Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 93 - : God, please save me!

Chapter 93: God, please save me!

Translator: Lionwwang  Editor: Lionwwang

“What’s this?” Nanny frowns.

She’s wearing a very loose robe. Her hair has been dried, simply ties a knot and drooping casualy on her head, which makes her whole person looks a little lazy and charming. The red tide on her cheeks has not completely faded, and her eyes are a little evasive. She seems afraid to look at me. Her eyes are falling on the coffee table in front of her. There’s a bank card on it.

I sigh: “Do you remember the night before I get home from the elevator accident and admitted to hospital, we attended the charity auction. There are two things you left my side, a diamond brooch and a ring. Both of them were bidden by Jimmy Chou for you. You asked me to give them back to him the next day, but I didn’t give those two things back.”

Her eyes are flustering slightly.

The atmosphere is a little awkward. Both of us know it. After I was hospitalized, she came to see me once and hurried away. Then we didn’t see each other again. Things have been delayed.

Obviously, she was hiding from me. As for the reason… There’s always something no need to say.

I look into her eyes, and though I feel that her eyes are escaping, I still say in a sincere tone: “I must apologize very solemnly! Because I lost those two jewelries.” At that moment, my heart is suddenly flustering!

To be honest, there’s something hard to explain. I am sure that the elevator controller stole the things because I knew that he had won the prize by relying on the effect of the ring, and then suffered from the side effects of the anti-phagocytosis.

But the problem is, I can’t explain that to her!

But her mind doesn’t seem to be on. Her eyes are clearly scattered, without focus, and seems to be goofing off. When I cough, she just comes back to her senses and gives me a look: “Um… What? Lost… Well, I know…” The tone is flat, a little nervous and helpless.

I whisper: “There are six million in this card. That’s my compensation.”

She is stunned, with some doubts in her eyes, but more surprises. She’s looking at the bank card on the table carefully, then looking up at me, biting her lips gently: “You… Why do you have so much money?”

Then, without waiting for my answer, she asks me a question that makes me both funny and annoying: “Chen Yang! You tell me the truth! Have you seen Yumi? Did she lend you these monies?”


How does it connect to Yumi?

Looking at the undisguised jealousy in her eyes, I’m suddenly feeling powerless, which makes me dare not to think deeply.

“No.” I move my butt to sit up a little straight, “These are my own money, huh… To be exact, I just earned.”

“How did you earn it?” She’s still looking incredulous, “Chen Yang, you’re working for me! Don’t I know how much you earn?”

“I won the lottery.” I’m saying quickly, “Just yesterday, there were more than eight million, deducting taxes, there are still more than six million. Most of them are here.”

“Won the lottery?” She’s chuckling and staring at me, “You? Won the lottery?”

“Yes.” I try to let my expression to be more sincerely.

There’re some absurd feelings in my heart. I’m telling the truth!

“Well, Nanny, I know the value of these two lost jewels. I saw Jimmy Chou bidding with my own eyes, so I have to pay you back the money.”

She’s still shaking her head: “Chen Yang, don’t lie to me! Where on earth did you get such a large sum of money?”

“I really won the lottery!” I take out some documents and bills from the welfare lottery center and show her. She’s looking at them carefully for a while, then she has trusted me. However, she still pushes the bank card back to me and says: “I won’t take.”

“But I owe you!”

Nanny is smiling. She says nothing, but suddenly standing up, walking aside and picking up the mobile phone.

“Hello… Penny? I’m Nanny… Well, uh, uh, oh, I met him, uh, yeah, he came to see me…” At this point, she glances at me as though she is a little guilty, but then she adjusts herself, “There’s something you can do for me… Well, that’s right. You can help me transfer six million to Jimmy Chou… Well, yeah, that Jimmy Chou! No need… You don’t have to worry about anything, just wire the money.”

Then she hangs up the phone, walking towards me, sitting down: “I almost forgot about it if you didn’t mention it!” She’s suddenly laughing and saying, “You know what? I went to Korea these days, Jimmy Chou actually sent flowers to the company every day, and later he knew that I was in Korea, do not know how he got the room number of my hotel, and directly ordered the flowers to be delivered to my room every day. This fellow does have taken a lot of thoughts.”

I have no words.

Seeing me not responding, she loses interest in speaking too. She looks at me and hesitates for a moment: “Chen Yang, take the money back.”

“No!” I refuse her very simply, “I don’t like to owe others. I already owe you a lot! And the last time the car accident, you also helped me to pay three hudred thousand, altogether here too.”

Her face darkens and her expression is somewhat ugly. After thinking about it, she whispers: “Chen Yang… Do you have anything want to say to me?”

Her eyes are shining, and staring at me, making me choke the words in my throat. Suddenly, I feel a little hard to say. But after all, I have thought about it for a long time in advance, so I still grit my teeth and say: “Nanny, I want to resign.”

“…” She looks at me, her expression on face does not change, but her eyes are flashing a trace of sadness, “Resign? Oh. You want to resign?”

She speaks in a gentle tone.

There’s no anger I expected. She’s just staring at me, and it seems to have equaly a thousand tons heavy, so that I can hardly lift my head.

After a longer silence, she raises her voice a little: “You’re going to resign, aren’t you?”

“… Yes.”

