Harem Overlord System

33. Investigation for Ghost And Encounter



" " Conversion or speech

' ' thoughts

[ ] Sys talking 


(Mc Pov)

"Hey, Lilith what were you wanted from me in the morning, you suddenly came and then ran away so I didn't even get to know why you came to the room for," when we three reached in front of the library I spotted Lilith standing there so I greeted her and asked, what she was doing in my room in the morning.

"Don't remind me of that...you pervert. Sigh, I was there to fetch you for the library case and wanted to ask If Yui was with you all day as I also needed your help in the investigation of this case," When I greeted her and she glared at me for reminding her embarrassing moment, so I shrugged it off then she took a deep breath to release a sigh. Then she started to tell me what she wanted.

"Mmmmm...Okay, It's not like I have anything to do today so I can accompany you to do the investigation of this peculiar case. By the way, Yui was with me from yesterday night," I agreed to help her as I already know who caused this mess and I am sure Mira, even Selina might have guessed it. I just want to spend time with girls.

"Then let's go, Mira and Akio are already on it but I thought why not we also help with this and we might find something with so many heads working together," then we both followed her inside the library.

"Yo Mira, did you need some help as I see you working hard alone here and Akio looks tired what happened did I miss something," When we got inside the library, I only saw Mira working on something and Akio resting or more like sleeping on the sofa, don't ask me where that came from. So I ask If she needs my help with anything. From the clean and tidy look of the library, it looks like nothing had happened here.

"Hmmm..No thanks, I am fine and Akio is just tired because she hasn't had enough rest yesterday. If you want to help then keep the library isolated so nobody disturbs the things," I knew beforehand she is a stubborn girl so she won't accept anyone's help unless you get her to open up to you as Akio did.

"Ok, I will look around for a bit, maybe I find something useful," I looked around the library for a bit before that I had Yui help Lilith with the case then I got to look around and I have to say the headmaster knows what he is doing. This library is great as its fits with Academy standards.

There are maybe more than 10 shelves and all of them are more than 12 feet long and 10 feet high, also all the shelves are full to brim with books. There are a lot of varieties of books here as I had looked around here before when I had study sessions with Lilith.

There are books like literature books, science books, computer books, technology books, even biology books, battle arts books like CQC, Boxing, Martial arts etc. There are all kinds of collections and of course magic books, which is the main subject here.

I had Sys help me collect all the books copies in my memory palace for future use. This collection might have been collected by the headmaster as I heard of his feats when he was travelling around before settling here as a headmaster in this Academy.

I wander around in the library then I came across Selina who was looking into something in the corner of bookshelves If I haven't come this way I might not have noticed her. She might not show outside her sadness as she hides most of the time with her cheerful personality.

I came near her and stood beside her taking my time to organise my thought on what to say or how I can cheer up this girl.

"So what are you looking into so attentive that not even paying attention to surrounding as I have been standing here for a whole minute," I waited for a minute to notice me but did not get any response so I have to say something to get her attention and not spook her out.

"Kyaaaaaa," Selina screamed.

"Calm down girl, it's me take a deep breath," I was hoping for her to not get spooked but still happened. So I calmed her down and unconsciously patted her head to get her bearing back.

"What was that for, where did you come from making me scared for nothing," I had known sometimes girls can be very unreasonable so I didn't voice my thought that I was standing here for a minute but it was you who didn't notice me.

"Sorry..sorry..but seriously, you need to pay attention to your surrounding otherwise who knows what can happen in the future," I said lightly as it will get me nowhere so I directly apologised softly but my hand was on her head and still patting her head out of habit.

"Hmmmn...I was just lost in thought, and...umm can you stop patting me, you are making my hair messy," I nodded when she accepted in silent hmm, then said the last words in the shy and cute face made me remember I was still patting her so I reluctantly took my hand from her head.

I like patting the heads of girls as the soft feeling of hairs and smell makes me relax.

"Let's go for now and have something to eat then I will help you with whatever you were doing earlier," I took her hand then got towards where everyone was.

"Ohh okay, don't just move suddenly and stop holding my hand you pervert," I thought seriously girl, you are too innocent and shy.

"Alright, I won't pull and follow me, I also ask others If any of the girls want to have dined together," I stop pulling her hand then ask her to follow me and we also reached near the girls who were sitting on the side of a large round table.

 "Yo, Kosei what was the scream before, did you try to force yourself on some pretty girl or was it, Selina," once I sat beside the chair of Yui and Levi. Levi and Yui greeted me back then Levi joked seeing me with Selina which made Selina embarrassed.

"So who wants to go with us to get something to bite," I didn't pay attention to Levi's antics and asked If anyone wants to go.

"Me, I am coming," Levi replied stopping her antic.

"Moe I am also coming, I want to eat the bento made with your hands," Yui also poke her head from my side and said with a pouty expression.

