Face Reveal

Episode 13▶ I don’t have enough chests. | Let’s Play Minecraft E045

Content Warning


@R.Cross 5 hours ago
Loved your video as always.  And I don’t think I said it in the last episode, but I recognise on which building you based the design of the wither farm around 22:03 and I’m impressed with your rendition!  I love how you’ve replicated the architecture spot on, while adding your own style with details like the chimneys and the wheels.

▴ 3 replies
@sonicScrew 4 hours ago
Thank you!
Should be worried you know the exact building I’ve based the wither farm on? 😅

@R.Cross 4 hours ago
I don’t see why.  It’s a fairly well known building in the region!

@sonicScrew 4 hours ago
Gotcha :p




—7 january 2024—

Skelegal 07/01/2024 12:08

sonicScrew 07/01/2024 12:08

Skelegal 07/01/2024 12:08
Are you thinking what I’m thinking?

sonicScrew 07/01/2024 12:08
I mean yeah, it’s pretty clear at this point. 
No time to beat around the bush.

Skelegal 07/01/2024 12:09
Okay. Let’s say it at the same time

sonicScrew 07/01/2024 12:09

Skelegal 07/01/2024 12:09

sonicScrew 07/01/2024 12:09
That we should really begin to make plans for the start of the season?

Skelegal 07/01/2024 12:09
That I’m probably not very cis

sonicScrew 07/01/2024 12:10

Skelegal 07/01/2024 12:10
Yeah that too
What do you want to tackle first?

sonicScrew 07/01/2024 12:10
WHAT DO YOU MEAN ‘what do you want to tackle first?’ ISNT THAT OBVIOUS??

Skelegal 07/01/2024 12:11
Please enlighten me!

sonicScrew 07/01/2024 12:11
Gender first.
Gender’s crucial.
Gender ni nore

Skelegal 07/01/2024 12:12
I have absolutely no clue what you’re talking about but yes, okay, you’re right. It’s been a long time coming
So, I was chatting with that trans friend I do roleplay with, and the conversation was pretty deep and complicated. I tried to share a bit of my experience without giving away too much of my private life. And he shared quite a lot about his too. And he’s a trans guy, and well…
I started relating a lot with what he said…
But I couldn’t really share that with him
It would’ve been weird
Cause of reasons
Oh fuck it
Let me put it plainly
He thinks I’m a guy…

sonicScrew  07/01/2024 12:14

Skelegal 07/01/2024 12:14
Hey, you gotta understand, the place where we roleplay doesn’t say anything about disclosing one’s gender. I created a male character (because, duh) and he never gendered me as female… And I never corrected him (because, duh). And so he assumed I was a guy. And when he started talking about being trans, about how, at first, he justified picking male characters because he just didnt want to be bullied as a girl in games, how being gay for men instead of straight was just so vital for him, how he just wanted to cosplay as men like, every day of the week, I just said “hell yeah, same haha” (because, DUH)

sonicScrew 07/01/2024 12:17
And thus it hit you

Skelegal 07/01/2024 12:17
You wanna hear the worst of it?

sonicScrew 07/01/2024 12:17
Oh no, what have you done…

Skelegal 07/01/2024 12:17
That was months ago. 
So no. It did not hit me, at all

sonicScrew 07/01/2024 12:18
What did it, then

Skelegal 07/01/2024 12:18
He confessed to me…

sonicScrew 07/01/2024 12:18
Awww, cute

Skelegal 07/01/2024 12:19
In character!!
It was kind of bound to happen seeing the way our characters interacted.
Okay, don’t mock me please, and ignore the cringe
this is a very vulnerable moment for me 🙏🏾🙏🏾

sonicScrew 07/01/2024 12:20
Don’t worry, you know what happened between Mandel and I…

Skelegal 07/01/2024 12:20
Haha, that’s probably why I feel comfortable sharing this with you in the first place
Here is (Enjolras is my character’s name, Dan is Angel) (edited)

Enjolras 04/01/2024 20:39
Enjolras takes Angel’s hand, he feels it trembling under his fingers. He gives it a squeeze, hoping to soothe Angel. “Don’t be afraid, you can tell me anything.” (edited)

