Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 33 - Be peeped by a beauty?!

Chapter 33: Be peeped by a beauty?!

Translator: Lionwwang  Editor: Lionwwang

When Yumi and I are left in the room, I look at her and say: “Miss Yumi, Juan asks you to come and see me?”

Yumi smiles and says: “Mr. Chen Yang, Juan has left the city. He might not come back for quite a long time. Before he leaves, he told me one thing and let me find you.”

“Juan has left the city?” I frown.

“Well… He has gone to see the big boss.” Yumi sighs, and I hear a vague worry from her.

The big boss…

I immediately understand. I know Juan is in charge of the local industry operation now, but he’s not really the big boss. He’s just an agent, an operator on the table. It seems that the attack on Vivi Young has affected business finally.

Is Juan in trouble?

A trace of sadness is flashing on Yumi’s face, and then she’s smiling again: “Well, Juan won’t let me say these things. He just let me see you. If you need anything, you just tell me, I’ll arrnage it for you.”

I frown, then ask her: “Juan… Is there any trouble?”

Yumi says with smile: “I’m not sure about Juan, and he won’t tell me too. I’m just in charge of casino management, but you can rest assured that Mr. Jim is always been with him. There should be no problem. Moreover, in his position today, no one will easily touch him, but things about brought losses to company’s business, he might have some pressures.”

I nod and ask: “Then… Has Juan said what he wants me to do?”

“This…” Yumi hesitates, “He didn’t tell me… He just told me that whatever you need, you can look for me. As for the others, he did not say, and I did not dare to ask.”

I nod without speak anything, but I feel more upset.

What does Juan mean?

That night, he seemed to be trying to get me out of the nightnightclub, and went to the casino to see what he was going to do. It seemed like he was going to let me take over something, but now he left the city in a hurry, without any arrangement for his men…

I sigh.

Yumi sees me in a bad mood, then suddenly smiles and skillfully turns the topic: “Are you satisfied with the girl’s service?”

“Well?” I immediately smile and say, “Yes, she is quite good!”

Yumi smiles: “Then I’m relieved. When the company recommended her, I worried for she is too young and inexperienced.”

I just know that Amy was hired by Yumi. I express my thanks immediately. She makes polite remarks and then takes out a small thing from her handbag and put it on my bed.

I look at it, it is a cheque.

“Don’t misunderstanding. This is what Juan asked me to give you.” Yumi smiles, then takes out a business card and puts it next to the cheque, “This is my personal phone number. You can find me anytime when you call this number. If you need anything, I can arrange it for you. This is Juan’s arrangement.”

I originally intend to refuse, but since Juan left it to me, I just take it by saying nothing.

Yumi looks at me for a few seconds and smiles: “OK, just take a rest. I’m leaving.”

As soon as she gets up, I can’t help but ask: “Yumi, what do you mean by saying that Juan might not be back in a short time?”

Yumi’s body shocks. She turns back to look at me. Her eyes are a little complicated. She seems to a little hesitate, then she sighs, and whispers: “Chen Yang, Juan left here last night… This morning, a man comes to the hotel to take over his position, who was sent by the big boss.”

Looking at the surprise on my face, Yumi’s eyes are flashing a trace of intolerance, and she walks up to me. Suddenly, she reaches out and touches my face lightly, as if an elder sister is looking at her young and ignorant younger brother. She whispers: “Chen Yang, I don’t know what your connection with Juan is. But I can see that he values you very much. If these things didn’t happen, maybe he would take you in, maybe he’s even trying to train you to succeed… But now things have changed. In our circle, the situation is very complicated, and the water is very deep. Although I don’t know Juan’s real thought, but I can guess that… His left without saying goodbye to you, nor did he say anything to you. Don’t you know what his meaning is?”

Looking into my eyes, calm and grace are disappeared from her face. Instead, there is the solemnity inside her eyes: “Now Juan has some difficulties. He’s meaning is clear that he wants you to stay out of this circle for the time being. He didn’t tell you anything. He left without telling you anything. He’s actually protecting you. . Even if something might happen, you would not be in danger.”

I am silent, but there is a heat flowing into my heart. That heatflow is rushing into my mind, seems about have the trend to spread to my eyes.

