
Chapter 185 – Reconquista 6


One can say quite a lot about the copper demon, a name originating from her reputation that she's certain to make anyone pay her down to the last copper, by any means necessary, even excessive ones.
Not to speak of what she'd do if someone tried to snatch it away from her.
However, it cannot be said that she wouldn't keep her part of the bargain.

Next to some necessities like clothes and tools, Olira brought several carts finely stacked with those Formicean mushrooms, along with a tiny amount of other food.
The way I remember them, they're weirdly sweet but definitely fine to eat.
Given that the town lost a great deal of its inhabitants during the recent, troubling times, this amount will at least help to get past the next few weeks.

Olira knew she'd pass my inspection, and once I turn around, I find that she's already holding the documents right under my nose, with a smug grin I'd just love to punch off of her face.
Yet it does sound like a very bad idea to offend the person responsible for keeping you fed.

Once everything down here is settled, I can start with my preparations to deliver them to the populace.
They already starved for too long.
In this sense, it was probably a good thing that Olira came through the network.
Otherwise, I'm certain that we would've had quite an uproar on the streets.
People tend to act uncivilized if it's about fulfilling their basic needs.
On the other hand, most of the able-bodied men are gone, leaving women, the elderly, and children, which my troops should be able to handle.
Not like that would make me any less inclined to feed them.
The greatest issue is that I need to devise a centralized system that will prevent people from receiving a ration multiple times.
It seems I'll have to rely on the documents from the town hall to keep an overview.

So I set up a station in the town's center and order my troops to spread the word.
We'll do a double-point system.
At the first station, people are supposed to register themselves.
Aided by my experience with previous registrations, I expect things to go somewhat smoothly.
After all, they don't have much reason to fight for the marks alone.
Yet when it comes to the food this should change though.
To my surprise, once everything is set up, I find this nurse, Xana, manning the food distribution.
But Olira doesn't seem to share my concerns regarding the kind of reaction this kind of front face to this operation may provoke.


"You can trust her to do a good job. I vouch for her." (O)


If she says so.
Still, there could be issues with her interacting with the populace, I mean with such a face at the front who would...
However, following a sudden inspiration, I make some assignments.
Of course, we don't have to wait for long for the first to arrive.
Free food for starving people is a combination with a somewhat foreseeable outcome.
As I have a considerable occupation force remaining, channeling them works well enough.

So people are applying at the first station as planned.
Next to a mark that will allow them to proceed to the food station, they also receive a different one that's personalized, based on their registration, which will allow them to use it directly the next day.
This is a setup to allow me to divert the pressure among several stations in the future without the need to check every single one of them for who uses them.

As they're already well-placed in town, I decided to make use of the tunnel system to build stations where people can receive a meal, as well as a new mark for the next day in exchange for the old.
It might not be perfect, but it should work out for the time being.
But for today, the focus should be on resolving all the problems for this first step.

So I at least think until the first make it to the food station, where they freeze in stunned fright as they spot my insects.
Yes, I not only assigned Xana but also my remaining workers to this station.
Simply because I'm rather sure that people will be less inclined to make a scene if giant insects are present to deal with them.

However, it should've been obvious to me.
Different from the rest of Tarsona, this town was cut off from any news that might've concerned them.
Not only this, but I dare say that most of them hid away when we started our attack that night.
It only makes sense that this sight is completely novel to them, and the soldiers need to reassure them several times that this is fine.
In addition, what we offer doesn't seem to be to everyone's taste.
Thus, scenes like that happen quite frequently.


"Wh-what is this?" (woman)

"The harvest of our mycelium. The mushroom is very nutritious and palatable for humans, as already tested." (Xana)


She really does a good job.
I wouldn't exactly call her mandibled face a business smile, but she speaks very calmly to the clients.
In the end, hunger is sufficient enough of a motivator to make everyone take the offered provision.
It seems like things are going their way.
So I head back inside for anything else that might already be coming my way.


"Human!" (C)


And there it is.


"Princess. How do I come by the honor of your presence?" (T)


And how would I as quickly as possible get rid of you?


"Don't talk like this. Your pheromones give away your true intentions." (C)


I forgot about this mind-smelling factor.


"Apologies. I'm very busy and already tired." (T)

"Then I'll directly come down to the matter. Your subordinate told me that the units you're transferring the nourishment to are not supposed to be put to work. Is this true?" (C)

"My subordinate?" (T)


At this, I spot a certain mercenary captain behind her.


"Teron?!" (T)


How does he come to question my command towards a third party?!


"Sorry. I only rambled for a bit that it makes little sense to hand out full rations to these people while our own stocks aren't secured yet. Seems like she heard me." (Teron)


If I wouldn't need him I'd be very inclined to put him to trial.


"Human, I demand an answer." (C)

"Yes, it's true, Princess Chera. We simply distribute to prevent their deaths." (T)

"But why the spending of such resources? It seems like you don't even plan on making use of their workforce for the project." (C)


Using the townspeople as slaves?
That's ridiculous.


"Listen! I'm responsible for these people as you are for your brood. It's not about their usefulness, but about our duty!" (T)

"As stupid as it might be." (Teron)

"Would you please be quiet? Your men still get everything they need." (T)

"Not enough! Their stomachs aren't full and I won't stand for it if they have to fight in subpar condition!" (Teron)


Shit! This guy is going to cause trouble.


"We don't have any fights to expect anytime soon." (T)

"We are here in a freshly reconquered city right at the frontline! We are a prime target!" (Teron)

"You are paid very generously to do just that. Also, we are already expecting more food deliveries." (T)

"It doesn't matter how much you pay, if the tide turns against us I'll take my men and leave!" (Teron)

"Just so I understand this right. You are truly fighting with your lives at risk for receiving something you humans consider to be valuable?" (C)


Oh no, I don't like where this is going.


"Well, yes. That's basically the definition of a mercenary." (Teron)

"If this is the case, would you fight for me as well were I to compensate for your actions?" (C)


For a short time, the mercenary captain sizes the princess up, certainly trying to evaluate the offer.
In both senses, if it's truly meant to be and if the princess even has the understanding and means necessary to follow up on the proposal.
I mean, it's clear that the insects who just recently appeared on the surface wouldn't possess all that much human money, but as Princess Chera just showed the other day, this doesn't mean they wouldn't call enormous values their own.
Which leads to his answer.


"If you'd pay us, sure." (Teron)


One that is by no means good for me, as now I'm at risk of losing my mercenaries.
I might have my issues with them, but I'm still in need of their services.


"Ahem, Princess Chera, I need to impress that it's by no means agreeable behavior to hire away soldiers our nation so desperately needs in this dire time." (T)

"I understand. Yet this shouldn't pose an issue. After all, I'm merely planning for the time past this conflict." (C)


What does she mean?
We're still at war.


"I'm sorry, but I was in the first row of this war and am rather sure that the Koresoan's aren't anywhere close to giving up yet." (T)

"Human, you may not be aware of it, but great changes for your world are already in motion. This conflict is certainly going to come to an end. It's only a question of time." (C)


It sounds far too good to be true.
This whole fighting, just "puff" gone?!


"What do you mean? Are you going to attack them? How do you intend to defeat them so soon?" (T)

"As I said, changes are underway. You can't see them yet, but they're steadily progressing." (C)


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