Angel 04/01/2024 20:42
“I-- I was thinking…” Angel draws a deep breath, resting his other hand on the back of Enjolras’s
“You know, the other day, when we were on the Kafka tower, we were so worn out by our fight… And then by the descent back down the stairs… I could feel you were struggling as much as me. And you still came to me and helped me through the last steps, even though I said you didn’t have to…” (edited)

Enjolras 04/01/2024 20:45
Enjolras squeezed Angel’s hand again and flashed him a smile. “You're rambling again…”

Angel 04/01/2024 20:46
Angel laughs. “Yeah, I am. What I wanted to say is… You don’t want to admit it, but you’re so sweet and- I can’t get through a day without thinking about you. I ache every time I see you walk away on a mission. I think I like you, En. Not just as a… ‘partner in crime’ as you said--” Angel chuckles at the memory “--but as a partner, period. If- If that’s alright?” (edited)

Skelegal 07/01/2024 12:21
After that I had trouble continuing and we had a convo in private (I have the permission of Dan to share this btw)
(Enjoyrats is me! (yes I have another account, because DUH))

Danny 04/01/2024 20:47
Hey you alright?
Was that uncomfy?

Enjoyrats 04/01/2024 20:48
No it’s alright
I’ve been pushing for this too
It’s just a lot
I don’t know how to process it

Danny 04/01/2024 20:50

Enjoyrats 04/01/2024 20:52
I think I did something very weird

Danny 04/01/2024 20:52
Have you now? Do you wanna talk about it?

Enjoyrats 04/01/2024 20:55
It’s highly embarrassing
Like, at first I never intended to talk about it because I didn’t think it was that big of a deal. And if I did talk about it, I would’ve said something like: “Dan, I’ve been lying to you about something…”
But now, I’m not so sure I’ve been lying to you anymore. If anything, I have just been lying to myself lmao

Danny 04/01/2024 20:56
That’s cryptic lol

Enjoyrats 04/01/2024 20:59
Yeah sorry, let’s finish the scene and then we can talk about it more?

Danny 04/01/2024 21:00
You’re the chief Saluting emoji

Skelegal 07/01/2024 12:22
We finished the scene, they smooched, cute stuff. Everything went swimmingly after that. But we ended up not talking about my little existential crisis afterwards lol
Men… amirite

sonicScrew 07/01/2024 12:22
Aaaaand do you want to talk about it now?

Skelegal 07/01/2024 12:24
Yeah, that’d be fucking great tbh

sonicScrew 07/01/2024 12:24
So, how did you feel at that moment?

Skelegal 07/01/2024 12:25
It’s so complicated. I had so much going on in my head. 
When we did the confession scene, I immediately knew what was happening. And within the first few seconds, I was already so envious of my own character. It just flared up the closer we got to the critical moment. And everything I’d bottled up before kind of just exploded
It was weird
I felt so jaleous

sonicScrew 07/01/2024 12:27
Ughh yeah that sucks ;-;
And, correct me if I’m wrong, but you just wanted to be a trans guy? It doesn’t seem more complicated than that, does it?

Skelegal 07/01/2024 12:30
Yeah… You’re right

sonicScrew 07/01/2024 12:30
And you know what it means…

┌── Skelegal Men… amirite
Skelegal 07/01/2024 12:30
Okay, I was way too comfortable to do this joke for me to be a girl. I don’t think I need much hatching anymore…

Skelegal changed their username to Skel 07/01/2024 12:30

sonicScrew 07/01/2024 12:30
Just gotta say, you’re handling this like a champ!

Skel 07/01/2024 12:31
Let’s try the classic combo, he/they, thank you very much mum

sonicScrew 07/01/2024 12:31
Any time dude, you’re the chief Saluting emoji

Skel 07/01/2024 12:31
That’s it
That hit the spot
I’m done
You cooked
No return
This is great

sonicScrew 07/01/2024 12:31

Skel 07/01/2024 12:34

sonicScrew 07/01/2024 12:34
Ooh indeed

Skel 07/01/2024 12:35
The bees have been bee-sy

sonicScrew 07/01/2024 12:35
Let’s check that out


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—7 january 2024—

40bees 07/01/2024 12:30
Hello @everyone! I hope everyone is doing well, refreshed, and ready to tackle this new season. 
As many of you have expected, this time, we're welcoming the famous duo Screw and Mandel! Please treat them well, and remember to include them in your events/pranks/ideas.
And as you heard in the trailer, @Mandel has composed a little score for this season, feel free to use it in your intro/outros! The file is in the pinned messages.
With the help of @Gidon-San and @Davio, we found a superb seed that matched everyone’s needs. I know someone wanted a quad witch hut relatively near spawn: we got that! I know someone else wanted a modified jungle easily accessible: we got that too! 
Only caveat: the new terrain generation makes it really hard to find cold and hot biomes near one another.
So, @McGLVN@team horns we don't have an ice spike biome in close distance of the spawn. I'm sorry.

