
Chapter 184 – Reconquista 5


The copper demon approaches and jumps out of the cart with a jovial smile that conceals her true nature.
Seriously, as a noble, I’ve met many illustrious characters.
There were more among them than I'd like to admit, who killed family members to take over their position or to uphold the reputation of their families.
But even in this group of morally extremely questionable characters, I seldom met anyone as cunning as this woman.
She might not be outright malicious, but I couldn't even fathom the number of people she screwed over at some point.
It speaks volumes that she was the first to jump at the idea of creating bonds with the insect empire.
Even till today, I feel like I should have said something back then.
Either because she'd have pulled her schemes with them and we'd all have to pay the price, or even worse... she'd get till this point.


"Lady Lorata! Who would've thought we'd meet here of all places? It's certainly unexpected. How are you?" (O)

"I'm well enough. Thank you." (T)

"Not so shy! You need to tell me all about your certainly extremely exciting war tales later on! But first, I'm unfortunately required to meet the one in charge here." (O)

"That would be the commander." (D)


He points at me at this.


 "Commander? Who would've thought? Seems like I'm not the only one benefitting from recent developments. I, on my side, have gotten quite accomplished as well. I've got the commission for the delivery of almost all supplies in this region, would you believe it?" (O)


Did I mention that I'm not that much of a fan?


"How the hell did a somewhat-well-off city merchant become responsible for delivering supplies at such scale?!" (T)

"Supply and demand, my dear. The rules of the market. Business went correspondingly well this season, and thus I was able to stock up to a noticeable degree. Now I have a supply of things that approximately are in demand and the means to distribute them. What else could a merchant wish for?" (O)

"You expanded into the army supplies business!?!" (T)

"When I started my little cooperation I was a little overwhelmed at all the possibilities. Just the variety of things I could get access to was breathtaking. However, the realist in me had to take over. As nice as the payoff for selling all these various luxury commodities would've been, one should never neglect the basics. In this sense, not only the kind of goods you sell, but also proper customer service." (O)

"Get to the point!" (T)

"I was right at it. You see, to sell things you need clients. As there wouldn't be all that many people interested in my special services if the war is lost, I turned towards delivering general necessities. Of course, my new trade partners helped me out as well in that regard. Would you believe it? I was able to convince Princess Liseti to agree to establish a whole underground field to convert its yield into profit through my dealings. The harvest is plenty enough to allow me now to make frontline deliveries, helping the poor and destitute... for the right price, of course." (O)


I suppose no one here believed she would do it purely out of philanthropic desire.

As this woman finally had a pause in her ramblings the princess makes use of this break to approach me.


"I assume you know this person?" (C)

"Uh, yes, she's..." (T)

"Olira's Emporium, at your service! Or, well, at whoever's that pays me well enough." (O)


This whole performance of hers!
Just... no!
Especially, the over pronounced curtsy.


"You are quite brazen for a human." (C)

"Oh my, are you Princess Chera? Oh wait!" (O)


This merchant adjusts and stretches her jaw, then starts speaking.
Or, well... whatever this is considered to be.


<I'm pleased to make your acquaintance, great broodmother. I heard so much about you, and it's an honor to bask in the presence of such an esteemed individual.> (O)


Did she forget that I can understand her as well as she shamelessly sucks up to this princess?


<At least one human understands the advantages of proper communication.> (C)


But it seems to work.


<I understand you very well, but for the sake of inclusion, it might be better if we talk like those primitives.> (O)

<I understand. You might be right in that regard.> (C)

"Would you please tell me why you, of all people, are the one doing this delivery? I mean, don't you have people for this?" (T)

"My presence was required. I immediately rushed out the moment Princess Erys' message reached me. She said my assistance could be required to supply this poor war-ridden region. So now I'm here, and as I can easily see, am more than needed." (O)

"Princess Erys you say? Then I have expectations." (C)

"And you would be right to do so! I was told you would be in need, oh, what am I saying… I apologize, your esteemed self might be able to make use of a skilled merchant such as I take pride to call myself. You can certainly believe me that with access to 'certain' resources at your disposal, I would absolutely be able to establish consistent deliveries of resources at the degree you would require. At a slight commission, of course. Nothing is for free in this world, after all. But you wouldn't want it any other way, right?" (O)


How did her mission to 'aid the poor and destitute' diverge into a sales pitch for an insect princess?

Ah, forget about it.
This explains why she's here.
I'm sure she was already halfway through the country before even the messenger made it back.
Surely she departed the moment she heard that there's another insect princess she could bleed out of their valuables.


"It seems Erys spoke on a sufficiently founded basis. Humans truly are peculiar, yet also able to provide benefits that shouldn't be ignored by those supposed to show intelligence in a leading position. The cooperation you're offering would certainly provide my hive with a more stable suppliance. However, you said the food you'd bring was from a field maintained by Liseti, and I don't plan on receiving charity from my younger sister." (C)


Younger sister?
That one?
Well, this is new information.


"It would by no means be charity, Princess. Also, as I need to admit, the harvest from this particular mycelium is already fully planned for frontline deliveries. I'll need to follow up on my obligations. I mean, if I'd be someone who'd just drop them, I couldn't call myself a reliable trade partner worthy of your esteemed self, now could I?" (O)

"This would be the case. But how else would you plan on feeding my brood?" (C)

"I'd mostly rely on human products, for the time being. Of course, it would be more convenient if food wouldn't be rationed at the moment for military purposes, but there are other sources. Considering the vast transportation network your kind is providing I could expand my routes as well. Maybe to Ceranis, in the south, or even the states further down. Yet there might be an issue with their longevity. At your earliest convenience, I'd like to start by presenting you a first variety of what I can offer to see which would serve your needs best." (O)

"Very well. You may do so. However, I see issues if my 'partner' is unbound as you are. You are clearly traveling, so I fear this could be a hindrance to the kind of regular exchange you propose without any means to contact them." (C)

"Oh, please, don't worry about this. Xana! Would you be a dear and come here?!" (O)


At this, a juvenile-looking nurse approaches.
By now I can tell the difference.
She bows in almost eerily precise politeness and speaks.


"You called, Mistress Olira?" (X)

"I did. This here is Princess Chera. She was mentioned in the message we received from your broodmother. I think you could have a great impact if you'd remain by her side. Naturally, I will inform your broodmother of this." (O)

"Who is this?" (C)

"A nurse Princess Erys sent to study under my care. By now, she has obtained the necessary skills to see your needs fulfilled." (O)

"Princess Erys planned for this? It seems I need to reevaluate my assessment of her." (C)


The moment these words are spoken, the impeccable facade of the little nurse falters for a fragment of a second in a mix of repugnance and pride.
Given what I know about these insects, it's probably the mere idea that anyone could even dare to think badly about her joined by the elation that she could contribute to improve said reputation.


"Ahem, if you're done now I'd like to get back to the slightly pressing matter of ending the starvation in this town." (T)

"Of course, of course. Especially, as I need you to sign the documents that everything was delivered in the agreed quality and quantity. If you'd please look into it? I mean, we don't have time to dawdle all day, right?" (O)


Did I mention that I hate this woman?


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