Hogwarts: Starting from Creating the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 29

Chapter 029 Sorry, Professor! (Begging For Flowers)

“Unfortunately, it’s clear that fame is not enough.”

Snape sneered and turned back to the podium, Malfoy and his entourage laughed, Harry didn’t speak, but the expression on his face was even more ugly.

Snape glanced at Hermione, who was still raising her hand, and said:

“Artel, you answer my question.”

Artel stood up, Hermione pursed her lips, but then looked at Artel with anticipation in her eyes.

“Okay, Professor Snape, mixing narcissus root powder with wormwood can make a decoction of living hell, which is the water of life and death. It is a powerful sleeping pill.”

“Bezoar can be found in the stomach of goats and is a powerful detoxification material, and there is no difference between aconitum aconitiformis and aconitum vulgaris. They are a kind of plant, collectively called aconitum.”

Artel sat back in his chair, and Snape looked at him with satisfaction, a look of admiration in his eyes.

“Artel’s answer is absolutely correct! Slytherin gets ten points.”

After Snape finished speaking, he looked at Hermione again.

“Maybe Miss Granger knows the answer too, but…you should learn from Artel sitting next to you, don’t be so eager to express yourself!”

Hermione opened her mouth and was about to say something, but Artel pulled her gently under the table and Hermione didn’t say anything in the end.

Snape didn’t say more after seeing this, and turned to class.

This lesson teaches the preparation of a simple potion for boils, using only dried nettles, crushed snake tooth powder, and simple ingredients like slugs and porcupine quills.

While the students were making potions from their textbooks, Snape walked around the classroom in his black robe like a black bat.

And from time to time, Snape would stop behind the Gryffindor students, standing there silently staring at each other, until they were so frightened that they would be scolded when they made a mistake. Then leave gracefully.

At the end of the potions class, Artel gave Slytherin another 10 points for making the potion perfectly, and Malfoy got 5 points for cooking the slugs perfectly.

And Gryffindor was deducted 30 points, of which, except for Neville’s clumsiness, which resulted in the deduction of 10 points from Fryer, the rest were all mistakes that were scared by Snape.

As for Hermione, although the potion was successfully concocted, Snape found out several faults and deficiencies in her, so she didn’t get any extra points.

“No wonder Slytherin has won the House Cup in the past.”

Artel can be considered to have seen Snape’s methods, and under his reputation, there is no falsehood. Snape is already worthy of the legends circulating in Hogwarts.

“I hate Professor Snape.”

After leaving the classroom, Hermione spoke to Artel.

“He’s just unreasonable, don’t you think he’s targeting Griffin?”

“Maybe, but he’s the headmaster of Slytherin after all.”

Artel still liked Snape very much, not for anything else, just what he did for Lily, that sentence of always loving, deserved respect for him.

“I think you must like him very much. With his help, you will definitely get more college points than me.”

Hermione snorted and dragged Artel towards the library.

“Go to the book again?”

Artel feels a little overwhelmed.

“You don’t want to go?”

Hermione turned her head to look at him, with a dangerous gleam in her eyes.

“To be honest, I don’t want to.”

Artel nodded. Going to the library was a waste of time. He might as well find a place to refine a potion, or go back to his bedroom to study Saruman’s experimental notes.

Hermione looked at Artel, and after a while, she sighed softly.

“Okay, okay, I know you don’t like reading, then I’ll go by myself.”

Hermione let go of Artel’s sleeves and walked towards the stairs of the library. Artel looked at the back of Hermione’s departure and shouted softly:

“Let’s have lunch together!”

“I know!”

When Hermione heard the invitation, she waved her hand happily and walked away.

Artel swaggered back to the dormitory, then put on the Lord of the Rings, and followed them out of the common room while the other Slytherins left the dormitory.

The invisible Artel came all the way to Snape’s office in the basement, where he squatted and guarded.

Finally, after about half an hour, Snape came out of the office, and Artel got into the office while he was closing the door.

Snape’s private storage room was in his office, where he kept many of Snape’s private storage of potion ingredients.

There are many precious materials among them, which are valuable and have no market. If they are brought to Knockturn Alley, it may cause some dark wizards to fight.

After entering the office, Artel glanced at the entire office and found the entrance to this private storage room.

Although the wooden door at the entrance was locked by a spell, it didn’t bother Artel.

Hermione had sneaked in when she was in second grade to steal the ingredients for the compound potion, as well as Barty Jr. and Dobby, who had all sneaked in.

“Araho Cave is open!”

A simple lock-picking spell opened the door to this storeroom full of precious materials, and Artel himself was a little surprised.

“Looks like I should warn Professor Snape, this time I’ll sweep the place, and then Professor Snape can come to his senses and lock the storage room in a special way, so that other people can’t sneak in and steal things. .”

“I’ve helped Snape grow, too, sorry, Professor!”*

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