Now, with that out of the way, we need to decide what kind of storyline you want to set up this year. As said last week, we have to vote today for at least one main storyline. Any ideas?

We also need to draw our districts for this season. Merlin drew this map with a central shopping district partially in the jungle. What are your thoughts?

Skelegal 07/01/2024 12:35
Mandel’s music is exceptional.

Mandel 07/01/2024 12:35

Davio 07/01/2024 12:38
You’re gonna love this seed. G has done such a good work with this

Gidon-San 07/01/2024 12:39
You’ve done a lot too you know…

Davio 07/01/2024 12:39
You’re saying that to be nice, but the only thing I did was run some searches based on the parameters you gave me!

┌── 40bees So @McGLVN, @team horns we…
McGLVN 07/01/2024 12:39
Ah shoot. I had another idea for a kind of hyperborean village, this time with a more mythological approach instead of pure realism.

RockDivine 07/01/2024 12:41
Don't get too cocky, you already got a viking themed spawn last season :p
Anyway, just wanted to say hi and inform you that Dulip and I are going on a short holiday for the first two weeks. But don't worry we have a ton of ideas for our return!

McGLVN 07/01/2024 12:42
Hmm I had prepared a lot of lore for that town, it would be a shame to no use it
Have a good holiday, Justin and Dulip ♥

40bees 07/01/2024 12:42
You’re still free to work on this idea but just know that some people might be a bit burnt out with that style of building!

McGLVN 07/01/2024 12:42
Ugh okay

FullFerret 07/01/2024 12:43
dw MG, I’ve got your back

McGLVN 07/01/2024 12:43
Thanks mate, the rest of @team horns are you still up for building Thorpe?

pikka202 07/01/2024 12:43

Carlwheel 07/01/2024 12:43
Is that okay if we tried mixing up styles a bit more?

McGLVN 07/01/2024 12:43
I mean, depends on what ‘mixing’ means here?
Let’s switch on the group

┌── 40bees With the help of…
MerlinTheLog 07/01/2024 12:58
Thank you Gidon and Davio! Can’t wait to explore the world you’ve picked!

howveryGlob 07/01/2024 13:08

Mandel 07/01/2024 13:08
Hi Glob!

howveryGlob 07/01/2024 13:08
Hi sweetie

pikka202 07/01/2024 13:08
‘sweetie’?? Oh no, Mandel has befriended the enemy… we're doomed

howveryGlob 07/01/2024 13:08
someone. is. jealous ♫♪
Hear me out!
I have a storyline idea
What if
Girls vs Boys
We have a kind of weird machine that changes your skin to the opposite gender. Ofc it would be powered with the power of editing, you step into it, you disconnect, you change skin, reconnect, and kablam! you’re a girl

Skelegal 07/01/2024 13:09
Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

Davio 07/01/2024 13:10
If we do that I think I’d like to stay on the boy’s side to coordinate operations.
Oh and also, could we have some kind of secret third option on the machine to make an androgynous skin? Or even more options than that

howveryGlob 07/01/2024 13:10
Yeah!!! And we could unlock those with different story beats. Maybe at first the machine is stuck in feminise mode. But with time we fix it and reverse some change for those who want?

MerlinTheLog 07/01/2024 13:12

pikka202 07/01/2024 13:17
That sounds fun.
Definitely Glob-coded lmao
And since we’re a majority of guys, the machine makes sense to make everything equal

┌── howveryGlob GUYS, GALS, AND BEYOND
FullFerret 07/01/2024 13:19

RockDivine 07/01/2024 13:19
Yeah no I’m vetoing this. This is a family friendly server
This is a hard limit we CANNOT cross. And to make it perfectly CLEAR, if you were to enact such a decision, I would subtract myself from the group.

Davio 07/01/2024 13:20

howveryGlob 07/01/2024 13:20
What’s not family friendly about it?

