Furious Combo

Chapter 799 - : Jeanne

The Liyuan Society of Daqingyi did not bring all this time, but brought more than 800 people. She came to Jiang Yan and stood there pretty, looking weak and pitiful.

Jiang Yan said: “You are also clear about this plan. I will assign the devil you brought to you. You are in the front and I will be in the back. Anna you let the robot force control a reasonable area and let the big Tsing Yi has enough space to kill more enemies. “

“Yes.” Anna agreed, and Da Qingyi smiled and led away.

Liyuansha has many skills in housekeeping, but what suits this scene is Qin Wang who is the best at Daqingyi.

Next to her, a team of musicians began to play the ferocious ancient music. Daqingyi’s double sleeves were turned into ten sleeves, leading the horse and rushing forward. The disciples of the Liyuan Society behind her, and the devil, followed the music. The rhythm automatically formed a charge formation and killed forward.

Half of the Bianliang city was in the flames of war. Anna commanded the robot to divide a space, so that the targets in this space would not have reinforcements. Da Qingyi rushed up.

Under her two sleeves, all enemies are cut off.

In Jiang Yan ’s pupil of Suzaku, seeing 800 Bailiyuan disciples, the strength of his body is gathered in Daqingyi. The ferocious music is not to encourage morale, but to regulate the output of these strengths, do n’t let Daqingyi bear it. Sorry.

Numerous long-range attacks were released from the devil’s hands, and the enemies in front were struggling desperately, firing feather arrows, fire crows, and iron pill.

However, it is strange that all of the enemy’s attacks fell on Da Qingyi. Da Qingyi’s body is a long skirt, but now it is stronger than the armor. Not to mention the penetration of the feather arrow, there is no one who can approach Da Qingyi.

The fire crow flew, exploded between the sleeves of Da Qingyi hovering, and the flames all flew back. Falling into the enemy formation, glowing hot.

More 鉄 丸 s were directly bounced back by Da Qingyi, some were stirred on the ground, reflecting upwards, without knowing how many enemies were killed by these strange 鉄 丸 s.

As a result, after rushing 800 meters, no one dared to attack the Liyuan Society of Daqingyi with Fei Maru.

Even the Suzaku team. All of them were infected by this Qin Wang’s broken dance, and his heart was full of emotions. Jiang Yan was shocked that the background of this big Tsing Yi was not originally very profound, and did not expect such a huge development potential.

The enemies killed by the Liyuan Society were sent to the two realms for reincarnation.

This team is a ferocious soul harvester. Wherever he passed, the regular power of Bianliang City was taken out of a blank space.

Bianliang city has many waters and rivers. But this group can’t stop Liyuansha’s sweeping. Da Qingyi leads the team in front. Later, even the power of the devil in thousands of Suzaku Hell Legions was concentrated on her sleeves.

Two long sleeves come and go. Countless enemies were killed, and a pair of embroidered shoes in Tsing Yi had become fuchsia. Blood flowed into the river, and corpses ran across the field.

The Suzaku team is not a butcher, but there is no expression of pity or pity on his face.

Occasionally there is a strong man who is skipped by Tsing Yi, Anna will blast through, and the rest of the Suzaku team will go up to make up the knife. This large-scale battle, ordinary team. It does not show any power, but to the extent of the Suzaku team, there is definitely a final effect.

The goblin fled, unwilling, and wandered underground for more than half an hour. It was found that the Suzaku team began to sweep, and it felt a little itchy in my heart.

He quietly followed the Suzaku team underground, and Jiang Yan immediately discovered that in the team channel, Jiang Yan disclosed the coordinates of the goblin. At the same time, he said to Li Chunfeng: “This thing is annoying, you use Taoism to drive him away.”

Li Chunfeng said bitterly: “Captain, I am not good at Leifa. Especially the Leifa of the Earth Department.”

“Captain, let me come.” Guan Qinglian answered.

“Okay.” Jiang Yan also wakes up Li Chunfeng, don’t be too proud, proud, it is easy to forget. At least in the face of this goblin, if there is no companion to help, Li Chunfeng is also a life of abuse.

Guan Qinglian thought about it and dispatched twenty golden corpses, plus a dry charm, to sneak into the ground and pounce on the goblins. This zombie’s terrain technique is much more powerful than a goblin’s skill. The speed is very fast, especially the charm of the drought, which is moving like a fly in the earth.

The goblin saw a zombie coming down, and still had a sneer on his face, but when the dry charm appeared in front of him and spit out a pure white flame, the goblin’s face became blue.

The power of the dry charm is worse than him. If he is on the ground, he can play with the dry charm at will. But underground, his speed is only half of the other party!

