House of the wolf

chapter 27

“I ask only for this favor to be repaid at a later date mother of dragons”


“Call me Daenerys. Very well, for now, I am in your debt ser?” 


“I am no knight Daenerys. Edwyn, you can call me Edwyn”


Now that things have calmed down I take a proper look at her I see she looks a little familiar, her facial bone structure reminds me of my brother Jon Snow but her skin is not nearly as pale her violet eyes curiously examining me as I look her over her silver hair strikingly beautiful as the rest of her.


I look down at her exposed chest it is only a handful for my big hands but on her petite body, it fits her perfectly.


Realizing I have been staring too long “I will not offer to join your Queensguard like my compatriot but I will be traveling along if you should want my advice you only need to ask”


Then I hear the creaking of the House of Undying and see birds flying out of the burning building towards us but as I see them come closer scales glistening I feel true awe as I witness true living breathing dragons, while for now, they are not awe-inspiring being small enough to fit in my palms, the legend of dragons is too great not to feel shocked to witness such creatures.


A green, white and black dragons circle around her and land on her shoulders.


“We must bring you and the dragons back to the dock Khaleesi” Jorah says while looking at me suspiciously 


“It is not safe for us in Quarth anymore but we can´t leave on foot”


She turns to Arstan Whitebeard “Is it true you have ships to take us out of here?”


“At your command”


The next day at the port I spend time with the Dothraki observing their ways finding that the way they behave has a lot in common with what I have read of the Skaagosi while there are of course cultural differences a lot of the core values are similar and they respect power above all with the Dothraki even willing go against their tradition to take to the sees in their loyalty to Daenerys.


That is saying a lot when their tradition has them killing each other over minor squabbles without blinking an eye but I am not here purely to observe I also interact with them and flirt with Deanerys´s handmaidens Irri and Jhqui who are in my opinion both nearly as beautiful as the dragon queen in their own different ways.


My favorite of the two is Jhqui for her hourglass figure.


“Why do you not braid your hair? It is long unlike the other one have you won no victories?”


“I don´t know how to and In fact, I have won a victory if only I knew some beautiful girls who could braid it for me” They giggle 


 “Edwyn you are summoned to meet the dragon queen” I hear and turn around to see Jorah 


“See you later girls”


Walking into a room with only Daenerys, Jorah and the dragons.


“Jorah tells me you are not who you say you are” As her little dragons snarl at me I feel the urge to pet them but remembering that these little creatures destroyed the house of the undying with just their breaths I resist the urge.


“And what did I say I was?” 


“When you said your name you did not say your full name why”


“Is there a reason you´re asking me this?”


“Today at the dock somebody tried to assassinate me”


“Now tell me why you did not tell me your full name”


“There were too many people if you want to know my full name I don´t mind telling you, My name is Edwyn Stark Son of Eddard Stark the Lord of Winterfell”


Daenerys face twists and Jorah´s face turns into a grimace 


“You´re the son of that traitor! Did he send you to kill me” She asks as Jorah puts his hand on his sword hilt


I turn to Jorah “Are you Jorah Mormont son of Jeor Mormont? The one who fled when my Father sentenced you to death for selling slaves” I see his face looks uneasy full of dread but he answers


“Yes” The grip on his sword hilt trembling 


“Do you believe that my Father would send assassins to end her life”


 He takes a few deep breaths and relaxes his posture eventually answering “No”


“And you, on what basis do you call my father a traitor?” I turn to Daenerys


“Your father and the usurper betrayed the Targeryens slaughtering everyone even including the women and children of my family”


“My father bore your family no ill will, it was your Father the Mad King he went to war with”


“The Mad King? you claim to bear me no ill will yet speak false rhetorick created against my father?”




“Calling my father the mad king the lie they spun as an excuse to wage war and murder us in cold blood you Starks are nothing but power-hungry traitors”


“HAHAHHAAHAAA… Cold blood? Rhetoric? Traitors? That´s what you believe? Watch your tongue girl!” I laugh in anger and snap at her making the dragons restless 


“Your brother kidnapped my aunt and when my uncle went to demand an explanation from your father, he had him seized for treason. Then with his son as hostage, he summoned my grandfather to Kings Landing and made my grandfather watch his son strangled to death as the Mad king burned him alive with wildfire”


“With his Father and Brother dead, their disgraceful deaths at the hand of his king and his sister still unaccounted for since Rhaeger took her I´ll be damned if my Father had another choice but to go to war with the Mad king”


“Lies my Father was a just king!” She yells at me


I calm down and take deep breaths when I realize she just a naive girl.


“... just ask your loyal guard if I´m lying or any man in Westeros” I say as thing turn silent Daenerys looks to Jorah to waiting for him to deny my words but he keeps silent refusing to speak 


“And first of all it was the Lannister who slaughtered your family, they waited until the very end of the rebellion to pick a side but when they did they showed no mercy I heard thousands of women were raped and murdered at the sacking of Kings Landing, and second of all you need not worry about my Father coming after you if you ever did as he is dead killed by king Joffrey who ordered my Father´s execution the realm is now at war”


Shocked yet again Daenerys falls back on her chair while Jorah contemplates and eventually asks “Why are you here?”


“I was with my Father at Kings Landing when they went for us I barely escaped Kings Landing alive by the time I recovered from my wounds everything had already happened. Then I heard rumors about the mother of dragons.”


“To say it simply I came here because I wanted to meet you Denreys Targaryen” 

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