RockDivine 07/01/2024 13:20
Really? Gotta spell it out for you??
I mean first, it’s ridiculous, nobody would be really entertained by that
But a machine to change skin? You realise that just sounds like a fetish, right?
Were it a more mature server I’d be fine with it. Everyone does whatever they want. But we have a big audience, with mostly kids, it’s just not worth the risk.

howveryGlob 07/01/2024 13:21

Davio 07/01/2024 13:21
That is bullshit, seriously Justin wtf

RockDivine 07/01/2024 13:21
Of course you of all people are in favor of this

Davio 07/01/2024 13:22
And what’s that supopsed to mean?

RockDivine 07/01/2024 13:17
Forget it. I dont want to argue this further. A veto is a veto anyway.
Although you have to admit you only show up when we talk about this sort of thing…

McGLVN 07/01/2024 13:19
Even if he was a bit harsh, I agree wholeheartedly with Justin here
And to add to his argument, this sex swap stuff seems all fun and games at face value, but in the end you risk promoting very dangerous ideas to kids

FullFerret 07/01/2024 13:20
Exactly yeah

pikka202 07/01/2024 13:20
Put into those words I can see where the problem lies. We just don’t want to attract bad press onto the server

McGLVN 07/01/2024 13:21
Exactly, I’m glad you agree ♥

pikka202 07/01/2024 13:21

MerlinTheLog 07/01/2024 13:26
I’m so sorry if I’m wrong, but from what I understand I don't think changing the gender of your player is analogous to changing your gender IRL?
And it's not like you could really do that IRL anyway
Like there’s a lot of kid shows with gender swap episodes. It’s a good way to make some jokes about gender roles and learn a thing or two about sexism

McGLVN 07/01/2024 13:27
I guess

MerlinTheLog 07/01/2024 13:27
To be fair, I’m kind of bad at assessing these kind of thing so maybe I should just shut up

┌── MerlinTheLog And it's not like you…
RockDivine 07/01/2024 13:27
Believe me, there are some people who genuinely think they can lol

MerlinTheLog 07/01/2024 13:28
Okay, sorry if I upset anyone
I promise I wont talk about it anymore

Davio 07/01/2024 13:31
This discussion is nonsense?? Playing with gender isn’t bad??
It’s harmless and good actually! So yes we should do that actually

pikka202 07/01/2024 13:31
Calm down lmao

40bees 07/01/2024 13:31
I feel things are getting a bit heated up here. Can we (me and Skel) propose some kind of compromise?

McGLVN 07/01/2024 13:32
Go on

Davio 07/01/2024 13:32
Yes please

40bees 07/01/2024 13:34
@howveryGlob how about you set up that machine but we don’t build any storylines around it? 
Like that, anyone who wants to can have a bit of fun with it, but it isn’t a server-wide event. 
I have to admit, MG and Justin, I’m not that afraid about having bad press concerning this, I feel it’s pretty tame for the same reason Merlin explained, but I don’t want to impose the event on you either
Would that work?

RockDivine 07/01/2024 13:35
On one condition
The moment I come back you bring the event to a close. You have two weeks to play with that (and please keep it tame, one video per person is more than enough) then you shelve it
If anything goes weird or wrong, I’m quitting this server

McGLVN 07/01/2024 13:35
Ugh you’re going on holiday but we, normal people, will still have to deal with this uncomfortable shit…

RockDivine 07/01/2024 13:35
Haha good luck man

McGLVN 07/01/2024 13:36
Hey if we’re doing this, could we at least bring some kind of hyperborean style somewhere? 
Maybe not the spawn area since we did realistic viking last time. But the shop area could be a nice place to do that?
(And for those who don’t know, Hyperborea is a mythical land depicted in various norse tales)
I feel that’s only fair?

40bees 07/01/2024 13:37
Why not
Anyone got a problem with that?

MerlinTheLog 07/01/2024 13:37
I mean, not to shut off the idea entirely but wouldn't doing a viking theme in a jungle biome be a bit weird?

┌── 40bees Anyone got a problem with that?
Davio 07/01/2024 13:37
I don’t know, what about doing whatever the fuck we want?

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This message has been deleted by an admin

MerlinTheLog 07/01/2024 13:37
ah sorry MG, I guess don't know a lot about hyperborea

Skelegal 07/01/2024 13:38
Oh please guys

40bees 07/01/2024 13:38
Again, let’s compromise. Let’s do a viking theme on the shop area but we’ll make it as a suggestion more than a requirement.

