Harem Overlord System

34. Lieselotte Sherlock





Hi everyone, I am going to write a little bit about the action scenes for the first time so do tell me your opinions about it. If it's good or bad so that I would have a direction in the future about what to write or what to not.

Now enjoy the chapter...



" " Conversion or speech

' ' thoughts

[ ] Sys talking 


(Mc Pov)

"So, are you the one they call a demon lord candidate," said the hot and sexy babe who was standing just In front of me in five feet distance.

"So are you by any chance related to this hot and sexy babe Selina," I obviously know her but I try to act like it's my first time knowing her.

"It's Lisa," I heard Lilith's surprised voice.

"Seriously, what are you doing here and was it you who summoned us here," Mira asked in an irritated and tired voice from that I get, Lisa was a pain in their ass. Mira's irritation was ignored by Lisa.

"Hello Miss Lilith, hi Mira. It's been a while we met. Mmnn Ohh ya, I will be taking your magic now," Lisa was standing there with a nonchalant smile and greeted Lilith then Mira to which both didn't bother to reply.

Then suddenly Lisa teleported in the middle of Lilith and Mira with both hands touching the shoulders of both Lilith and Mira respectively, after catching Mira and Lilith off guard, Lisa directly invoked the macro which can steal anyone's magic and their research.

I never get the idea of how can Logos Art looks so jumbled up almost like a binary no. of computer language.

*Swoosh!* *Rip!*

"What, You not even going to acknowledge us, that's pretty rude when considering we knew each other for such a long time," I was about to take action but Akio and Levi swiftly cut her macro off which saved Lilith and Mira, from being sucked away of their magic.

But Levi and Akio were only able to cut the macro as Lisa at the same time noticed their attack so she dodged them then made a little distance between them.

"Ahhh... Ohh If it isn't Akio and The Ninja, You two look like you have been doing great and also you look more powerful, good to know at least you have not become rusty over the years I have not seen you all. As It won't be fun to play with who can't even keep up," Lisa said with her trademark smirk.

"Yes, we have, wish I could say the same to you but you look like you turned into crazy little skink and weak ass, what have you been up to," replied Akio with a grin on her face and ready to punch her in the gut.

"So Selina, care to explain why she looks little like you, as only blond twin tail hairstyle and face matches up, other things not so much hmmm.." I ask Selina what was going on or at least trying to play my part then my thoughts leaked out when I saw Selina's expression, I shut my mouth and acted as nothing happened.

"Don't act like you said nothing and sorry, If you find me unattractive I am like that so leave me be..humph humph," Selina glared and yelled at me then started to pout.

"Sorry sorry I was in wrong, then I will be honest with you. You are fine as it is and you are attractive at least to me. You are a great girl, now are you happy," I apologies then praised her, cause If you want to make any girl forgive you then you can only smooth talk to her and do your best to appease their ego. That's what I have learnt from my experience.

"I won't forgive you that easily but I let it be for now when this is over, you owe me a delicious strawberry cupcake...cough cough ...well where was I, ahh yes, she is my twin sister who disappeared from the library a few months ago and to which I have been searching for," Selina bargained with me and I agreed to her, when she saw everyone was looking at her weirdly then she coughed to hide her bashful expression. After that, she told me about Lisa being her twin sister. I already knew about it but listening to her, I had to show the expression that I just heard something which I will reluctantly accept.

"So she was the ghost of the library or should I say sexy ghost hmmmn," I said jokingly and hmmm to myself.

"So that's what, they are saying about me now, a ghost," Listening to my talk with Selina, Lisa muse herself being called a ghost by everyone.

"She decided to move forward with the experiment to connect to eternal library and knowing it had been banned but she still decide to go through it," I heard Lilith explaining.

"She was also second-in-command of Grimoire Security," Mira butted in.

"She is the last trinities of seven of Arcadia Archive and She is my twin sister, Lieselotte Sherlock," then Selina completed the intro.

"I didn't expect to meet all of you here and the demon lord candidate together. It's such an honour meeting you all together, what an opportunity, guess I will be taking all your magic, its real treat we can all meet like this today," Listening to her bullshit about not expecting us together and even saying last words adding a lewd smile on top it, I have to say she has a great talent for acting. 

I mean with the commotion, she made in the library and she can easily guess that we will gather toge in the library to investigate the cause. It's not impossible to leave something like a tracking macro behind to know about us and when we let our guard down she use invoked the spell to summoned us here.

"How could you leave your position to fight evil to pursuit such a dastardly work," Mira commented and asked a personal question.

"Well, it's quite simple really," replied Lisa then a tablet-like Grimoire appeared on her hand.

*Swoosh!*(something appearing sound)

"I did it for this Grimoire and I wanted to study some forbidden magic, I only worked for Grimoire Security so I can experience different breakdown phenomena up close hmmm," once Grimoire materialises on her hand then she taps on it lightly which activated it, then she got covered in a ring-like pattern of binary no. all over on them. Once she finished her talk then she smirked at us and vanished from her place.

"Watch out," Selina shouted so I again took her in my hug and step back a few steps. Just as I took a step back Lisa appeared on that place I was just standing on. It's weird seeing her appearing like that, it feels like she is trying to act cool and making me consider that I should learn from her on how to show off as I can't have someone else look cool in front of me.

