Furious Combo

Chapter 798 - : Let go of the enemy

This army is brave, but it is a pity that it is used to contain the enemy, not directly to the enemy’s core, to attack the enemy fatally.

Bianliang City always puts itself in the perspective of the weak, even if it is an advanced city of miracles.

So Jiang Yan said that Lord Bianliang was a waste wood, and whoever followed this guy was a bad decision.

This 8,000-man Golden Armored Army did block the Yinxu’s inward movement, except that they only placed the battle line close to the city center, behind which was three-fifths of the Bianliang City.

In front of them, two-fifths of Bianliang City lacked resistance.

It is not just this Golden Armored Corps, but similar forces have appeared on every major route, desperately preventing the coalition forces from advancing northward.

The army of robots began to wreak havoc in the city, destroying everything that could be destroyed. Although the opponent’s resistance was not fierce, he did not really give up.

Therefore, the robots have been killing all the way, and the damage is not small when sweeping south of the city. The Yinxu is mainly advancing, and the robot army, with four-fifths of it, is carrying out the Qing squad.

Every time an enemy is killed, the soul of the enemy will enter the two realms, Jiang Yan’s smile, more and more.

After the end of the war, the strength of Chaoge City at least doubled.

“Captain, shall we also play?” Li Chunfeng was a little eager to try. If the Suzaku team personally shot, sweeping half the city is a thing, it will be much easier.

“No, that big formation … I guess. In the end, we still need to do it. We can only break it with the Yinxu City. Do it now, and you will give the other party a chance to see through our strength.”

“Fear of nothing, in the face of absolute strength …”

“Fart, if we have absolute strength, what would happen if the space controller secretly calculated what we would do at this time?” The clown interrupted Li Chunfeng.

Jiang Yan smiled and stopped talking. He felt the crisis, but it was not strong, and there was no terrible foreboding. That is to say, in this war, space controllers will definitely cause trouble for themselves. But as long as you are cautious, it is easier to spend.

Jiang Yan will not be too superstitious about his strength. After all, the strength of the entire Chaoge City is built on the basis of the two world stones. The rule power of the two world stones is definitely not as strong as the rule possessed by the space master.

But as long as you do n’t go to the space where the space controller exists, your two world stones can exert their greatest power, and the power of the space controller must be dispersed throughout the infinite space. If all the mobilization is used to deal with yourself, then this infinite space will collapse.

Jiang Yan was only worried that the space controller would sacrifice some powerful planes to destroy himself. This is not impossible, and would rather give up some important plane spaces. Destroying him as a worm is not an unreasonable deal for space controllers.

So Jiang Yan doesn’t want to be too showy, who knows what kind of people will be killed halfway this time. If it is of the Asura level, his Suzaku team must be damaged.

Fortunately, everyone’s strength has improved, even if Asura is resurrected, you can’t do it if you want to kill a player in an instant.

Jiang Yan himself has realized a certain level of asura’s sword of deprivation. He is a fairy. What he cultivated was not the way of Ashura, but he created rules separately and formed his unique skill. This skill has never been used. Jiang Yan is going to surprise the people sent by the space controller.

Although Li Chunfeng wanted to be coquettish, he did not dare to leave the team without permission. He also knew Jiang Yan’s enemy. It’s the space master, and the entire Suzaku team is a thorn in the opponent’s eyes.

If the Suzaku team acted alone, they might encounter the assassination of the space master. Although he was so good, he was afraid of death.

As time passed by one minute and one second, Anna gradually settled down. Her battle command did not show any blunders, which was 50% less than the expected loss. In this case, even if the big formation can play a role in the later period, she will have more hands. And most of the dead are robot infantry. None of those transformers have died.

The battle continued, and Anna suddenly felt cold behind her, but she was equipped with digital armor throughout the whole process. This feeling of cold and hot should not have existed.

A rusty knife appeared behind Anna. Jiang Yan saw a green goblin, with a wry smile on her face, and thrust into Anna’s back heart, attacking Anna’s heart.

Jiang Yan had a shadow armor skill and threw it on Anna. This knife was directly bounced back. The green goblin screamed and his body softened directly.

Damage reflection, so that all the attributes of this blow all burst out on the goblin.

Jiang Yan was not easy. He stepped **** the ground under his feet, and the tiger crouched the mountain. The goblin was fluttered in mid-air. Yan Fang of the Suzaku team, holding a long sword, flicked up and made a long **** mouth on the goblin’s waist.

