How Hard is It To Raise a Bug?

Chapter 7

Chapter 6: Bad Female

After Yu Mengruo escaped from the ward, Dr. Myron was sluggish for a moment, and finally recovered his voice, trying to explain incoherently: “Then, that… Mr. Sharka, you must have misunderstood, and Mr. Yu and Mr. Yu must not have been I want to take revenge on you! He suffered an accident not long ago, he, he lost his memory! When he woke up, the only thing he remembered was his name! Mr. Yu is the most gentle and kind hero I have ever met. Insect… I’m sorry, it’s because I told him that if he didn’t choose you, other males would probably not treat you kindly, which caused this misunderstanding…”

Except in front of Yu Mengruo, Myron has always been mature and stable. But now, facing his idol for many years, the doctor was so annoyed that he wanted to cry: “Mr. Yu’s situation is already very difficult, but he still wants to help you.”

“He… lost his memory?” Sharka coughed twice. After being shocked, he finally calmed down and said softly, “So that’s the case… I’m sorry. When he comes back to go through the property transfer procedures, I will definitely apologize to him seriously. of.”

After Dr. Myron left, Sharka endured physical discomfort, got up from the bed, and began to pack his personal items.

Unlike Yu Mengruo, who lost his memory (wearing), Sharka was very aware of the Zerg marriage rules, and he knew that his account must have been completely frozen by now. When he was sent to the hospital for treatment, he had been suspended from duty and was under investigation. The adjutants and orderlies who had taken care of him in the past did not follow him. The duty of the military police was to guard and monitor him, and they would definitely not take him so thoughtfully as a senior officer. , it is estimated that he just gave the hospital authorization to debit his account.

These days, Sharka has neither the energy to pay attention to the trivial matters of life, nor did he expect that he would be put into the mating system so quickly to be selected by the male worm, so he did not pre-deposit the treatment fee in the hospital at all. Now that the male worm is angry with his misunderstanding, he can no longer continue to lie in the hospital bed and receive treatment in the hospital. Now all his property belongs to his male lord, and he has no private property to pay the bills.

The body that could have fought directly in the universe was now in pain and fatigue with just a little movement. Although he was very unaccustomed to this feeling, Sharka was comfortable enough to endure. He packed up for a while, then slowed down and rested for a while, working patiently until the evening, and finally packed all his belongings.

The nurse who delivered the nutritious meal found the packed luggage, surprised and dissatisfied, and asked, “I said, sir, why did you put everything away? Didn’t the doctor say you should rest more and not move around?”

Sharka sat on the edge of the bed, his forehead and back soaked in weak cold sweat, but he tried to straighten his back to hide his exhaustion and explained, “I may be leaving the hospital…”

The nurse retorted: “Impossible! It’s impossible for the doctor to allow you to be discharged from the hospital. You want to be discharged from the hospital right now with your physical condition, isn’t it worth dying?!”

Just at this moment, Myron, who finally got off work, ran over, greeted the nurse, helped Sharka take over the dinner, and sent away the dissatisfied nurse. It was too embarrassing during the day. After explaining to Sharka, Myron left with a hahaha. After a busy afternoon, he also remembered Sharka’s treatment fee, so he wanted to come over and have a look. Can you help me and make up for my mistakes.

Myron knew that Yu Mengruo was also a poor little man who was driven out of his home and was impoverished, so he said to Sharka: “Sir, you don’t need to worry about the treatment fee, I will pay you in advance, and you must cooperate with the treatment to take care of your health… ”

Dinner time was also the time when the medical staff in the hospital changed their shifts. The female doctor on the night shift brought the nurse to round the room, and happened to hear a little of what Myron said.

The nurse in charge of Sharka was very speechless and deeply suspected that her colleague had bad intentions and wanted to destroy the relationship between the patient and her hero: “Myron, what nonsense are you talking about, Mr. Sharka’s hero has already shared his exclusive account with us. It was bound, and 1 million was pre-stored, and another 1 million was transferred in just now, Mr. Sharka has his own master’s concern, and you don’t need to pay him medical expenses!”

Myron didn’t realize that he was misunderstood, and felt that he had a particularly long face in front of Sharka, and raised his eyebrows for a while: “Look, I said that Mr. Yu is a very gentle male!”

The doctors and nurses also agreed with what Myron said this time. They praised Yu Mengruo at once, while checking Sharka’s physical condition: “Yes, that male is really young and beautiful. No matter who you talk to, you are gentle and kind, although the level is a little lower, but it is actually very rare!”

“Lord Sharka can’t go to the battlefield in the future. In fact, such males are much stronger than those higher males, and they will live happily.”

When they all left, the noisy ward finally quieted down again.

