How Hard is It To Raise a Bug?

Chapter 6

Chapter 5: To The Sea Of ​​Stars

Yu Mengruo tried her best to finally break free from Sharka’s mental influence.

He didn’t get the memory of the original body, and it was only at this time that he realized that the original body and the once high-ranking major general actually knew each other. His smile had long since stiffened, and after hearing Sharka’s question, it cracked and shattered into pieces.

Why would a low-level Zerg know the civilian God of War who has not fallen to the altar in the past?

The most important thing is that in the past contacts, Sharka’s favor towards the original body is definitely a negative number!

If not, in Sharka’s current situation, he found out that the male who chose him was his suitor in the past, why should he breathe a sigh of relief and feel a little more at ease?

Well now, how can there be any selling up and buying down? !

Treat him a little bit and reap huge rewards? nonexistent! Now I am good to this Major General Sharka, and I can only fill the hole dug by the original body a little to eliminate the bad impression the female has had.

Yu Mengruo thought that he was a successful profiteer a few minutes ago, but now he is full of ‘stealing chickens can’t lose rice!” “Miscalculation!” “This time the loss is big!” All kinds of embarrassing thoughts.

He glared at the female worm on the hospital bed, was completely in no mood to answer the female worm’s question and defended himself, turned angrily and left Sharka’s room.

Miscalculated! Miscalculated! Miscalculated!

Yu Mengruo strode away, and when his anger gradually dissipated, a feeling of powerlessness similar to Sharka just now gradually surfaced from the depths of his heart.

Sharka, he must have felt that no matter how hard he worked, he was still defeated by his birth and fate; it just so happened that Yu Mengruo thought the same thing… Why is it so difficult to have a taste of being truly liked?

Yu Mengruo’s biological parents are unknown, and she was taken home by her adoptive father when she was a baby.

The adoptive father is domineering, egoistic, impatient, and hot-tempered when he treats his wife and his own children. If he does not provide his wife and children with the best material enjoyment, he should be the most annoying kind of parent.

But when his adoptive father treated Yu Mengruo, he changed his face and gave him almost all the patience and tenderness in his life.

The adoptive father never got angry with Yu Mengruo, he met all his requirements while making no demands on him, making the adoptive mother and other children in the family jealous and hated Yu Mengruo to the core.

But at home, the person Yu Mengruo disliked the most was not the one who hated his adoptive mother and envied his brothers and sisters, but his adoptive father.

Since childhood, no matter how favored his adoptive father was, Yu Mengruo didn’t like talking to him, and always wanted to avoid him.

This abnormal behavior once caused many people to have great doubts about the character of the adoptive father, guessing whether he might have done something bad to Yu Mengruo in private. But the fact is just the opposite. When Yu Mengruo was very young, if he took the initiative to rush to his adoptive father’s side, his adoptive father would even be subconsciously afraid to escape.

So everyone began to think that Yu Mengruo was an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf.

But Yu Mengruo thought he was wronged! Because with the mind-reading ability he had since he was a child, he found out early that his adoptive father did not love him at all, and his feelings for him contained fear, caution, and flattery. Desires are fervent. The alternation of hot and cold is irreconcilable. Every time he perceives his adoptive father’s emotions, Yu Mengruo feels disgusted and just wants to stay away from him.

Through the accumulation of observations, Yu Mengruo found that to his adoptive father, he was more like a kid or a fairy at home than a son.

The only adoptive father who knew his origins regarded Yu Mengruo as a monster, so Yu Mengruo also thought… Maybe he might really be a monster in human skin.

This also explains why he has always felt out of place in the crowd, and no one has ever been able to purely like him after getting to know him well.

After leaving the hospital, Yu Mengruo gradually calmed down. He thought that he was used to being hated for a long time… I didn’t expect to feel so angry for the first time on a female worm.

At this time, he discovered that after confirming that he had chosen Sharka as his partner, the master Eros had sent him a new message.

[Dear male Mr. Yu Mengruo, in view of the fact that you have actively completed the (highest priority) D-level male citizen mating task within the specified time, and absorbed the A-level female Mr. Sharka to become a new family member, the male protection committee presents a gift Give you 1 million settlement fee. 】

[Dear male Mr. Yu Mengruo, since the female Mr. Sharka has become a member of your family, all the cash in his account will be transferred to your name within 2 hours, please pay attention to check. 】

[Dear male Mr. Yu Mengruo, since the female Mr. Sharka has become a member of your family, the master Eros thinks that you will freeze all the assets under the name of Mr. Sharka, and the name change procedure will be completed within three working days, please You follow progress and work with Eros. 】

Wow! This is really…

Although Dr. Myron mentioned that other male worms may not continue to treat him after choosing Sharka, Yu Mengruo did not expect that the system of the zerg was so cruel. insect. After thinking for a while, he ran back to the hospital billing window again and got Sharka’s medical bill.