McGLVN 07/01/2024 13:43
I’m fine with that.


✦ ▶ ✦


Skelegal 07/01/2024 13:38
I hate this I hate this I hate this

NESammy81 07/01/2024 13:39

sonicScrew 07/01/2024 13:39
Check general on the CC Discord

NESammy81 07/01/2024 13:46

Mandel 07/01/2024 13:54
I never signed up for this, this way too much drama
I’m not okay with this

sonicScrew 07/01/2024 13:54
Do you want me to come over?

Mandel 07/01/2024 13:55
Yes please…

Skelegal 07/01/2024 13:57
And I hate 40’s reaction. I can’t share everything he said in admin chat but omg what a centrist

sonicScrew 07/01/2024 13:57
Yeah what’s that about a compromise?

Skelegal 07/01/2024 13:58
See, we have admins but functionally Justin and MG got all the power because they have ‘half of the CC fandom behind them’. So we have to listen to them somewhat…
Though, now that you and Mandel are here, that might change
You have quite a bit of viewers

Mandel 07/01/2024 14:00
Does it help that much?

Skelegal 07/01/2024 14:00
Not to whine but you do have ten times more subs than me or sam or alex, 100k is a lot
┌── Mandel Does it help that much?
Skelegal 07/01/2024 14:01
It shouldn’t but it feels like it does
40 thinks it does

NESammy81 07/01/2024 14:01
this server is tiring…
screw i’m sorry you had to witness that

sonicScrew 07/01/2024 14:01
It sure is not very reassuring. But I wasn’t planning on coming out soon anyway
I just hope things will settle down when the season starts
Also @Mandel, can you check your DMmmmmmms pretty pleasseeee

Mandel 07/01/2024 14:01
You’re pretty

sonicScrew 07/01/2024 14:01

Mandel 07/01/2024 14:01
Those keys are not remotely close, how did you keysmash something like that??

sonicScrew 07/01/2024 14:02
You don’t wanna know…
Alright see you everyone

Skelegal 07/01/2024 14:02
See ya

AlexCraft 07/01/2024 14:09
ooo what are they plotting?
those scheming little heterosexuals

NESammy81 07/01/2024 14:09
lmao that’s true they’re not gae anymoreee
i couldn’t,,,

AlexCraft 07/01/2024 14:10
i would totally continue to date you if you were a girl

NESammy81 07/01/2024 14:11
i’ll give it some thought /j

Skelegal 07/01/2024 14:15
Sorry to bring that up again but fucking hell, how could I have ever thought this server was my home
It’s downright hostile
I don’t know how to keep going with everything going on fire like that. What happens if I meet Justin or MG in game? Do I just have to fake a smile and laugh at their shitty jokes? Am I supposed to be neutral in all of this? Just because I’m an admin? This is becoming stupider and stupider by the minute. I’m not sure I can keep this up.
And as much as I like 40 as a person, he feels like an absolute tool as an admin.
He just doesn’t want merch sales to drop because we need them to have a good server running
Seriously. If we allow those two men to turn this group into a puritanical christian Minecraft server, what good is it to have a lot of views? 40 thinks like a businessman, not a human, it’s disheartening.
Thank god he has a medical appointment this afternoon lol (nothing severe dw)

AlexCraft 07/01/2024 14:16
it’s the start of a season
always a mess
also it’s your first time being an admin since you joined
you’re basically forced to read the dudes bullshit
i usually just tune out

Skelegal 07/01/2024 14:16
You may very well be right

AlexCraft 07/01/2024 14:17
and when the season starts, tensions wear off because the unity and ‘family-friendly’ness of the server take over all the petty fights

NESammy81 07/01/2024 14:17
@Skelegal i dont rememberi if you were around but back in the first season MG was actually kinda nice

AlexCraft 07/01/2024 14:17
before he got into his beard kink era

Skelegal 07/01/2024 14:18
I joined during season 2
He always seemed that obnoxious to me

Mandel 07/01/2024 14:18
Citizens of gayvencraft
We have returned
Hark my words
I have a proposition
We – that is, my girlfriend and I – have a proposition:

