Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 1139

Chapter 1138: System Successor

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Zhou Shixiang was really stunned, the first assistant’s turning point was a bit big. [Love ↑ go △ small ↓ say △ network WwW.AiQu]

He thought that Guo Zhiqi would oppose the reform in every possible way, because after the reform, the political power was basically monopolized by military officials, and there was no civil service.

For example, in the Privy Council, there are only 120 Privy Ministers, and only military ministers and uncles above, and civil ministers and three orphans or above can enter the affairs. Compared with Wuchen, it is even more difficult for Wenchen to enter the Privy Council, because now the entire Dingwu court has served as a Wenchen with more than three orphans, but Qian Qianyi is the only one who has returned home.

Even Guo Zhiqi, the first assistant, has never been awarded the three orphans, but there are many military officials who have been awarded the title of Earl Marquis. As a result, after the establishment of the Privy Council, just like the Grand Governor’s Mansion, all military officials were in power. Relying on only one cabinet, I am afraid that it will no longer be able to check and balance the military officials.

And where Wuchen came from, it is clear at a glance that this Privy Council was clearly set up by Zhou Shixiang to control the power of the court, and it was very grand.

As the leader of civil officials, how could Guo Zhiqi support such a restructuring that completely deprives civil ministers of power? He agreed, and the court in the southern capital would not agree. Therefore, Zhou Shixiang had already prepared to face the situation of “empty court” after entering Beijing.

As for whether the country will be dominated by military officials and become a military state in the future, Zhou Shixiang never worried. As early as when the Dingwu court was first established, he had publicly told his cronies that in the future, no title would be awarded unless he had military merit, and he would not be admitted to the cabinet unless he was a title. In this way, people’s prejudice and discrimination against “wufu” since the mid-Ming Dynasty have been corrected, so that Wenwu has truly become a family, and it will not repeat the lesson of Song Ming that Wenwu was strong and weak, and the country was destroyed.

To this end, Zhou Shixiang vigorously promoted the literacy movement in the army, and opened three military schools to train qualified officers, so that they can kill the enemy when they mount a horse, and govern the country when they dismount. In addition to military academies and military academies, Zhou Shixiang ordered universal education when he was in Guangdong, with major schools in the province, middle schools in the prefectures, primary schools in the counties, and kindergartens in the villages. For those who enter the hall, the government will provide food, clothing, housing and transportation to reduce the burden on students.

Guangdong is now doing a good job in popularizing education. The Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi regards this as a century-old plan, and has invested a lot of resources for this. The money and food consumed even account for 40% of Guangdong’s own tax revenue, and the profits of sea trade in Annan and other places. 20%.

In order to encourage people to send their children to school, Song Xianggong also formulated many preferential policies. Combined with the imperial examination system, students admitted to the kindergarten are equivalent to Mongolian students;

After graduating from the university, students have to study in a military training workshop for one year, and then serve in the army for two years. Students can either devote themselves to killing the enemy and be promoted to the court with military merit, or after the expiration of their service period, they can enter the “administrative” positions provided by the government at all levels in Guangdong for internships. Those who pass the assessment at the end of the term can serve.

As Zhou Shixiang’s most trusted right-hand man, Song Xianggong has already thoroughly understood the “compulsory education” proposed by Zhou Shixiang. Guangdong is now working hard to allow all enlightened children to enter school, so that the power of writing that has been mastered by landlords and gentry can be used. All in control.

Zhou Shi is very satisfied with Guangdong’s investment and emphasis on education, but it cannot be fully promoted in all provinces at present, because the total population of Guangdong is only more than 1.5 million, and the number of students and school-age children is not large, which enables Guangdong to stick to its teeth. investment in education. If the Guangdong model is fully promoted in all provinces, the population base will be large, the financial burden will be huge, and there will not be enough teachers.

Unable to eat hot tofu in a hurry, all Zhou Shixiang can do now is to completely rectify the court and the army, and then concentrate on the northern expedition to completely eliminate the great enemy of the Manchu Qing and unify China. Erquan further expanded overseas, and comprehensively promoted education with the national financial resources and the teachers trained by Guangdong and other provinces. So that writing and knowledge are no longer the privileges of gentry, but the basic hardware that every Han should master.

Each level of school in Guangdong has corresponding military training courses, and after graduation from university, they must serve in the military, so the scholars who come out are naturally both civil and military. Civil and martial arts are truly inseparable.

To a certain extent, Guangdong is now Zhou Shixiang’s “experimental field” and has taken the lead in the provinces. It can even be said that Guangdong is continuously providing talents for Zhou Shixiang. In the future, these people will definitely be an important force in safeguarding Zhou Shixiang and the interests of the Taiping Army. So that in the future China, people will not perish and the government will cease to exist, so that Zhou Shixiang will succeed.

However, at present, Guangdong is far from being able to provide the huge talent that Zhou Shixiang needs. It took ten years to build people, and a hundred years of trees. Zhou Shixiang is not in a hurry. All he is doing now is to lay the foundation for the future talent team and clear the obstacles on the road for them.

Thoroughly improving the status of Wuchen, establishing the power of Wuchen at the central level, comprehensively suppressing the old bureaucrats, and then completely eliminating them are the ultimate goals of this Zhou Shixiang constitutional reform. However, he never thought that Guo Zhiqi did not oppose the reform, but proposed that Zhou Shixiang must marry the eldest princess as soon as possible. Seeing that, if Zhou Shixiang did not agree, he would never support the constitutional reform.