Looking at the astronomical numbers above, Yu Mengruo once again felt that his decision was too hasty, and at the same time he was under great pressure – Sharka’s daily expenses were around 400,000, that is to say, his account came from system J10. 50,000 and the 1 million of Eros, the mastermind, may not survive the three days of Sharka’s property being frozen.

I hope Sharka is a rich female… But I can’t fully count on him, Yu Mengruo prayed silently, and then decided to finish J10’s quest as soon as possible, and see if the system will continue to add quests.

He put 1 million settlement fee into Sharka’s medical account, left 50,000 to rent the house, and left the hospital again.

In the next time, Yu Mengruo found a real estate agency, changed from the VIP lounge of the hospital to the VIP lounge of the agency company, and put forward various requirements for renting.

To be short-term, preferably a month. It should be clean, quiet, comfortable, convenient for transportation, and beautifully decorated…

Although there is not much money and a bunch of demands, fortunately, if Yu Meng is a good-looking male worm, it is possible that he will be directly invited away.

The female worm who received him was not impatient at all, and was happy to stay with him, help him contact various house owners and even see the house via video, and drove the car to accompany him to two or three places. After Qian, she even wanted to invite him to dinner, but Yu Mengruo firmly refused.

After only Yu Mengruo was left at home, J10 really appeared again.

“Congratulations, you have completed the [Independent Life] task, and 100,000 yuan has been distributed to your account.”

The first two times when J10 appeared, Yu Mengruo didn’t have time to communicate with it. But the exchange when he first crossed had already shown that J10 could communicate.

The poor male hurriedly seized the opportunity of this system to try to act like a spoiled child: “Xiao Shi, the quest rewards you gave are too small compared to Eros. They are all AI, and the money they give is 10 times that of you. ”

Even systems don’t seem to like being compared.

J10 immediately retorted: “It’s not 10 times. Also, 100,000 is just a reward for the [Independent Life] quest, and what Eros gives you is a marriage reward.”

Yu Mengruo then asked, “Is there any reward for Xiao Shi’s matchmaking task? I’m already married. You are my system, so why don’t you give me some money?”

J10 corrected: “You are not married, you just chose the first marriage partner. J10 is a career system, and there is no marriage task.”

Just when Yu Mengruo thought his money was gone, his smart terminal rang. Yu Mengruo checked and found that there were 2 million transfers from anonymous accounts.

J10’s voice sounded at the right time. Although it was still as gentle and gentle as usual, Yu Mengruo could faintly hear a little pride: “I wish you a happy married life.”

Yu Mengruo: “Wow, thank you little ten.”

Although she said thanks, Yu Mengruo was actually a little uneasy. Even if he won’t be bought by a mere two million yuan, but the system is so good to him, what does it want to get from him? It’s a pity that Xiao Shi is an AI, so he can’t feel his emotions…

According to the general script routine, such a special system may have attracted the attention of the protagonist…

Wait, this J10 is not trying to attack him, is it? !

Just when Yu Mengruo thought the communication was over, J10 returned to the topic.

“As a male who has started an independent life, your top priority now is to start your own career line. J10 has released the first link of a new large-scale chain mission [Exploiting Desolate Stars] for you. If you accept this mission, go to Sign up for the Civic Center, and the system will give you 10 million rewards.”

“[Pioneering Desolate Stars]: For the prosperity of the Zerg, the central government issued a mission to recruit male insects to go to remote desolate stars to collect resources. Although this road is full of hardships, it is also a rare opportunity for low-level male insects to ascend. Precious like you How can the outstanding young Zerg waste their talents and do nothing in the central star? The young man who is favored by fate is destined to embark on the adventure of the sea of stars! Let’s go! Let’s go! Start tomorrow! Please register at the city hall as soon as possible , join the team that conquers the distance! Today’s obscurity makes tomorrow’s extraordinary achievements!”

Yu Mengruo was stunned for a while, conquering the sea of stars was quite poking him, and it should be very friendly to Sharka. Their registered permanent residence was miserable in the Central Star City, and it was suitable to start over in another place and join a promising project.

But Yu Mengruo was reluctant to admit that he had become **** because of a task, so he praised awkwardly: “Xiao Shi, your task copy is really good!”

The solid-eyed system did not notice the host’s careful thoughts, and said humbly, “Thank you for your encouragement. Excuse me, do you accept the task of [Exploiting Desolate Stars]?”

Although the task of reclaiming wasteland sounds very interesting, and the prospects in the copy are also inspiring, but Yu Mengruo just suspected that the system is too good for him and has ulterior motives. At this time, he is absolutely reluctant to accept it directly, and shirks: “I have to go tomorrow. Ask the city hall.”

J10 did not express dissatisfaction with Yu Mengruo’s delay, but instead praised: “Okay, being cautious is a good habit.”

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