“I do not take good care of my staffs? Or is your treatment unsatisfactory?” Her voice is light.

“All not!” I summon up my courage and looking up at her, “I…”

Speaking here, I suddenly feel a little distracted. I fumble in my pocket for a while, then I remember that there isn’t cigarette in my pocket anymore.

While I am groping, Nanny silently takes out a tube of cigarettes from the tea table and looking at me tenderly.

“Thank you…” I take one and put it in my mouth, but hit the lighter for several times, there is still no fire. I get up irritably and rush into the kitchen to open the kitchen stove, light the cigarette, and then come out, stand and speak to her loudly, “No! No! It isn’t! It’s not that you are not good to me, or my treatment is not good either. The problem now is… You’re too kind to me, Nanny! Too good!”

Maybe it’s too fast to talk, or maybe my feeling is too complicated. The old smoker like me is choked by the cigarette and coughing violently. She stands up and walks up to me, reaches out her hand and pats me on the back to help me with my breath.

My body stiffens at once, then I spring back as fast as been shocked by the electric.

“No, Nanny.” I sigh and look at her.

“What?” The woman is playing a fool.

“You know. You know that in your heart.” I have a straight face.

“I don’t understand what you’re saying.” There is a struggle in her eyes.

“I…” I am a little anxious, grabbing my hair, taking a deep smoke, looking into her eyes, and saying in a solemn low voice, “No, Nanny, it’s impossible.”

This time, without waiting for her to retort, I quickly keeping saying: “You and I know that in my heart. Who am I, Chen Yang? I don’t even know anything about the business in your company. But you let me take charge of a department. Why? Don’t tell me what potential you have seen on me! There are a lot of talented people in your company who are qualified for this position, and I don’t even understand many professional details now.”

She doesn’t speak.

“And the salary you are giving to me.” I grin bitterly, “Eight thousand per month, and the additional commission reward, this salary is too good! I heard that all middle-level managers have the year-end bonus. I calculated, if I work here for a year, you have to pay me more than a hundred thousand! But I don’t think I deserve such a high salary!”

“I’m the boss. I think you worth it!” She grits her teeth in a muffled voice.

I sigh deeply.

What should I say?

Should I say: Hey beauty, we are impossible! So let’s nip this feeling in the bud!

To be honest, I’m not able to say it out.

“Nanny, I really want to resign.”

“Then give me a reason!” She refuses to give in.

I go back to the sofa and sit down. Then I whisper to her: “Ask you a question. You just want to keep me around, don’t you?”


To my surprise, she answers the question without any disguise.


“No reason.” Her answer is in a fit of pique.

“There must be a reason?”

“Need it?”

“No need?”

“Need it?”

“Stop! Stop!” I feel like I’m really breaking down. But she still has a determined and fearless attitude.

I decide to go straight ahead and say: “Nanny, when I first met you and worked for you, you looked at me differently, didn’t you?”

“…” She doesn’t speak, it means acquiescence.

“Can you tell me why? Is it because I look like someone?” I say it cautiously.

“…” She still doesn’t speak. Does that mean she acquiescence?

I try to organize the words as carefully as possible: “Nanny, I think I might try to understand your feeling. Well, I look like someone you used to know. That person may have a special place in your heart, right? Um, you are treating me differently, I appreciate you very much. But I think…” I feel some difficulty with breathing, cough and say, “I think we are all adults. Some emotional illusions, we should have ability to distinguish, right?”

I look up at her with eyes full of hope. Then, I’m stunned!

She’s crying!

Two lines of clear tears are flowing on her face silently. Originally, her eyes are red and swollen. At the moment, her eyes are full of sorrow and her face is full of sadness. She does not say any word, just in tears silently, like a sculpture.

Her charming and touching face, together with her sad eyes, just like a cone, which is firmly piercing down to the softest place in my heart.

I’m panicking, really panicking!

I’m not the kind of rookie who can’t help panicking when I see a woman is crying. But when I see a beautiful and amazing woman standing in front of me, looking at me with such emotional eyes, with speechless sadness on her face, besides, I am full of guilty for her. It’s really hard for me to keep calm at this time.

I pull out a tissue from the table and hand it to her, but she does not take it, still standing in tears. I can only walk up to her and wipe the tears on her cheeks.

While I am wiping, the thing is getting worse.

Her tears seem to burst out all at once! Just now she was still in silent tears, but now it has become a whispering sob, and finally she’s taking my arm and crying out loudly.

My suit is pulled to wipe her face by her, and she’s finally falling into my arms. I dare not to move, open my hands, but don’t know where to put them.

Normally, when a man encounters such a scene, a beautiful woman who is quite affectionate and meaningful to him is crying in his arms. Most of the time, he will gently stretch out his arms and give her a hug.

But I dare not!

Or to say, not dare or not, but I can’t afford it!

I can only let myself be like a rigid robot, even the standing position can’t change a bit, just let her crying in my arms.

“Chen Yang… Do you think I’m wrong? Do you think I take you for someone else’s stand-in?” At last, she has tired, looking up at me.

Beauty’s fragrant cheeks with tears are like pear blossoms with rain, with infinite affection and melancholy between her eyebrows.

God, God, any god, please show a spirit to save me! I promise to only eat vegetarian food for a month!

I wildheaded.

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