Furious combo set up!

Jiang Yan was relieved, but did not give the order to kill, but let the members of the Suzaku team, let go of the goblin. This is the killer sent by the space master, and his strength is still under his control. If he kills the goblin this time, the next time he sends it, he does n’t know what it is.

Although the members of the Suzaku team are unwilling, they will also execute Jiang Yan’s order. Jiang Yan’s pupil of Suzaku opens and carefully observes the health value of the goblin and finds that this guy’s health value is as high as more than 60 million.

In this case, you can desperately output, don’t accidentally kill it.

This kind of life is meaningless. For Jiang Yan, he has the power of the two world stones and can ignore the value of the other side. As long as the attack is critical, it may have a fatal blow.

On the third blow, Jiang Yan personally shot. The dark red light flashed on his glove. A punch hit the goblin’s back and hit the ground.

Although it was fierce this time, it interrupted the process of the violent combo, but Jiang Yan’s gloves, powerful control, not that the goblin could resist, the goblin was hit on the ground, and flew up again, forming a team for the second time. Necessary conditions for skill rage combos.

Jiang Yan is more at ease, because of the rule power he has mastered, this goblin has no way to resist. If he is fighting alone, he can play to death.

I am afraid that the other party has many people, and such skills as violent combos will lose their meaning.

It seems that we still have to continue to improve the strength of our men.

The goblin was horrified to see his life value plummeting. He did not know that this was Jiang Yan’s Suzaku team simulating space rules, so he weakened his life value according to the approximate power of the skill. If according to the power of the two world stones, Jiang Yan’s punch can directly crush his heart.

No matter how high the life value is, it is meaningless.

After breaking his heart, even if he didn’t die, he would show a real coma and let others slaughter. The heart of a goblin has always been fragile, but it is not a devil or a giant.

The Suzaku team ’s attack was quite crazy. The goblin was beaten three times and five times. He also found the door. After each two air combos, the third attack must be released by Jiang Yan, so that he could float again. air.

After getting rid of the panic, the goblin came up with a way. After the clown’s foot smashed the bone of his nose, the goblin suddenly exploded, his robe exploded, and the whole person fell **** the ground, avoiding Jiang Yan’s punch.

The goblin’s body is covered with scars and the shape is extremely miserable, but he still has more than half of his life value, which is more than 30 million. This kind of life value is hard to be killed if it encounters ordinary god-level contractors.

But the goblin dared not get entangled with the Suzaku team anymore. The other party had powerful control skills. In just five minutes, his health was knocked down and it was close to 30 million.

Although the master’s task is very important, there is no mandatory time limit. As long as I go back and tangle some people over, it is not difficult to kill this doctor.

Although the opponent is strong, it is only strong in attack, and the means of attack have not escaped the restrictions of space rules.

“Doctor, you won’t be so lucky next time!” The goblin screamed, turned into a plume of smoke, burrowed underground, and disappeared.

Jiang Yan’s pupil of Suzaku saw the goblin dodge left and right in the underground and quickly sneaked to a depth of thousands of kilometers. Jiang Yan dropped two consecutive thunders and failed to hit the goblin.

The goblin stared at the ground fiercely, his face changing, and finally turned away.

Jiang Yan sneered. The goblin thought he could not take him. In fact, the attack of the earth-sucking thunder attacked this kind of stealth underground target. It was the most effective. It was almost not limited by the earth. It would directly penetrate the land, rocks, metals, in The goblin’s body exploded.

Next time ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ I will never let go of this goblin again.

Fortunately, the goblin has been attacked many times by himself, leaving his own brand of rules. The next time the goblin appears, he will find out in advance that it is impossible to sneak attacks again.

This little goblin, really thought he couldn’t get him?

The Suzaku team’s short fight was surrounded by the Hell Legion, and did not attract the attention of Yin Ruins. Because after the goblin came out, he was beaten wildly, and he couldn’t see if he was strong.

Otherwise, the people of Yinxu will have a deep fear of Jiang Yan’s Suzaku team.

It is of course a good thing for an ally to be strong, but it is not strong enough to have the power to crush you. There are never fewer people swallowed by allies.

“Okay, we can start. Daqingyi, you come.” Jiang Yan summoned Daqingyi to come over. The Liyuan Society he brought with him now has 3,000 disciples. More than half of them are already indigenous.

Da Qingyi is now convinced by Jiang Yan and revenge the Sun King. She has nothing to ask for.

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