She smiles and says: “Chen Yang, actually, from the first time I saw you that night, I felt… You’re not really suitable to this circle, and Juan’s arrangement might be better for you.”

Looking at my silence, Yumi suddenly says: “Chen Yang, there is one thing I want to ask you for help.”


She sighs: “Those two girls are really pathetic. Can you pass them off?”

“What girls?” I am stunned.

Yumi grins bitterly: ”The twin girls. You know, the next day after the accident, Juan ordered to lock them up. To hungry they for a whole day first, and now they’re still in the hotel. He didn’t say how to deal with them before he left. So I have to beg you.”

I am stunned. I have almost forgotten about the twin girls already.

Seeing me not talking, Yumi probably misunderstands my meaning, thinking I wouldn’t let them go, and her tone softens a little, whispers: “I know, they didn’t serve you well that night, and as a result, they made you angry and went out… If you didn’t go out, you won’t meet the attack that night. Then Juan interrogated the two of them carefully. They were very timid, and soon told the whole story. If I wasn’t pleading at the time, I am afraid that their two lives would not be guaranteed either… Even if he did not kill them, I am afraid that Juan might be too angry to send them to the nightclub to serve the guests, which would be terrible too.”

I immediately say: “No. There’s nothing wrong with the two of them. Juan will not kill them casually either.”

Yumi is smiling: “Why not? In this circle, If Juan wants, it’s as easy to kill them both as to kill two ants. They were trained to serve important guests, and in case they offended the guests, they would bring great losses to company. Once this happens, do you think company will let them go? Chen Yang, are you really not willing to let them go?” She looks at me with some disappointment in her eyes.

I shake my head and say: “I don’t want to do anything with them, and I didn’t know Juan had locked them up… Just let them go. It’s not theirs faults.”

Yumi sighs with relief, softening her face: “OK! Thanks! Otherwise, nobody dares to let go of them without Juan’s word.”

Then she says: “Take my business card and look for me whenever you have any difficulty… To tell you the truth, you didn’t enter this circle, maybe it’s also your luck. It’s probably not a bad thing.”

Then she pushes the door and leaves.

But my heart is suddenly beating hard.


Thinking carefully, Juan was ready to take me into the circle, and then I met Vivi Young, and then met the chase and attack, screwed up Juan’s business, and eventually, I was hurt, did not enter the circle, I am now thrown out of the circle…

These things like a chain. Good luck also seems to be accompanied by bad luck…

All of a sudden, I’m in a cold sweat!

That damn ring, is it still working? After wearing it once, even if you take it off, you still can’t get rid of its affects?

Yumi’s visit directly has destroied my good mood for three days. I am deeply worried about Juan, and I have some self-accusation at the same time.

In fact, essentially, I’m not responsible for this. On the contrary, if I didn’t show up, Vivi Young would have been really caught — I’m not sure now, was she directing a good show of herself being attacked in order to undermine business?

No matter what the matter is, the responsibility is not on me.

But when Yumi left, my first thought is to pick up the phone to call Juan, but as I have expected, his phone does not turned on and Jim’s phone can’t get through either.

I am worrying about Juan’s safety. But after I think it over, if as Yumi has said that Juan’s safety will not be a problem, he might probably be losing a bit of authority and status in the organization.

Ten minutes later, Amy returns to the ward with a newspaper on her hand and a bottle of beverage. She smiles and looks at me: “Chen Yang, that young lady just now is so beautiful! Is she your girlfriend?”

I hum and say with a bitter smile: “Please, she is ten years older than I am!”

Amy makes a fuss about trifles and says: “She really doesn’t show,” With an envious look on her face, she sighs, “Ten years older than you, but she looks so young. Well, if I may also looks so young at her age too…”

I am not in the mood to gossip with this girl. I think for a moment and look at her: “Amy, I want to leave the hospital. Could you help me with the discharge formalities?”

“No!” She cries almost reflexively, then blushes, a little embarrasses, twists and kneads her voice and says: “Chen Yang… Can you stay in hospital for a few days? As if you do me a favor, please!”


Amy is very anxious, with a cry of distress: “Please… at most… Well, the most… Next time I help you go to the toilet, I will not peep at you.”

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