Alexcraft 07/01/2024 14:21
i’m harking real hard

Mandel 07/01/2024 14:21
I took the phone from Mandel’s hand because this oaf was planning on stalling for five more minutes: we should invite Glob here!
He’s very cool
Good friend
Also yes, hi, this is Screw
I stole the phone :3c
Yeah, Glob is an overzealous ally (back to me lol, i grounded Screw)

Skelegal 07/01/2024 14:22
Also damn you live very close to each other lol

sonicScrew 07/01/2024 14:22
We just have an ender pearl stasis chamber set up in each other’s flat 

Mandel 07/01/2024 14:23
Glob should have a place to retreat to when shit like this happen
I feel like he’s a bit of a loner on the server? No one really talks to him, except like Screw and I. He’s such a sweet person. And very lgbt-supportive (he’s actually a big time queer theory nerd iirc)

NESammy 07/01/2024 14:24
honestly, it feels like a no-brainer. i’m okay with this 👍🏻

Alexcraft 07/01/2024 14:24

Skelegal 07/01/2024 14:24
As a fellow ally, I, too, approve of this

┌── AlexCraft those scheming little heterosexuals
Mandel 07/01/2024 14:25
And let me stop you right there, my friend

Mandel changed their username to Lulubelle 07/01/2024 14:25

sonicScrew 07/01/2024 14:25
Wowow what’s that? “Lulubelle”??

NESammy81 07/01/2024 14:25

Alexcraft 07/01/2024 14:28

Lulubelle 07/01/2024 14:26
Mandel” makes me cringe and “Dell” is temporary. I have to find a real name, babe
trying things

Skelegal 07/01/2024 14:26

sonicScrew 07/01/2024 14:26
Yep :3c

Lulubelle 07/01/2024 14:26
Joining the girls gang

Skelegal 07/01/2024 14:27
Ah well

Skelegal changed their username to Skel (he/they) 07/01/2024 14:27

Skel (he/they) 07/01/2024 14:27
You got me
Screw whispered ‘gay gay homosexual’ to me all morning
I couldn’t resist! My mind is too easily swayed!

Lulubelle 07/01/2024 14:27
Okay okay okay
Yeah yeah yeah
Good good good

Alexcraft 07/01/2024 14:28
i’m feeling left out!!! /j
no but really congrats all of you
thank you lulubelle for restoring the gay balance

Lulubelle 07/01/2024 14:28
Always happy to help

NESammy81 07/01/2024 14:30
This is so cool

Alexcraft 07/01/2024 14:32

NESammy81 07/01/2024 14:36
So happy for y’all

sonicScrew  07/01/2024 14:38
Don’t want to break the good moment but MG posted something nasty on CC @Skel (he/they)
In the meantime, shall i send an invite to Glob?

Skel (he/they) 07/01/2024 14:38
I love my job…

┌── sonicScrew In the meantime…
NESammy81 07/01/2024 14:39
please do!!!
i can’t wait to have more people on here


✦ ▶ ✦


Carlwheel 07/01/2024 14:35
I have an idea
For a storyline I mean

Davio 07/01/2024 14:35
Please share it with us!

This message has been deleted by an admin

Skelegal 07/01/2024 14:38
MG, that’s enough

Carlwheel 07/01/2024 14:38
Aaah no MG, I’m sorry 😭
So, what I was thinking of is
You know how Sam and Alex have chest abominations each time they play together?

NESammy81 07/01/2024 14:39
oh, okay i actually read the message and,,, fair,,

Carlwheel 07/01/2024 14:39
Well we could have a storage system guys v. chest monster guys
Like having the more chaotic players prank the most organised by jamming their storage system and the most organised people could like, sort chest monsters, ruining the life of the chaotic?
Idk if that makes sense

NESammy81 07/01/2024 14:41
you had me at ‘jamming storage systems’

Skelegal 07/01/2024 14:41
That sounds very fun 

McGLVN 07/01/2024 14:43
Okay yeah, that is a pretty good concept and pretty close to an idea I had
We could have a group of ‘minimalist’ players who try to only use their ender chest as storage. They could act as an independent third party?

Carlwheel 07/01/2024 14:43
Oh yeah! Banger!!

┌── Carlwheel Oh yeah! Banger!!
FullFerret 07/01/2024 14:43
lmao cute

sofa_king 07/01/2024 14:44
Hello everyone!