This flame, the goblin did not hide, and instantly burned half of his face. Then Han Mei’s claws tore off half a piece of meat on his cheek.

At this time, the golden corpse also arrived, which dare to be surrounded by goblins. The speed of the golden corpse is also faster than him. If he is surrounded, he will die here.

In desperation, a rune was crushed in the hand of the goblin. The whole body flickered and disappeared in place. Jiang Yan’s pupil of Suzaku could not find his trace.

This time, the goblin is really gone. He had relied on the shuttle underground, so he always followed behind, looking for opportunities. But the appearance of the zombie was completely beyond his expectations.

And the other party dispatched twenty golden corpses and a dry charm at once. Such a power is almost similar to an ordinary god-level team.

The strength of the dry charm is still above most of the god-level contractors, mainly because the life value is particularly long, the defense is high, the magic resistance is horrible, there is no pain, no nemesis.

Guan Qinglian proudly smiled to Li Chunfeng: “How about Taoist?”

“Huh, now that we are doing business properly, can you hold back a little?” Li Chunfeng looked cold and serious.

“Are you looking for spray?” The clown stared at Li Chunfeng with dissatisfaction.

Jiang Yan sighed softly in his heart, everyone’s pressure is still great. This goblin, if he is fighting alone, no one is his opponent, but it is a pity that he has encountered himself, and has encountered the Suzaku team with violent combos.

Even so, let go of the goblin, everyone’s psychological pressure is not small. Because since then, no one dared to act alone. Orders may be killed.

Jiang Yan also took a certain risk. The people of the Suzaku team are nearby. He can protect him at any time, but what about the other people in Song City?

If this goblin started against the outlying team of Chaoge City, he would be troubled.

It’s easy to get rid of goblins directly. The problem is that there is more than just a little bit of power in the hands of space controllers. Thinking about it, or rushing by myself, did not do much preparation. There are still too many cards in the hands of the space controller.

Thinking, suddenly, he received a space prompt.

This space reminder is quite weird because the person who sent it was Jeanne d’Arc. Jeanne d’Arc asked to talk to herself? In another plane, the regular call to borrow space is not a small price.

But the only advantage is that he ca n’t lock the plane where Jeanne d’ Arc exists.

After Jiang Yan was determined, Joan of Arc sounded in her ears.

“Doctor, long time no see.”

“Why, there is something wrong with me?” Jiang Yan’s answer is also wonderful, not mentioning the hostile things on both sides, as if a friend who hasn’t seen for a long time appears, he would say hello casually.

“It’s something. It’s expensive to say that. How about we meet?”

“It’s gone, so to say, I can afford it.”

Jeanne d’ Arc was silent for only two seconds, and she could afford such a call, but she did n’t like the fact that the space was flat.

“Well, I just want to ask, do you have to kill me?”

“I am a fairy, you are a god!”

“Not because of the Sun King?”

“Not all, the revenge of the Sun King, I have already reported it. Your miracle city was destroyed by me. The Sun King asked me to do it, and I did it too. But if you die, I believe, he I will be very happy. “

“If I were to die, maybe he would be resurrected.” Jeanne d’Arc suddenly said.

“Hahaha, did you mean that he had arranged this game in order to seize my eternal city?” Jiang Yan laughed.

“No, it’s not necessarily your city. Anyone who has completed his task must be the result. Isn’t it strange that you certainly haven’t received his final reward.” Jeanne de Joan said seriously.

“I’m not arguing with you. Whether I am hostile to you is not related to the Sun King now. If the Sun King comes to life and wants my city, I will take my team away and give him everything. Any words. You quickly say that now both of us are sending money to the space ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Jiang Yan interrupts Joan of Arc.

Jiang Yan was also surprised. Jeanne d’Arc knew that she had not received the Sun King’s final reward. This is definitely not news disclosed by the spy. This secret, only Yu Nan knows, and Yu Nan not only has no reason to betray himself, but also no such opportunity. She almost followed her all the time.

There is a mirage dragon bracelet, and there is no secret on both sides. Not even Anna, the issue of the Sun King ’s reward, is not fully known.

Joan of Arc did not expect Jiang Yan to say that, she was also very simple, saying: “It is so, I found that there are more than ten space planes, out of control, it seems that the space controller actively gave up, gave up control of these Plane, he can mobilize more power to deal with you, or me. “

This time, Jiang Yan’s turn was silent. What worries him most is that the space controllers do this.

“Or do you still meet?” Joan of Arc suggested.

“No, I will contact you after this war.” Jiang Yan once again rejected Joan of Arc’s proposal. To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. )

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