”

Some fans asked anxiously, “Ji-Shen, would you like to think about it again? Your studio and you only have three artists in total. Why let Lin LeYang take up such precious resources? I really can’t see his potential! “

No one was optimistic about Lin LeYang’s future. His sunny and handsome looks are outstanding among ordinary people, but they are lost in the entertainment circle. What’s more tragic was that the photos of him and Xiao Jiashu were spliced together by netizens and hung on the forum, which made the contrast even stronger. The different attitudes of the company towards the two are also imaginative. One is highly praised, the other is indifferent, and it was too boring to see.

Lin LeYang stared at the mobile phone for a while and asked, “Xiao Jiashu also debuted today?”

Chen Pengxin nodded angrily, “I just received the news, otherwise I would definitely spend money to buy you some press. Damn it, why should one make a big debut and the other be unknown? This is a typical differential treatment! This is bullying! No, I have to consult with President Ji. I can’t let you be oppressed by others as soon as you start. “

“No, don’t go to Ji-ge.” Lin LeYang said with a strong smile, “Ji-ge told me long ago, to make a good play first, and then develop slowly after gaining fame. Like Xiao Jiashu, we start to publicize in a high-profile way before we have any works, and the heat rises and falls quickly. We just don’t respond. “

“He is using you as a stepping-stone. How can it be the same? I’ll let Ji Mian find a way. Don’t worry.” Chen Pengxin scolded his mother, and his eyes were full of evil.

Lin LeYang didn’t speak for a long time. He then said firmly, “Listen to me, don’t bother Ji-ge.”

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