"All right Yui, I'll have a plan for that so wait for it. Lilith, do you also want to come for a bite," I patted Yui's head to appease the spoilt kitten, then ask Lilith who is reading some books with her head down.

"Ahh..No, I'll have a bit later, you all go and come back soon so we can finish the case fast," Lilith replied and adjusted her glasses on her nose making it sine. I nod at her then we go out of the library to have our lunch and it took us a little half an hour.


Before coming back to the library, I had tried to ask Selina about her trouble but had no success so I ask Levi what the deal was with the ghost of the library. So she explains the story of Selina and her sister how her sister vanished one day and how the ghost of the library legend started.

Whenever Levi mentioned a ghost with a comical ghost hat on her head, Yui would become extra clingy and press her melons on my arm.

I patted her and thought I need to take care of this problem by introducing her to cute ghosts and making her get used to these things.

After a few minutes of talk on the way and we reached the library. Then I greeted Lilith who was still reading a book but now a different book and Akio was still sleeping on the couch, again don't ask where that came from. Mira is searching around the selves for clues.

"So Selena I was thinking of studying Logos Art, mainly for understanding Time and Space. I heard your sister, who is also one of trinity seven and very good at Logos Art, mainly calculation and Time. So If you want we can study it together," I ask Selina as I had thought about it for a few weeks but there's no one to guide me. There was only Selina and her sister who are good at this but only Selina's sister(Lieselotte) specialise in it.

"Hmmm...I will help you but I am not very strong but with what I know I will try my best," I know she won't be much help but at least she had a small smile on her face when she talking about doing something. I thought I will help these two sisters to get together.

Then we talk about the case and I gave them my opinion on it, how one can vanish without leaving a trace as from the information we know about the person, who vanished, was very good at logos art and had little knowledge about rituals and before she vanished, we got to know that she was tinkering with the spell left behind by the alchemy library.

As I said so to prove it, I had Mira look for anything which indicates that this place is connected to someplace or something.

As we were discussing and searching for clues, suddenly everything shook like an earthquake is coming and I immediately knew who did this and why. So I have everyone gather around me with Akio in the middle who just wake up from her sleep with the disturbance happening around us.

Then suddenly a magic circle lit up and blinded our vision then we vanished from there. When we opened our eyes and saw that we are on some ruins. We are alright as I have warned them so we all only felt slightly uncomfortable.

"Is everyone alright and be alert everyone as we have been summoned somewhere which was connected to the library as I said before," I asked and gave Yui, Selina head pats with relieving hand skill to make them comfortable.

Others were mostly alright seeing them standing alert and already in their magus mode, Akio landed on her butt, so now she dusting off and had an irritated expression on her face.

"When I am resting, only that time some trouble have to come and stop me from having good rest," I heard Akio's scowling voice who started to search for the troublemaker and I am pretty sure she wants to punch whoever they are.

"Careful everyone, we don't know who our opponent is, so be alert for any sneak attacks," Lilith said with her glasses shining. I will never understand anime world logic like how the heck that's even happening. Well don't think about it, I might get bald just thinking about this obnoxious logic and I can't have that.

"Careful Kosei, get away from there," Selina suddenly shouted and tried to push me aside from my previous location so knowing what this is about. I caught Selina's hand and pulled her into my embrace then took five steps behind from the previous location by using Speed magic and all these actions took me only 0.1 milliseconds from pulling Selina to my embrace to backing away five steps.

"It's ok, everything's alright, you can open your eyes now as nobody is going to hurt you when I am present here," I whispered in her ear to assure her and make her tense body relax a little.

"My O my, how cute, my little sister got herself a little boyfriend. So little sis, how much the progress you made, have you kissed yet or even better, have you gone above that, done it directly and became an adult," Ince I heard the sweet and soul-stirring voice, I knew this is coming from a very hot babe then I got to feast my eyes on the fine piece of a hotty. But I can only admire this seductive beauty or call her succubus who has the voluptuous figure and covering that figure with skimpy clothes which leaves nothing to the imagination.

"Wha...what are you talking about, don't assume everything yourself ..He..he is not my boy...boyfriend," when I was busy ogling the beauty in front of me, Selina was having a mental marathon hearing what her sister just said then a few seconds later she replied practically screaming at her sister. I also took back my gaze and paid attention to the fidgeting girl which happened to back away from my embrace with an embarrassed expression.

"Who might you be beautiful lady and care to introduce yourself, don't tease my friend as only we are allowed to do that," I straighten my posture, making me look imposing with a little aura leaking from my body which made the succubus lady notice my presence.

Then suddenly there was blinding light landing in front of me. I saw and got shocked then shouted.

"Cliffhanger-Kun, what the hell are doing and blocking the beauty from my sight, get out of here, you fucker."





This chapter ends here for today and If you want to know what happened next. Then support Author-san with power stones and write some reviews.

Then see you next time in dragon ball cough cough.....

I mean...Goodbye...

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