Skelegal 07/01/2024 14:44
Hey sofa

McGLVN 07/01/2024 14:44
Hi (edited)

sofa_king 07/01/2024 14:44
Just wanted to hop on and say that the ideas I’ve seen floating around are really interesting :-)
Keep up the good work!
And I'm aware that there have been some arguments. I don’t have the energy to take part in those but I just wanted to call for a little bit more tolerance and openness. I’ve seen some pretty horrible things thrown around about certain communities. I don’t think this is the way for our group.
Don’t forget why we play Minecraft: creativity and new discoveries. That requires curiosity and an open mind.

Skelegal 07/01/2024 14:44
Thank you sofa Light blue heart emojiLight blue heart emoji

Davio 07/01/2024 14:45
Very true
Oh by the way

Mandel 07/01/2024 14:45
Which one’s pink?

howveryGlob 07/01/2024 14:45
Is that a pink floyd joke? 
A raised eyebrow emoji clearly taken from Google Images

Mandel 07/01/2024 14:46
Maybeeeee tee-hee

┌── Mandel Which one’s pink?
Davio 07/01/2024 14:46
You have the same musical taste as my dad lmao

Mandel 07/01/2024 14:46

┌── Davio Oh by the way…
Davio 07/01/2024 14:47
@sofa_king do you remember season one
The bridge in the nether?

sofa_king 07/01/2024 14:47
Yes! I recall being quite fond of that project

Davio 07/01/2024 14:48
How about dividing the players into an overworld camp and Nether camp. Since 1.16, that should be very doable. And Nether players could “infect” the overworld from the Nether portal, making them spill out netherrack blocks and other things from that dimension.
And the reverse for the overworld player

sofa_king 07/01/2024 14:48
What a wonderful idea!

Skelegal 07/01/2024 15:01
Hi @everyone
Taking over since 40 is on the move this afternoon (muhaha)
So we have two ideas: 
• chest masters v. chest mobsters and 
• overworlders v. nether dwellers
We won’t have the time to do them both this season, thus I call a vote
Please use the emojis below to express your preferences!
Chest emoji. 9 persons have clicked on it  Grass block emoji. 5 persons have clicked on it

sofa_king 07/01/2024 15:04
I can’t decide. I’m voting for both! ;-)
Those are some fine names, we could almost use them as is. Did you come up with them?

Skelegal 07/01/2024 15:04
Mostly yes, but I had a little help!

sofa_king 07/01/2024 15:04
Ah, the bees were at it again!

AlexCraft 07/01/2024 15:04
i just wnat to be a chest mobsters now, this is the best name kbv;lmmkvbn.mvbnm
i want to ruin eveyr storage romo
please click the chest, thiss gonna be trewsabt

Carlwheel 07/01/2024 15:04
How in the world did ‘great’ turn into ‘trewsabt’ lmao

AlexCraft 07/01/2024 15:05
i was badly designed
hormone imbalance probably!!!!
came out wrong of the human facotry

Carlwheel 07/01/2024 15:05

┌── AlexCraft hormone imbalance…
howveryGlob 07/01/2024 15:05
We will have a machine for that soon dw 😌

AlexCraft 07/01/2024 15:05

Davio 07/01/2024 15:12
Ah well the chest seems to win this one. It’s fine, it’s a good idea

McGLVN 07/01/2024 15:19
Oh I’m positively excited!
I’m definitely going to the chest masters camp. Sorry guys @team horns

FullFerret 07/01/2024 15:20
What will we do? We’re nothing without you?

pikka202 07/01/2024 15:20
The biggest letdown of the century
Dont worry MG, we’ll betray our camp and give you all the info

Carlwheel 07/01/2024 15:21
This is fine. Everything is fine…

┌── AlexCraft Dont worry MG…
Skelegal 07/01/2024 15:21
Don’t reveal your plans yet!
Alright, it seems we’re going with chest masters v. chest mobsters
A little reminder of how we do this for the newcomers and those who forgot (hi Merlin):

1️⃣ Yes and… The first rule of improv, if someone is going somewhere wild or not in line with your original ideas, try to give it a go, the results are often miles better than what you had in mind. I think season 4 is an excellent example of that
And in general: improv rules are really good for this

2️⃣ Keep it slow. Everyone has different schedules and priorities. The more important events should be prepared in advance, and should be kept to a maximum of one per week. There are some people who don’t make a lot of videos but still want to be able to participate.