Guo Zhiqi’s attitude was firm, he knew that Zhou Shixiang needed his support. Even if His Royal Highness King Qi, who holds the army in his hand, wants to usurp the throne, he still needs a fig leaf on his face. He will not directly kill the monarch and stand on his own. In that case, no matter how great his exploits are, there will always be stains in the history books that cannot be erased. .

Guo Zhiqi is of course clear that once the system is restructured, all the members of the court will be people from the Taiping Army, and these people are obviously the most staunch supporters of Zhou Shixiang’s usurping the throne. But he could not object, the establishment of the Grand Governor’s Office without the consent of the imperial court left him no choice. Even if he strongly opposed it and mobilized all forces to obstruct Zhou Shixiang, the result was only that there were more prisoners in the Nanzhen prison.

Guo Zhiqi chose to avoid and delay, even if the restructuring was a poison, he had to swallow it, because he needed time to contact the kings outside.

Letting Zhou Shixiang and the eldest princess marry is undoubtedly Guo Zhiqi’s means of delaying, it is also the last means of protecting Emperor Dingwu, and perhaps the last means of keeping the Ming Dynasty.

“Your Majesty seems to have remorse.”

Zhou Shixiang had a headache, and he smiled bitterly. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to marry Shuyi, but since the death of Lianchengbi, Emperor Dingwu became more and more dissatisfied with him, otherwise Shuyi wouldn’t be allowed to go back, and he wouldn’t stop the court. The Ministry of Intelligence’s eyeliner in the palace has also repeatedly confirmed that His Majesty the Emperor has expressed repentance of marriage more than once. If it were not for the hard persuasion of Pan Yinglong and Queen Chen, the supervisor of ceremonies, I am afraid that the impulsive Emperor Dingwu would have sent an edict long ago. I came to Zhenjiang.

“As long as His Highness lives up to the Princess, His Majesty can rest assured.”

Guo Zhiqi said that it was up to him to tell the emperor about this matter, as long as Zhou Shixiang was willing to get married. Zhou Shixiang didn’t want his marriage to become a political bargaining chip, although he liked “little dumb” very much, and the issue of children was always a big problem. As Song Xianggong said, if Zhou Shixiang did not have a successor, it would be a very dangerous signal for the Taiping Army.

No matter how talented he is, if there is no successor, he will be in vain after all, and there will be no peace even after his death.

If Zhou Shixiang doesn’t want everything he’s working hard for now to collapse instantly because of his death, because he has no son, then he must get married immediately, marry a legitimate “mother”, and give birth to a successor who can reassure his subordinates. .

Guo Zhiqi’s support for the restructuring is undoubtedly very important. Although Zhou Shixiang has the ability to bypass him and use “force” to restructure, but doing so is likely to evolve into a big show of support.

Zhou Shixiang did not think that the scene on the campus of Jiangnan Army University was an accident, but an inevitable one.

The investigation of the Ministry of Military Intelligence showed that Luo Ren and others were not instructed, but this made Zhou Shixiang more aware that “the yellow robe and the body” may no longer be able to stop him. With the expansion of counter-revolutionaries and the reorganization of the army, the voice of the army’s desire to become emperor can no longer be suppressed.

If proclaiming an emperor would help the country move forward, Zhou Shixiang would not object. The purpose of this reorganization of the courtroom is of course to expand the influence of the Taiping Army in the courtroom and lay the foundation for the future of the country, but it is undeniable that this is also a system left by Zhou Shixiang for future generations.

He created this system and will leave it to his successors with his own hands. He didn’t want his descendants to go to the guillotine one day and limit the monarch’s power, which was the safety guarantee he left for future generations. As long as this system is in place, he doesn’t have to worry that his children and grandchildren will be hot-headed and want to be in control.

Zhou Shixiang promised Guo Zhiqi~www.readwn.com~ As long as Emperor Dingwu agrees, he will enter Beijing and marry the eldest princess at the beginning of next month.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The investigation of the Ministry of Military Intelligence showed that Luo Ren and others were not instructed, but this made Zhou Shixiang more aware that “the yellow robe and the body” may no longer be able to stop him. With the expansion of counter-revolutionaries and the reorganization of the army, the voice of the army’s desire to become emperor can no longer be suppressed.

If proclaiming an emperor would help the country move forward, Zhou Shixiang would not object. The purpose of this reorganization of the courtroom is of course to expand the influence of the Taiping Army in the courtroom and lay the foundation for the future of the country, but it is undeniable that this is also a system left by Zhou Shixiang for future generations.

He created this system and will leave it to his successors with his own hands. He didn’t want his descendants to go to the guillotine one day and limit the monarch’s power, which was the safety guarantee he left for future generations. As long as this system is in place, he doesn’t have to worry that his children and grandchildren will be hot-headed and want to be in control.

Zhou Shixiang promised Guo Zhiqi that as long as Emperor Dingwu agreed, he would go to Beijing early next month to marry the eldest princess. Zhou Shixiang promised Guo Zhiqi that as long as Emperor Dingwu agreed, he would go to Beijing early next month to marry the eldest princess. Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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