"Huh...Well well, Selina, you have become a little capable," Lisa commented sarcastically seeing her sister easily dodge her.

"You must have forgotten that I can use Logos Art too, also I have improved myself further ahead so I can now calculate where you going to appear, you can't fool me, sister," Selina replied smugly towards her sarcastic sister.

"Hahahaha..mnmnm...It makes me so happy, you are my sweet baby twin sister, you have been researching on it and making your magic stronger haven't you," laughing creepily, Lisa asked Selina with her both hands on her cheeks and making little blush in her face, making me doubt for a second If Lisa is into her sister then next second Lisa changed her expression like a lion looking at her pray as she licked her lips making Selina shiver a little so I just patted on Selina's head a little to make her feel comfortable. By the way, Lisa looks way more erotic than creepy to me...Ahem...Cough...

"You have taken this bull crap of yours a little too far," Mira cut in with little anger on her voice and with a stoic expression.

"This time I'm gonna help out so get ready for some slicing," Levi also got ready to attack as she took out her weapon.

"And it's my responsibility to save you from the dark side," Lilith being Lilith, she is usually such a kind girl but this kindness will hurt her someday so looks like I have to do something about it shortly, well for now let just leave it to future me.


"Well ladies, you have me outnumbered haven't you," Lisa chuckling said quietly which we heard loud and clear, even after having been outnumbered she still has a nonchalant expression about it. She talks then sat down on the broken foundations of ruins cross-legged. Making me see the nice scene which I just admired in mind.

"Wow, those legs are pretty nice and those knee shocks fits her perfectly. What a perfect huggable thigh she have," I muttered to myself seeing those thighs of hers and have to say they are great, I want to feel them and pinch them Ahhh. Ahem...Control brother control ...phew...

"So do you have a fetish for legs," Yui suddenly asked, making me come back to reality and think of something to not upset the mood of everyone?

"No. I won't say, I have a fetish for legs and thigh but when I see something I find beautiful, I have to at least admire it," hmm...I nodded myself for what I thought of. But I forgot that what I said was heard by everyone and hearing me say that Yui has a thoughtful face, god knows what she is thinking in her mind.

"Kosei, be serious for once and don't mess around here," Lilith's stern voice sounded from behind, making me silent. As it is not a good thing in making Lilith angry.

"So are you a demon lord candidate," Lisa again asked me with doubt showing on her face.

"Nay, I am not, He is not here as he busy with his little fiance. But why do you even ask about him, do you have something you need from him," I said raising my hands in a cross shape showing that she got the wrong guy with a stoic expression and I asked her what she was after.

"Hahahaha...mmmm, well you see, when I came to the eternal library and search around the place I found something which piqued my interest, can you guess what I found in this place. Hahahahaha interesting thing, a very interesting thing that made me want to have it for myself so I researched about it to confirm my guess. Do you know what makes a person qualify to be called a demon lord candidate. It's the demon lord element inside them which produced the uncontrollable magic power inside the body and human beings are fragile, to begin with so it's s dangerous for anyone to have it," Lisa started to explain like a proud teacher what she found about it but I didn't pay attention to her speech and was busy ogling her body then I felt Yui Melons on me.

"So in a sense, you are after his magic element not him well that's a relief, I thought you have a personal interest in him," I muttered to myself but everyone was silent so they heard it.

"Did you think I was interested in the guy, I haven't even met but I might get interested in you If you beat me in a match or fight hahaha..mnm try it, I won't bite," Lisa raised her eyebrows at my murmuring then replied with a playful smirk then laughed out and also giving me again that erotic scene like licking her lips with little blush on the cheeks.

"Go for it Ko beat her ass I will cheer for you," Yui in my side who also hugged one of my arms started to make a ruckus.

"Ok, so do you dare to fight with me or are you just talk and no bite," I thought it would be a good opportunity to gain some affection points by showing off to them how awesome I can be.

"Why should I fight you when I get nothing out of it and will just waste my time when I can just take away all of your magic," Lisa didn't take the bait so I need something to tempt her to fight with me as this girl needs a reality check, even if she wants to take my magic away, she won't be able to as I am not from archive system and also don't have any Grimoire bound to me so I am somewhat special in this world with my uniqueness.

"Fine then, I will give you something much better value than demon lord element If you able to win and also If you lost then you have to fulfil one of my requests," I thought then I came with this idea as I will be giving her my few strands of energy if she wins but that's not possible with how many tricks I have.

"Now that's tempting but what could be more valuable than demon lord element and I am fine with the bet If your request is not too ridiculous so how should go about it," she agreed to fight me after the bet I made which made her somewhat curious.

"The first one to land a blow on their opponent with enough strength to make him/her fall to the ground that would be count as a victory, Alright," once I got a nod from her, I made everyone huddle to side together little distance away from us.

"Ok, guys sit there and look at the show which I am going to give you all," I stretched a little and got ready to make a move.


Suddenly there is a massive crater made in the front of me, in between us then suddenly a screen showed up. Which has written something at the same time the world came to stop.

"Cliffhanger-Kun is here, have no fear," I saw left and right then started to sleep there, ignoring the fucker there.





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