3️⃣ We can modify the game. If you have an idea that requires some kind of datapack, come to me. If you need something like a ressource pack, go to Merlin

4️⃣ Don’t feel pressured to participate! You can totally rest on the sidelines, eat popcorn, and watch people suffer horrible pranks like Gidon last season

And I think this is all for now!
If you have any questions, you can DM me.

Pin icon Skelegal pinned a message to this channel. See all pinned messages. 07/01/2024 15:25



✦ ▶ ✦


  sonicScrew added gluball to the group. 07/01/2024 15:12

NESammy81 07/01/2024 15:12

AlexCraft 07/01/2024 15:12
ayyyy we found a new ally to replace skel
make yourself at home

NESammy81 07/01/2024 17:58
eemergency meeting
i said this on the #meetup channel:

RockDivine 07/01/2024 17:50
Hey y’all, since we’re visiting Europe we were thinking we could meet some of you!
Especially Alex and Sam, we played for years together but never got to meet 🙁

NESammy81 07/01/2024 17:50
that would be suuuper nice
but i’m planning on spending this week with Alexia
and between that and CC
not the best time
not sure i can make it mate

RockDivine 07/01/2024 17:50
Alexia? Wasn't your girlfriend called Alessia lol? 😅

NESammy81 07/01/2024 17:53
Alessia* sorry!!!

AlexCraft 07/01/2024 17:59
oh you’re done for

NESammy81 07/01/2024 17:59
Please we need to get this under control. As is, our decoy girlfriends lie is too hard to maintain. If we don't take this seriously, we'll be outed very soon

AlexCraft 07/01/2024 18:00
okay you used 2 periods and a wopping 3 uppercase letters, this is dire
there, i sent a message to explain the messup
how’s that for an excuse?

NESammy81 07/01/2024 18:00
okay, should be enough for this crisis 
but my man, we need to up our game

AlexCraft 07/01/2024 18:00
i agree
we can’t just lie
we have to live the lie
embody it
it has to become second nature

NESammy81 07/01/2024 18:01
okay you’re so fucking correct i love you
Let’s roleplay.
i’ll be your girlfriend, i can sacrifice myself to the cause

AlexCraft 07/01/2024 18:01
no way!!! i’ll be your grilfriend!
you’re the one who epic failed

AlexCraft changed their username to Alessia 07/01/2024 18:01

NESammy81 07/01/2024 18:02
let’s just be both girlfriends

NESammy81 changed their username to Aym 07/01/2024 18:02

Aym changed their username to Amyy 07/01/2024 18:02

Amyy changed their username to Amy (Alessia’s pogchamp gf) 07/01/2024 18:02

Amy (Alessia’s pogchamp gf) 07/01/2024 18:02
i’m your girlfriend now!

Alessia 07/01/2024 18:03
wiat how does that help either of us?

Amy (Alessia’s pogchamp gf) 07/01/2024 18:03

Alessia 07/01/2024 18:03
oh nvm i got it
we should’ve done that from the beginning
justin will never catch us lol
shall we train?

Amy (Alessia’s pogchamp gf) 07/01/2024 18:03
yeaaah!!! ^w^

Alessia 07/01/2024 18:03
omg you’re so cute aaa


✦ ▶ ✦


—8 january 2024—

gluball changed their username to GLGLOB (that’s me! arf!) Today at 04:22 

GLGLOB (that’s me! arf!) Today at 04:22
Christ, this is the consecration of all my work!
I’ve always wanted to be included in this prestigious club
‘The girls, the gays, and Zach’
Thank you guys, I’m honoured, really
Oh read through the earlier chat and congrats @Skel (he/they), I didn’t see that one coming!
You’re cool
Everyone here is so cool
Have interrupted an important discussion?
I feel like I’m interrupting

Why isn’t anyone answering 🥲
Ah probably because it’s 4AM lmao
I’ve been sleeping since 3PM yesterday
Felt sad over what happened 😔
But I’m okay now!

GLGLOB (that’s me! arf!) Today at 04:48




I think we have finally met all the members of CC…

A big thanks to Little Help for the big help on this chapter!
And another thanks to Y’lqar for proofreading and rooibos_chai for providing a really good idea!

Edited 17th July 2024. (All the dates were wrong by one day, the majority of this chapter took place the 7th of January, not the 6th)

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.