Hogwarts: Starting from Creating the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 30

Chapter 030 Artel Is A Good Boy (For Flowers)

Artel looked at the dazzling array of magic materials in the storage room, and to be honest, there was more stuff here than in some store warehouses in Knockturn Alley.

After all, Snape was a well-known potionist in the wizarding world, and he even collected many superb potion materials that were extinct in the wizarding world.

Artel was not polite, and everything he could see was included in the system space.

After making sure that nothing was left behind, Artel used the cleaning, whirlwind and other magics on the storage room to clean up his breath, footprints and other things.

After all, he remembered that there were some tracking spells in Fantastic Beasts 2, which could make footprints appear, and could find traces through things such as hair flakes. Anyway, it’s better to be cautious.

This time he had emptied Snape’s storage room.

This potion master has collected things for so many years, although not all of them are in the storage room, but this is definitely most of them.

Maybe Snape never thought that someone would loot most of his collection at Hogwarts, the safest place in the world.

“I’m sorry Professor Snape.”

Artel gently opened Snape’s office and slipped out.

Although I am a little embarrassed, it does require a lot of magic materials to create a strong orc army. Last time he ransacked Knockturn Alley, he only collected a small part.

“The big deal is to help Snape kill Voldemort so he doesn’t have to die.”

Thinking of this, Artel felt a lot better.

He returned to the Slytherin lounge and waited for a while before finding a chance to sneak in. After returning to the bedroom, Artel took off the Supreme Lord of the Rings, checked the time, and went to the auditorium for lunch.

In the afternoon, I heard from the seniors that Professor Snape rarely came to class.

Later, for some unknown reason, the whole castle began to circulate, saying that some people saw Professor Snape crying and laughing in the corridor, babbling, whispering for a while, roaring hysterically for a while, but it was not normal.

Artel’s face didn’t change when he heard the news, but he was thinking to himself.

Would it be too cruel to attack himself, Snape couldn’t accept it for a while, wouldn’t it be really crazy.

During dinner in the evening, Dumbledore announced in the auditorium that Snape was ill and could not find a suitable professor for the time being, so the professor of Potions was temporarily replaced by Sprout.

Sprout was the teacher of the herbal class and the head of Hufflepuff, a squat witch, obviously she also had a certain understanding of potions, so there was no big problem with substituting the class.

Not only that, Professor McGonagall also announced that students in the third year and above would be led by the prefects of each college to interview the deans of each college one by one. Due to Snape’s hospitalization, Slytherin was directly in charge of Dumbledore. .

The seniors in the senior year didn’t know what happened, and they were all in a panic.

Harry and Ron, on the other hand, seemed very excited, because the annoying Snape was sick and no one would deduct points for them in Potions.

Artel still looks like he’s hanging up a notch, even though he’s the one who started it.

The academy checked it several times and couldn’t find out who stole Snape’s life-long collection. The Weasley twins were originally the main suspects, but Professor McGonagall checked it several times, but he still couldn’t find it.

This made Professor McGonagall breathe a sigh of relief, but also more confused.

Later, second- and first-year wizards were also included in the cross-examination targets.

And Artel was also questioned by Dumbledore.

This was the first time Artel had come face-to-face with Dumbledore so closely.

Although the other party is a master of Legilimency, Artel is not afraid. In the depths of his soul is the Supreme Lord Ring, an artifact built by the demigod Sauron to dominate the world. With the Supreme Lord Ring, Dumbledore cannot Read his real thoughts.

It is even possible to be deceived by the Supreme Lord of the Rings.

After all, if Dumbledore can’t read Artel’s thoughts, it will arouse suspicion from the other party, so the Lord of the Rings should allow him to read some false thoughts.

Such as caring for classmates, respecting teachers, benefiting the society, maintaining world peace, advocating fairness and justice, etc.

And it is indeed the case. When Artel communicated with Dumbledore, the other party kept looking into his eyes. Dumbledore’s eyes were calm, but full of wisdom.

After talking to Artel, Dumbledore smiled kindly and let him go.

Looking at the back of Artel leaving, Dumbledore couldn’t help nodding, saying something like a really good boy.

“What did Headmaster Dumbledore ask you? Where were you, where were you, and who were you around ten o’clock today?”

Back in the Great Hall, Hermione asked in a low voice beside Artel.

Artel nodded and responded:

“Yes, that’s what Professor McGonagall asked you too? Looks like something must have happened at that time.”

“Yes, but I was in the library, with my roommate.”

Hermione replied, glancing at Harry across from him, her voice lower.

“Harry said it was the thing Hagrid took from Gringotts and lost it at Hogwarts.”

“Maybe, but I think it might have something to do with Professor Snape’s illness.”

Artel glanced at the empty space on the professor’s desk and prayed for Professor Snape, while Hermione followed and nodded in agreement.

“I think so too.”*

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