Sharka had no appetite, but he still forced himself to finish the meal. Knowing that he would not be discharged from the hospital for the time being, he lay in bed early.

Maybe Dr. Myron would think that there was a deep love-hate relationship between Sharka and Yu Mengruo.

In fact, this is not the case. In Sharka’s memory, he and the young male named Yu Mengruo, his current male master, had one and only one meeting.

– Not long ago, the school of Central Star organized underage Zerg to visit the army.

Sharka remembered that day, he had just managed to get rid of the entanglement of a certain higher male insect, and in order to relax, he went to the training ground to play two simulated battles. During the break, the subordinates came to ask him if he could allow the students to watch the game. Sharka didn’t care about such trivial matters, so he let them in.

As a result, after walking out of the mecha, he was surrounded by a group of underage Zerg, chatting and asking questions.

Yu Mengruo is a very conspicuous one among the group of underage Zerg, because his eyebrows and eyes are really exquisite.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, Sharka couldn’t help frowning.

At that time, the male named Yu Mengruo looked very different from the males he had seen before. He was very rude, he raised his hand and touched Sharka’s mecha without permission, and then said proudly: ” Major General, it is said on the Internet that although you have been promoted to a higher position, you are actually the poorest senior general and spent all your savings on this mecha. I thought it was unacceptable at first, but now I see it with my own eyes, but I think it is fine. And when you resell it after you get married, you should be able to sell it for a good price. I heard that some second-hand mobile phone armor can be sold more expensive than the new one, is this true?”

Sharka has always regarded his mecha flying shark as the most important comrade-in-arms. Except for the most trusted subordinates and the enemy to be eliminated by the flying shark, he never let other Zerg touch him casually. Seeing the little male worm casually touching him, he felt very uncomfortable.

Besides, at that time, Sharka was still a general-level officer with the ability to dominate his own marriage autonomy. Even a senior male general from a very good background would condescend and pretend to be peaceful and respectful when facing him. It’s been a long time since I heard such harsh words in person.

For a while, Sharka didn’t know whether the little male in front of him was so stupid, or whether he was deliberately provoking himself. Sharka didn’t want to bother with a child, but he wasn’t interested in continuing to stay on the training ground, so he wiped his sweat and wanted to turn around and leave.

Unexpectedly, the underage male was unrelenting, chasing after him and chattering: “Hey! Major General, you are too rude, there is a male talking to you, didn’t you hear it? How can you just walk away? I used to like you quite a bit. I wanted to choose you as my female monarch when I became an adult. Don’t underestimate me. Although I’m only C-class now, my grades are very good. When I grow up, It will definitely evolve into an excellent B-level or A-level male! Although you are old and poor, and you are still single in your fifties, I didn’t dislike you at all! But now I have to say that the females from the orphanages , education is really bad.”

Sharka finds it funny – he has fought hard enough to become a major general, but there is still no way to prevent this kind of thing. Any male, even if they like him, will usually put him down before making a confession, so that Sharka realizes that they like him, which is a kind of condescension to a female like him. gift.

Usually, although Sharka often does things with no room for manoeuvre, at least on the surface, he will still disguise a mask of respect for male insects, saying something like “I’m not worthy of you” and “It’s all my fault.” scene words.

But that day, he was too tired, so he thought he had indulged himself a little, and said coldly: “Your Excellency, do you still know? Usually the male who said this in front of me should at least have already Promoted to B-rank. At your age, you should still spend time trying to enrich yourself instead of daydreaming.”

Sharka could never have imagined that his only indulgence in years would have such a big impact on him.

This is too sarcastic…

The male worm who was mocked by him for “daydreaming” has really become his male lord now.

To make matters worse, Sharka thought: At that time, the reason why he attacked a young underage male like this was to put it bluntly… It was simply a kind of bullying.

He thought that he would never be afraid of the male worm’s grudge and revenge, so he let his meanness go.

Unexpectedly, Yu Mengruo not only did not hold grudges and revenge, but was willing to stretch out his hand to pull him when he was at the lowest point.

Dr. Myron said the males are in a very difficult situation…

Yes, the male was so proud to say that he would at least be promoted to B when he became an adult. Although he is too arrogant, his eyes are full of vigor that belongs to the young Zerg and has not been polished by the world, but he is an adult now, and he has fallen to the D level. Mental power has become even more unrecognizable – if it wasn’t for Sharka’s impression of the male’s name and face, he would definitely not have recognized him.

The male was teetering on the cliff himself, but he held out his hand to himself.

Then, he was stabbed again.

Despite this, the male still did not let go of his hand and let him continue to fall.

Yu Mengruo is not only the kindest male that Dr. Myron has ever seen, but also the kindest male he has ever seen in his life…

But he himself was probably the worst female this young male had ever seen.

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